Master Tongtian

Chapter 339 The extraordinary road has appeared (1/3)

Chapter 339 The extraordinary road has appeared (13)


Royal Botanical Society.

The purple resonance crystal given by Sir Hamilton is about the size of the tip of a thumb, lavender, translucent, and filled with a cloud-like white floc inside.

The so-called resonance is actually the ability to store mana.

No matter whether you save more or less, you can always save some.

For example, the purple resonance crystal in front of him can only store the mana of a low-level spell. According to the mana quantitative standard specified by him and Phoebe, it is about 100 mana.

And the deposited mana can only last for one hour.

In short, this is an ordinary resonance crystal.

However, when Rosen used a special technique to observe the resonance crystal through a microscope, he discovered that the flocs in the crystal were not real objects, but massive, naturally formed cavities.

Each cavity is about the size of an ordinary cell, and most of its shapes are irregular.

When they are densely stacked together, they change the macroscopic light transmittance of the resonance crystal and become a ball of white 'cotton wool'.

But the cavity is not the key.

The key is that there are strange things inside some specially shaped cavities!

Rosen's eyes were close to the eyepiece, looking at it carefully. At the same time, he controlled an ink pen with the mage's hand and carefully recorded the observation results.

"Special cavities account for about one thousandth of the total cavities."

"The cavity is completely enclosed, with a strange shape and a complex internal structure that seems to contain some kind of pattern. The size is about 10 to 20 microns, which is similar to the size of a cell."

"Inside the cavity, there are many protruding crystal sharp clusters. On some of the sharp clusters, strange existences similar to 'dewdrops' were found."

"In a strange cavity, there are more than a dozen crystal spikes, and dew may not necessarily condense on the spikes. But as long as there are dewdrops, they must be on the spikes."

"'Dewdrops' are colorless and transparent, but can refract light slightly, with a size between 0.1 and 1 micron."

Rosen stared at a large dewdrop with a diameter of nearly 1 micron and continued to record its changes.

"Turn off the neutralizer that interferes with the observer and observe the 'dewdrop' attentively. There will be no change for the first ten seconds. Once the observation time exceeds ten seconds, the dewdrop will change its shape."

"Its position changed from an adherent pointed cluster to an independent suspension, and its shape also changed from a regular spherical shape to a complex three-dimensional manifold that changes cyclically, and emits a faint light."

"The shape of the three-dimensional manifold is very complex and changes very quickly, completely exceeding the reaction speed limit of the naked eye."

Rosen's description suddenly occurred to him.

"Perfect resonance at low temperatures. Why does perfect resonance occur at low temperatures?"

He only knows one low-temperature spell, which is a low-level spell called 'Food Preservation'. It can probably lower the temperature to minus 3 degrees in a local area.

At this time, use it on this purple resonance crystal.

When the temperature gradually dropped, Rosen discovered that the situation of the observed large dewdrops had indeed changed.

The speed of its shape change began to slow down, and the light it emitted began to weaken.

The lower the temperature, the slower the change.

But minus three degrees is obviously not enough.

After thinking about it, Rosen took out the magic iron core and used mana circulation to create localized low temperature.

The temperature continues to drop.

When the temperature of the crystal drops to a critical point, the shape of the dewdrop suddenly stops changing and becomes very stable, as if it is frozen.

Rosen made an estimate and found that the temperature was about minus fifteen degrees, which was similar to the freezer compartment of the refrigerator in his previous life.

The frozen dewdrop is a perfect spherical shape and has a solid-like texture, as if water had frozen into ice.

Not only was it frozen, it was growing in size.

No, not only does it get bigger.

Changes occurred in the entire strange resonance cavity, and a large number of 'dewdrops' began to emerge.

These new dewdrops automatically begin to gather and quickly condense into a frozen dewdrop with a diameter of 10 microns.

At this moment, Rosen suddenly felt a very strange feeling in his heart.

I feel like I have "infinite magic power and infinite power in my hands."

The taste was very wonderful, like having an extremely wonderful dream.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment before it suddenly changed.

The crystal sharp clusters in the strange resonance cavity suddenly collapsed.

It was as if he couldn't bear some huge pressure and was bursting.

At the moment of collapse, the 'dewdrops' in the microscope suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly, a stream of information suddenly flashed through my mind.

‘Maximum mana +0.1%, mana intensity +0.1%. ’

Rosen's heart was shocked, and he understood after thinking about it for a moment.

"When the dewdrops entered my body, my magic power immediately increased, and it increased so much!"

The absolute amount of 0.1% does not seem to be much.

But just thinking about the microscopic volume of the 'dewdrops' that caused the lift, which was less than 10 microns in diameter, gave Rosen an extremely incredible feeling.

It's like a little ant lifting an iron ball weighing one kilogram, which looks very absurd.

"What on earth are these dewdrops?!"

"Why can it be stored stably on the crystal tip in the cavity, and why can it ignore the locking of the cavity and directly enter my body through a method similar to teleportation?"

