Master Tongtian

Chapter 284 An old friend comes here (4/4)

Chapter 284 Old friends come here to visit (44)

To the north of the highland are the snow-falling mountains that stretch for thousands of meters.

To the east of the highland is a series of extremely remote mountain villages.

Because it is so remote, it has almost been forgotten by the world. The only one that is somewhat famous is Baima Town.

To the south of the highland is one of the two major rivers in the Golden Land, the Hanshui River.

Its north bank is the northern border, and its south bank is the eastern border. Not far to the south there is a city called Suiye City, which is also the only city that Rosen can pass through for trade in the eastern border.

To the west of the highlands, there is a marquis territory called Warm Wind Basin. The lord is the God-given Marquis of Grodel. There are sixteen baronies under the territory.

During this time, various towns and villages around the highlands were spreading news that sounded a bit dreamy.

"The Crescent Town in the north of the Highlands recruits free citizens. When they go there, they will be given houses, land, jobs, and 5 crowns as a living allowance."

No one knew whether the news was true or false, but it was spread in the streets.

The hearts of the lower-class citizens in each territory were aroused, and they were as excited as a cat in spring.

The news naturally spread to Baima Town.

In the north of White Horse Town, at the rebuilt Owl Post, the high-ranking soldier Angelou also heard the news.

He was sitting on the roof of the mill in the middle of Owl Watch, chewing a piece of reed in his mouth boredly, looking at the farmland in the distance with a pair of brown-black eyes, filled with melancholy.

"This life is really not for humans to live!"

He has now been promoted to a high-level warrior, but just because he is a southerner and because he has corrected Baron Morey's crimes before, he is being ostracized in various ways, both covert and covert.

A high-ranking warrior spends his days in this barren sentry guarding the mill.

It’s really suffocating!

Seeing that the sun had already set below the horizon and the sky was already dark, the voice of the deputy captain came from the mill.

"I said, Angel, dinner is ready, come down and eat quickly, don't act like a young master, asking for help every day!"

His voice was very rude. Although he was the vice-captain, he had little respect for himself as the captain, just because he was a native of White Horse Town.

In the past, Angelou, who had nowhere to go, would have endured it, but now, he did not intend to waste his life in this miserable place.

With a little effort, he jumped down from the top of the mill that was more than ten meters high. He turned around and walked into his room. He packed up a few things casually, picked up his few luggage, picked up an ordinary iron sword, and turned around and walked out the door.

The vice-captain's eyes widened: "It's almost dark, you still want to go out?"

Angelou stepped forward and slapped the deputy captain on the face, making a crisp sound.

The vice-captain covered his face and looked at Angelou in horror, shouting angrily: "You traitor, how dare you hit me?"

Angelou raised his hand and slapped him again, and there was another crisp sound.

The vice-captain immediately screamed.

"The traitors are beating people~ The traitors from the south are beating people~ Someone come and help~"

Angelou took a deep breath, suppressed the thought of smashing this guy's mouth with a sword, rushed out of the Owl Post, and then ran wildly, all the way to the west.

Rosen Philander, a young divine mage, once single-handedly destroyed the undead army of the evil mage Damses, easily captured Canreto, and successfully tried the evil baron.

Now, that young man has been canonized as Baron of Crescent Town and is recruiting people from all over the world.

Angelou was not surprised by this news, but was filled with emotion.

"People are really different."

He was born in a merchant family in Baisha City in the east. His family was relatively wealthy. He practiced martial arts since he was a child. He originally thought he would stay in Baisha City for the rest of his life.

But things are unpredictable. When I was young, I relied on my abilities and beat up a scoundrel who bullied a young girl on the roadside. I didn't expect that the scoundrel was a noble.

Not willing to be beaten, the noble scoundrel hired someone to take revenge on him and burned his father's shop to ashes. He and his parents were also burned to death in the fire.

He avenged his blood by killing the noble, but he couldn't stay in his hometown anymore, so he had to flee to the north, where he met a demon baron again.

While running wildly in the wilderness, Angelou thought of the young mage again.

"I heard that he was born a commoner, even from Baima Town, but he became a lord in a short period of time. People are spreading praises about his deeds everywhere."

"Perhaps, he is the illegitimate son left by God at the bottom. Now he has broken free from the mud and returned to the sky."

"I wonder if he would take me in if I went to seek refuge with him?"

As I ran, I felt hungry, and I couldn't help but regret.

"I was so impulsive just now. I should have filled my stomach before running away."

But since he has escaped, there is no reason to go back.

I caught a few small animals randomly in the field, peeled off the skin, removed the offal, and just put them in my mouth and chewed them vigorously.

He was no stranger to this kind of life. When he fled Baisha City, he ate raw meat for half a month in order to avoid pursuing soldiers.

In the days that followed, Angelou drove towards Highland Crescent Town at full speed.

He is a high-level warrior, and his feet are several times faster than ordinary people, even faster than a horse.

Four days later at night, he stood on a cliff and saw Crescent Town from a distance.

The lights in the town are brightly lit, and in the fields outside the town, farmers' stone huts are scattered here and there. They are also lit with lights. From a distance, they look like stars surrounding the moon.

Angelou felt a warm feeling as if he had returned to the civilized world from the wilderness. His tense mind suddenly relaxed a lot, and most of the fatigue from the long days of traveling had dissipated.

Descending from the cliff, he continued running.

After running for a while, I suddenly found a group of black figures in front of me also rushing towards Crescent Town.

He was not unfamiliar with this situation at all, because he often encountered this situation these days, and they were all free citizens who came all the way to Crescent Town from other places.

It was dark night now, and with the idea of ​​being together, he caught up and said hello.

"Hey guys, are you going to Crescent Town too?"

