Master Summoner Online

Chapter 965: Swamp Giant Lord

The Panya Reservoir is a lake in a huge valley. The original inhabitants here are a community called the Panya tribe. The owner of the community is a group of blue-skinned trolls. Monsters, this so-called Panya Reservoir is that they used a large stone and a kind of spit saliva to form a dam.

According to the memory crystal, the secret passage is just below the lake.

Here trolls are not hunting monsters, they are a group of neutral creatures, and they have agreed to sell medicine.

The potion here is not a high-end product, but the price is very high. Any bottle of blood replenishing medicine needs several gold coins to belong to nearly ten times than the dragon capital. It is really dark!

I bought three air spirits, and the air spirits will provide us with thirty minutes of oxygen, so that the three of us can not come out often to change air under water. And thirty minutes is enough to find a dense intersection.

Use Air Spirit to jump into the water and the countdown of Air Spirit begins.

Following the guidance of the memory crystal, all the way down, when it gradually entered the depth of 40-50 meters, suddenly countless strange-shaped aquatic monsters came up from deeper water. This is a group of fish scales with long roots. Murloc, holding a sword and a shield like a tortoise shell in his hand ...

The fire eyes and golden eyes scanned this group of all 160-level monsters. I saw a huge monster with a fish head walking forward, and the huge mouth actually said one by one: "This group of humans has invaded our territory, give them Skull! "

A group of aquatic monsters came over aggressively.

"Water dragon!"

Summon the magic circle to turn, a water dragon consisting of more than 20 meters in length is drilled out of the magic circle. The water dragon itself is composed of water. It acts like a fish in the water. , Raging in the monster group, tearing 160 monsters to pieces!

As soon as the giant dragon tail was swung, he immediately filmed the two mermaids into two lumps.

The flashlight in the water ca n’t be used because there is no standing position, but You Longbu can walk to a mermaid in a flash, smashed his left arm heavily, and then followed the dragon gun into its body to launch an energy explosion. Deep fried into pieces.

My two bodyguards for beauty are no slower than me. Tian Zhao didn't say a word, waving her sword with both hands, because the aura effect can also be played to the ground in the water, and she made no exception to the battle mermaid, she was cut off a part of her body, and then sank directly Go down and die on the spot.

The Black God also wielded a sickle, killing the mermaid madly. There is no one under the sickle. Although there are hundreds of mermaids, none of them are ordinary monsters. Their strength is also average, which impacts us. How can I resist it. But seeing one by one turned into a dead body, the intense blood quickly stained the waters with blood red.

The battle was over quickly, with only a dozen survivors left on the fisherman's side to flee. And there are no casualties on our side.

After killing the troublesome fisherman, we continued to go deep. There are only a few plants underground in this lake, and all the stones are there.

"Slap ..."

Finally, when my feet landed on the ground, I instantly felt the gravity of the earth. The effect of the air spirit let us touch the ground like walking flat, otherwise we must not be able to step on the ground completely because of the buoyancy of the water itself. Looking back, we can see a glimmer of light not far away, a ruined city appeared in front of us!

"It seems the secret passage is in this ruin." I said, "Let's go in."

"Um." Following the direction of the memory crystal, after a period of time, a deep black hole appeared in front of us. According to the memory crystal, the cave is behind the cave, although I do n’t know what will be waiting in the back. We, but we still strode into the cave, followed by a bright light. What appeared before us was a huge cave group deep in the bottom of the lake. The memory crystal guided the road to the far right cave of the cave group.

When I entered the cave, I saw that it was actually a swampland, one deep mud pond and one strange clump of weeds. The most terrible thing in the swamp is the living mud. Once you step on it, you will immediately sink into it. The deeper the struggle, the sooner it will be swallowed by the mud, and finally choked.

The fire eye golden eye scans these monsters that can be seen under the quagmire, and by scanning I still know where to go and where not to go.

But a few steps out, suddenly a huge figure emerged from under the quagmire, the mud formed a humanoid monster, and a large mass of mud gathered into a human figure, which was constantly fluctuating, representing the place of the eyes, there are Two blazes of ghostly fire, covered with various weeds covering our way, its green glowing eyes seemed to be a bit unpleasant.

Scanning the past, I got the message that this guy is a 175-level elite beast, the swamp giant, and the swamp giant slaps over without a word when it appears, and the three of us immediately retreated.

I think it's strange. I clearly didn't scan anything just now, but now a monster is emerging. It is rare that the monster has the energy of anti-investigation. Forget it and let it go.

Dragon gun pierced into the ground-dragon soul destroyed!

The rushing dragon-shaped air waves are crisscrossed. During the strangulation, more than 20,000 points of damage are flying up, and more are more than 40,000 points of damage. Following the additional attack, it brings five more. The value of 10,000, a trick directly killed the swamp giant.

But at this moment, the quagmire rolled up again, and saw a giant locust digging out of the mud. What I saw was only the section that was creeping slowly and slowly, which was as thick and round as a small table. Body.

It was the giant locusts that surged in like a tide and we were surrounded by water!

"Just here! Everyone, come out!"

