Master Tongtian

Chapter 116 Invitation from the Temple Leader (1/4)

Chapter 116 Invitation from the Temple Leader (14)

The adventure log can only directly print the memories you already have, but cannot modify them.

Rosen is just a great painter who deceives the world and steals his reputation. His real painting level is about as good as a chicken scratching the ground.

Materials are used less and less, but customer requirements are becoming more and more sophisticated.

what to do? !

This is a problem that must be solved.

"Uncle Harrick, this request is more difficult, and I may not be able to meet Mr. Rust's request."

"Give me three days and I'll think of a solution."

Harrick was not worried at all, because in his heart, Rosen was a painting master who could shine in the Golden Land.

Painting is definitely not a problem for him.

"Then I'll pick up the painting in three days."

He got up and left.

Rosen sat in a chair and thought about it carefully, and he actually came up with two tricks.

First, learn a mind charm spell called 'Good Maid', and then visit Mrs. Laster at home. It is best to find a way to take a look at her body.

Don't get me wrong, the spell won't actually work on Mrs. Rust!

The purpose of the meeting was to record the image of this lady in the adventure diary.

After the recording is successful, open the magic virtual machine and release the 'well-behaved maid' on Mrs. Rust recorded in the log. Then, the material is available.

This method is very good, but it has a fatal flaw.

Whether it is the temple or the mage guild, the control of spiritual spells is very strict. Many spells that charm the mind are even directly labeled as evil spells, and learning is strictly prohibited.

For example, "Good Maid", Rosen only heard the name, but didn't know the principle at all, let alone where to learn it.

It is impossible to find anyone to inquire about it. If it is spread out, it is not a moral issue, but practicing evil arts and blaspheming the gods. At the least, it can be deprived of all kinds of honors, and at worst, it can be punished by gods.

It's just a few erotic paintings, there's really no need to take such a big risk.

Then, you can only use the second method.

Of course, whether it is feasible or not depends on the advice of a professional mage.

Go up to the second floor and find Thrandis reading a book in the flower hall.

"Teacher, is there a kind of light and shadow illusion that can accurately transform a person's appearance, even making it difficult to distinguish the true from the false?"

There are many types of illusions. Psychic illusions are strictly controlled, but light and shadow illusions are regular spells.

Thrandis thought for a moment and gave the answer directly.

"It is not difficult to use illusions to temporarily change the appearance of the caster, but human facial features and bodies are very delicate natural creations with countless details."

"No matter how sophisticated the illusion is, there will always be inevitable omissions."

"The current situation is that if the target is stationary, it is barely possible to distinguish the true from the false, but once it becomes active, the omissions will inevitably be magnified."

"There is such a natural spell called Mirror Imagery."

Rosen immediately asked: "Teacher, do you know the mirror technique?"

"You have to go to the magic guild to buy it. There are three similar spells, from low to high, they are low-level mirroring, true reflection, and twins."

"In terms of static fineness, these three spells are similar, but there are differences in movement fineness and duration."

"Their prices are also 50 crowns, 200 crowns and 400 crowns respectively."

Rosen immediately remembered that he had three free slots for purchasing spells, and decided to use one.

In order to avoid being picked on and causing a wasted trip, also bring a bag of gold coins.

When I took the gold coins, I found that there were about 800 crowns in the cash box, which was a huge sum of money. In addition, the moonstones that came from the moonlight mine last time had not been processed. If they were all sold, I would probably get close to 5000 kronor.

But it would be a pity to simply sell such a top-grade moonstone for money.

It is foreseeable that the golden land will not be very peaceful in the next ten years, and the prices of good things will definitely rise sharply.

Therefore, if there was no real money available, Rosen planned to keep hoarding these moonstones.

When he walked out of the yard, he calculated the expenses for the past month and found that the expenses for a month were close to 500 crowns.

Among them, daily food and drink alone cost 90 crowns, plus high-quality paper and ink, noble clothes, garden flower maintenance, urban sanitation fees, security fees, servant salaries, and the largest expenditure on magic, it came to 500 crowns. Stunning numbers.

