Master Tongtian

Chapter 230 Why did a wall grow on the ground? ! (3/4)

Chapter 230 Why did a wall grow on the ground? ! (34)

Moonlight night.

The wilderness of Crescent Town.

The old masked man took out a secret gold staff from his waist. The moonlight focusing stone at the tip of the staff, which was like a baby's fist, emitted an incandescent light like the sun.

But he did not cast the spell directly, but raised his wrist and shook it, and the bell on his wrist made a crisp sound of 'ding, ding, ding'.

The sound was obviously not loud, but it spread far and wide easily.

The response was immediate from the crowd.

There were 20 huge black figures speeding up and walking towards the masked man.

When they got closer, they discovered that these black figures were over two and a half meters tall, with ugly faces that looked like monkeys, with a pair of dark blue eyes without whites shining slightly.

The bodies of these monsters are also extremely thick and strong, and even their backs and waists are not enough to describe them.

Although the body is covered with thick and thick hair to keep out the cold, the outlines of the muscles are still clearly discernible, and the explosive power contained in them can be clearly felt.

Especially the pair of forearms, the upper arms are as thick as the thighs, and the lower arms are actually thicker than the upper arms, as if they are holding two big hammers in their hands.

If Rosen saw it, he would immediately recognize it as a famous monster in the Snowy Mountains and a nightmare in the hearts of ordinary highlanders.

Their name is Iron-Armed Digo!

A tiger is just a kitten in front of it, and a giant bear is no different from a big dog. There is even a legend that the god Diego killed the dragon with one punch.

But at this time, in front of the masked man, these 20 trolls were as docile as pets, and they quickly formed a neat line in front of the man.

The masked man raised his staff, pointed toward the ground, and whispered a spell.

"O earth~O fire~answer my call and arm my warriors~"

With these words, the top-quality moonstone at the tip of the staff emits an increasingly dazzling light.

And as the light flickered, the soil on the ground seemed to come alive, trembling constantly, and then like slugs, it covered Iron-Armed Diego's body bit by bit and wrapped it tightly.

Soon, all the iron-armed digos were covered with extremely thick mud, as if they were wearing a heavy suit of earth armor.

That's not all.

After covering, the soil became very solid, the surface was very smooth, and it emitted a light yellow condensed shimmer, as if a yellow flame was burning on Diego.

After arming 20 Iron-Armed Diegos in one go, the masked man's eyes showed deep fatigue, and the light of the staff became much dimmer.

This almost depleted his mana.

"Leader Luofanle, I have blessed these battle beasts with very powerful lava armor."

"Their strength and defense have been greatly improved by me. At this time, they should be almost the same as high-level peak warriors. They can only move forward and never retreat."

"With their help and the advantage of night attack, it should be enough to defeat the Chabolai defenders, right?"

The man was Luo Fanle, the leader of the Iron Wall Brotherhood. He looked at the terrifying beast in front of him and smiled.

"Not bad~ Really good~"

When Luo Fanle first retired, he was a peak mid-level warrior. During this period, there were frequent battles. In order to deal with bounty hunters, he walked on the edge of life and death many times, so he broke through to the high level.

Among the brotherhood members under his command, there are 20 mid-level warriors, more than 100 low-level warriors, and more than 600 others who are also capable warriors who are good at fighting.

Coupled with these 20 Lava Diego, a sneak attack while the opponent is unprepared should be enough to win.

The masked man said: "Remember, except Xia Bolai, other resisters can be killed at will. It is best to kill them all."

Luofanle shrugged: "If you ask me, I can kill Xia Bolai as well. There is no need to go to such trouble."

The masked man thought for a moment, then shook his head firmly.

"He must be spared, otherwise the count will be furious and everyone will be ruined."

"Well, okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Luo Fanle hated fighting with his hands tied, but he really did not dare to offend the majesty of the 19-star peak mage.

He turned to look at the brothers behind him and shouted: "Brothers, there are 150 ox carts on the opposite side, all fully loaded. If we grab this wave, we will be prosperous!"

"When the time comes, everyone can choose any pretty girl! Play as you like!"

“You don’t have to worry about anything to eat, drink, use, or wear!”


In the past month, these Brotherhood fighters have followed Luo Fanle to kill people and set fires, and they have become completely wild.

When Luo Fanle said this, his blood vessels were surging and his eyes were red, like wild beasts.

But that's not all.

Luofanle took out a large leather bag from his waist, bit off the cork in one bite, took a sip himself, and then handed it to his most trusted subordinate.

"Drink all the wild bear secret medicine!"

The so-called wild bear secret medicine was provided by a reclusive witch doctor in the mountains and was made from various herbs.

After taking a sip, for the next two to three hours, you will feel a steady stream of power coming from your body, and your mind will become very violent. You are not afraid of pain, tireless, and just want to kill!

Everyone knows that this medicine is extremely harmful to the body, and there are often accidents where the body collapses and dies suddenly in the middle of a battle.

But each brotherhood has already put their heads in their belts, enjoying themselves as long as they can, and no one has time to think about the future.

Only by constant fighting, constant killing, and constant victory can we cover up the uncontrollable anxiety and emptiness in our hearts.

Soon, every battle involved drinking the secret medicine of the wild bear.

