Chu Xiu raised his hand and withdrew the three-meter-long Overlord Sword Azure Dragon into the storage bag on his waist.

Black hair like a waterfall blown up by the wind.

The black and gold robe hunted.

At the moment, he is all in the spotlight.

Even Tai Suzi in the void lowered his head, and the stars in his eyes were disillusioned.

Chu Xiu stepped forward and stepped onto the single-wood bridge that was thousands of zhang high.


At this moment, the whole world went quiet.

A crisp, stubborn voice that resounds in the deepest part of the heart.

One by one, familiar pictures emerged.

“My name is Liu Hongyi, and as you can see, my family is all dead. ”

My name is Chu Xiu, and my family is on the other side of the starry sky, I’m afraid I won’t see them anymore.” ”

You helped me bury my family, can we be family from now on?” “Good

! ”

Chu Xiu run, they are coming, they want to arrest you.” ”

Chu Xiu, today Old Man Lin was beaten to death, half of the body was gone, and the group of people were on the street, holding wooden sticks against his head that had been gouged out, laughing happily. Chu Xiu you said… Will we be killed in the future? ”

I want to be strong, stronger than anything, and I don’t want us to be bullied again.” Chu Xiu’s eyes were blood-red, his hands were broken, he was scarred, his mouth spat blood, he gritted his teeth, and his face was viciously distorted.

Willow Hongyi, who was also scarred, held his face. A bright smile appeared: “I’ll accompany you!”

“Chu Xiu, you have become different, your heart is getting more and more ruthless, and it is getting colder. ”

Why should I leave, I don’t want to go to the Red Dust Sword Sect… Big deal, let’s die together! ”

Under Taisu Peak, it is very quiet.

Everyone saw Chu Xiu, and after taking a step, he stood in place without moving for half a point.

Suddenly there was an uproar!

“Why isn’t he moving?”

“Wouldn’t you really be able to walk past the Heart Bridge?”

Saint Bai Susu frowned and muttered, “What is he doing?” ”

Could it be that he…” Qi Mengdiesu’s hand clenched.

At the scene, everyone’s discussion was very small.

But millions of people added up, that’s the mountain roaring tsunami.

Just when everyone thought that it was impossible for Chu Xiu to break free from the illusion.

“You remember to pick me up!” I’ll wait for you. The girl in red had hazy teary eyes, that day, it was the first time she cried in front of Chu Xiu, and this difference was fifty years.

Half a quarter of an hour….

The last picture is also broken.

He opened his eyes, and the light flickered in his dark eyes.

Take the second step.

All kinds of illusions struck.

Step three, step four… Walk extremely calmly, quickly, and without the slightest stagnation.

“This speed… It’s outrageous! Someone exclaimed.

The peaks of the Taisu Holy Land took the initiative.

Even the large guests who knew about the Heart Bridge were shocked.

“How indestructible is his Tao to go so fast on the bridge of question.” ”

Dao Heart is tough to his level, what is it that can make him rush to the bridge of questioning the heart for half a quarter of an hour without moving a step?” Looking

at the bridge of questioning hearts, the slender and tall figure

, everyone was shocked, and there were deep doubts.

Chu Xiu’s deep eyes looked straight ahead.

Treat the temptation of thousands of red dust as nothing.

The pace is getting faster and faster.

Have evil thoughts about the Taisu Holy Land? Will it fall?


He Chu Old Demon is just a simple body of Master Venerable and Sister Hua, and by the way, he wants to find a backer to develop and become strong, and he really has no other evil thoughts about the Taisu Holy Land.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to fall off the bridge of question.

One thousand, two thousand …. Four kilometers….

“I remember that among the generations of holy sons and saints, the record of the fastest walk to complete the bridge of inquiry was a blaze of incense. ”

: Chu Xiu only walked out of half a quarter of an hour, and he walked out halfway…”:

“Terrifying Rusi ~

” “Pervert~” Bai Susu couldn’t help but mutter, it took her two incense to walk the Heart Bridge back then….

Chu Xiu’s posture, I am afraid that he will not be able to reach half a column of incense, and he will be able to complete the bridge of questioning hearts.

Seeing this, Qi Mengying’s mouth ticked imperceptibly.

