Master Summoner Online

Chapter 972: Technical engineer

The golden light flickered, the warm current flowed through the whole body, and the long-lost level finally rose to the first level. The experience given by the king-level boss is rich! And my experience value is already very high, it is strange to not upgrade.

I hurriedly threw the gold coins into the parcel, and the half-human elephant BOSS burst out six pieces of equipment. One of them was a spear with snow and ice, and a gloomy ring looked the best, but I did n’t know it. Attributes.

The boss occupying the hangar was hung up, Zekad's group could finally leave here, and I said, "Finally we can leave."

"Yeah, thank you for being young ... No, it should be called a commander now, you are our guide in this unknown world, and you are our leader." He bowed deeply, while the enthusiasts around him did the same. .

"Don't stop, I can't stand it." Stop them quickly.

"Ding ~! The mission [Rescue Protoss Survivor] is completed. Gain: Experience 4 million."

Only experience? S-level missions only have experience points, so there must be the following.

"Commander, your great favor, I have no reward for Zika, it's worth ..."

"If you dare to say that you want to let you know you, I will kill you in one shot!" This sentence was not just said in my heart.

"I like you so much. How about I decide to teach you Alstar's technology now?" Zekka said squinting.

"Elstar Technology, what is it?" I asked.

"I can let you work as a 'mechanical engineer', study science and engineering, and make a lot of things you can't imagine, whether it is weapons or daily necessities, which is very popular at Elstar." This alien What people say has the feeling of cheating a little girl with a lollipop.

"Mechanical engineer ?! Technological engineering !?" murmured in his mouth, this should be a sub-professional, his sub-professional is still empty so far, not not to learn, and never want to learn in the past, this mechanical engineer should It is a hidden occupation in the sub-professional. By the way, the stuff that broke out from my own family a long time ago seems to be engineering, although I do n’t know if it is the same thing as science and technology engineering.

"Well, I learned." After thinking about it, the old alien said.

"Okay, come with me. I'll teach you the basics first. Technological engineering is very complicated. I remember that there should be information about that stuff in the host computer." Walked towards me on the other side.

Stepped back and said in two steps: "You guys quickly get the jumping prism out, bring all the things you can use, download all the information in the computer, and burn it if you can't take it. Also wake up the soldiers in the hibernation cabin. Come here, it's time to leave here. "


The zealots began to act.

In a large room that Zika and I got, Zika had to walk to a large computer and start typing on the keyboard. The next moment the big screen turned into a series of graphics and incomprehensible positions and countless numbers. Print and more headache-prone equations.

Zekka had to start talking about this great profession, and the listener was confused, and after he finished talking like Tang Seng: "Commander, do you understand me?"

"do not understand."

"Then I will repeat it."

"Don't!" I hurried to him, the good guy has been talking about this product for more than an hour, and let it talk again.

I said, "Is there a simpler way?"

"There are easy ways, please follow me." After that, he took me into a small metal room, took out a helmet connected to each line and took it with me.

I tapped the iron helmet and asked, "What is this?"

Zekade said: "At this time, the memory terminal is used to copy all the contents of scientific engineering to the commander's brain."

"Wow, it's so advanced!" I can't help but sigh, it is indeed the technology of Elstar. If there is this, who needs to worry about the endorsement of the exam.

"What's this? If it's not the mothership that's broken, there's more to surprise the commander." He said, tapping those quirky buttons on the keyboard.

Immediately after that, I felt a tingling in my head. The tingling disappeared only after two or three seconds, and the next moment was a lot of formulas. Knowledge about the production process and methods came to my mind. This knowledge is as if engraved in my mind, I can't forget it.

According to the introduction of memory, science and technology engineering is similar to the world's machinery manufacturing. It can manufacture various weapons. As long as the raw materials are sufficient, it is not a problem to make any aircraft, cannon, or submarine. I am afraid that the system will not recognize this. And other machine-related abilities ...

The memory flowed into my mind in a simple way, and people were just boiling when I saw it. About five minutes after all the memories were accepted, a prompt popped up in the system-"Ding ~! Congratulations on your job as a sub-professor: a technology engineer, who has learned a lot. An exclusive skill ~! "

Bring up the control panel, click on the sub-profession and open the skill column of the sub-professional. After loading, a row of skills enters the eye.

Science and Technology Engineering (Passive): Science and technology engineering is the highest level of engineering, and it represents the integration of science and technology. Success rate of using engineering skills is + 1%, level: entry level.

Technological Manufacturing: Consumes 100 mana. To make an item, a drawing is required. No cooling.

