Master Tongtian

Chapter 282 Academy and Army, Knowledge and Power (2/4)

Chapter 282 Academy and Army, Knowledge and Power (24)

When meeting senior apprentices from afar, there is basically no trust at all on the first day.

But if you are trustworthy and well-trained, you will become his most effective assistant in the future.

So Rosen was very concerned.

After making some preparations, he got on the Bright Moon carriage and left the lord's castle with Anweniya.

On the carriage, he explained his initial arrangements.

"Although you are my apprentice, you are also a high-level 8-star official mage. Therefore, I will give you a 2-ram single-family house as your residence, and I will also send four servants to take care of your daily life. Life."

Anweniya was very happy: "Thank you, mentor."

Rosen continued: "The mentor and the apprentice each have obligations. My obligation is to teach you the knowledge of magic and ensure that you have the ability to cast spells safely."

"But because you are an ordinary apprentice now, I will only teach you some basic knowledge of spells created by me, including how to meditate more efficiently, how to better quantify spells, and the introductory knowledge of flux and gravity."

Anweniya's eyes lit up: "Thank you again, mentor."

At her age, she did not hesitate to put down her face and become a mentor to Rosen. The main purpose was to learn flow and gravity spells, and this kind of knowledge was unique in the entire Golden Land.

Rosen continued: "And your obligation is to become my magic assistant and complete some of the tasks I assign on a daily basis."

"Of course, I will not assign tasks beyond your capabilities. Because this is irresponsible to you and a waste of my time."

"I remember, mentor."

"Also because you are a high-level official mage and have paid high tuition fees. Daily decent life also requires financial support, so I will temporarily pay you a monthly salary of 100 crowns."

"Here is 1,000 crowns. 100 crowns is the monthly payment for the next month, and 900 crowns is your settlement fee.

"Go buy a carriage. If you need anything in the house, let the servant go to the market to buy it."

He took out a blue and gold paper stub and handed it over.

"Go to the Crescent Bank to get the money yourself. The bank is located in the front building. There is a crescent moon sculpture on the roof. Did you see it?"

"I saw it." Anweniya carefully put away the stub.

After a while, the Haoyue carriage turned into an auxiliary street, with residential areas on both sides of the auxiliary street.

According to the original plan, single-family courtyards were neatly arranged, with 30% of them occupied and the remaining 70% empty.

This empty house all belongs to the lord Rosen, and is the lord's property.

It can be rented out to tenants, it can be used to reward meritorious subordinates, or it can be used as a temporary residence for one's apprentices as it is now.

Also because these stone houses were built last, the craftsmanship of the construction mages has improved a lot, so the details of the houses are much more refined than those of the first phase of the project.

Soon, Rosen stopped in front of a stone house near the main street.

"The house at No. 19, Crescent Second Street, has water connection, and the interior decoration is basically complete. It has a bed, but you have to buy other furniture yourself."

Anweniya looked at the exquisite stone house through the car window, her emerald green eyes flashed with surprise, and she couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, will you teach me the petrification technique in the future?"

Rosen nodded: "If you gain my trust and become my personal apprentice, I will naturally teach you the petrification technique."

"I will work hard."

Rosen did not get out of the car and said to the coachman: "Go to the college construction site in the north of the city."

"Yes, Lord."

The Bright Moon Carriage flew all the way, quickly passed through the city gate, and drove along the spacious and flat petrified road to the northern reservoir.

“What is being built is La Farea College’s Crescent Branch, of which I am currently the executive associate dean.”

"As my apprentice, your job for the next month is to follow Master Lydia, be her assistant, and assist her in completing the work of building the academy."

This job is not difficult. The main purpose is to observe Anweniya's character and ability. If her ability is outstanding and trustworthy, then reuse her.

Anweniya has lived for 48 years and has a lot of experience and experience. Naturally, she could sense Rosen's underlying meaning and immediately said: "Teacher, I will never let you down."