If you use a meditation potion with outstanding performance, the expenditure will only be higher.

Also, if the instructor gets pregnant one day, he will have to pay a lot more.

That's not right, the instructor said. Because of the influence of mana and spells, it is difficult for mages to have descendants.

The male mage can also adopt the strategy of sowing widely but reaping little to produce one or two children. The female mage is basically in a state of despair.

But everything is possible. What if you hit the target?

Furthermore, the meditation resonance chamber has not yet been built. The ordinary one costs more than 2,000 kronor, and the outstanding one costs 18,000 kronor. Thinking about this, I feel that the money is not enough.

"The living expenses in Luye City are indeed astonishing. Although I still have a lot of savings, I am unable to make ends meet and cannot last long."

"We must solve the shortcomings that cannot be defeated."

I went out to rent a carriage from a nearby carriage house and rushed to the mage's guild.

When getting on the bus, you must first put on spare clean boots, and put the dirty boots on the rear rack of the carriage.

The cost of renting a car is not cheap either. Renting is one kronor per day, and the minimum price is one day. It is still a low-end horse-drawn carriage.

Sitting in the carriage, Rosen couldn't help but think.

"It is said that the carriage of a mid-range carriage costs more than 600 crowns, and a good horse costs 40 crowns. Raising a horse is also a huge expense, and there is also an additional horse manure cleaning fee."

"Tsk, if there is no other income, just relying on the income from the hereditary knight's territory, he can't even afford a good carriage."

Of course, as a mage, he can also walk while floating, but the top of his head is not safe, as shit may fall from the sky. The side is not safe either, there are always naughty children who like to step hard on the muddy water.

Therefore, if you really want to be safe, you must maintain a shield while flying. This is very tiring.

It's no wonder that the instructor doesn't like to go out.

While thinking about it all the way, Rosen arrived at the entrance of the Mage's Guild.

The first floor of the guild was as lively as ever, but the difference from before was that he was no longer an outside observer, but a member of the guild.

When he walked to the hall, the apprentices he met head-on lowered their heads as expected, and stepped aside to the side of the road in advance to salute him as apprentices.

As an official mage, Rosen only needs to nod slightly.

After walking a few steps along the corridor at the edge of the hall, Philama came up to greet him, and bowed to Rosen as a mage with a calm expression.

"Master Rosen, explain your purpose of coming."

You can feel the unwillingness and a hint of jealousy in his words.

Rosen didn't care either: "I want to buy spells."

"Oh, it's right next to the thesis review hall on the second floor."

After a pause, he asked, "Do you need me to lead you?"

Rosen didn't want to keep looking at him: "No need, I know the way."

Walking all the way up to the second floor, you will soon see the magic library.

Just as he was about to walk over, a white-haired old mage walked out of the door of the thesis review department.

When Rosen saw it, he immediately bowed to the lower mage and said: "Master Fuller, I give you my regards."

Master Fuller took a closer look and saw that he was a young man. He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Rosen looked at his expression and knew it was because he had changed so much recently.

A boy who is growing like crazy changes his appearance every month.

He immediately introduced himself: "Master Fuller, I am Master Thrandis's apprentice, Rosen Philander."

After saying this, Fuller suddenly remembered and looked at Rosen in surprise: "Young man, I haven't seen you for more than a month. You have become taller and stronger. I didn't recognize you at first!"

He looked at the badge on Rosen's chest and was even more shocked: "Did your spell casting ability reach six stars so quickly?"

He remembered that more than two months ago it was still a four-star.

Rosen smiled slightly: "We encountered several fatal dangers on the battlefield in Yuehui Town. We tried our best to get over the difficulties, and this is how we made some progress."

He said it easily, but Fuller had also fought hard when he was young, so he naturally knew the great dangers involved.

His eyes narrowed: "Young man, I really saw you right."

Then he asked: "Are you here to hand in your paper this time too?"

"No, I want to buy a mirror technique."

The painting is static, so the lowest level mirroring technique is enough.

"Well, do you still need to buy a small spell like Mirror Image? Just wait, I'll get you one."

