Master Tongtian

Chapter 156: A plan to drive away tigers and wolves? (4/4)

Chapter 156: A plan to drive away tigers and wolves? (44)

White Horse Town is located in the north of the North, at the very edge of the Golden Land.

In fact, it took less than a century for the Golden Land to expand to Whitehorse.

Going further north is the towering, steep, and extremely wide Luoxue Mountains. Beyond the mountains, there is a frost land with no human habitation.

The Luoxue Mountain Range is extremely high and covers an extremely large area. It hides countless secrets and has always been one of the favorite places for adventurers to explore.

It is said that some people have seen traces of the frost dragon deep in the mountains.

The crisis came from the Luoxue Mountains, which was unexpected and reasonable.

"What kind of crisis?"

Rosen was sitting at the square table, finishing a few wheat cakes with meat that Sharina had brought.

"A group of wanted criminals who fled into seclusion in the mountains, numbering about 600."

"They received a terrible curse and were transformed into ice-blooded warriors who were not afraid of cold, pain, and tirelessness. They were sharpening their swords and preparing to lay waste to White Horse Town."

The more Rosen listened, the more confused he became: "Wanted criminals? Wanted criminals for what crimes? Why are there so many?"

As far as he knew, there were only 70,000 to 80,000 people in the entire Baima Town. How could so many warriors be forced into the deep mountains and forests? What happened?

Sharina shook her head: "The time was too short, and the Baron also deliberately concealed it. Feilin overheard this information while the castle servants were chatting."

Rosen took a sip of tea and sneered: "One is the ice-blooded warrior, and the next is the undead that attacks at night. There are really enough troubles in White Horse Town!"

"Yeah, it's like uncovering a shiny carpet, but hundreds of cockroaches are hiding underneath."

Sharina had witnessed countless dark deeds, and now she felt that the fact that Whitehorse Town could become what it is today was inseparable from Baron Morey, a god-given lord.

Rosen also filled his stomach, got up and paced back and forth in the room to eat: "So, do you have any next plan?"

Sharina spread her hands: "Baron Morey kept a close eye on us and even sent a team of elite warriors to be at our disposal, but he was actually monitoring our every move."

Because of this, in order to see Rosen, she had to pretend to be an ordinary believer.

In fact, after coming out from Mrs. Patsy, Rosen had an idea in his mind. Just when he was about to say it out, Sharina suddenly stopped talking as if she hadn't finished speaking yet, her heart moved slightly.

As expected, Sharina had something to say.

"So, my plan is, since everyone is hiding so well, we might as well act in a high profile, pretend that we have the key information, and scare the rats in the hole."

"Maybe if they panic, the loopholes will show up."

Rosen smiled slightly: "I understand, you are ready to alert the enemy."

"It's a very vivid way of saying it."

"Then what exactly do you plan to do, and how do you need my cooperation?"

"After I go back, I will make an announcement in the town square, announcing in a high-profile manner an investigation into the truth about the undead invasion half a month ago, and promise to the whole town that the real culprit will be caught within a month!"

Rosen applauded lightly and praised: "If you do this, the baron and the necromancer will be greatly shocked."

Sharina smiled and nodded, with a confident expression on her face.

"I will try my best to let every town citizen know about this. In this way, some people in the town who have had contact with the Necromancer will definitely do something unusual in order to protect themselves. "

"And those who have a grudge against the Necromancer will also find ways to tell us more information."

"What you have to do is hide in the dark and carefully observe the situation around the square. As long as you can find out the key figures and follow the vines all the way, you will definitely get more truth."

"I understand, I'll get ready right now."

Xialina's plan was very different from Rosen's idea. She was able to become the captain of the exorcist warriors at such a young age, and was deeply trusted by the chief priest of Fa'ol. There was no doubt about her personal ability.

But he still had some details to add.

"Since you plan to alert the enemy, you might as well find an opportunity to tell the Baron. Just say that you already know about the Ice-Blooded Warriors and see what kind of reaction the Baron will have."

Xialina's heart moved: "Huh?"

Rosen smiled faintly: "Mrs. Pacey said that the Baron and the Necromancer are allies. I didn't understand why a Baron would form an alliance with the Necromancer."

"But now, I guess they just want to deal with the ice-blooded warriors together. And now you know the ice-blooded warriors, the baron will most likely tell the necromancer about this unexpected change."


Xialina clapped her hands happily: "Okay, let's do it one by one."

She got up and walked towards the door.

Rosen also packed his luggage, but instead of going downstairs, he walked to the window at the end of the corridor, used a flying technique, and flew out lightly, then turned around and flew up to the roof of the Nightingale Hotel.

After reaching the roof, he first hid in an inconspicuous depression. After confirming that no one noticed him, he carefully observed the roof in front of him.

After understanding it, enter the virtual machine and quickly design the corresponding mirroring technique.

The mirroring technique was quickly adjusted, and it was exactly the shape of the roof.

Then he cast a few triggering shield spells on himself, flew out of the hiding place, sat at the highest point with the best view, and at the same time released a mirror spell of the roof image around his body.

So, he became 'invisible' on the roof.

Even if you look carefully at close range, it is difficult to detect his presence, let alone from a distance.

