Master Tongtian

Chapter 333 I’ve never seen anyone so bold! (3/4)

Chapter 333 I’ve never seen anyone so bold! (34)

The Temple of Truth.

The God-Emperor's arrangements were very appropriate. In order to prevent accidents on the way, he ordered four divine sword guards with ninth-level warrior skills to accompany Rosen all the way to the Brun Botanical Society to pick up Sky One.

During this period, more than 6,000 participating mages left the Temple of Truth one after another and came to the Grand Square of Romil, patiently waiting for the arrival of the era-changing magic weapon mentioned by the God Emperor.

While waiting, top mages from all over the world gathered together and discussed in low voices.

Someone asked: "Is this true or false?"

Another person said: "Why do I feel that this matter is so false? How can a small barony make such a big move?"

It felt like a little kid lifting a giant hammer, very absurd.

Sir Hamilton believed it a little bit, because he had seen the photos and drawings given by his apprentice, but he just couldn't figure out how the other party did it.

In another place, Marquis Holunnier frowned, with a very bad premonition echoing in his heart.

There was also a circle of mages around him, including archmages and high-level mages.

If any of the great nobles of the Eastern Territory saw it, they would be able to tell at a glance that these people all belong to the Eagle Business Alliance.

Seraf Holunnier said softly: "Things are not going well. Your Majesty may want to hold that kid up high."

His son Olson immediately asked: "Father, is there anything you can do?"

Huo Lunnier frowned and remained silent.

This is the imperial capital, and his status is naturally one of the best in the East, but he is somewhat speechless here.

Now that the situation has reached this point, what can he do?

At this time, a level 4 archmage beside him spoke.

"Seraf, it is true that this matter cannot be reversed, but when that kid's flying magic weapon lands, we will all ask to dismantle the magic weapon to check its structure."

"Even if the thing is real, if you look at it this way, the structure inside is exposed. Then we will imitate it and make him suffer a big loss!"

This Level 4 Archmage is called Arad Heramis. He comes from Red Rock City in the north of Fenseril Island. He is the son-in-law of the eldest daughter of the Lord of Red Rock City and a strong contender for the next Lord of Red Rock City.

And he is not only a level 4 archmage, but also an excellent weapon refiner.

As a person who refines weapons, he doesn't have much originality and relies entirely on imitation.

Because of their superb techniques, they can often beat the original version with imitations, completely squeezing the original creator out of the market.

There is no patent protection these days, so he has made a lot of money over the years.

When Seraf heard this, he thought it was a good idea and said, "Then I'll do as you say."

At the same time, Dora also came close to Heya Jiali.

Under the protection of the Silence Barrier, two childhood friends were whispering.

"Your Highness, he might become the Golden Baron this time."

Heya Jiali's eyes widened with surprise.

"How can it be?"

In her opinion, it shouldn't be a big problem to use Sky One to gain the title of God-given Baron, but the Golden Baron, this honor is a bit too heavy.

From a political perspective, he is on an equal footing with his father. Asking to marry him in this capacity is not considered an insult to the family's honor.

For a moment, her heart was pounding with anticipation and apprehension.

Dora saw her cheeks were slightly red and immediately guessed what she was thinking.

She smiled softly: "He is a man who knows how to work hard, and he is very lucky. He has impressed the second prince and Master Nairofa one after another. The two big shots are trying their best to give him a new identity."

"Looking at His Majesty's performance now, there should be no problem with this golden title."

Heya Jiali's heart beat faster, her fists in her robe subconsciously clenched into fists, her palms were sweaty, and various images flashed through her mind.

One moment it was the entanglement in the Ocean Master's cabin, the next moment it jumped to the future wedding scene, and the next moment I was worried that there would be an accident if the demonstration was not done well.

Amidst such worries, the familiar sound of wind and thunder suddenly appeared in the sky.

The second prince, Orogarde, had been waiting for this moment, and immediately shouted with the voice of the collective soul.

"Gentlemen and ladies, a transcendent extraordinary magic weapon has appeared~"

"It is a flawless crystallization of mortal wisdom. It possesses truly extraordinary power and is one of the most powerful magical weapons in the Golden Land."

"It is Sky One from the Crescent Territory!"

Following the second prince's voice, a strange black spot appeared in the endless blue sky, hundreds of meters high.

The scary thing is that this black spot was on the horizon one moment, and it was in front of us the next moment.