"After entering my body, not only did I feel no discomfort, but my magic power was also enhanced."

After thinking about it for a moment, this discovery is completely consistent with the three characteristics of extraordinary foreign objects predicted by Master Turan.

For a moment, Rosen felt his heart pounding loudly, his breathing became heavier, and more thoughts naturally popped into his mind.

‘Could this be an extraordinary foreign object? ’

"If I absorb enough dewdrops, can my magic power directly break through to the extraordinary?"

"Could it be that extraordinary cultivation is different from ordinary cultivation? Are they two completely independent systems?"

For a time, all kinds of thoughts were surging in Rosen's mind.

But at this moment, a new stream of information flashed through his mind.

‘Maximum mana—0.099%, strength—0.099%. ’

Rosen was startled: "Is it still reduced? It's not completely reduced, there's still a trace left."

Unable to figure it out, he looked at the resonance crystal again, located a new strange cavity, and observed the new dewdrops attentively.

The observer disturbs, the temperature drops, the dewdrops grow, the wonderful taste appears, and the crystal spikes collapse.

Everything that just happened happened again.

Rosen immediately located the third strange resonance cavity.

The experiment was repeated a dozen times in a row, but the results were exactly the same.

The feeling of having extraordinary power in his hand also appeared more than ten times in a row.

The mana strength also fluctuated up and down more than a dozen times, and its upper limit finally increased by less than one percent.

It was very strange. I couldn't figure out the reason for a while, so I followed my habit and carefully recorded the experiment.

He was recording and talking.

"Under low temperature conditions, after freezing dew drops enter my body, they can briefly increase within one minute. Wait, one minute?"

Rosen's heart jumped suddenly: 'Afu once showed extraordinary magic power in the air, and its natural evaporation time lasted for six minutes! ’

Although it is much longer than one minute, there is no order of magnitude difference.

Thinking back at this time, I found that the magic power displayed by Afu was very similar to the frozen dew.

A strange thought occurred.

‘Isn’t the dewdrop an extraordinary magic power? ’

Rosen's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately repeated the experiment for verification.

I found that the time was quite stable, fluctuating between 58 and 65 seconds.

Every time the dewdrops entered his body, most of the power would escape, but it would always intercept a trace.

This situation is exactly the same as the feeling of extraordinary mana entering the body.

Based on the experimental phenomenon just now, Rosen came up with a conjecture.

‘This alien world is soaked in countless free mana, just like the world in the previous life was soaked in the quantum field. ’

‘So, I can call it a mana field. ’

‘Through various forms of resonance, beings with resonance structures can obtain mana from the mana field, just like an antenna receiving a signal. ’

"The crystal resonance cavity is a naturally formed mana resonance structure.'

‘Mana can be stored at normal temperature, but the effect is not good. At low temperatures, thermal movement is reduced and the performance of the resonance chamber is greatly improved, attracting a large amount of mana at once. ’

‘It can be imagined that the microscopic resonance cavity must be full of mana, and dewdrops are highly condensed mana. It can be imagined as water vapor condensed into water droplets. ’

Rosen immediately began to verify.

How to verify?

Turn on the interference neutralizer of the microscope to the maximum to ensure that your magic power does not interfere with the dewdrops.

Then repeat the previous experiment.

When frozen dewdrops appeared in the resonance cavity, Rosen gathered a very small mage's hand to destroy the internal structure of the target's strange cavity.

This time, he saw with his own eyes the evaporation process of frozen dew.

It's exactly the same as when Afu's mana evaporates in the air, but much faster.


Rosen swallowed secretly: "It is indeed condensed mana."

I don't know if it's extraordinary or not, but it's a fact that it's far more powerful than Rosen's.

A new conjecture naturally emerged.

"So, as long as you create a similar strange resonance structure in your soul, you can obtain ultra-high-intensity mana."

How to create it?

I don't know, I don't have a clue.

But if it is successfully created, causing a stable phase change in his mana, it may mean that he will be promoted to extraordinary.

So how should we conduct the next step of research?

First, we need to confirm whether this low-level resonance amethyst is an isolated case.

It's an isolated case, so just keep an eye on it and study it to the end.

If it is not an isolated case, but a common mechanism for all storage objects, it means that this is a common phenomenon in nature.

Rosen thought for a moment and thought the latter was highly likely.

Because this world does not lack extraordinary beings, there are even a lot of them, and there are also naturally extraordinary beings like dragons.

Another thought came to mind.

"Mana bubbles can also store magic. Maybe I should take a look at mana bubbles."

Just do what comes to mind.

He immediately took a drop of his own blood and observed it carefully with a microscope.

After ten minutes, I gave up and felt stupid.

"Life is indeed the most complex material structure. The resonance structure is directly established at the molecular atomic level and cannot be seen with an optical microscope."

"But no matter what, the path to transcendence has been revealed."

But it's still very difficult.

Realizing extraordinary mana in an external object is several levels of difficulty different from realizing it in the body.

