Master Tongtian

Chapter 152 Maintain a good relationship with every comrade (4/4)

Chapter 152 Maintain a good relationship with every comrade (44)

Half past three in the afternoon.

Riding a docile moonlight horse and following the exorcist team from the Pure World Temple to leave Silver Moon Castle, Rosen was carefully protected by the soldiers.

He rode on instinct, with most of his thoughts immersed in the virtual machine.

While he was concentrating on practicing his new spell, a gentle voice came to his ears.

"What have you been thinking about, Master Rosen?"

It's Vina, the temple's healing priest.

She may not be the strongest healing priest in the temple, but she is the best at first aid, so she also receives great attention from the soldiers and is protected by everyone.

Rosen also had a good impression of the priest. He looked back at Silver Moon Castle, which was gradually receding behind him, and responded with a smile.

"I'm thinking about some technical issues."

The performance of the standard spells purchased by the Mage Guild is too mediocre.

Not only must you become proficient, but you must also create as many extraordinary versions as possible to adapt to changing combat needs.

Of course, these three spells are the icing on the cake, and his biggest reliance is the gravity spell.

Wei Na smiled softly: "Sharina said you were a nerd, but I didn't quite believe it. Now it seems that you are indeed very obsessed with magic."

Sharina at the front of the team heard this and smiled: "Okay~ Sister Wei Na, don't bother him, let this kid focus on his magic."

Wei Na smiled slightly, whipped her horse whip lightly, ran to the front of the team, and responded softly: "Yes, yes, I will obey the captain's order."

Rosen continued to be immersed in the world of thinking.

Because they were riding horses, their speed was much faster than the last time they walked. By dusk, the team reached the edge of Huangshui Highlands.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the exorcist warriors found a place sheltered from the wind and close to the water, set up a temporary tent, lit a bonfire, and prepared to spend the night in the wild.

Rosen worked on the magic virtual machine for a day and got two usable results.

The first one is the flame halo

Extraordinary neutral logical six-star spell.

Dexterity range: 5% to 300%.

Spell power: 89.5 (intermediate level)

Spell introduction: A halo with a radius that can be adjusted at will is formed with the caster as the center, applying a flame effect to the designated target within the halo.

Targets with the flame effect will have their bodies covered with a thick layer of magic armor, which can greatly increase their resistance to various spells and reflect some attacks with flames.

Maximum casting time: 2 seconds.

Spell cost: variable.

The second one is called Searing Praise.

Extraordinary Fire Polarity Logic Six-Star Spell

Dexterity: 5% to 404%.

Spell power: 93.8 (intermediate level)

Spell introduction: Attach a powerful flame effect to the designated weapon, giving it a powerful flame-related attack effect. This effect lasts for up to 1 hour, or is canceled after a cumulative total of 50 attacks.

Maximum casting time: 2 seconds.

Casting energy consumption: high.

Both spells are group auxiliary skills and have a casting difficulty of 6 stars. They are very suitable for Rosen's current situation and are one of the main reasons why Fuller chose them.

After all, a person's magic power is limited, his attention is also limited, and his casting time is also limited.

Although it is refreshing for an individual to be a hero, it is not conducive to bringing out the maximum combat effectiveness of the team, and it will also greatly increase one's own danger.

There is also a third spell: Burning Wall.

This spell hasn't been mastered yet, but Rosen can feel that it has great potential for improvement. If used well, it can be a great weapon against the undead army.

Considering that it would take at least four and a half days to reach the vicinity of White Horse Town, he had enough time to master and improve this spell.

"Here you go, freshly grilled mudfish."

Sharina sat down next to him and handed him a gray-white 'mud stick'.

Rosen took the stick with his mage's hand and skillfully peeled off the outer layer of mud. Immediately, a rich aroma mixed with water vapor rushed out, causing his stomach to growl.

I still peeled off a piece of white and tender fish meat with the hands of the master, put it into my mouth and tasted it carefully. I felt that the taste was tender and not fishy, ​​mixed with the faint fragrance of perilla grass.

After eating it, I felt a warm current reverberating in my organs, which was very comfortable. Most of the fatigue from traveling all day disappeared.

He sincerely praised: "It tastes really good."

Xialina smiled proudly: "This is the temple's secret method of grilling fish in the wild, with the temple's secret spices added to it."

After speaking, she asked again: "Tell me about the new spell you have learned. If we want to cooperate in combat, we must be familiar with our respective abilities."

Rosen had this intention.

While he was eating, he talked about his situation.

At the end, he added: "In addition to spells, I also greatly added a lot of knowledge about necromancy and necromancers, and gained valuable experience in dealing with necromancers from the high-level divine mage Mr. Fuller. .”

"It should help then."

"I've only read the knowledge for a day, how can it help?"

