Master Tongtian

Chapter 180 Unexpected Huge Harvest (4/4)

Chapter 180 Unexpected Huge Harvest (44)

The gate of Baima Town.

On the wall above the town gate, a naked short man was nailed with a large wooden nail. The man's legs were dripping with blood and his flesh was bloody, but he was not dead for a while.

So he kept struggling and wailing, but no one paid attention to him.

A suburb not far from the town gate.

Rosen and Vina each held their moonlight horses and said goodbye to Sharina and other exorcist warriors.

There are still many unfinished matters in White Horse Town. The exorcist warrior will stay for about ten days and a half to assist the priest Senger in his work, but Rosen can't stay any longer, so he plans to return to Silver Moon Castle first.

As for Vina.

She is one of the strongest healing priests in the Silver Moon Castle Temple. She is not only good at first aid, but also very good at refining various auxiliary potions.

Talents like this are treasures wherever they are placed.

Now that the mission is over, naturally we can't spend it in a small place like Baima Town.

Originally, for safety reasons, Sharina planned to send a few exorcist warriors to escort her back to Silver Moon Castle, but she refused due to the lack of manpower in White Horse Town.

Considering that Rosen is an extremely powerful mage, and he escorts Vina all the way, there is no need to worry about safety.

So, the two of them walked all the way back to Silver Moon Castle.

Xia Lina was very reluctant to let go of Rosen, but the mission required it, so there was nothing she could do. She just kept sending him, more than two miles to the outskirts of Baima Town.

It will be far away if you send it again.

Rosen stopped and said, "Okay, Sharina, Felin, and all your comrades, just send them here. We'll leave now."

He got on his horse, waved vigorously at the exorcist warriors, and said with a smile: "When everyone returns to Silver Moon Castle, I'll treat you all to a seafood dinner at Rose House!"

Feilin's eyes lit up: "Sir, this is what you said, don't go back on it!"

Rosen laughed loudly: "When the time comes, I will serve you a whole golden crab so that you can eat it to your heart's content!"

Golden crab is a specialty of the Eastern Territory. Each crab weighs three to four pounds. The crab meat is thick and tender. It is a supreme delicacy.

After being transported all the way from the seaside to Silver Moon Castle, the price of one piece was more than 30 crowns, which was a luxury that ordinary exorcist warriors could not even imagine.

Feilin's mouth watered after hearing this: "Ah~ I'm looking forward to it now."

The eyes of the other exorcist warriors also lit up.

As comrades who have fought together, everyone knows that Rosen is a person who does what he says, and they are all looking forward to it at this time.

Then, Rosen quietly winked at Sharina and waved the reins: "Sisters and brothers, I'm coming back~"

He gently pinched the horse's belly, and the moonlight horse sped up and ran away.

Vina also waved gently to the exorcist warriors, and then followed closely behind Rosen.

At this time, the sun was shining, the weather was bright, and there were few pedestrians on the road. Rosen became interested, waved his whip lightly, and started galloping.

As the speed increased, he felt the strong wind blowing against his face, the wind roared in his ears, and the sound of the horse's hooves beneath him was like a storm, making Rosen feel like he had returned to ancient times, and he became a knight-errant who indulged in pleasure.

‘Haha~ It’s really refreshing~’

Rosen's heart surged, and he couldn't help shouting loudly to vent the blood surging in his heart.

After running for a while, a gentle voice suddenly came from behind: "Rosen~ Wait for me~ Wait for me~"

But the Vina priest couldn't keep up.

Rosen immediately slowed down his horse, controlled it and walked to the side of the road to wait.

A few minutes later, Wei Na caught up with her out of breath, her face full of apologies.

"Master Rosen, you are running too fast. I am not good at horseback riding and I really can't keep up."

Rosen patted his forehead lightly and apologized sincerely: "Sister Wei Na, I'm so sorry. I lost my composure when I came to this free wilderness."

Wei Na smiled softly: "No, there is no gaffe. At this time, Master Rosen really looks like a young man."

Since there was someone traveling with him, and she was a delicate priestess, it was natural that he couldn't run wildly.

But Wei Na is a bright and gentle woman, and it is quite pleasant to walk with her, chatting all the way.

After walking side by side for a while, Rosen suddenly felt something in his heart. He glanced slightly towards the wilderness behind him and saw two people dressed as travelers following him from a distance.

I quickly opened the adventure log, zoomed in and looked carefully, and I recognized the identity of the other party. One was Pacey, and the other turned out to be Lilith.

"Hehe~ Patsy is really persevering~~It's good~~"

The outstanding female intelligence officer who took the initiative to come to seek refuge also brought with her a simple and charming golden spider girl. It was not in vain that he arranged for him in Baima Town.

Considering that there was a simple-minded Veena Priest beside him, it was not suitable for her to see the dark side of such a complicated human heart, so Rosen found an opportunity and quietly dropped a scroll on the ground.

