Master Summoner Online

Chapter 986: Holy Dragon Dragon-Long Huishou

The really red-eyed black dragon said angrily: "Little ghost, do you know that you almost demolished my city!"

"Sorry, sorry, huh." I scratched my head and smiled. Indeed, if Tianjie just now did not have the help of the real red-eyed black dragon, the entire Dragon City could be razed to the ground.

Arad and other dragons stood up one after another, and the dragons stepped forward, wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, and said, "Thank you Lord Dragon for your help. If it wasn't for the Dragon King to block the disaster, I'm afraid I have already ..."

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Well, don't say you better take care of yourself, you haven't been afraid of death for so long?"

The dragon man smiled and said, "Now I have failed to complete the Master, I have no regrets!" After finishing speaking, he shook himself and fell down. Dharma and Rebecca hurry up to hold him.

"Fool." Really red-eyed, black dragon.

With the help of the two people, the Halong people showed a bitter smile: "Her prince, treat this helmet well. This equipment is as spiritual as your summoning beast. Don't blindly treat it as a tool to make yourself powerful. You are kind They, maybe one day, they will reward you more. "

The equipment will also respond to itself. Is it rare that this equipment is different from other equipment? Hearing me confused, respectfully and honestly said: "Yes, I understand." After talking about the dragon, he closed his eyes and went to sleep quietly. During this time, his mental loss must be huge, and he manipulated that The Titan barriers don't say, just started the Falcons to resist the calamity. If the dragons were not physically strong, they would have already collapsed.

"You guys go back and forth from wherever you are." True red-eyed black dragons greeted Arad and they left.

Arad and the other dragons also respectfully retreated, and they had to leave. I immediately stepped forward to stop him and said, "Give me something before you leave."

"This ..." The real red-eyed black dragon looked at the light group in his hand, and then looked at me and said, "This is confiscated!"

"Fuck!" NPC confiscated players? I haven't encountered such a ridiculous thing since the beginning of the game. Today I encountered it. I stepped forward and argued with it: "This is what it was created for me. Why did you take it!"

"The thing is mine on my site!" He was domineering and answered shamelessly.

"You are too unreasonable." I was very unconvinced.

"That's ridiculous!" Was another rampant and reputed answer.

"How do you guys look like this!" I yelled at the real red-eyed black dragon.

"What happened to Lao Tzu, get away!" Actually, he pushed himself down to the ground, and my whole body's blood volume was cleared to zero on the ground. If it weren't for the system in the city, he would not die even if there was no blood. At this moment, I have hung back to rebirth, pushed away my body, the real red-eyed black dragon's own body turned into a black flame and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

My angry nose is crooked at this moment. This guy is unreasonable and there should be a limit. At this moment, the black **** came over and said, "The owner reasonably said that the NPC cannot confiscate the player's equipment. There are also some problems. I Take you to the customer service department to reflect. "

"Okay." Also angry at me and a bunch of data, I don't know who compiled the data of the real red-eyed black dragon, if it is unreasonable.

The next moment Black God opened a door, and she and Tianzhao walked through the door. In a European-style room, a girl in business attire sat on a swivel chair and looked at us.

The girl stood up, bowed professionally towards us, and said slightly, "I'm the system data clerk code 911. May I help you?"

The girl named the System Data Master is very beautiful, but the code name is 911 terrorist attack. Now I do n’t care about these things. Now all I have to do is get my equipment back.

"The piece of equipment I built was confiscated by an NPC, which is not a BUG." I said in a deep voice.

"Let me see." A notebook appeared on the empty table in front of the preparation staff, and he smiled after 30 seconds. "I understand your business, and I can tell that many special NPCs have their own self in the second world. The ability to evolve, that true red-eyed black dragon has such ability, and all the NPCs in your Dragon City have advanced intelligence, and in some places, we ca n’t even intervene. "

"Ah!" I was a little surprised: "It's rare to let my equipment disappear for nothing!"

"You won't get it."

"What does God horse mean?"

Rider 911 said: "From a BUG perspective, what happened to you is not a complete BUG. The real red-eye black dragon confiscating your equipment is a result of its own data. We cannot change this.

"Then what are you trying to say?" I began to wonder if this guy was playing himself.

Routine 911 said: "I can make some corrections to the data under my own authority, eliminate the completely confiscated part, and use new data to fill this gap."

"What do you do then?"

"You'll know when you go back to it. If you can't find it, just come to me," said the 911 crewman.

"I know. If I haven't changed, I will come again." After leaving the room, he reappeared in the backyard of the smithy, took out the crystal and teleported to Long Yuan.

The coming Long Yuan walked under the huge Baoshan where the real red-eyed black dragon lay. The real red-eyed black dragon on Baoshan looked at himself and said, "Sorry!"

I rely! This guy will apologize! Hearing the three words, he was shocked, and the red-eyed black dragon continued: "Sorry, it was because I was over-excited, but your boy made such a big movement without telling me. If it was n’t for Heaven ’s impact on the enchantment Otherwise, you and I would have died out. "

"This ... well, this is my negligence." The player hangs up but can be resurrected, but the NPC hangs up and disappears completely. Epic NPCs like true red-eyed black dragons will not be brushed out when they are gone.

