Master Summoner Online

Chapter 984: China Elite Competition

When the Ice Queen fished with one hand, an ice wall appeared in front, but this ice wall did not count Arad, which caused it to withstand the impact of four energy balls.

The explosion sounded, even if he was directly attacked by the energy ball, Arad remained still. After a round of attacks, Arad yelled at the Ice Queen: "Dead eighth, you did not intentionally die!"

"Staff have stumbled and horses stumbled." The Ice Queen sighed with a smile.

"You bastard!" Arad's teeth tickled.

I couldn't laugh or cry. The two guys were fighting. I started to wonder if they were posing as PPCs. When I saw that I was ignoring Hydra and became furious, nine heads and eighteen eyes rounded out, and they started screaming. !! To express your dissatisfaction!

Arad was angry.

"Call your sister !!"

Arad leapt into the air and turned into a dragon's body over sixty meters long. His wings covered the sky, the dragon groaned, and a trace of dragon scales swirled around him like a rune.

At the next moment, Arad clawed his claws and drank, "Forbidden! The ice rain is broken!" Suddenly in the sky, a huge shiny ice sword with a length of 30 meters and a blade width of 10 meters was formed. , Followed by the second and third, until countless ice swords!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ice sword fell, and it immediately caused a nuclear bomb-like scene of ice bombardment. Immediately after the second and third, the entire mausoleum was shaking, very clear shaking, under the ice sword rain, A group of monsters still in the hallucinations were hit by the ice sword and screamed in pain, killing them directly!

Three consecutive swords on Hydra!

-2738004-2763783-2738475 ...

A series of damage numbers flew up, and I was stunned. Is this a curse? This ... Is this too arrogant?

Arad's trick lasted for half a minute, and the curse finally came to an end. However, Arad's attack was all-round attack, but the ice queen has opened a magic barrier to keep me and my beautiful bodyguard away. Arad's curse can't hurt us, otherwise, even if I wear a suit of Holy Dragon Yao, I can't escape the huge killing of the curse!

The Hydra has ten or more ice swords in its body, and it is miserable. In the end, the ice queen used a skill to protect it or she would inevitably die in Arad's curse.

The severely wounded Hydra lay moaning weakly on the ground, and the ice queen looked at the dying Hydra lying on the ground and yelled angrily: "You stupid protein dragon, wouldn't you take it lightly?"

"Cut! I don't know if it's important when I grow up." Arad put on a look like ‘you can hit me’.

The ice queen shook her head, and approached her staff to cover a magic circle. Hydra was included in the circle. After conquering Hydra, she said, "Let's go back."


So we left Heroic Mausoleum. This ice and fire plain is an undeveloped map, and even no one has ever visited it. There must be countless treasures in it. Unfortunately, even with my current strength, I ca n’t survive the burst of personality. I can only sigh Leave quietly.

After sending the Ice Queen back to the palace, Arad and I also returned to Dragon City, and when they entered Dragon City, I heard: "Come! Come! Who wants to just grill the barbecue!"

"Come on! Hot barbecue! Don't eat it and regret it for life!" A pig-headed orc pushed a car and walked to sell it.

Arad said, "Hi prince, how about I ask you to grill?"

"Okay." Why didn't someone agree.

Arad shouted, "Come here over there."

When I heard the call to this pig-head orc fart push the car over, I saw a huge barbecue on the car, leaning on the meat of unknown creature.

Arad threw a small bag of gold coins and said, "Choose the biggest and fattest for me."

"It must be." The pig-head orc nodded and took out four iron forks, stuck in the four pieces of barbecue that were thickened by my arm, spilled powder on the barbecue, and then bored out a bottle of boring If you know what flavoring agent, you should scatter the roasted meat, spread one slice each based on the principle of "better and better", and finally pass the seasoned roasted meat to us four. Don't forget to say that you should eat slowly and carefully.

A scent of aroma wafted from the barbecue, and the craftsmanship of that pig was really good.

Next, we found a place to sit in the Merris hotel, carrying the barbecue, and started to do the usual. The black **** Tianzhao held the barbecue with both hands, opened her mouth, took a bite, and her brows slowly stretched out.


Seeing their delicious expressions, they bite a piece and tasted it for a while. They were amazed for a while. Although they did n’t know what the meat was, the pig-head orc actually grilled such delicious food! The skill of the chef is definitely impossible for God.

