Master Tongtian

Chapter 131: Fight back when punches come! (4/5)

Chapter 131: Fight back when punches come! (45)

Golden Rose Manor is less than five miles away from Maple Leaf Manor.

There is less than two hours left.

For a moment, all the mages ignored their dignity and left the Hall of Wisdom one after another, got on their carriages, and filed out of the Golden Rose Manor.

The carriage was like a school of crucian carp crossing a river, rushing quickly to Master Bilugu's Maple Leaf Manor.

At this moment, almost every mage seems to have forgotten the entanglements of interests in the mortal world. Every mage's mind is affected by the stars in the sky. Every mage wants to know what the world they live in is like.

However, not every mage is in an excited mood.

Some people, such as Rosen sitting in a certain carriage and Master Bige sitting opposite him, were in a relatively calm mood.

Bi Ge's expression was a little awkward, but he was still calm: "Master Rosen, it's a great honor for you to ride in my carriage."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Master Bige, you seem a little nervous."

"Nervous. Of course I am nervous, because I am very much looking forward to Master Bilugu verifying your calculation results."

Rosen turned his head and looked out the window. It was almost six o'clock, the sun had set, and the sky was quickly getting dark.

He also stopped beating around the bush.

"What price do I have to pay to have you testify for me that Master Horus stole my mentor's speech?"

Now that everything was said, Master Bige's expression suddenly darkened.

"Master Rosen, this matter involves a lot. I advise you to just let it go. After all, it won't cause you any substantial harm."

Rosen immediately made a statement: "I do not want to escalate the situation."

"However, I have never provoked Master Horus, but he took the initiative to provoke me. If I don't teach him a lesson, he will think that I am easy to bully, and there will be a next time, and the next time."

Of course he knew that Horus was just a dog in front, but even if he was a dog, he would give his master a hard kick to show his master.

"To be honest, I don't like causing trouble, but since trouble comes to me, I will never be timid! Let alone back down!"

Having said this, he stared at the middle-aged mage opposite and whispered in a deep voice.

"Just like I fought against the evil god at the bottom of the Moonlight Mine, just like I killed the ice dwarf giant beast on the battlefield!"

Master Bige was shocked and did not dare to meet Rosen's gaze.

He suddenly realized that Horus was not easy to mess with, but the young mage in front of him was not a good person either.

To be honest, the price of offending the former may not be as high as offending the latter.

His tone suddenly softened a lot.

"Master Rosen, you are making it difficult for me. After all, I was not involved in this matter at all, yet I got into such trouble for no reason."

Rosen nodded slightly: "This matter is indeed embarrassing. But if you accept it, I can give you some compensation within my ability."

Upon hearing this, Bige couldn't help but laugh: "Master Rosen, although I am not very rich, I am not short of money."

Rosen also laughed: "I didn't say that I would use something as vulgar as money to compensate for your losses."

Bige's expression changed: "Oh?"

The carriage ride didn't take long, so Rosen didn't waste any time and went straight to the point.

"I will share with you a powerful spellcasting technique for free. After mastering this technique, almost all logical spells can be adjusted at will between 50% and 110% scale at any time."

Currently, his personal version can be adjusted between 5% and 450%, but naturally this cannot be given to others.

The strongest point of dexterous spell casting is that it can greatly increase the scale of spells to increase the power of spells.

Therefore, this part of the castration is the most severe, from 450% to 110% in one stroke.

He is not worried that Bige will be able to produce a high-level version through this castrated version, because there are a lot of advanced mathematical skills in it.

Geomathematicians have spent hundreds of years studying these techniques.

And if there is no one to guide you, and you have to work alone, you will easily fall into a deep pit in mathematics.

For example, when you encounter something like Fermat's last theorem, do you prove it or not?

Prove it, you definitely don’t have this ability.

If you don’t prove it, who would dare to use a spell based on an unreliable conjecture?

Furthermore, Bige does not have an infinitely fault-tolerant virtual machine for infinite trial and error.

If he really had the ability to break through these mathematical barriers by himself, he wouldn't still be an intermediate mage in middle age.

Bigger didn't know the sinister ways in it. He was greatly moved and asked quickly: "Is this developed based on the flow technique?"

"It's obvious."

"Is it stable?"

"My ability to achieve great success on the battlefield mainly relies on this skill."

If you dare to use it on the battlefield, the stability will be no problem.

"Of course, I have to explain to you in advance that what I give you is only the standard version, and the effect is not as powerful as my own use. Later, I will also sell the lowest version with the effect adjusted between 70% and 105%."

"That is to say, except for my own version, the spellcasting skills you get are the best."

Bi Ge doesn't think so.