Rosen waved his hand: "I believe that actions speak louder than words. Make fewer verbal promises and more practical actions."

"Yes, mentor, I remember."

The college is not far away, only 3 miles away from the main town. The carriage quickly arrived at the busy construction site.

Not far from the construction site is the sparkling Yuexi Reservoir.

It is completely conceivable that when the college is completed, it will be a beautiful place with beautiful scenery.

There are both construction mages and many young and strong citizens at the construction site.

Now is the slack time for farmers, and they are all here to earn wages.

The wages are more than one kray a day, and they have never been in arrears. They are delivered as soon as the time comes. They are very straightforward and have established an excellent reputation.

When the bright moon carriage bearing the lord's night crescent flag arrived, Master Lydia, the general person in charge of the construction site, greeted him.

She wore a thick leather-framed hat similar to that worn by riders and warm leather armor, looking capable.

"Baron, why are you free to inspect today?"

Rosen jumped out of the carriage and pointed at Anweniya who got off the carriage: "I have brought you a very powerful assistant."

Lydia looked at Anweniya and didn't understand for a moment: "You don't look outstanding?"

Rosen then signaled to Anweniya: "Take out your official mage emblem to open Miss Lydia's eyes."

Then Lydia saw the emerald 8-star official mage emblem, and her mouth immediately opened into an O shape.

Rosen began to introduce both parties.

"This is my new apprentice, Anweniya, a high-level mage from Baisha City in the east. She should be able to help you greatly speed up the progress of building the academy."

Lydia looked shocked: "Baron, your helper has caused a huge psychological blow to me. I feel that I may not be suitable for learning spells."

Anweniya on the side immediately comforted her softly.

"Miss Lydia, I am a half-elf, 48 years old, and my level of magic is not outstanding."

Rosen's heart moved when he heard it. He found that Anweniya's voice was very sweet. If he didn't look at her face and just listened to her voice, he would definitely think that she was a peerless beauty.

He felt more and more strange in his heart, and couldn't help but carefully observe the profile of his apprentice's face.

But after looking at it for a long time, I couldn't see any trace of the magic illusion.

And he believed that there should be no illusion in the world that could escape his close observation, unless it was an extraordinary illusion.

Although I am a little confused, it is normal to think about it.

‘It’s not surprising, many voice actors in previous lives were mediocre in appearance. "

On the other side, Lydia was comforted and her mood suddenly improved: "Well~ I'm alive again."

Rosen raised his hand and patted Ladiya on the shoulder again: "This is Mage Ladiya. He has mid-level and high-level magic power and is proficient in flow. He is one of the top five petrochemical construction masters in the highlands."

"In the next month, she will also arrange specific work for you. If you have any questions about work, you can just ask her."

Laidiya's face turned red at the compliment.

"Although I do have a lot of experience in the field of petrochemical construction, I am far from being a master. Also, I am still learning about the flow of calculations, and there are still many shortcomings. I am far from being proficient."

Although I attend Rosen's master class every week, and there are five additional hours of overtime classes, my flow has been developed to an extremely difficult and even perverted level by Rosen, the master of flow.

The difficulty is astonishing, but the usefulness is also amazing, forcing people to learn it.

She felt that the more she studied, the more questions she had, and she even felt like she was regressing. In short, mastery was not a word she could take seriously.

Anweniya immediately said: "Since the instructor said that you are proficient, then you must have a flow skill that other mages cannot match."

Lydia thought for a moment and nodded: "That's true. Take Hal, for example, he is far inferior to me."

Seeing that the two parties recognized their familiar faces, Rosen said hello to Anweniya: "I'll take you home first and arrange your accommodation."

Without thinking, Anweniya shook her head.

"No, tutor, I don't have high requirements for accommodation. I just need a bed to sleep on, and I will make time to arrange it."

"So, just let me stay here and help."

Rosen was very happy, after all, everyone likes an apprentice who has a bright eye.

"Then you stay here. Lydia, she's new here, so I'll ask you to take more care of her."