Thunder eagle, wolf emperor, water dragon, galuru, biochemical blast dragon, and ice scorpion first, and others like amber dragon and ox head weapon king are too big to be summoned. The summoned beasts will kill them from all directions. Pieces of damage numbers flew up. The strength of this group of locusts really didn't hit the bottom, but it was too much blood. It took ten minutes to kill the group of locusts.

After a monster was killed, the experience bar didn't move. NND, there are too many experience requirements. Cleaning the battlefield, every guy in this group exploded equipment, not even a whiteboard, but exploded some potions. But it ’s useless to me. It ’s obligatory. Of course, the gold coins are directly collected. This is what I lack most now. After I ’m busy, I move on to send my wolf emperor to rush out. The system map is completely unavailable in such a small place. The map is in a state of darkness. It did not go far and encountered a new fork. However, the memory crystal provided an accurate path so that I would not be in an underground passage like a labyrinth. Lost in direction.

I don't know how long it has been, how many forks have been passed, how many swamp giants have been killed, and that giant locust and many other monsters hiding under the quagmire continue to advance deep in the road.

When N roads were finished, the equipment didn't explode, but the gold coin harvest was stunned. I got more than 100,000 gold coins in one morning. Although it is not a big harvest, it is also very good. For someone like me who owes a lot of money, these gold coins are more affordable than the equipment, because the equipment must be bought before the gold coins can be harvested.

Let ’s see that it ’s 11 o’clock to eat offline, call our MMs and set up a tent in a relatively dry place.

After eating off the line, go on the line, continue to go forward, there is a section of uphill on the road in front, walking on the puff I saw, on a high platform in front, wandering swamp giants one after another, this group of swamps Among the giants, the swamp giant is larger than the ordinary swamp giant. This giant swamp giant should be BOSS.

The fire eye golden eye scanned the very huge swamp giant and found that this guy is called: Lord of the Swamp Giant and also has the name Hoogalfin. It is a 183 ordinary boss and is not a very powerful master.

First, get around the mobs, and seeing our appearance immediately caught the attention of a large group of swamp giants. Soon, at least more than 50 swamp giants came up to their side.

With a long howl, Destroyer of Dragon + Summoning of Death, all the swamp giants in the area were killed by a single stroke, followed by an "armed storm" and a tornado mixed with numerous blades. The swamp giant roared and howled.

Dragon guns bombarded the earth, launched the destruction of the Dragon Soul, and a series of dragon-like air waves tore up the earth, and then swung back and forth. Another group of swamp giants died instantly.

The black **** Tianzhao also rushed to join the battle. In more than ten minutes, more than five hundred swamp giants fell down, absorbing a large amount of experience, and the **** experience slot finally moved.

"Roar!" The **** human killed him in front of his younger brother. As the leader, Hoggalfen trembled with a huge body full of spores and seaweeds. The combination of the electric light fire and the dragon step started, and the speed became It was extremely scary. It almost disappeared in front of the Swamp Giant Lord in a short time. When it reappeared, it appeared on the left side, and there was a sound of dragons, such as crisp sounds in the roar.

One of the additional skills on Longhui armor is Zhenlong Yin, a powerful AOE control skill that can stun multiple targets. Immediately after launching another skill of Longhui armor, "Zhen Longteng", the skill immediately feels an unprecedented size. The energy poured into the body, and the palms were quickly pressed to the ground, and the violent energy poured into the earth. At the next moment, countless dragon-shaped air waves broke out around the ground, constantly raging, one by one with high damage numbers flying! These injuries have a minimum of 200,000!

Countless dragon-type airwave impacts instantly shrouded the leader of the swamp giant in the power of "Zhen Long Teng", stood up, played Long Hui armor and added a third skill, Zhen Long Strike!

The leader of the swamp giant, too late to defend, can only lift a huge left palm to resist the attack.

"Boom", the leader of the swamp giant suddenly howled and screamed, and a huge left palm was completely blown after hitting my town dragon.

The roar sounded like a thunder, and the other arm swept across madly, and lost a left palm, almost letting it fall into madness. I was very calm, the White Dragon Shield turned on, and its powerful blow failed to break my body. Shield.

Under my devastating attack, this BOSS completely looked so vulnerable. It didn't take long for this guy's blood volume to have fallen into a trough, and a huge hole was blown out under my right belly by energy explosion.

Dragon Gun Throws-Red Dragon Roars!


The dragon murmur resounded in this underground cave, and the red dragon began to tear the opponent's body, and a scream of the Swamp Giant Lord could be heard! It also came to an end in life. The BOSS fell and we harvested a lot of gold coins and a flooded sword. A dazzling cloth shoe and a pair of gloves. This guy is much richer than his group of tattered brothers. .

After this guy is done, go forward, this will come to a new group of monsters. These guys with fish tails all over their scales are holding

The weapon does not seem to be intended to let any stranger pass.

"Intruder! Dead!" A guy in the front row made a loud scream, and rushed up with a smirk from the group of guys who were behind him with a spear.

The amber dragon turned into a dragon arm, and the dragon's mouth sprayed flames. The flame's damage worked well for them. After walking through the charred corpses of these monsters, another monster came up to block my way. A head, covered with a green hard carapace, with a long giant tail monster.

"I don't have time to play with you for too long." Said rushing up and violently beat it.

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