As he ate, he asked, "What kind of meat is Arad?"

Arad took a bite and said, "His prince, I advise you better not to know."

I wondered: "Why?"

Arad said: "I'm afraid you will spit it out."

"Ah, it is rare that the flesh of a giant worm is incomplete." I asked.

"Not a bug," Arad said, shaking his head.

"What's not a bug?" I asked.

"You better not know."

I got interested and said, "The more you say, the more I want to know."

"Since you want to know so much, I'm telling you to wait for it," Arad said as he chewed the meat in his mouth.

"Okay." After that, he continued to eat meat.


In this way, it took nearly an hour to deal with this piece of meat. After eating, we sat quietly together. I almost ate the meat. The hunger and thirst actually showed negative growth, showing how full I was.

I said, "Can you tell what the meat is now?"

"Then you must promise not to vomit."

"I have to spit it out." I have never seen anything that can be spit out in a game.

Arad said: "Then I tell you, what I just ate was contaminated beast meat."

"Pollution beast?" Listening to the name, I knew it was not a good thing.

"What is this polluted beast?" I asked, and Arad gave me a straightforward startling answer.

"The thing to swim in the moat of the dragon city." Arad said of course. Let's just say it before it's off-"Oh!" The three of us uttered a sorrow at the same time, and then covered it with our hands at the same time, knowing that we couldn't spit it out, but this was a subconscious action. One of the most beautiful and inadequate parts of Longcheng is the moat that is 10,000 times more disgusting than the septic tank. There will be life in that kind of place, and it will be fished up by the residents to make barbecue grills for sale. Eat with relish. Well, things are unexpected.

"You see, I've said it, it's better not to know." Arad said, scratching his head.

I adjusted my mindset and said, "Okay, there is nothing to complain about."

At this moment, Long Xin suddenly sent a message: "Brother, go down to the official website!"

"what's the situation?"

"You will know when you go offline."


He said to Arad, "I'm going to rest first, bye."

"Bye bye." Farewell Arad returned to the room upstairs, lay down and clicked out.

Take off the helmet quickly. At this moment, the MMs are already in front of my laptop. I immediately enough to see a line of blood-red characters: Huaxia Elite Competition!

Click to open the post and view its contents!

The preparatory work for the world competition has been basically completed, and here are the trials for each country and region!

Content: Huaxia Elite Contest: This contest is a selection contest of the China World Championship. A total of five finalists are qualified to participate in the world contest. This selection contest uses a team mode with a total of five teams in each group. The team that wins the selection contest can participate in the world Connect with top players from all over the world.

Requirements: The minimum level to participate in this competition is level 145. All participating teams will continue their online selection for three days. After three days, fifty seed teams will be divided into five groups and go to five different cities for offline. The last five teams were selected to participate in the World Series.

Rule: The knockout game is a daisy system, who kills the opponent and wins! If both sides fail to resolve the opponent within the prescribed time, the system defaults that the player with the most blood percentage wins! Your opponent's defeat is also a victory!

The knockout game has a record system, and each team will have five games! Three points for victory, one point for tie, and zero point for failure! After five games, ten players will play the next elimination game! This cycle continues until fifty screens are selected for the offline competition!

Time: The National Day will be held on October 1st. The total schedule is five days. Registration can be made ten days before the competition.

Registration method: Register in the exclusive registration NPC of the main city and the imperial city of each theater, the registration fee is one hundred gold coins!

Rewards: Match rewards. Players who enter the top 100 will receive 30 million experience points, a thousand reputations, and two pieces of random platinum equipment! The top 50 offline players will get 70 million experience, 3000 reputation, a piece of random diamond crystal equipment and one grade of professional diamond crystal equipment! Players who enter the second round of the front-line offline game will get 100 million experience points, 5,000 prestige, and one of the highest inheritance grades at random! Players entering the semi-final will get 300 million experience, 8000 reputation, and a random ancient grade equipment! Players in the top four will get 400 million experience, 20,000 prestige, one piece of random ancient grade equipment and one random draw! In the final season, the army won 600 million experience points, 30,000 prestige, two random ancient-grade equipment and two random draws twice, the runner-up received 800 million experience, 50,000 prestige, one random Cambrian equipment and two random draws! Winner (Outgoing Team): One billion experience points, one hundred thousand reputation points, one piece of random highest epic equipment and two random draws! Rewards cannot be accumulated!

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