A somewhat lazy man's voice came over, but it was Vice Captain Feilin. He was also holding a grilled fish in his hand.

Rosen smiled and said: "It's useless if you look at it for a day, but it will be useful if I look at it."

They were all comrades who had fought side by side, so he spoke more casually.

Feilin raised his hand with an unconvinced look on his face: "Why? Don't we all have a head on our shoulders? Even if there is a gap, it won't be so big that we can't understand it, right?"

Rosen smiled and said nothing.

Xialina raised her hand and patted Feilin on the shoulder, laughing and scolding: "Yes, they all have the same head. If you learn magic, you might become a great mage in ten years."

Feilin could certainly hear the sarcasm. He shrugged indifferently and turned to look at Rosen: "Mage, let me open your eyes."

Rosen's heart moved and he understood Feilin's intention.

Feilin naturally knew what he was capable of, but this time two more teams of exorcist warriors were added. They had only heard about their deeds, but had never seen them with their own eyes.

They are actually strangers to themselves, and Feilin creates opportunities for himself to let the new team members become familiar with him, so as to increase the tacit understanding of the battle.

This is the benefit of having a life-and-death relationship. You will be thought of everywhere.

He thought for a moment and said with a smile: "I am good at painting, so I will use painting to show my good mind. At the same time, I will also draw an impromptu portrait for each brother, how about it?"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they cheered loudly.

Rosen took out his pen and paper, took a look at the film, then chose a cool angle, and started printing.

Because he used a portable charcoal pen and Rosen's spellcasting ability was different from before, he was very fast.

In just a few minutes, the painting is complete, and with one more fixing trick, the charcoal drawing can be stored for a long time.

"for you."

When Feilin saw it, he exclaimed: "Ah, the painting looks really like me, so I am so handsome!"

At the same time, he looked at Rosen with admiration.

"You can draw it like this at a glance. Even the texture of the clothes is clearly displayed. The mage's mind is indeed better than mine."

The atmosphere suddenly rose, and other exorcist warriors crowded over to ask for portraits.

Rosen laughed: "Everyone has it, don't crowd, come one by one."

"Stand up before painting and come out with a heroic posture."



"Sir Philander has such an easy-going personality. He is much better than other mage masters."

"That's for sure. Let me tell you, back in the mine, the prince used magic to block the venom of the evil god. I was confused!"

During the busy discussion, Rosen drew portraits one by one.

Every exorcist warrior was very happy when he got the portrait. He felt that he in the painting was full of energy, with sharp eyes and a cold temperament, completely beyond his imagination.

Rosen also drew a picture for Sharina, but the latter's eyes flickered and she didn't dare to look at him.

Rosen thought for a moment and knew that Sharina was probably thinking about evening education. He smiled and added a touch of charm to the heroic Sharina on the drawing paper.

Finally, there is the gentle elder sister, Miss Vina.

She is in her early thirties, with a mature and plump figure, fair skin, and a demure temperament.

Although he is wearing combat leather armor, there is no atmosphere of war. Wherever he stops, people feel a reassuring tenderness, just like a wife waiting for her husband to come home, which can greatly soothe the soul.

Because of past help, Rosen deliberately put more effort into painting her.

When the painting was completed and shown to her, Wei Na let out a low voice, two blushes flew up on her white cheeks, and then she curtsied to Rosen.

"Thank you Sir for the painting."

"Easy to say, easy to say, haha~"

A dozen paintings, which only took more than half an hour in total, allowed Rosen to establish a good relationship with all his comrades.

Afterwards, Rosen demonstrated the Flame Halo and Searing Praise respectively to familiarize the exorcist warriors with his power.

After the drill was over, it was getting dark. As an official mage, Rosen naturally had special courtesy.

In order to allow the mage to rest and recover his mana better, he lived in a tent near the campfire, and a total of 18 exorcist warriors were scattered around the tent in the wild, wrapping themselves in a piece of animal skin.

Another person who received the same treatment was the healing priest Vina. Since there was only one tent, she slept next to Rosen.

In the wild, everyone sleeps in the same clothes, and the tent door is open, so there is no ambiguity at all.

Staying in the tent, Rosen thought about how to improve the Burning Wall.

This is a spell that combines attack and defense. After being cast, it can summon a long wall of flames that is 15 meters long and 4 meters high.

The fire wall can stand still, or it can continuously push forward for a distance of about 30 to 50 meters in one direction. It is a very powerful fire spell.

There are three disadvantages.

First, it consumes a lot of energy.

With Rosen's current mana, without the assistance of weapons and potions, releasing a standard version will cause him to run out of mana.

Second, the casting time is as long as 4 seconds.

If it is deliberately targeted by the opponent, it must be protected by teammates to have time to cast spells.

Long casting times are also a common problem with powerful spells.

Because the spell is powerful, more mana must be poured into it, and the flow of mana has a speed limit.

