Master Tongtian

Chapter 308 Sky One, take off (2/3)

Chapter 308 Sky One, take off (23)

early morning.

The back garden of the lord's castle.

In a circular open space, there is a strange thing parked.

Why say something?

Because this kind of existence appeared in this world for the first time, no one could name it.

In Rosen's eyes, this is a plane, more accurately, a supersonic plane propelled by gravity magic.

In a sense, this thing is much more advanced than the planes on Earth.

But in essence, it is still a magic weapon controlled by a mage.

A magic weapon flying at high speed.

The aircraft is 15 meters long, has an aerodynamic shape with a pointed nose and wing body, and an ellipsoid-shaped cockpit.

The main body is made of gray-white bread iron with a strength close to that of aluminum-titanium alloy but with a lower density, and small pieces of high-strength petrochemical glass are used as the windows.

Compared with the Earth's jet aircraft, it does not have a cumbersome and heavy jet engine, so the surface is almost completely sealed, and the internal space is very abundant, up to 12 cubic meters, but the total weight is less than 2 tons, which is about the same as a car.

Why talk about aerodynamic shape?

Because Rosen put this thing into a magic virtual machine and carefully blew it through a large wind tunnel simulated by magic.

As long as you have enough mana, you can fly Mach 2 easily.

Is that enough mana?

It's enough, and Rosen doesn't even need to consume mana.


Because there are two divine iron cores inside and one power core to fly the plane. A looping core replenishes Rosen's mana drain.

Its flight energy comes entirely from the sunlight guided by the spell.

Therefore, as long as Rosen has enough energy and the quality of the aircraft is good enough, he can fly this thing all the way to the end of the world!

If there is a survival capsule, we can even escape the constraints of gravity and fly into space.

Before departure, a group of weapon-making apprentices moved pieces of luggage into the cabin, carefully placed and secured them.

Thrandis and Gendeloni stood beside Rosen, looking at the big guy with complicated eyes.

After watching for a while, Thrandis expressed his opinion.

"My dear, let's not talk about anything else. The appearance of this thing is really beautiful, smooth and delicate, and it is the perfect combination of strength and beauty."

Gendeloni has an engineer's eye and is a little worried.

"Dear, have you really calculated it? This thing can really fly 700 meters in one second? Will something happen?"

This speed is so fast, almost as fast as the rune ball of the latest rifle.

In other words, if a warrior sees this thing and hits it with a gun, even the rune ball will not be able to catch up with it!

Rosen spread his hands slightly helplessly.

"Ladies, unless there are special circumstances, I will not reach top speed, because this will greatly damage the divine iron core."

Divine iron is very strong, but it still looks very squeamish under harsh operating conditions.

If it flies at Mach 2 for ten consecutive minutes, or if the top speed exceeds five hours in total, this thing will be severely deformed and scrapped.

Although it can be reprocessed, disassembling and assembling the core is very cumbersome.

And crashing at high speed is not fun at all. Even with high-level magic protection, there is a high probability of returning directly to the Kingdom of God.

Gendeloni was still worried: "My dear, why don't I go with you? I'm still worried."

Rosen glanced at Gendeloni's obviously bulging belly and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, no, my dear, this is too dangerous."

He vowed again: "I promise that during the entire flight, I will be blessed with giant power and thorn shield. Once I get tired, I will land immediately to rest."

At this time, apprentice Lotana stepped forward: "Mentor, Lord, everything you ordered has been installed."

It's time to go.

Thrandis said: "My dear, give this thing a name."

Rosen thought for a moment and then said: "It flies in the sky. It is the first version of Sky City, so let's call it Sky One."

Thrandis felt it was strange, but he could barely accept it: "This name is really easy to remember."

Then, she stepped forward and planned to kiss Rosen gently on the lips to say goodbye.

Without thinking, Rosen held her head tightly and kissed her hard until her legs went weak before he stopped.

After the kiss, Thrandis's face was red, her breath was confused, and she looked at Rosen reluctantly: "My dear, I really can't bear to see you go."

If she hadn't had a baby in her belly, she would have wanted to go back to her room right away and have a good intimacy with her husband.

Rosen rubbed his face against his wife's smooth cheek: "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Then he walked over to Gendeloni and kissed her until her face turned red.

She pushed Rosen gently and urged him reluctantly.

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly, or we won't let you go."

Rosen then turned around and boarded Sky One.


Lock the cabin door sealed with a special sol cotton cloth, and apply a medium-effective constant temperature technique and a medium-effective breathing technique in the cabin.

Then sit on the thick leather chair that is integrated with the fuselage, fasten the fixing straps, put on the thick leather-framed hat, and finally put on the dark-light sunshade glasses, and you are ready to take off.