Everyone knows that nuclear bombs contain destructive power, but no one has yet been able to put the power of nuclear bombs into tiny human cells.

Those who were forced to forcibly perished.

Previous experiments have also shown that condensed mana can easily destroy hard crystals, not to mention fragile cells.

But the discovery is still useful.

"Go to the university venue tomorrow and buy various natural storage crystals to study."

As for now, there are too few samples to study.

He climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I was too lazy to listen to the mages reporting the results in person. Anyway, I could spend money to buy records afterwards.

He went to the trading market next to Romel Square and spent a full 10,000 crowns to buy a lot of crystals with the ability to store magic.

There are all kinds of resonance crystals, including even an inferior quality Star Mystery Gem.

After getting the crystal, I immediately returned to the Botanical Society and took a quick look through the microscope.

He looked at it for five days as if possessed by a demon, and finally came to four conclusions.

"First, the magic storage mechanism is indeed universal, that is, magic resonance, but the principle is unclear."

"Second, the resonance cavity shapes in various resonance gems are different, and the efficiency is significantly higher. Among the current samples, the resonance cavity efficiency of the Star Mystery Gem is the highest, which is more than 10 times that of the purple resonance crystal!"

"Third, temperature and physical pressure can greatly affect the performance of the resonance cavity, especially temperature. The lower the temperature, the better the resonance effect."

"Fourth, the structure of natural resonance crystal is very imperfect. Only one out of 1,000 or even 10,000 cavities is useful. If a crystal with a perfect resonance cavity is artificially synthesized, the storage efficiency will make a qualitative leap."

After reaching his conclusion, Rosen formulated three steps to transcendence.

First, no matter what method is used, it is best to thoroughly understand the resonance principle and find the best-performing and most stable resonance structure.

Second, try to use mana outside the body to simulate resonant structures.

Third, if the second step is successful, then try to realize the resonance structure in the soul.

"The last two steps have no clue. Let's figure out the first step first."

"Well, let me try to synthesize the perfect resonance gem first."

“You can not only explore the principles, but also make a lot of money by borrowing them!”

According to his calculations, a star mystery gem with 100% high-quality resonance cavity can store the mana of a standard high-level spell for only 50 Fusa.

Everyone knows that this thing is a priceless treasure.

Therefore, Rosen did not hesitate to change his short-term pursuit goals.

Begin to pursue the method of artificially synthesizing the mysterious gemstones of the stars.

That night, as usual, he studied the synthesis method of the mysterious gems of the stars.

I can feel that I am only a little bit away from final success.

The reason why it was so fast was because Narofa had also tried to synthesize the Star Mystery Gem.

But after many failures, he gave up unsurprisingly.

Rosen started over from where he failed and used basic element theory as a guide, and the result was extremely smooth.

Because, spectral analysis shows that the three basic elements contained in the Star Mystery Gem are all known.

Time flies when you focus on research.

In the blink of an eye, it was past nine o'clock at night.

While she was concentrating, there was a gentle knock on the door, and Dora's inner voice came from outside the door.

"Rosen, open the door and let me in."

Rosen was a little strange and immediately replied with the voice of his heart: "What's wrong?"

These days, both of them were very well-behaved. Apart from Rosen occasionally writing some storybooks for her to entertain herself, they did nothing else.

In Rosen's opinion, the secret relationship between the two should have ended completely.

"I noticed that my father and my husband were acting weird and a little scared!"

Rosen was shocked and immediately opened the door.

Dora, wearing only a thin nightgown, immediately tiptoed in. After closing the door, her face turned slightly pale, showing full nervousness.

"what happened?"

"They might have gone crazy."

Rosen was even more shocked. This was a serious matter.

As soon as the thought came to mind, the mana torrent staff was already in his hand.

"Why do you say that?"

Dora's face turned even paler: "I just woke up and found that my husband was not around, and then there was a strange noise in my father's room."

"Originally it was nothing, it happened all the time in the past, but today it's different."

"They were laughing, giggling, that kind of suppressed, changed laughter, the kind of laughter that makes people's hair stand on end when they hear it."

"This is not a sound that normal people can make. I feel very scared when I hear it, but they are my father and husband. I don't know what to do!"

She looked panicked.

Rosen was also surprised. He immediately brought all the combat weapons and took out a warm cloak to put on Dora.

"Let's go, let's go find Archmage Bren first."

This matter was too big and he couldn't handle it with his current strength.

The two went out, tiptoed to the door of Bren's bedroom, and woke him up with the voice of the soul.

After Bren woke up, Dora told the story again.

Bren also looked shocked. After thinking for a moment, he also picked up the staff and a full set of magical weapons.

"Come on, let's go take a look quietly."

If it were elsewhere, he might not be able to suppress it.

But this is his home, and there are many large defensive formations that only he knows about.

Even if something happens, we should be able to deal with it.

This chapter was very tiring to write and it took me a long time to revise it. Try to make it as logically logical as possible.

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