"I accept your apology, but my equipment." I still care more about equipment.

"You said that I wouldn't give it to you ..." When I heard it here, I suddenly snapped. Rarely it really swallowed my equipment, but after listening to it, I realized that its information has indeed been changed.

"It's impossible for you, but I can lend you, just like the other two pieces of equipment, when you need it," said the real red-eyed black dragon.

"It's ... well." It's almost impossible to consolidate the set of Holy Dragon Yao. It's almost impossible to get two or four things with this guy holding two hands. The pieces are satisfied. This suit decides that there will be no second set.

"Right, show it to me?"

"Yes." After saying that a blue ice-colored light group drifted slowly, I reached out to catch it, and the light group became a gorgeous and exquisite helmet-Shengyao Longya-Longhui First Grade: Cambria

Defense power +3000 vitality + 20000 magic + 20000 magic recovery speed + 100% blood recovery speed + 100% summoned beast attributes + 50% cast speed + 15% vision + 100% special attributes: attack ignores all shield skills Additional skills (1): Eye of the Dragon, consumes 500 mana and maintains 50 mana per second. You can detect the situation within 500 meters, see the invisibility and traps below God level (including God level), detect the basic information of the target, and see through the opponent's weakness. 10% chance to let non-player units below level 10 not fight. Run away. No cooling.

Additional Skills (2): Dragon Soul Guardian, consumes 7000 magic, summons the sleeping Dragon Soul within Dragon's head to protect himself, increases attack and defense by 50% within 30 seconds, and cools for 120 minutes.

Additional Skills (3): Tornado Strike: Consumes 10,000 mana, condenses the water system energy between heaven and earth, drops rain like a steel needle, and uses itself as the middle range of 1000 meters. All enemy units receive a maximum blood value of 12 % Magic damage for 10 seconds. Limit 2 times a day.

Special Effects: Limit Break Triggers can ignore level restrictions.

Requires level: 200, special for the summoner class, one of the Holy Dragon Yao suits.

Looking at this attribute, I felt very shocked. The Holy Dragon is worthy of the Cambrian suit. It was really terrible. The defense of this helmet is much worse than my armor. In addition, the additional attributes are very amazing. What kind of magician, assassin has to take a detour in front of me, whether you hide a profession, ordinary staff or a rare profession, I really don't know how powerful a complete set of effects will be.

I exchanged Longhui's first reluctantly back, although I ca n’t be permanently disappointed, but I can lend it to me when I need it. This is not bad. I have a set of Shenglong Yao to participate in the World Championship. Upbeat!

After watching Long Hui's first return to the smithy to get my incarnation equipment.

"I'm here, how's the dragon man now?" I said into the smithy.

"Brother has fallen asleep, it doesn't matter. Your prince, your equipment has already been built, do you take it now?" Rebecca laughed.

"Of course. Can the one on Huahua be sold to me?" Now the equipment properties on Huahua are good, and it should sell for more money.

"Of course, it only takes five million gold coins." Rebecca said flatly a number that made me startled.

"Five million gold coins! Okay, but what can I do if I don't have money now?" I'm still paying off my debt, how can I have so much money.

Rebecca laughed: "It's okay, you don't have enough money to credit, of course, it's limited to your prince. You must pay 20% more when you pay." Rebecca said to me casually.

It is indeed the surname of Lei. Well, 20% is 20%. It is not trivial to wait until I turn around and sell this equipment for more than 5 million yuan.

"I promise you."

"Okay, Dharma took out His Royal Highness's stuff."

"Good!" One minute later, I saw Dharma carrying a huge iron box. Opening the dark box, a dark set of equipment lay quietly inside. I didn't care much about the defense, and the attack was my fancy. , Take this set of equipped weapons, a long black sword turned into blood-colored lines of sword, at a glance, suddenly drooling.

Dark Soulbreaker, Grade: Platinum, Attack +10000, 10% chance to knock down opponents when attacking. Each attack causes 1000 points of constant dark damage, increasing damage to creature units by 50%, strength specialization +80, armor specialization +80, special attributes: Ignore 10% of the target's defense.

Incidental Skills (Passive): Dark Constitution: 10% chance of being immune to physical attacks, 10% chance of being immune to magic attacks, 10% of being immune to negative states, all attributes + 10% strength required Specialization: 200, level required: 150. For warrior outfits, one of the dark shattered suits

All parts are platinum, all added together to upgrade to diamond crystal, the overall additional attributes: blood +5000 points, magic +2000 points, attack speed + 17%, increase the user's defense power by 35%, and increase the user's 35 % ATK, Attack has a splash effect.

Replace the Tianji suit on your body, put on this set of equipment, the avatar attributes have skyrocketed, and it has far exceeded the deity. It seems that the deities' equipment must also be improved.

Quickly go back and sell the celestial suit. Although the celestial suit is a dark gold weapon, most players are now using the dark gold ware. In addition, the celestial gear itself has strong attributes and is mainly attacking. gaze. I never put this set of equipment in the store but put them on the auction house to let them fry the price, just do it, take out the crystal and go back to the main city.

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