He raised his hand and made a perfect gesture to the wives who were bidding farewell outside the window, and then grabbed the two handles beside him with both hands.

These two things are made of hard sejin and cast with magic-conducting starfall eternity.

On the left is a fixed power rod, connected to the gravity arrays on Sky One.

As long as Rosen inputs mana, he can activate the gravity spell in the sky and generate power.

In essence, this thing is no different from a staff, except that the general staff is connected to a focusing gem, but it is connected to a magic plane.

On the right is the control stick.

Through its adjustment, the array that the power rod is connected to in real time can be changed to change the direction and size of the power.

Rosen calls it the 'shift handle'.

In addition, there are two small things in the cabin.

One is the mana fluctuation detection array, which is a thousand times more sensitive than the five senses of the human body.

If a high-level spell breaks out 3 miles away, or a low-level spell breaks out 1 mile away, a vibrating ripple warning will appear on the glass light curtain immediately.

The other one is the control button for a large cannon.

As long as you press it, the cannon can fire rune balls of medium power at high speed.

Because of time constraints, only 200 of them were installed, which is two hundred mid-level fireballs.

After all preparations were completed, mana was slowly input into the power lever, and the control lever was pushed into pure lift mode.

The lifting array takes effect, pushing the nearly 2-ton giant slowly into the air.

At this time, it is pure work to overcome the gravity of the earth, and the mana consumption is very large.

On average, about half of the mana of a high-level spell is consumed every second.

With Rosen's current mana, he would be exhausted within 30 seconds at most.

Fortunately, all this power is paid for by Sunshine, and Rosen is only responsible for controlling it.

About 20 seconds later, the sky rose to an altitude of 2,000 meters. Due to the influence of high-altitude winds, the fuselage was shaking slightly, but it was still stable.

Rosen glanced at the observation mirror beside him and found that the things on the ground had become very small. He had to squint his eyes, open the adventure log to the maximum angle, and distinguish carefully before he could see his family in the castle garden.

He took a deep breath and began to push the plane to accelerate.

As the speed of the aircraft gradually increased, the wings of the fusion cabin began to gain lift, and Rosen reduced the mana supply of the lift array in real time.

This operation seems simple, but if you don't do it right, the plane will roll in the sky.

It requires the operator to have a deep understanding of the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft and extremely skilled operating skills.

Rosen also practiced in the magic virtual machine for a long time before he became familiar with the performance of this thing.

About three minutes later, the aircraft reached its optimal low-altitude cruising speed of 180 semimeters per second.

At this flight speed and altitude, the wing lift and gravity are exactly balanced.

As long as the thrust is maintained to overcome air resistance, Sky-1 will maintain high-speed flight at this speed.

The wind howled outside the cabin, but the cabin was well sealed and soundproofed, so it wasn't noisy.

Turning around and looking at the observation mirror on his side, he found that the ground was receding at a rapid speed.

As long as I think that such high speed comes from the magic aircraft designed by myself, and it is completely environmentally friendly and pollution-free, I can't help but feel excited.

"The magic is really wonderful~"

After flying focused for a while, he had left the northern realm and entered the middle realm.

Looking down, you can see a large canal, extending all the way to the southwest, and the cargo ships on the canal are connected front to back, like a long dragon.

"Ah~ the hinterland of the Golden Land is really prosperous, much more lively than the highlands. If you can live in such a place, your life will definitely be more exciting than in the north."

I have always heard people say that the northern border is a large rural area. Now when I saw the comparison with my own eyes, I found that this statement was not unreasonable.

At this time, a group of dark clouds appeared in front, and the sky became white. From time to time, thunder could be heard, but it was raining heavily.

Rosen didn't want to break into the thunder array, so he immediately increased his altitude and rushed straight to an altitude of 5,000 meters.

The air at high altitude is thin, the air resistance is low, and the lift is also small, so it must be accelerated to balance the lift and gravity.

In the end, Sky One's speed once again stabilized at 260 cebis per second.

Looking down again, I saw a rolling sea of ​​clouds that could not be seen to the edge at a glance. It looked extremely majestic.

Rosen was flying so happily that he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Ah~~~~"

Just as he finished shouting, he suddenly noticed that the light curtain of the detection array was shaking violently, indicating that a powerful mana source was approaching at high speed.

Looking down, I saw a small black dot appearing in the sea of ​​clouds at extremely high speed.

The black spot rushed towards him quickly, and soon reached the side of the sky, but it was a young man with dark golden eyes and hair.

It is the guardian spirit.

He caught sight of Rosen in the cabin, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"Is he actually a mortal?"

He thought it was an extraordinary creature passing through.

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