There is only one sentence on the scroll: ‘If you have anything to do, please come to Silver Moon Castle to discuss it. ’

After walking for a while, I saw Lilith dismounting and picking up the scroll from a distance. After a while, I saw the two women opening the distance between them even wider, making them almost invisible.

Rosen then focused on chatting with Wei Na.

Although Wei Na is already in her early thirties, she is a canary raised in the temple. She has not seen much of the world and still has an innocent temperament.

While chatting, Rosen became curious about the life of the priestess.

"Sister Wei Na, what do you usually do in the temple?"

There was no third person here, and Vina was no longer shy, and spoke openly to Rosen about the daily work of the temple priest.

"About three things. Pray, meditate, and then learn various skills from higher-level priests."

Rosen really didn't know much about the temple, but now he became interested.

"Are there many priests in the temple?"

"Many. Each of them has mastered different skills and is responsible for work in different fields."

"But there are three main categories. They are treating injuries, conducting rituals, and exorcising evil spirits. I belong to the first category, and Sharina belongs to the third category."

"Before I was 25, I studied emergency trauma and potion refining from my mentor, Priest Amar."

"After the age of 25, Priest Amarr had nothing to teach me, and I became one of the three major healing priests in the temple."

Rosen had personally experienced Vina's skills and nodded sincerely: "It's really amazing."

After being praised like this by him, Wei Na's face showed a hint of shyness, and a trace of blush appeared on her fair cheeks.

"I have some talents in healing, but compared with your achievements, they are nothing."

Rosen shook his head repeatedly: "Everyone has his own strengths, there is no difference between superior and inferior."

He became very interested in refining medicine in the temple.

Because the potion in the temple is really powerful and he often takes it, he really wanted to know more about it.

If I have the chance, I would even like to study it in depth.

"Sister Wei Na, will the medicine in the temple have any side effects?"

When it came to professional knowledge, Wei Na immediately became serious.

She thought carefully and nodded: "Strictly speaking, any medicine has side effects, and the temple's medicines also have them, but God tries his best to control the side effects within an acceptable range."

She gave an example: "For example, the blue potion itself is slightly poisonous and cannot be taken for more than three bottles in a row. In addition, it cannot be taken for a long time because it will cause the mana to be passivated."

"Mana blunted?"

"It's because the mana is restored too quickly, which leads to a decrease in the mage's control over the mana. The external manifestations include a decrease in the precision of spell casting, a decrease in spell casting speed, etc."

Seeing a trace of worry on Rosen's face, she smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. The side effects are reversible and can still be recovered through practice."

Rosen was immediately relieved.

Vina continued the introduction.

"The most powerful side effect is probably the wisdom potion. Regardless of the grade, it will damage the soul. High-grade potions can only be taken three times in a lifetime."

"If it is the highest-level 'Wisdom of the Golden God', then it must be taken by a high-level mage or above. Otherwise, if you drink it, your soul will be torn and you will die."

Rosen carefully recalled his experience of taking it and nodded to express his understanding.

After all, it is an external aid. If it is not as strong as the external object, it will greatly pull back the seedlings and encourage them to grow. If you pull too hard, the seedlings will naturally die.

"Can Sister Weina refine the 'wisdom of the golden god'?"

There was a trace of regret on Wei Na's face: "I don't know how to do it yet. I have mastered the essentials, but my golden holy power is not strong enough."

Rosen's heart moved: "Is the power in the temple potion infused by the priest?"

Vina nodded matter-of-factly.

"That's right. God has taught us the skills of refining medicine, and even releases 'medicine seeds' in the medicine when needed. What we have to do is to infuse the golden holy power obtained through prayer into it."

Rosen had a feeling: "Then there is no essential difference between this 'evil power seed'." ’

Of course, you can't say this in front of Wei Na.

He continued to ask about the potion.

Wei Na had a strange emotion for Rosen that she didn't even know. On the way, she answered whatever Rosen asked. She knew everything.

Through her, Rosen also greatly deepened his understanding of the Temple of the Golden God.

Soon, it was night, and we happened to reach a deserted place with no villages or shops.

Rosen took the tent and found a place to shelter from the wind and spread it out along the stream. He also lit a bonfire in front of the tent to drive away wild animals and keep warm. He added an iron pot, put water in it, and cooked dry food.

When she was busy, Wei Na wanted to help, but Rosen was using his mage's hands to handle the fish caught in the stream, so he said so when he saw it.

"Just prepare the bedding in the tent, and cover the gaps around the tent with stones to prevent drafts from leaking at night."


Wei Na did as she was told. When she was packing her bed, her face suddenly turned red and she warned in a low voice: "Master Rosen, I'm just sleeping at night. You can't do anything excessive to me again!"

The voice was not loud, soft, and had no warning effect. It could only serve as a warning to gentlemen.

Is Rosen a gentleman?

Of course he is.

He immediately promised: "Sister Wei Na, if this makes you feel uncomfortable, I will naturally not disturb your rest."

As he said this, he had already grilled a creek fish weighing more than a kilogram and handed it to Wei Na.

Then he continued to grill another fish: "Sister Wei Na, I am very interested in the alchemy of the temple. Can you tell me in detail?"