Accompanied by thunderous wind and thunder.

The mages in the square all raised their heads to watch, and were instantly shocked by the terrifying speed and momentum.

All kinds of exclamations arose.

"So fast~~ It's indeed extraordinary speed!"

"How could it be so fast? How could the high-level mage's magic power be able to withstand it?!"

"The peak mage's magic power can't even hold it back!"

"He's still accelerating! Still accelerating!"


Amidst the deafening wind and thunder, Sky One made a huge spin in the sky, then suddenly raised its head, piercing the sky, and broke the sound barrier during the lift-off process, so white clouds and mist were all around the fuselage.

Someone shouted uncontrollably.

"Oh God~~The sky has been pierced by it!"

"How can the sky be broken? In my opinion, it is water!"

Sir Hamilton also widened his eyes.

"This big thing is at least a few degrees warmer. It accelerates so fast, and all its magic power is not released at once?"

He felt that even if he were to drive it, his mana would be exhausted within twenty seconds, but when he looked at the roaring steel bird in the sky, it didn't look like it was exhausted at all.

If there is a peak archmage, guess: "Could it be an extraordinary archmage driving the car?"

This kind of power has far exceeded the limit of ordinary mages.

Sir Hamilton shook his head without hesitation.

"How could there be an extraordinary archmage helping him deceive people?"

The God Emperor was also shocked and turned to look at his son.

"Can this thing really be faster than a black dragon?"

Aurogard followed Sky One with his eyes and shook his head slightly.

"It's still a little short, but not far off. Rosen said that if he was given the best materials, he could build a faster and stronger flying magic weapon."

After speaking, he quickly added.

"Father, we in the middle realm must have the most flying magic weapons, and the performance must reach the ultimate, and then let the magic sword guards drive them."

"As long as the number is large enough, even if extraordinary chaos does occur, we will have the power to protect ourselves."

The God Emperor was slightly shaken and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he whispered: "I'm just afraid that things are too expensive and I won't be able to make many."

"Father, it will definitely be expensive at first, but as long as there are enough talents and the workshop is big enough, it will definitely become cheaper and cheaper. Moreover, Master Rosen will be directly loyal to me in the middle realm when he becomes the Golden Baron."

"When the time comes, add a clause to the canonization contract requiring him to always provide the latest technology for flying magic weapons to Zhongjie."

"In this way, as his territory develops, my middle realm can also develop with him, and we will always be at the forefront of the times."

The God Emperor nodded repeatedly after hearing this, with a look of relief on his face: "What you said is right, then let's do it."

At this time, the flying magic weapon performance in the sky was basically over.

The strange-looking, but smooth and powerful flying magic weapon slowed down and flew over Romil Square, then slowly landed in the center of the square.


The hatch opened, and a few golden peak warriors rushed out first.

As soon as they went out, several great warriors staggered forward a few steps. After finally stabilizing their bodies, they immediately squatted on the ground and spit out acidic water on the ground.

It's so exciting, so exciting that I can't tell the difference between up, down, left, right, and back. It feels like the world is spinning all the time, not stopping for a moment.

But a group of powerful earth warriors were tormented.

But no one paid any attention to them.

A group of peak mages immediately surrounded him, and Hamilton even entered the Sky No. 1 cabin to carefully examine the details of this powerful magic weapon.

After watching it for a while, he asked Rosen, who was still sitting in the cockpit: "How much does this thing weigh?"

"About 2.6 dewen."

Hamilton quickly calculated silently and said: "Then you must at least increase the conversion scale of the divine iron core to enough to consume one level 2 master spell per second."

"How did you do it?"


Hamilton was speechless.

He reached out and touched again, feeling the temperature in various places, and soon touched the installation point of the divine iron core.

After touching it for a while, he said: "The efficiency of mana usage is not high, definitely not more than 40%, right?"

Rosen nodded: "Master is really amazing. The estimated maximum efficiency is about 34%."

In other words, only 34 out of 100 sunlight was converted into power, and the other 66 either failed to be converted by the divine iron core, or were converted into mana and wasted on various losses.

The heat generated after the loss must be removed in time using magic, otherwise the passengers will be cooked.

To be honest, 34% efficiency is really not high, but it is the limit that Rosen can achieve in a short period of time.

Hamilton asked again: "Under theoretical calculation, what is the ultimate efficiency?"

"Currently it's 47%."

A proud smile suddenly appeared on Hamilton's face.