Luofanle's weapon was two hammers. At this time, the two hammers were struck hard, making a "dang" sound, and then he raised the hammer and pointed in the direction of the high ground ahead.

"Brothers, follow me!"

He was currently running towards the high ground, and more than 800 Brotherhood fighters followed him.

The masked man rang the bell in his hand, and his thoughts were slightly shaken. Lava Diego followed closely, and soon rushed to the front of the team and took on the role of vanguard.

As for himself, he followed the team several hundred meters away.

The mountain road of less than four miles was not worth mentioning to a group of wild bear warriors bent on killing.

In just ten minutes, everyone had crossed most of the distance and saw the slope filled with bonfires in front of them.

By the light of the moonlight and the bonfire, you can see that the slope is full of people, there are countless fully loaded ox carts lying across the bottom of the slope, and there are fine four-wheeled carriages parked at the top of the slope.

The presence of high-end carriages means that there are nobles in the camp, most likely bringing their families with them.

When he thought that there might be noble women there, a blazing flame suddenly flashed in Luo Fanle's heart.

He laughed and said: "Brothers, noble ladies let me have fun first!"

When he was a soldier in the legion, when he saw noble women, he would bow and salute from a distance. He could only watch them from a distance, and the other women would not even look at him.

When he killed Samler, he kidnapped Samler's wife and took her to the mountains to eat her meat. He felt that the taste of aristocratic women was really different from that of ordinary women.

It's a pity that the girl was so inexperienced that she lost her temper after being played with for a few times by the brothers. But this time, you have to pay attention and use it carefully.


The roar is the response of the Brotherhood warriors to their leader.

After a while, Lava Diego rushed to the bottom of the hillside first.

In Luofanle's expectation, these possessed savage monsters would rush into the crowd like giant dragons, break up the opponent's defense, and then kill wantonly in the crowd.

And their brotherhood only needs to wait for a while, wait for the opponent's formation to be completely chaotic before rushing in, and they can gain the maximum gain with minimal losses.

But the ideal is beautiful, but reality gave him a loud slap in the face!

After Lava Diego rushed to the bottom of the hillside, he unexpectedly stopped.

And the stopping positions are all the same. From a distance, it looks like there is a bright line of yellow light spots at the bottom of the slope.

Luo Fanle was very puzzled.

"What happened?"

"Aren't these beasts smart? Why stop? Rush in and kill them!"

He was furious in his heart, and at the same time he felt that the damn mage was really unreliable. He actually found a group of fools to attack him. Wasn't this the intention to kill him?

If the opponent's formation is not chaotic and their courage is not lost, then they will be seeking death if they rush in.

Luofanle's steps subconsciously slowed down a lot.

But he slowed down, but the brothers behind him did not.

He is a high-level warrior and a veteran with rich combat experience, but most of his subordinates are not.

Their sanity has been destroyed by the wild bear drug, and they have become a group of crazy killers!


Nearly eight hundred crazy killers rushed towards the slope ahead.

At this moment, the highest point of the slope suddenly lit up, and several extremely bright light balls appeared in succession.

The ball of light shot up into the sky, illuminating the area brightly, much brighter than the full moon. Everything within a few hundred meters around the slope was clearly illuminated.

Then, Luofanle saw it clearly.

At the bottom of the slope, there is a solid stone wall more than eight meters high. It is precisely because of this stone wall that Lava Diego cannot rush up the slope.


Luo Fanle felt a chill rising from his tailbone and quickly flowing throughout his body. His body couldn't control a shiver, and his fiery mind suddenly felt cold.

"Is this wall growing out of the ground?!"

At least in the afternoon, there was definitely no wall.

Although I can’t figure out why, if there is a wall, then their opponent is not a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, but a war fortress with sufficient supplies and personnel!

Luofanle is a veteran with rich combat experience. When he saw this situation, he knew that there was no chance tonight.

With just a small number of people like them, without even a bow and arrow, they would never be able to break through the fortress.

At least 3,000 more people are needed, and they also need special siege weapons.

It's either a mage or a trebuchet. If you don't have either and just use human lives, it's no different than seeking death.

He wanted to call the soldiers back, but those guys were already crazy.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he abandoned his men, turned around and ran away!

But he just ran a few steps when he saw the masked mage.

The other party stood in the field, staring at him with gray eyes, like a snake message spit out by a poisonous snake, making him feel hairy all over.

Luo Fanle grasped the hammer in his hand: "Mage, don't force me!"

The masked mage smiled coldly: "The stone wall is piled up with magic, so it may not be strong."

"If you go ahead and fight, you still have a chance of success. If you dare to escape, I won't stop you, but you are useless."

"Soon, a very powerful mage will come to trouble you!"

Luo Fanle gritted his teeth and sneered: "Hmph, the mage can't scare me. I will run out of the high ground now! No, I will run out of the golden land directly!"

The masked mage sneered.

"You can try it, but don't forget the existence of divination. Your blood has been refined into a soul weapon. No matter how you run, we can always find you easily!"

"Would you rather be tortured to death bit by bit by spells, or would you rather gain a glimmer of hope on the battlefield? Choose one."

Luofanle's face turned pale.

After pondering for a while, he ran back to the battlefield with the hammer in hand.

Little people have always been tools of big people. Even if they see clearly the trap ahead, they have no choice but to grit their teeth and move forward.

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