There were about five or six people in the group. After hearing the sound, they all stopped and turned to look at Angelou.

Through the moonlight, Angelou discovered that the other party was a family, a middle-aged couple with four children, large and small.

Their clothes were more decent than those of ordinary farmers, but their faces were dusty and tired. They had obviously been on the road for many days like Angelou.

When the man saw Angelo, he was a little wary: "Man, are you also defecting to the Crescent Lord?"

Angelou nodded: "What else?"

It was about five or six miles away from Crescent Town. When we arrived at the end of the field, it was probably already nine o'clock at night, so he suggested: "Why don't we find a place to rest? We can continue our journey tomorrow?"

But the family shook their heads: "If you want to rest, you have to rest under the city wall. This wilderness is too dangerous."

Angelou thought it was right: "Then let's go together?"


So the two groups of people walked together.

Unexpectedly, after running for a mile, I met another couple, so they continued to stay together.

When they finally ran to the bottom of the city wall, the team had actually grown to twenty or thirty people. Near the city gate, they found a long and large house built near the city gate, with the words "rest hotel" written on the door of the house.

There is also a strange little house in front of the hotel. The house is brightly lit and the aroma of food is coming out. There is a small window in the front of the house, and there is a queue of not long or short behind the window.

Angelou was already hungry, so he subconsciously moved to the back of the queue.

He asked the people in line in front of him: "Hey, man, what's going on here?"

The man in front came earlier and knew something about the situation.

"It's a temporary relief station provided by the baron. They give you five salted potatoes, a piece of meat and a bowl of water for free. After eating, you go to the longhouse at the back. There is a floor bunk inside where you can sleep."

Angelou was very happy: "Oh~ the Baron is so kind~"

A warm meal with meat on a cold late autumn night is really heartwarming.

When he said this, many others also followed suit: "Praise God~Praise the lord~"

Soon it was Angelou's turn.

The person distributing food behind the small window was a stout, middle-aged aunt. When she saw that Angelou was tall and strong and had an iron sword on his waist, she asked, "Are you a samurai?"


"Then are you planning to be recruited to join the lord's army?"

Angelou thought for a moment. Apart from his martial arts skills, he had no other abilities. I was afraid he could only go to the army to make a living, so he nodded.


The aunt behind the window gave him a large piece of fat bacon and 10 salted potatoes.

"The lord has a destiny. The warriors who come to answer the call will be given double food. This is all yours."

"Oh, thank you Lord."

To be honest, five potatoes are really not enough for him to eat. A double portion is just right.

Angelou took the bacon, took a big bite, and a strong aroma of meat exploded in his mouth. He took another bite of salted potatoes, and drank a mouthful of water. A feeling of happiness suddenly appeared in his heart. .

“The meat is so delicious~~”

The fat aunt urged: "Okay, don't block the people behind you, go to the house and eat. When you're done eating, throw the wooden bowl into the sink at the door."

Angelou immediately turned around and went to the longhouse on the side.

As soon as I entered the house, I felt a warm warmth, which instantly drove away the chill of the late autumn night.

This house is really long, more than 50 meters long and more than ten meters wide. There are several dim windproof oil lamps hanging on the roof, and a fire pit is dug in the center of the house, with a lot of charcoal fire in it.

You can also see that the ground is covered with many neatly cut dry grass mats. The mats are very thick. People are already sitting on many of the mats, but many are still empty.

Angelou found an empty cushion to sit on and ate the food with relish.

With the warm food in my stomach, my mind suddenly became much fuller, and a thought flashed across my mind.

"He is truly a mage lord blessed by God~~"

"Kindness, generosity, wisdom~~"

"If you can accept my allegiance, I will definitely protect Crescent Town with my life!"

He ran away from his hometown at the age of twenty and spent ten years wandering around to see the hardships and dangers of the world. He truly understood the value of a good lord.

While he was devouring his food, the voices of other defectors suddenly came from the side.

"Crescent Town does have a good lord, and Crescent Town is indeed a good place, but I'm worried that the good times will not last long."

"Why?" asked someone next to him.

Angelou also listened carefully.

The man spoke in a worried voice.

"The lord is a mage, but the lord's wife is a female mage. Female mage cannot give birth to children."

"There are no children here. When the lord gets older, to whom will the title be passed on?"

Someone said: "I said, you are just worrying. The lord can still find a lover to have a child. If he finds a lover, he will always have a child. What are you afraid of?"

"Then it's an illegitimate child. The lord is happy. Can the lord's wife be willing?"

A third person joined the conversation.

"If you ask me, the heir is not a big problem. What is really scary is the Luoxue Mountains to the north."

When he said this, everyone looked at him, and Angelo was also shocked.

Indeed, to the north is the Snowy Mountains. I heard that the ice dwarves invaded two years ago and the town was wiped out.

But after being startled, he was not afraid, but instead felt a little fiery.

He is a high-level warrior. Others are afraid of war, but he is not!

He also wants to make achievements on the battlefield.

Another disdainful voice came from my ears.

"What you people say sounds ridiculous to me."

"You know this, but wouldn't the famous Liushu master in the mainland know about it?!"

"Look at this tall and solid city wall. Can the ice dwarves break through it?!"

This is true.

The atmosphere was a little tense, so someone came out to smooth things over: "Hey~ everyone is just chatting randomly, why are you taking it seriously?"

By this time, Angelou had finished his bacon and potatoes and drank all his water.

As the fat aunt reminded him, he put the water bowl into the sink outside the house, then lay back on the thick hay mat, stretched his limbs lazily, and the fatigue of many days came to him.

Before falling asleep, the calm face of the young mage appeared in his mind again.

"I don't know if he still remembers me."

"Maybe I don't remember. The lord is so busy, how can he bother to remember a little person in a remote mountain village?"

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