Therefore, unless you master special spell-casting techniques, the more powerful the spell, the longer it will take to cast.

When it comes to high-level spells, there are even high-star spells that last up to 6 seconds or even 10 seconds.

Third, the spell form is too rigid and the fire wall can be easily bypassed.

All these must be changed.

After completing his meditation homework, Rosen immersed himself in the spell virtual machine and prepared to start changing spells.

At this time, everyone was basically asleep, and the camp became very quiet, with only the sound of the burning campfire and the low hum of summer insects remaining.

But vaguely, Rosen felt something unusual.

His heart trembled: "Is there an enemy?"

After careful perception, he found that the movement came from his side and came from Wei Na.

Her breathing was rough and rapid.

Rosen squinted and saw that she was lying down, perfectly normal. No, not normal, she was holding her legs!

In a flash, Rosen understood.

Temple priests have high moral requirements, but mortals have desires, and if they have been suppressed for a long time, they need to be vented.

Male priests can also dress up in disguise to look cool, but female priests can only eliminate themselves because of the huge risk of pregnancy.

This is a small secret of a person's private life. It may be completed in a few minutes and will not affect the mission or even be known to others.

Rosen could detect it, firstly because of the close distance, and secondly because his five senses were extremely sharp.

But now that he discovered it, Rosen was willing to help.

He patted Vina's arm gently and whispered in her ear.

"I'll help you."

Vina was motionless and seemed to be asleep, but her red cheeks betrayed the fact that she was pretending to be asleep.

No response is the default.

Rosen used his two-star spellcasting ability to transform into the hands of a mage to help this gentle elder sister get out of the abyss of desire.

With four and a half stars left, he sank into the spell virtual machine and continued to transform spells.

After a while, Sharina's voice came from outside the tent: "Sister Wei Na, are you feeling unwell?"

Wei Na took a deep breath: "No, cough~~um~~I had a nightmare, it's okay, I'll be fine soon."

"Oh~ Then please speak softly and don't wake up Rosen."

A night of silence.

Next is the journey.

By noon on the fifth day, Baima Town appeared in everyone's sight.

Looking at the smoke floating in the sky over the town, and then looking at the golden blessing that was still shining next to Lord Morey's White Stone Castle, Vice Captain Feilin started laughing.

"It looks pretty good. It's not as serious as I thought."

Xialina rode up to a high place and gazed into the distance.

"The night attack on the castle happened half a month ago. Half a month is enough time to erase the superficial traces, but the fear caused by the death of more than 200 innocent people will not subside so quickly."

Rosen ran to Sharina's side, then opened the adventure log, zoomed in on the view, and carefully observed the situation in White Horse Town.

After looking at it for a while, he came to his own conclusion.

"The cemetery in the south of the town has a large new cemetery, and the security in the town has been significantly strengthened."

"In addition, the new graves are generally small, and they should have been cremated. Therefore, we can't find any clues about the necromancer from the corpses."

Sharina nodded slowly: "The undead warriors are the resurrected dead. Lord Morey's order for cremation is understandable, but a large amount of key evidence was indeed destroyed."

She looked at Rosen: "I heard from Xia Bolay that there is a nightingale society in the town that believes in Rose, the Spider Mother."

Rosen nodded: "Yes, I also know one of the Spider Apostles, named Lilith. Judging from her words and deeds, the Nightingale Society should be specifically collecting intelligence for Lord Morey."

"Rose the Spider Mother was an evil god in ancient times. She was not very powerful. She is currently hiding in the frosty land in the north. She is a coquettish and cruel god who likes to lure men into corruption. Her apostles are mainly prostitutes. "

Sharina introduced the background of the Spider Mother.

Feilin also ran over to join in the fun and sneered coldly when he heard this.

"The faith of the lords is as fragile as duckweed, and it does not matter the life and death of the common people."

"Let me see, the reason why Lord Morey was attacked by the undead army at night is probably because he did some shitty things."

"Who knows."

Sharina shrugged, not commenting on the lord's moral level.

In the years since she became an official exorcist warrior and carried out her mission, she has seen so much darkness in the world that she has become numb.

Waving her hand in the direction of White Horse Town, she started galloping and shouted: "Let's go, let's go meet the Necromancer."

Rosen caught up and asked, "Nightingale Society, do you want to eradicate it?"

Sharina shook her head.

"Rose is different from other gods. Other evil gods require long-term service from their attendants, but Rose likes a one-time deal."

"She will give the Spider Mother's mark in exchange for 40% of the vitality in the person who is marked. After the exchange is completed, she will completely cut off contact with the person who is marked."

"So, the so-called spider apostles are just a group of warriors who can change forms, and they are not a big threat."

"Furthermore, since the Nightingale Society specializes in collecting intelligence, we can make full use of this."


Breathe a sigh of relief.

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