In his opinion, since this technique was developed based on flow numbers, Rosen has already announced the results of flow numbers.

Then, he can use the powerful tool of flow number to improve it based on the techniques given by Rosen!

Rosen and his mentor were just two people, a mid-level mage and a low-level mage, who could develop such powerful spell-casting skills.

He has to master a person, and he can definitely improve it greatly. Even if the final effect is not as good as that of the other person, the difference will definitely not be too far.

"But even if I help you identify him, if Horus refuses to admit it, there's nothing we can do."

His words changed. He broke away from the opposition of "you and me" and used "we", indicating that he had subconsciously agreed to help.

Rosen immediately sensed his psychological changes and smiled: "Didn't he give you a note before? It should still be in your pocket, right?"

Bige was shocked: "How did you know he gave me the note?"

Rosen pointed at his eyes: "I have long suspected Horus. I was standing on a high platform at that time, so I could clearly see your little moves."

Bige became more and more shocked and thought to himself: 'A mage with a commoner background is speaking on a high platform for the first time. He doesn't panic, but he still has the mind to observe the enemy? ! ’

‘What a powerful soul this must be, no wonder he dared to fight against the evil god at such a young age! ’

‘It’s no wonder that Earl, Bielgu, and Fuller value him. Such a guy will definitely have a bright future in the future. If I stand with him, maybe I can get a lot of glory. ’

Thinking of this, the initial hesitation suddenly became very firm.

He took out the note from Horus from his pocket and handed it to Rosen.

"He gave me this at that time and asked me to ask you the questions above. I thought this was very unreliable, so I ignored him."

He and Horus were only casual acquaintances. The two were actually in a competitive relationship. Now that he had such an opportunity, he decisively sold the latter.

"Well~Thank you very much Master Bige for your help."

Rosen read a few questions carefully, and a smile appeared on his face. He handed the note back to Bige: "This note is enough to prove that Horus stole my mentor's speech."

"Oh~ what do you say?"

"Horus did not participate in the paper review, and he did not know the content of the paper I submitted."

"But on this note, there are issues related to flow numbers. In particular, the nouns in it can only be understood after reading the manuscript paper."

"I would like to ask, where did he know these contents?"

Bige slapped his thigh: "Master Rosen, what you said makes sense!"

Then he promised: "When I arrive at Maple Leaf Manor later, I will meet with the earl in private and report the matter of Horus and the note to the earl. I believe the earl will give you an explanation."

Rosen was satisfied and raised his hand to gently pat Master Bige on the shoulder.

"After this matter, you can come to my house as a guest."

"At that time, I will not only hand over my spell-casting skills to you. If you are interested, I will draw you a portrait for free."

Big's eyes lit up: "Then it's settled, hehe."

He had also seen the pornographic paintings painted by Rosen. Apart from the somewhat unflattering content, his painting skills were absolutely impeccable. In addition, he now had such a huge reputation, so if he asked him to paint a painting for himself, then It's a huge honor.

If this painting is passed down to his family for a hundred years, its price will definitely increase significantly.

Things are agreed upon.

Rosen was secretly happy: "Hehe, I have planted a hidden secret next to Fubos."

This piece may not necessarily be useful, but if it is useful, it will be of great use.

He quietly got out of the carriage, and under the cover of night, quietly drifted back into his carriage.

After sitting down, Thrandis asked softly: "Did you find it?"

Rosen patted Thrandis's hand and comforted softly: "Well~ everything is settled, don't worry, mentor."

Thrandis leaned on Rosen's shoulder and whispered: "Rosen, do you think your mentor is useless?"

The voice was a little uneasy.

When Rosen heard this tone, he had a strange feeling in his heart: 'Isn't this the tone of a little girl asking for comfort from her boyfriend when she is frustrated?'

Do you want comfort?

That must be comforted!

Rosen held Thrandis's hand tightly: "Mentor, everyone has their own skills and areas that they are not good at. No one is an all-rounder."

"Teacher, you are not good at public speaking, but you are good at magic. In the field of magic, few people have your talent."

This is true. In the field of magic, Rosen feels that even if he has been in elementary school, he will definitely not be able to match Thrandis without desktop assistance.

Thrandis is a truly gifted mage, but he is a fake.

Thrandis was indeed greatly comforted and said softly: "I hate giving speeches the most. From now on, you can do it. I will concentrate on studying spells at home."

Rosen squeezed her hand and simply replied: "As ordered~Teacher~"

The five-mile journey takes just over a quarter of an hour by horse carriage.

But because there were so many mages, it took a lot of time. When all the mages arrived at Maple Leaf Manor, it was already half past six at night.

There is less than half an hour left before the observation time predicted by Rosen!

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