"Hi~ My steam magic device has a theoretical maximum efficiency of 68%."

Rosen asked: "What is your current efficiency?"

His smile suddenly solidified: "Currently it's only 5%."

Rosen laughed: "Master, although theoretical calculations are wonderful, in practical applications, I have gone further."

Hamilton spread his hands and had nothing to say.

At this time, the urging voices of other peak masters came from outside the cabin: "Hamilton, come out quickly, let us take a look too."

As a result, one after another the top masters came in to visit and inquired carefully.

Rosen also answered them one by one.

Soon, basically all the top mage had seen it.

The God Emperor asked loudly: "Masters, can you confirm that this thing is real?"

Hamilton nodded: "It is most likely true, otherwise the source of its power cannot be explained."

The God-Emperor looked at the others again.

The other masters also nodded in approval.

The God-Emperor felt that he was almost done, and when he was about to loudly announce his knighthood, a voice rang out.

"Your Majesty, the appearance of this magic weapon is so tight that it is impossible to tell whether it is genuine or not from the outside."

"Why don't you ask Master Rosen to open the shell and let everyone see the core of power?"

But it was the Level 4 Archmage Master Arad Heramis.

When he said this, many mages immediately nodded in agreement, and Hamilton also nodded in approval.

"Everything is still just speculation. Only by seeing the core of power can we truly confirm it."

The God Emperor looked at Rosen.

Rosen shrugged: "No problem."

He used a constant levitation technique to levitate Sky One at a height of two meters.

He also used a gravitational disintegration technique to carefully melt a hole through the shell at the core, thus exposing the complex and sophisticated divine iron core.

Because it had just experienced high-speed operation, the orange-red core was scalding hot, and as soon as it was opened, a wave of heat surged out.

Hamilton stepped forward, took a look, and nodded: "Now it is confirmed that Master Rosen's weapon refining techniques are indeed exquisite, and this can indeed be called the 'Endless Mana Core'."

The fourth-level mage from before also stepped forward. After observing carefully, he repeatedly praised: "Amazing, really amazing."

He said this, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "Hey, if I see it, then it's mine."

Afterwards, several great mages came to observe, and they all nodded in approval.

Feeling that it was almost done, Rosen said: "The core operating conditions are harsh and dust cannot enter, so I will close it again."

After saying that, he used the shaping technique to pinch the disintegrated bread iron powder together, and then used the advanced petrification technique to fix it again.

At this time, the God Emperor knew that it was almost done. He turned to ask Rosen: "Master Rosen, do you have anything to add?"

Rosen really has something to add.

As soon as he thought about it, the mana in his body surged, and he released a super large, very fine mirror art over the square.

He put a lot of effort into this thing just so he could brag about it in college.

After the mirror image was formed, he introduced it loudly.

"Everyone, please take a look at my ultimate application imagination of the divine iron core, the big floating star!"

In the mirror art, a huge, extremely detailed spherical city floats in a strange place.

The background is a starry night sky, below is the blue earth, in the distance is the blazing sun, and not far away is the moon orbiting the earth.

How precise is it?

Every celestial body is rotating. If you squint carefully, you can even see pedestrians flying around in the spherical city.

The spherical city is only the main body. Between the city and the earth, between the city and the moon, there are various flying instruments similar to Sky One that shuttle at high speed.

Under such a shocking mirror image, Rosen's voice sounded.

"Everyone, use my divine iron core to promote a large gravity spell, which is enough to make a huge object rise all the way up to the real high sky, alongside the stars!"

"At that time, there will be one more star in the sky, or even several stars created by us mortals."

"At that time, every mortal can take a flying instrument similar to Sky One and fly all the way to this artificial star, or even fly to the real moon!"

"And once this ultimate dream is realized, we mortal mages will have accomplished a great deed that even gods have not accomplished!"

As Rosen talked, he used a large mirror to demonstrate the specific process in detail.

When his voice fell, the whole place fell silent, so quiet that even the wind held its breath.

There were more than six thousand mages, all with dumbfounded expressions.

I’ve seen people who dare to think, but I’ve never seen people who dare to think like this!

In just a few words, even the God Emperor was frightened and didn't know how to evaluate it.

The second prince, Orogarde, was also shocked and his mouth opened wide, but his eyes revealed an incomparable fanaticism.