After a pause, as if he was afraid that Rosen would not accept it, he explained: "This is not a violation of my rules, nor is it a gift. It is your privilege as a divine seal mage."

Rosen understood: "That will trouble the elders."

He thought to himself: "Sure enough, there are people inside who can do things easily."

"a piece of cake."

Fuller turned around and walked into the next room. Within a few minutes, he came out with a spell book, which was the standard mirroring spell.

After handing the spell book to Rosen, he asked: "Young man, do you want anything this afternoon?"

"I have been writing a thesis with my tutor recently, but I have been writing it for more than a month and it is almost completed. So it is not a big deal."

Fuller's eyes lit up: "Paper, what paper? What aspect is it about?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "Please forgive me for keeping it secret. What the instructor wants is to publish it at the Flower Society."

Fuller's eyes brightened: "Is it so solemn? Ah, I'm looking forward to it!"

He smiled and said: "Young man, there are still more than two months before the Flower Society. I will go out with the old man for a walk this afternoon."

Rosen immediately saluted: "It's a great honor."

Then, he followed Master Fuller half a step behind, and left the Master's Guild one after another, surrounded by all kinds of eyes.

Soon, the two got on Fuller's carriage, which was very spacious and very stable.

Rosen sensed it for a moment and discovered that the carriage was levitated using Sero.

Fuller chuckled: "Rosen, your levitation technique is very good. Now everyone praises me for having a good carriage, haha."

Rosen immediately said: "It is an honor for me that my knowledge can serve the elderly."

Fuller waved his hand and said seriously: "Okay, okay, young man, you don't have to hold it all the time, you are no longer a little apprentice now."

"You are a divine seal mage who has been on the battlefield and has made great achievements in battle. You are a warrior of God. Even if you are a bit wild, no one will criticize you in person."

Rosen was startled and immediately realized that he was indeed too tight.

"Thank you for your advice, elder."

After saying that, his back relaxed a lot, and his expression also relaxed.

"That's right."

Master Fuller lay lazily on his chair and began to introduce the next destination.

"Today is Moon Watching Festival, which also happens to be the guild's holiday."

"The high-ranking mage Baron Bielgu held an afternoon tea party at Maple Leaf Manor on the outskirts of the city. He invited all the famous official mage and his apprentices to participate. It was not only for social interaction, but also to discuss magic problems."

Speaking of this, Fuller suddenly sighed, a trace of loneliness showing on his wrinkled face.

"For many years, I have either been studying magic or fighting for God, and I have become old without knowing it."

"Looking back, I found that I didn't even have a direct apprentice, nor did I have a family, nor did I have any children, not even an illegitimate child."

"I wanted to take a junior to learn with me, but I couldn't find a satisfactory candidate for the time being."

"I came into the world naked and left naked again, hahaha."

Rosen could not understand this emotion, because he had three children in his previous life, the first was a son, and the second was a twin.

They chatter every day. When they are making trouble, they are fighting, and when they are not making trouble, they are acting like monsters.

Occasionally it feels cozy, but most of the time it feels noisy, and I wish I could stuff it all back into my mother's womb.

He could only comfort him like this: "Old sir, having many children may not be a good thing."

Fuller raised his hand to wipe away the lonely look on his face: "You are right, but people always yearn for a life they have not experienced."

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became sad, and both of them were silent.

Rosen couldn't sit still, so he picked up the mirror technique and looked at it.

‘The basic principle of spells is to imagine the shape of the target in your mind and use mana to accurately simulate it. ’

‘The more specific and precise the imagination, the more realistic the simulated mirror body will be. ’

‘Theoretically, it is almost impossible to distinguish between true and false, but due to the ability of the mage, there are always flaws that are difficult to erase. ’

‘Basic spell structures include ‘Weak Effect Constancy’, ‘Allen Symmetrizer’, ‘De Allen Light Stabilizing Structure’, and ‘Grielli Light and Shadow Balance Balance’. ’

Rosen was fascinated as soon as he saw it, and he had a feeling in his heart: 'Aha, isn't this the magic version of Pis, and it's also three-dimensional. ’

The most important thing is that the casting requirements of this thing are his strengths.

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