Technological improvements: Consume 100 magic points to improve a completed work to strengthen its ability. Need to improve the guide, cool down for 10 seconds.

Technological transformation: Consume 100 points of magic to transform a completed work. Changing its nature to strengthen its capabilities requires a modification guide and a one-minute cooldown.

Technological enhancement: Consume 100 points of magic, strengthen a completed work, improve its ability, and have a certain chance of failure during the enhancement. Need to strengthen the guide, cool down for 20 seconds.

Extraction: Consume 100 points of magic, take out the best part of one work, and place it on another work. There is a certain chance of failure. Advanced technology engineering is required, no cooling.

Integration: Consumes 100 mana. The integration of two or more unfinished works into a single work has a certain chance of failure. It requires: expert science and technology engineering, cooling for one minute.

A drawing in your warehouse, you can look back and do it.

Turn off the panel and walk to Zekkad and give him the detector: "This will point you back to my city."

Zekad asked: "Are the commanders not going back with us?"

I said, "I still have important things to do, so I won't go back first. Besides, if I have a way, I can go back. You don't have to worry."

"Understand, I hope the commander returns soon."

Starling sorted through the night and I also matched them with one night. At noon the next day, Starling set off to find the Starling mission. It ended, and then continued to search for the formation of the Holy Dragon Yao clue.

On the next way, there will often be a kind of ice snake creatures coming out to attack you. This group of ice snakes is hidden in the snow underground. Anyone who enters their attack range and returns from under the snow can jump out fiercely. Biting the target, I'm not afraid that the fire eyes, golden eyes, and thermal energy will be scanned along the way, scanning the specific locations of the ice snakes, and then pulling them out to kill them. Although the hidden monsters can be parked, it is even more terrifying to know the other step. I ’ve collected some herbs and minerals along the way in addition to playing monsters on the way. I can sell a lot of money when I go back, and I can pay down debts faster. 178 ordinary beasts, and experience and explosion rate are average. In general, don't expect ordinary beasts to give you anything good.

An hour later, I took a step further from the top of the mountain. The experience value of this way increased a bit, and a lot of medicinal materials and minerals also hoarded in the package. As for the equipment, there was nothing left. I was too lazy to lose the shop, and it took another half an hour to blink. I have climbed into a very deep altitude, the cold currents are shaking, the altitude sickness is already very obvious, the endurance value is falling very fast, and the gas therapy Shoot on the body.

Moving on, the Ice Snake is no longer coming out, replaced by the 188-strength Strange Fury Ice Wolf, and the 190-level Elite Beast, Snow Monster, and other creatures. I also saw a 30-meter-long, two hundred The king-level BOSS polar ice armor snake king and a king-level boss BOSS Lingfeng Snow Demon Lord of the same level fought against each other. The two guys fought not to mention a head, up to more than ten meters, humanoid wearing armor, holding in his hand A frozen meter master with a giant blade a few meters long, at this time a level 195 spirit-level boss.

The three guys swept through the hurricane that was still extremely powerful. In an instant, the innocent mobs around them were swept into the energy storm. The mobs who were drawn in were instantly strangulated into blood, and the blood was dissipated. In the air, dead dead, the horrors of these three super bosses can be imagined, it is not that players can resist horizontally.

Quickly escaping from their fighting area, and escaped several miles in another breath, this dared to stop and take a breath, a few miles away still roaring and roaring throughout the world.

In the next morning, I went all the way, looking far ahead at a gorge fault in front of me. Close to here is a fault. A whole mountain was broken into two parts from the middle.

From a distance, you can see a cliff close to you. When you approach it, you can see that it has a width of thousands of kilometers. The faults on both sides are as smooth as a knife.

Transformed into an amber dragon, carrying the black **** skylight, waving his wings, rising into the air. For a dragon like the amber dragon. There is no problem with this width. The first is to shake the wings and climb. Then flattened his wings again. Wag his tail and flew towards the opposite bank.

But just a few meters after I flew out, I suddenly found that I couldn't move. What was going on? Immediately, I heard a growl! As soon as I heard it, it was Long Yin, looking down at a blue dragon flying out of the crack, and a pair of dark blue eyes stared at me fiercely.

The aquamarine scales glittered strangely. After the dragon wings unfolded, they were even bigger than the Amber Dragon. This guy soon became very taller than himself, giving people a feeling of covering the sky. This dragon is more than sixty meters in length and is as huge as Arad, surrounded by cold air, and the claws are extremely sharp. Raptor claws can easily crush a person's skull. And what the dragon claws can crush in front of you, don't need to know.

"Mum ..."

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