Master Summoner Online

Chapter 969: Second Extreme Breaker

I searched the bed a bit sanely.

... what, why is there something round in my bed ...

Strange, did you have anything to sleep with yesterday? Damn? Why am I sleeping in bed? The mind was vaguely thinking about this, the object held by the arm.

But this object, soft, how it feels soft and warm, makes the body relax.

... strange, weird stuff ... well, forget it ... feel ... so comfortable ...


A weak breath blew into his face.


With a tense heart, I opened my eyes and took a look. The breath you can feel from a short distance ... it should be said that you are actively holding it, Long Xin is lying beside him, the slender and lovely sleeping face.


Desperately looking at this beautiful little face, after a few seconds ...


Realizing that he was at a speed far better than turning on the electric light fire and Yulong Bu, he immediately retreated at full speed.

"Wow! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa !?"

The last cry came from rolling down from the bed, and the back of his head suddenly hit the floor.

"How, how ... Uh ... what happened?"

I rubbed my head and groaned, but my hugeness woke Long Xin up and yawned: "... brother, are you awake?"

I said, "Why are you in my bed?"

"Brother, I should ask you, you look around." I looked around the room, eh, this is really Long Xin's room.

I scratched my head and said, "Why am I here?"

"Brother, it's too late for you to go offline. After washing your face, you got into my bed dumbly." Long Xin said the reason.

"That's it." Think about it. It's true that the underground palace is too big. I walked all afternoon and all night and didn't go out. I still have to go today. But then again: "Why do you know what happened when I got into your bed?"

"Is this ... that ..." I couldn't answer.

Just then, the door was opened and Xueyue and Yun Lan walked in at the same time. Yun Lan saw with a smile: "You are still good, Long Ling, and we can't even let our sister down."

I black lined, "What and what."

Xueyue said, "What do you mean by us? It's enough to have me, you're fine."

Yun Lan said, "What are you talking about? It's enough to have you. You are the fox spirit that seduce people's childhood."

"You can say it again, but we formally established the relationship, but you are always entangled in my husband. What is your intention?" Xueyue said politely.

"what did you say……"

I do n’t want to say anything when I hear these two quarrels. Anyway, they are comfortable every day. Anyway, after the quarrel, the two are like a good sister. The quarrel is a form. It's okay, no one is going to heart anyway.


After they quarrel, check the time. It's really late at 10 o'clock in the morning. It's almost time for lunch. After going through a set of procedures after getting up, go downstairs and walk directly out. After the month of purchase, the prosperity of the past is restored.

After entering, the boss came over and laughed, "Come here. Just order whatever you want ..."

I saw three extra chefs in the kitchen of the shop. Among them, there was a big axe and a piece of meat from an unknown creature. The meat looked difficult to cut. The chef's kitchen knife chopped N times. Can not chop down, can not help but laughed and said: "Recently, my brother is very wealthy, and I still have money to ask the chef."

The boss laughed: "You know, we are now off to a well-off, and it is no longer the year. Thanks to the blessing of Tianxue boss." Do not forget to talk about Xueyue.

Xueyue said, "Thank me for what you do, don't let it slip, and go get some food. Do you want your boss to be hungry?"

"Let's go." Fart bumped back to the kitchen again, calling the three chefs and saying, "Today the boss came to inspect, you take out the housekeeping skills, if you make the boss angry ..." Did not continue, Because those chefs know what the consequences are to anger the boss.

A leaner chef asked, "Master Guo, who is your boss?"

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other," said the tall chef on the other side.

"That's the lady." Pointing at Xueyue, the three chefs saw their eyes straight, and the saliva almost dripped down. Alas, his boss was such a young and beautiful person. At that time, Lao Guo (let's call this later) took a photo of each of their three heads, pulled them back, and hurried back to work.

Eat and drink, go back, go online.

The mirror image appeared in the huge corridor. The black **** Tianzhao has been waiting for himself for a long time. I asked, "Did you two have dinner?"

They shook their heads and said, "I may not be offline when I wait. You go to dinner now and I wait for you."

"Okay." They obeyed me.

Tian Zhao returned to the Summoned Beast space, and the state of the black **** became offline. The offline black **** has an AI to take over the control, and this AI is not high at all, it is better not to run around.

Thirty minutes later, the two MMs went back online. First, shortly after the Black God, Tian Zhao also returned to the line.

Summoned the flame war horse, and led Linger to drive in the front. After about 10 minutes of walking, the monster came. This group is not humanoid. This kind of humanoid has been killed by me, and there is no humanoid at all. shadow.