"no problem."

Lydia responded easily, then looked at Rosen: "Speaking of which, why don't you just accept me as your apprentice?"

Rosen smiled: "Are you different from my apprentice now? Or am I not attentive enough when I taught you how to count?"

"But I also want to learn your other skills, such as petrification, or your high-level logic spell that can block the Silver Moon Sword God head-on?"

Hearing this, Anweniya on the side whispered.

"Does high-level logic magic really exist?"

Lydia smiled proudly.

"Your magic knowledge in the East is outdated. The current logical legal system has been advanced to a high level by the Baron."

Anweniya's eyes brightened even more, and she looked at Rosen with reverence, feeling like there were stars in her eyes.

She praised loudly.

"Teacher, you are so great!"

A 48-year-old half-elf who has experienced many vicissitudes of life can act like a little girl worshiping celebrities and make such a loud flattery.

Rosen felt weird, but also felt a little unbearable, and coughed lightly.

"Miss Lydia, you don't need to be a disciple. I will teach you the petrification technique when you understand the flow math."

"This is what you said, don't go back on it."

"No regrets."

Rosen waved his hand: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Get on the carriage and fly back to the lord's castle.

The academy has started, and knowledge can be expected.

But just having knowledge is not enough, you also need to transform knowledge into power!

The greatest strength of a lord is the army.

According to the army-building plan I thought of last night, find Harik first.

"Uncle, I plan to form a formal Crescent Legion. You should issue a recruitment order first. Recruit 1,000 people. They must be strong and decent."

"It is best to be a local from the highlands. If you are an outsider, your wealth must be clean and your character must be good-natured. You must not be a rogue."

"In terms of monthly gold, ordinary warriors start at 3 crowns. Captains of ten are 7 crowns, requiring low-level warriors. Sergeants of 100 are 15 crowns, requiring mid-level warriors."

"One legion commander costs 50 crowns, and requires high-level warriors. Two deputy legion commanders cost 40 crowns, and requires high-level warriors."

He first followed the tradition to roll out the stall quickly and steadily, and then slowly improved it according to the actual situation.

Harrick took a pen and jotted down quickly, with a sad look on his face.

"You don't have enough money, or are you planning to sell the Starfall Eternal Gold?"

"It's not economical to sell such a good thing as Starfall Hengjin."

Rosen whispered in his ear: "Princess of the East just gave me a new payment for the goods this morning, which is a full 500 gold coins."

After speaking, he took a step back and looked at the stunned Harik: "Uncle, is that enough now?"

Harrick nodded repeatedly: "That's enough, that's enough!"

The last time it was one hundred thousand, this time it was half a million, which made him feel like Rosen was being taken care of by the princess of the East.

"Lord, the princess won't fall in love with you, right?"

Rosen spread his hands: "Who knows? But it's not a bad thing, right?"

"That's not bad."

"Then since I have enough money, I will start recruiting."

After ordering Harik, Rosen rushed to the backyard of the castle without stopping, and found Thrandis chatting with Sophia in the backyard garden.

The two were not chatting, but discussing spells.

As soon as Rosen arrived, Sophia said: "Rosen, Anna is really a genius logic mage. In front of her, I feel like I am ten years older."

Thrandis at this time was Anna. She smiled shyly: "Master praises me too much. I am far behind Rosen."

Sophia laughed: "Rosen is no longer a genius, he is a born master, haha."

Rosen spread his hands and said with emotion: "Real masters are humble, but we juniors are pretending to be masters."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them laughed.

After laughing, Thrandis asked: "Is something wrong?"

Rosen nodded and expressed his thoughts directly.

"I had an inspiration last night and came up with a new magical weapon for ordinary people to use."

"If used well, it may greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the army."

He plans to build a new type of army, and the core of the new type of army is new weapons.

At this time, both women became interested, especially Sophia, who had been a lord, and was extremely concerned.

She immediately said: "Come and tell me."

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