Seeing Rosen's calm assurance, Wei Na was secretly relieved, but for some reason, she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

She took the grilled fish and said softly: "Of course, no problem. You are a mage deeply favored by the gods, and you have the right to know any knowledge given by the gods."

After a pause, he added: "But please note that the reason why I can refine powerful potions is, firstly, because of God's knowledge, and secondly, because I possess the golden holy power."

"So, you can understand it, but don't waste too much energy on research. After all, God's wisdom is unfathomable and as vast as the ocean. We mortals don't have the energy to learn it one by one."

Rosen nodded: "Thank you, Sister Wei Na, for reminding me. I'm just curious."

He roasted another stream fish, and the potato and bacon soup in the pot was almost ready. He scooped a large pot for himself and Vina and ate it with relish.

The days in the north are short, and after eating, the sky becomes dim, the cold wind in the wilderness starts to rise, and the temperature cools down.

Rosen cast a home protection spell on the tent, and then a constant temperature spell. He briefly washed himself in the stream, then retracted into the tent and got into the fur bedding.

Wei Na had been waiting for a long time. She was sleeping on the bed, holding her medicine refining notes in her hand.

"Master Rosen, please use the light spell. I will continue to explain to you the knowledge of refining medicine in the temple."

She seemed eager to tell Rosen everything she knew.

Rosen's heart moved, and he felt Wei Na's hidden thoughts.

Thinking back to the daily life she described before, a few words can describe it: monotonous, repetitive, devoid of anything new, and devoid of basic humanity.

She was both yearning for and afraid of some unknown but wonderful things, and because of her shyness and ignorance, she didn't know how to pursue them.

So, she resorted to the stupidest method, which was to devote everything she had to being good to the other person.

If you meet a gentleman, this method is okay, but if you meet a rogue and liar, it will definitely end in tragedy.

After thinking about it, Rosen felt sympathy.

When I thought about how easily I had gained a lot of precious knowledge about God from the other party, I felt very indebted.

So, he asked softly: "Can a female priest get married?"

Vina was startled and shook her head: "The priest has dedicated his soul to God, how can he get married?"

Rosen moved his body, leaned over and said, "Sister Wei Na, then why are you so nice to me?"

Wei Na was startled and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but she held back after retreating a little.

"Because you are deeply favored by God. If God is good to you, I will be good to you."

"Then I'm very greedy and want Sister Weina to treat me better."

Wei Na felt something, her face turned red, and she mustered up the courage to ask in a whisper.

"What's a good idea?"

Rosen said: "I'll teach you."

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the two continued on their way.

On the way, Vina was refreshed and more focused on explaining the knowledge of temple potions to Rosen.

When resting on the way, real medicines were even given as props to assist in the explanation, and even the medicine seeds were carefully displayed to Rosen.

In short, she was single-minded, unreserved, and gave everything she knew.

Rosen gained a lot of extremely precious knowledge, not only the knowledge of refining medicine, but also the knowledge of power, and also a lot of knowledge related to the soul.

To him, these are priceless treasures!

As a result, he worked harder to repay her and let her experience the greatest joy in life.

Because the explanation delayed the journey, the five days was stretched to eight days.

Eight days was not a long time, it passed in a flash, and the two of them arrived at the outskirts of Silver Moon Castle.

Weina looked at the rows of urban buildings on the hillside in the distance with a look of deep reluctance.

"Time flies so fast, Master Rosen~"

Although it was only eight days, she felt like she had experienced a lifetime.

Rosen nodded: "Yes~ It's really fast~"

After walking a few steps, Vina asked softly: "Master Rosen, do you still need my care in the future?"

Rosen smiled: "When I feel confused, I will come to you, Sister Wei Na, because you make me clearly feel God's care for me."

Wei Na suddenly smiled softly, and a wisp of red clouds climbed on her cheeks, which reflected the red clouds on the horizon, making her look very charming.

"I feel very proud to hear Master Rosen say this. You can come to me at any time, and I am always ready to comfort your confused mind."

After saying that, he added shyly.

"Of course, you have to come to me quietly. After all, mortals are jealous, and God loves you too much."

Rosen nodded seriously: "I remember."

Wei Na whipped her riding whip again and ran faster towards Silver Moon Castle ahead.

"Then, farewell, Master Rosen~ I will report your achievements to Priest Fa'ao. When you are free, just go and receive the reward."

"Thank you, Sister Vina."

Rosen watched her leave, thinking back on the beautiful days of the past eight days, it felt like he had had a romantic dream that was far away from the cold reality.

Of course, now I wake up from the dream.

After waiting there for a while, two people followed on the road behind them, it was Patsy and Lilith.

Rosen turned his horse around and walked toward a remote wasteland not far from the roadside. He quickly found a big tree, dismounted, crossed his arms around his chest, and waited patiently with his back against the big tree.

He had to use some means to completely conquer the new intelligence officer he found.

Ahem, you can't talk at night. If you talk, you have to overturn it.

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