“With his disobedient style, it is impossible to be held back by the world.”

“When the rebel took the first step, he must have recalled Qishan County and his parents who died at the hands of the demon clan!”

Taoyao, who was standing on the side, held her fist, and her thoughts coincided with Qi Mengdie.

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“Senior brother, come on!” She used her true yuan power and shouted loudly.

Fairy Master Venerable’s autumn-like eyes glanced at his five apprentices.

The face of the five apprentices was crimson, and their eyes were full of color, and they almost overflowed with water.

“Taoyao, do you like Chu Xiu?”

“Ang~” Taoyao nodded, not shy, and did not shy away from saying: “Master, I want to marry Senior Brother.” ”


Qi Mengdie’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

“Honza does not agree with this marriage. ”


Taoyao Xingxing looked at Master Venerable, her face was full of surprise, and she said angrily: “I am not married, Senior Brother is not married, why don’t you agree to Master Venerable?”

“Why are you!”

Qi Mengdie’s beautiful eyes flashed with panic, and her pretty face became cold: “If it doesn’t work, it can’t be done.”

“You don’t listen to Master anymore?”

“Actually, your senior brother is not a good person…” she secretly transmitted.


Taoyao’s face was full of disbelief, “It turns out that you are such a master.

“In order to stop me, you actually did not hesitate to smear Senior Brother’s behavior.”

“You’re going too far!”

Qi Mengdie was almost half angry.

He glared at the little apprentice fiercely.

“You don’t believe in Master?”

“Hehe, I still believe it, but it’s a little worse than Senior Brother.” Taoyao showed a pair of small tiger teeth, not angry, not giving up.

“You and your senior brother are both rebels.”

Fairy Master Venerable’s face was red, and he was fluctuating with anger.

It’s so angry, why tell the truth, no one believes what is wrong with this world.

“Master, you… Ay!

“Yes, yes, you’re right, okay?”

Taoyao’s handsome face was full of helplessness.


Qi Mengdie was choked and speechless.

“Master, you must have some misunderstanding about Senior Brother.”

“What misunderstanding can there be? Who is he, I don’t know for the teacher?

“You go to the peaks of the Holy Land and inquire casually, which elder, deacon, disciple, don’t say a good word about senior brother.”

“Senior brother is kind and kind, treats everyone equally, even if he treats the outer disciples, he is very fair, gentle and gentle, in this regard, who in the entire holy land does not give a thumbs up to my senior brother, who does not praise him for his greatness and integrity?”

“Of course, provided you don’t provoke him!!”

“Hmph, so Master, you must have misunderstood Senior Brother.”

Momo shook her head.

“Don’t believe it, it’s all he pretended, really, he has a poisonous heart!” Qi Mengdiebei bit Zhu’s lips, powerlessly revealing the true face of the old devil.

“Okay, okay, you’re right.”

Momo sighed.

“Hehe~” Qi Mengdie suddenly smiled: “No matter how you defend him, you can’t become his Taoist.”

“Do you believe it or not? Well?

Taoyao instantly exploded, revealing a crystalline little tiger tooth, and he hated to pounce on it and bite Shi Zun.

“Well, you Yunxia Peak Lord, you actually want to do something to beat Mandarin Ducks.”

“The Holy Son has finished walking the Bridge of Questions!”

“Half-column incense breaks the records of the past generations…” Knock

knock ~

A bell chimed, which spread throughout the Holy Land.

Under Taisu Mountain, there was an uproar~

“Junior sister, your disciple is good, and the Dao heart is as stable as a rock.” Tianxing Peak Lord praised, looking at Qi Mengdie’s adoring eyes, without concealing it in the slightest.

“I don’t know, how do you usually teach him?”

“Hmm~ I will give me some guidance when I have time, the main thing is that he is strong enough in his own understanding…. Go for it! Qi

Mengdie bowed his head, holding the appearance of the usual cold fairy, his face expressionless.

As for Tianxing’s eyes?

It was simply ignored.

That look.

In her eyes now, she will only feel very weird… Not very comfortable anymore.

“Next, it’s the right topic, it’s about to climb the ladder!” Countless people are looking forward to it.


Daily ask for collection, ask for some yellow….

Good night everyone.

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