Master Summoner Online

Chapter 955: Soul chaser

Three days passed. During this time, I was not drawn to the shopping mall. The maintenance is completed today. After packing up the breakfast dishes, I returned to my post.

I put on a helmet and entered the game.

Mirror Synthesis!

With the sound of the soft system prompt, I was already in the dragon capital. The ruins were closed and I was also teleported to the main city. Then I heard the good morning greetings from our lovely beauty bodyguards. Then I ran to my maple leaf stand. The shop had already sold out the things and immediately put them in the ruins. A lot of the equipment I got was put on the shelves. I put all the equipment with better attributes above the orange level. All the below orange red were dedicated to the dragon, and all the gold coins recovered before were taken out. The fine equipment is walking towards the auction and the equipment is entrusted to the auction.

When I came to the auction house in Chengdong, it was still the NPC beauty who greeted me with a smile that didn't smile, and asked, "Sir, are you here to host the auction or to bid?"

"I'm here to host the auction." I smiled slightly. Take out a batch of dark gold and platinum equipment! There are hundreds of pieces of equipment here.

The NPC beauties were a bit surprised when they saw the equipment. After returning to God, they said, "Sir, you have too many equipment and you cannot participate in the auction on the first of the next month, but we will choose the best one to participate in the auction. Sea shot. "

"Yes," said.

"Thank you for supporting our work, this is for you." The NPC beauty handed me a golden magnetic card.

NPC Beauty said: "This is a gold membership card, you will get a certain limit of the number of auctions held before this auction, you can use this card to enjoy a 10% discount at this auction, and store the auction items from the next time 20% off the commission fee, this discount is permanent. "

"That's the case. Thank you." Put away the membership card, pay the fee this time, and leave. When turning around and leaving, the NPC beauty said very politely, "Welcome to come again!"

"Master, where are we going next?" Tianzhao asked.

I said, "Go back to Longcheng to find a true red-eyed black dragon." After that, he took out the crystal and teleported to Longyuan.

Longyuan is still full of gold and silver, and Baoshan seems to be disorderly but it is very regular. Walking on a huge Baoshan that can not be compared with any Baoshan, the real red-eyed black dragon still has only one lying on its own. Haha on it.

I walked over and walked right in front of it.

True red-eyed black dragon opened his eyes slightly brighter than blood, and looked at me and said, "You are here."

I heard and asked, "Rarely do you know I'm back?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "You broke the limit."

"How do you know?" I listened for a moment.

"I can feel it," he said with a smile on the corner of his mouth. "Sure enough, I think the same, but I was a little surprised that you could break through so early."

"Really? In this case, should you lend it to me?" I still remember the two Holy Dragon Yao suits.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Yes, but not now."

"What do you mean?"

"I will lend it to you on the day you really need it." The real red-eyed black dragon said with a strong black light. After the light, a handsome and handsome man appeared in front of me. Handsome man in black.

"This is my human form. It's more convenient for us to speak like this. I don't have to look down at you, and you don't have to look up at me." The humanoid's true red-eyed black dragon said.

He pressed his finger closer and saw a golden table and four glittering chairs appear between us. The real red-eyed black dragon pulled out a chair to sit down and motioned to the three of us to sit down.

We did not restrain ourselves from pulling out the chair and sitting down, but there was a swirl of virtual space around the true red-eyed black dragon. This is a precursor to the strange phenomenon that can evoke something. Next, the real red-eyed black dragon will not take out any weapons, but a series of wine sets inlaid with dazzling gems. The heavy gold bottle was filled with colorless and clear liquid. And there are four solid gold to create wine glasses.

Each of the four wine glasses is one of them: "Taste it, 'The King's Wine' has been in my dimension for more than three thousand years, and I hope it has not deteriorated."

"Okay." I don't mind things like wine, let alone in the game, the real red-eyed black dragon pours its so-called king's wine into our glasses.

Pick up the wine glass, and have not touched this thing for three thousand years, put a little bit on the mouth.

"Wow! It's delicious !!!" I took a sip, and when the wine flowed into my throat, I just felt a strong swell in my head. This is definitely a good wine I have never tasted in my life. Whether it is a reality or a game, it is strong and clean, mellow and refreshing, the taste is delicate and elegant, and the strong fragrance is full of nasal cavity. The whole person has a sense of vacillation. Liu Xiang lasted, his eyes widened, and a verse was sent back. He said, "The east of Wuling was young, the city of Yinling, the white horse in silver saddle, and the spring breeze. Where did the falling flowers travel, and laughed into the restaurant of Hu Ji." Do you describe this? I remember that it should be described as "ding ~! You take the‘ king of wine ’all properties resist permanent + 2% ~!”

I go! Discover the windfall! At this moment, the two surrounding MMs immediately aroused curiosity and drank the wine in the wine glass in their hands, one by one, showing an intoxicated expression.