In fact, this is the principle of light and shadow invisibility.

After finishing the disguise, Rosen waited patiently.

After waiting for a while, he saw Sharina walking out of the temple fully armed, followed by 17 exorcist warriors who were also fully armed.

A group of warriors were dressed in fine black leather armor, with leather masks and hoods on their heads. Only a pair of cold eyes were exposed. As soon as they appeared in the square, they were extremely eye-catching.

After a while, the eyes of everyone in the square were focused on the exorcist warrior.

According to the discussed plan, Xia Lina came to the wooden platform in the center of the square and began to loudly announce the demon elimination announcement of the Pure World Holy Church.

As he made his announcement, Rosen was condescending, carefully observing every move of the citizens of the square.

When observing, his eyes were blank. He did not deliberately look at a single target, but tried his best to expand his field of vision and try not to miss any blind spots.

The entire announcement process lasted a quarter of an hour.

A quarter of an hour later, Xia Lina did not leave, and a dozen exorcist warriors also dispersed and began to pull the townspeople in the square to carefully inquire about the situation of the night attack.

The townspeople were too evasive to say anything. After asking for a while, the baron's men, who were nominally assisting the investigation, came over and stopped Sharina.

The baron's warriors have a clear division of labor. Some seem to be soft and hard, stalking and blocking the exorcist warriors, separating them from the townspeople, while the other party faces the townspeople with a threatening look.

After a while, more than half of the townspeople watching the excitement in the town were gone. Even those who had not left, they all stood far away, for fear of getting close to the exorcist warrior and getting into trouble.

After all, everyone is not stupid. Although the exorcist warrior talks nice, he is just a passerby in White Horse Town, while the Baron is the lord of White Horse Town.

Now that they have offended the baron, for the sake of the exorcist warrior, the baron will not do anything to them, but when the exorcist warrior leaves, it will be difficult to say.

After a while, Sharina and others were 'persuaded' by the Baron's men to return to the temple, but Rosen remained hidden and motionless, keeping an eye on the situation in the square.

After watching for about half an hour, he returned to the room, turned on the playback, and carefully analyzed the suspicious townspeople in the square.

At that moment, there were probably thousands of people gathered in the square, and he checked them one by one. Whenever he saw something suspicious, he drew it on the paper with a quill pen.

I drew seventeen of them before I stopped.

While he was painting, he had already thought of his next plan.

After the painting was dry, Rosen took out a simple refining tool and quickly printed out a few rune stones. Then he turned back to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel and saw Lilith in a flash.

He glanced at her, coughed slightly, turned around and went up to the second floor.

After getting to the second floor, he didn't enter the door. He just waited at the stairs.

After a while, Lilith came and complained softly when she saw him.

"Don't come to me again, you'll kill me."

Rosen handed the drawing paper to Lilith: "I don't have anything to trouble you, I just want you to help me identify someone. Of course, it won't be in vain. This is for you."

He handed a delicate rune stone to Lilith.

"What is this?"

"A magic weapon can activate a mid-level strength shield when you are threatened by a fatal sword. It is effective for 50 days. How about it, is it interesting?"

Lilith's eyes lit up, but soon she showed a hint of doubt: "One is not enough, give me another one."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't believe it? I'll verify it for you."

He took out another rune stone and squeezed it hard.


The fragments shattered into powder, but a bubble-shaped transparent light shield lit up on his body. It was 1 centimeter thick and more than one meter in diameter. It felt very thick at first glance.

Lilith believed it immediately and complained: "What a waste, how nice it is to give it to me."

Rosen smiled and said: "Two of them are useless. If they are placed on the body together, they will be triggered together and there will be a spell collision. Do you understand?"

Seeing that Lilith still had a look of regret on her face, she secretly smiled in her heart: ‘This girl really loves to take advantage of me. ’

He handed over the drawing paper.

"Don't feel bad. I will give you a few more when I have time. Now help me recognize them."

Lilith took the drawing paper: "Wait for me in your room. I'll write down their identities and give them to you quietly. If you want to find me in the future, you can, but you must do it quietly. Do you understand?"


Rosen opened the door and returned to his room.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, there was a gentle knock on the door. After a while, a stack of drawing paper was stuffed into the crack of the door, and the sound of distant footsteps came from behind the door.

Taking the drawing paper, Rosen flipped through several drawings and found that they were all marked with names, identities, addresses, and personality traits.

There was a smile on his face: "What an excellent intelligence agent. It would be even better if he was credible enough. It's a pity~"

It is unrealistic for him to find 17 suspicious targets one by one.

After thinking about it, he stuffed the drawing paper into a small wooden box, put a few iron balls in it to increase the weight, then walked to the window, pointed it at the second floor window of the temple a hundred meters away, and released a small mage musket.


The wooden box flew out quietly, drew a smooth parabola, and accurately slipped in through the window gap of less than half a meter.

After waiting for a while, I saw a temple priest picking up the wooden box.

After a while, Xia Lina appeared behind the window and waved slightly to Rosen, signaling that she had received it.

Then Rosen waited.

He was too lazy to do the dangerous and boring work of door-to-door investigation.

Without waiting, he took out his tools and continued to create various types of lucky rune stones.

He wants to use it himself and also for the exorcism warriors.

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