The guys appearing at this time are a group of skeletons, much like the skeleton soldiers commonly found in the cemetery, but the pale bones of the skeleton in the cemetery are different from the bones. These bones are not so much white bones as closer to the concept of fossils.

Scan-Fossil Infantry, Level 180, Elite Beast, Introduction: In the underground world there is a mysterious community for this purpose. This community is composed of a group of living fossils. These fossils absorb magic all year round and gradually wake up over time. , Wandering deep in the ground, never on the ground or near the surface rock layer activities, belongs to one of the deepest inhabitants of the underground world, but their strength is worthy of the most powerful race in the underground world, and none of them, this fossil infantry will Is the most basic part of this race.

A group of living fossils is really amazing. The living fossils are interesting. Let me try your strength.

Hurry to rush immediately, a move to break the barrier!

—17444 The defense was quite high. I shot a fossil infantry and immediately waved its fossil sword and chopped it over, but I couldn't break my defense wearing the dragon armor.

Who knows, then held the long sword back and hit me with the hilt of the sword. I didn't know when I came back, I was smashed.

"Ding ~! The fossil infantry has used the skill [Armor Sundering] on you, and your defense is reset to zero for 10 seconds ~!"


"Scared!" The defense is zero! What BT skills! If this skill is learned well, this shattered armor is more powerful than my death call, if it is learned absolutely NB, when I think, the fossil sword of the fossil infantry will suddenly look down!


The shield opened up and blocked the attack, followed by the black dragon's stun, and then everyone gathered together. Various skills swarmed up. The fossil infantry was abused and hung in less than 15 seconds.

Continue to advance all the way, a large crowd of monsters appeared in the corridor ahead, this time is still a fossil infantry, but the weapon in his hand is not limited to that fossil sword, but also axe, trident, spear and so on. But the information is the same!

Then there is no need to say. Although the number is large, it is not a threat to live enough. It summons the summoning beasts. The summoning beasts immediately give various expert skills to the monster group, and a large number of monsters fall into the sea of ​​skills. !!

The black **** and tianzhao also began to fight without fear.

"Broken Army Dragon Slash!"

The gun blade was stunned, and the dragon gun turned into a blue dragon blade. In the monster group, countless gorgeous dragon blasts erupted. Frost burst, armed storm, water veins resonated, and the stars fell constantly. In addition, my favorite dragon soul was destroyed. Suddenly, a group of fossil infantry made a terrible scream, and the blood and blood quickly decreased.

Immediately after that, the mighty power was cast from the body, the palms covered the ground, and the earth shuddered. At the next moment, the ground cracked, and numerous cyan dragon-shaped air waves broke through the ground. All of them were strangled in the monster group, a series of damage numbers Flying, hitting the swamp giant BOSS did not have a damage number lower than 20W, hitting these guys is a trivial matter, and the chicken flying in the corridor jumped.

The two suits on my body are so cruel, if you put together a whole set of Holy Dragon Yao, I don't know how unparalleled it will be ...

In the evening, I came to a hall with hundreds of square meters in length and height. In the hall stood four huge columns that were large enough for ten people to hold together. At the end of the hall, there was a huge portal. This door is showing a white light, which should be a portal. Is this the exit? It's not sure but it should be.

However, this door is not so easy to pass because standing outside the gate, two bodies of height similar to humans are covered with thick and weird armor, carrying a two-meter long knife, and 胯There were also two dinosaurs with bones left.

Fossil Guardian, Level 190, Super Boss, Introduction: The Fossil Guardian is one of the fossil monsters that has to be mentioned. These guardians are the gates leading to the world where the fossils live and live in the deep world. If you pass this door, Words that are not of your own will be forced to be transmitted elsewhere.

call! The 190-level super boss has two heads. This is a bit difficult to break through. It seems that you can only pass the time to summon the beast. Although the summoning beast can't bear the shield, there is no way. After all, the two heads are 40 levels higher. BOSS, even if it is Long Hui armor, I may not be able to defeat.

But when I was about to summon the summoned beast, a system bell echoed back— "Ding ~! Player: Rainfall Dust (Assassin) [China Region] has reached the request to break the ultimate limit and successfully realized the ultimate breakthrough ability, Successfully promoted to the second extreme breakthrough in China, the 2 ~ 5 breakthroughs can get permanent exclusive title [defender] and get exclusive breakthrough magic skills-[Blood Demon Transformation]! "

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