"Awesome, this is definitely not a wine made by humans, it is a drink of God." Tianzhao smiled leisurely. Shaking the wine glass contentedly.

"That is of course. Dragons like to collect treasures. My treasure house only contains the best things. Whether it is jewelry or weapons, even a pot is a rare pot in the world." True red-eyed black dragon said perfect wine After putting down the wine glass.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "The little ghost wishes you and to break through your limits, but you don't want to be proud of it. You first realize that it is just fur, and there are deeper powers to explore."

"I will, to you what is the deeper power?" I asked.

"Everyone's strength is different. What is your strength is only known after my own exploration. I can't tell you." The real red-eyed black dragon replied.

"That's it." I was a little disappointed, thinking it would tell me something.

The real red-eyed black dragon smiled slightly: "You must have formed some twists and turns this time. I am very happy that you can make a successful breakthrough. This is for you. It is a gift to celebrate your breakthrough." Palms, palms turning a green light ball.

"What is this?" I took it and took a look. It's a slap-sized black gear.

Soul-chasing teeth (special props) effects: can attack enchantments and building objects, additional skills: life-stealing chasing, consumption: 10000 magic, throwing devastating gear to strike the enemy fiercely, causing 10,000 constant constant attributeless damage (This damage does not increase with your own attack damage), cool down for one minute.

good stuff! It hurts small things, and it is definitely the best choice for killing and setting fire. The red-eyed black dragon will never be worse.

"Thank you." After hid his income into the backpack and then rummaged with the real red-eyed black dragon for a while, he also asked for a can of king's wine from it, which he could give back to Xueyue.

Leaving Longyuan and returning to my steel capital, I have n’t come for a while. The steel capital is a 9th-level resident, but the experience has grown very slowly. I ’ve only gone up by 23% until now. Level 10 knows that it will be the year of the donkey, but I have abundant supplies here. In order to be economically good, the farmer uncle is indispensable. The exploration machine has spread all over the streets and lanes, and back and forth between the back mountain and the station. There is a lot of thickening, and a photon turret stands on the wall. The hunters and mechanical sentries formed patrols to constantly inspect the station.

Back in my Protoss hub, the Dark Templar Tasada appeared silently in front of him, respectfully waiting for my order there, and I asked, "Tassada's signal you said last time is now How is it going?"

Tasada replied: "Reporting to the commander, after multiple verifications, it can be confirmed that it was a message from a crashed Virgin ship. The signal point was at the highest peak of the Snow Dragon Mountains. The commander concluded from me that there is likely to be a Criticizing our survivors can at least recycle science and technology. "

"Well, I know, I'll take a look there sometime, and you'll do your best first," I said.

"Understand the commander." Tasada disappeared into the darkness again.

I did not expect that the signal location was actually on Dragon's Peak. It seems that where to find the Star Warrior casually to explore the part of the Holy Dragon Yao remaining on it. It is said that there are at least 200 monsters there, but I have a burst of personality. Fusion with Chao, as long as there is no BOSS, I am not afraid of them. Now let ’s take a look at the development of my steel capital—Resident Name: Steel Capital (can be modified)

Level: Nine administrators: 1 City wall defense: 50000 city wall lasting points: 700,000 army number: 245 production units: 150 buildings: Protoss hub, crystal tower x50, portal, forge, control core, mechanical platform , Mechanical Research Institute, Light and Shadow Council.

Under construction: No fortifications: Defense walls (not activated)

Defensive weapons: Photon turret X50 warehouses: 2 transfer stations: 4 production: gold output: 2000 per hour (+ 0%)

Wood production: no stone production: 3000 per hour (+ 0%)

Crystal output: 10,000 per hour (+ 0%)

Sulfur production: Mercury-free production: Steel-free production: 8000 per hour (+ 0%)

Gas production: 10,000 per hour (+ 0%)


Now there are no technological buildings to build, and there are too few technologies to research. The hunter's flashes and sentinel illusions have been studied. In addition, I now send out the lack of the kind of ace troops that charge the charge, such as the Zealot Zealot. Also known as the Fork Soldiers of Starcraft players. This thing is a bit expensive and value for money. There should not be many resources required for recruitment. It can be mass-produced. It gathers tens of thousands of offenses and three defense enthusiasts to launch an assault. What a spectacular scene. Peep into my steel capital.

If you think about it this way, the living star spirit in this steel capital is only Tasada, and the portal can't jump over the zealots. The icon of the zealots is always gray and cannot be selected.

Well, I do n’t want to wait for the auction. I ’ll take a trip to Long Zhifeng to see what ’s going on. Now I ’m going to open the jar and see how Long Hui Kai ’s attributes are. I stepped into the Star Spirit Hub. In the combat command room, a system bell came suddenly—

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