Nailofa was so shocked that he trembled all over and murmured: "The wisdom of God~~This is the wisdom of God~~"

After the silence lasted for about ten seconds, the second prince took the lead in applauding and praising loudly.

"Okay~~~Let us cheer loudly for Master Rosen's wisdom~~"

The second prince is really convinced!

I thought that Sky One was already at its limit, but I didn’t expect that this kid would dare to covet the sky and rank with the stars!

This is extremely arrogant!

It is extremely romantic!

The other mages also reacted and immediately clapped their hands so hard that their hands turned red, but they couldn't bear to stop.

Mortals use their wisdom to stand side by side with the stars. Once this explosive concept was born, it was like a steel seal of the soul, fiercely stamped on the soul of every mage, and became the ultimate dream in every mage's heart.

When the waves of applause finally stopped and the God Emperor regained his composure, he began to announce the final decision.

"Father God said that if there is a mortal mage who can make magical achievements that create a new era, he himself and his descendants will receive supreme favor from God and supreme glory!"

"The endless mana core invented by Master Rosen and the Crescent Territory, and the Sky One built based on this core, will undoubtedly open up a new, great new era!"

"So, I will fulfill Father God's promise and announce the reward for Master Rosen."

The God Emperor's voice paused and loudly spoke the final result.

"I declare that from now on, Baron Rosen Philander will be promoted to Golden Baron!"

"The Crescent Territory, its territory, will be separated from the Northern Territory and become an independent golden territory of the Golden Land. A second-level Golden Glory Stone will be established to enjoy the eternal shining of the glory of the Father."

"If Master Rosen has made no mistakes, no one, including the Duke of the North, including me, will be allowed to deprive him and his family of their glory for any reason, nor will they interfere with the independence of the Crescent Territory for any reason. Otherwise, it will be blasphemy. !”

After making this announcement, according to the procedure, the God-Emperor loudly said: "Is there anyone who questions it?!"

After asking three times, no one said anything.

All the mages were stunned by the idea of ​​big floating stars.

Almost everyone feels that a mage who can propose such an idea and has taken a solid step forward is fully worthy of a golden title.

So, the God-Emperor took out the Compass of Destiny and held it high.

"Father God, honor this young mage!"

Following the words of the God Emperor, a faint golden light fell from the sky above the Temple of Truth, covering Rosen's body.

Under the golden light, the divine grace mage badge on Rosen's chest turned into dark gold, which meant that the favor of the gods was greatly improved.

From this moment on, he became a divine mage, and his title was upgraded from an ordinary level to a gold title, and he became independent from the Northern Territory.

In this regard, the representative of the northern mage, Princess Hailisoya, acquiesced without saying a word and did not raise any questions.

One is because the New Moon Territory is not big, only more than 30,000 people.

The second reason is that Rosen’s light is so bright. His father cannot control such a person. If the two parties are superiors and subordinates, there will definitely be a lot of friction.

Instead of staying in the territory and letting his father struggle with it, it would be better to just branch out.

Although Rosen had expected this result, when he actually got it, he was still ecstatic in his heart, but his face remained calm.

He bowed respectfully to the God-Emperor.

"Your Majesty, thank God for your grace, and thank you for your kindness and wisdom."

The God Emperor smiled slightly and said in a solemn voice: "Young man, Father God asked me to convey a message to you."

Rosen was startled and couldn't believe it, so he asked softly: "Did God directly tell me?"

"Yes, it's God, not the Holy Spirit."

Rosen was slightly shocked and didn't understand the meaning of these words, because they contradicted what Davorens said.

But he didn’t ask too many questions, he just made a respectful listening gesture.

The God-Emperor was very satisfied with his attitude.

"Father God said, never forget the original intention of pursuing magic!"

"Yes, I will keep God's teachings in mind."

After saying that, he turned around and glanced at Marquis Holunnier not far away, and saw that his face was extremely gloomy, as if he had eaten more than ten kilograms of filth at once.

Rosen smiled faintly, completely understanding his mood.

Not talking about the size of the territory, just talking about the nobility of the title, he is already above the other party.

Therefore, facing his subsequent duel challenge, the Marquis had only two choices.

Either refuse, and then lose face and humiliate the family. In the future, they will not be able to hold their heads up in the East, let alone in front of Rosen.

Either pick up.

If you can defeat Rosen, you can naturally maintain the family's glory. But if they were defeated, the family would be humiliated and would be forced to fulfill the treaty and open trade routes.

In short, he was backed into a corner.

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