Master Tongtian

Chapter 344 A life from another world with its own immortal bloodline (3/3)

Chapter 344 A life from another world with its own immortal bloodline (33)

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

There is still snow in the sky, but it is as warm as spring in the glass greenhouse.

Rosenwo sat on a chair covered with thick bearskin, with one leg casually resting on the small table, holding Vivian's life research notes in his hands and looking at it carefully.

The physiological part includes the detailed development process of the child in the belly, which is very detailed and even has blurry images.

It was Vivian who used her mage's hands to carefully touch it out bit by bit in her belly.

I have to say, this woman is really crazy.

But this part is similar to that on Earth, so there’s nothing much to say.

But the spell part is interesting.

I saw it written on the record.

"When the child grew to one and a half months old, I could clearly sense the child's magic power."

"Of course, this magic power is very, very weak, so that I have to enter a deep state of silent meditation to feel it."

"Fortunately, I gave birth to two children at the same time, so I had a perfect comparison, which allowed me to observe more carefully."

"The strange thing is that the magic is so powerful for such a young child."

"Although the absolute upper limit of mana is very low, it is almost the same as an adult who does not meditate. However, the body size of the two parties is hundreds of times different."

Seeing this, Rosen's attention was firmly attracted.

"As time goes by, the child's magic power becomes stronger and stronger. At its peak, it even reaches five times that of an ordinary adult."

"And this period of time also happens to occur during the months when children grow the fastest."

"Obviously, at this time, the child's vitality is the most intense, so I naturally connected the two."

"I couldn't help but wonder if life energy was a variant of mana."

"To test this guess, I found a group of ordinary children who had never meditated, took a batch of cells from each person, and carefully observed and compared them."

"Sure enough, I found that those children who were strong, active, and obviously healthy had more mana bubbles and were more active."

"On the other hand, if the child is thin, quiet, and often sick, the number of mana bubbles will not only be small, but the intensity will also be weak."

"I compared the cells of ordinary adults and found that the number of mana bubbles in the cells of adults was significantly lower than that of children in the growing period."

"And by using a high-power oil lens and purple pigment dyeing and development, I discovered a lot of details."

"I finally discovered that there are two types of mana bubbles. One is the mage mana bubble, and the other is the life mana bubble."

"Ordinary people have almost only life mana bubbles in their bodies, which are the embodiment of life vitality."

Seeing this, Rosen continued to carefully observe the details that Vivian discovered. The more he looked, the more fascinated he became, and the more he looked, the more wonderful he felt.

Just as he was looking at it seriously, Vivian's voice came from the side.

"My dear, it's an honor to see you looking at my results so intently."

Rosen came back to his senses a little, took a sip of the warm tea handed over by the maid, and said, "I think it's time to take a closer look at my cells to see if there's anything different."

"Oh, have you had any unusual experiences?"

"An extraordinary being once told me that she poured a lot of vitality into my body."

"I felt a lot of strange, warm, numbing things entering my body at that time. After that, I started to grow taller quickly and I never got sick again."

In addition to Oleikea, Afu also fed him a lot later. If nothing happens, he may be able to live up to the age of 120.

As expected, Vivian became very interested and immediately said: "Give me some of your blood, I will see it right away."

Rosen complied.

After getting the blood sample, Vivian immediately entered the laboratory.

About an hour later, she rushed back with excitement on her face.

"I have never seen mortal cells with so many life mana bubbles. It is almost ten times more than the ordinary people I have seen before, and even more than the babies being gestated."

"My dear, why are supernatural beings so generous to you?"

"Probably because I saved her life."

Vivian suddenly understood: "Sure enough, extraordinary gifts are always accompanied by extraordinary kindness."

She pointed to the research results: "Then, I probably understand the working principle of vitality."

"tell me the story."

Although the research results are available, Rosen is too tired to read them. Rosen still likes to listen to Vivian's explanations because her voice is particularly pleasant.

"The material manifestation of life vitality is the life mana bubble, and the shape of this life mana bubble is different from that of a mage's mana bubble."

"They are more active, like running around and moving around, and seem to have a role in repairing damage."

"Although limited by the ability of the microscope, I cannot clearly see the details of the repair, but I still extracted several nutrients that are beneficial to cells in creating this life mana bubble."

"Mortals can live longer and be more energetic as long as they supplement these unique nutrients and cooperate with basic meditation to convert this substance into as many life mana bubbles as possible."

"In other words, silent meditation can make people live longer."

Rosen thought for a moment: "In other words, as long as there are enough life mana bubbles in mortal cells, they can live forever."


This means that as long as you find the right method, people in other worlds can actually live forever.

This is really an advantage that makes people on earth envious.

Rosen suddenly thought of the moon elf.

"Want to see the cells of the Moon Elf?"

"Of course I do."

"wait for me a while."

Rosen immediately walked out of the greenhouse, and about half an hour later, he got back some blood.

"Take this and take a look."

Vivian went to observe again and got the results soon.

"The number of life mana bubbles in this cell is more than twenty times that of ordinary people, and it is very active, almost comparable to the cells of some extraordinary beasts."

It is said that moon elves are immortals, and now they have found the basis.

Rosen recalled his past experience and asked: "How is the rapid transfer of life vitality achieved?"

Vivian began to speculate based on the current findings.

"First we have to transfer materials, and then use some kind of wonderful magic to use these materials to rebuild the life mana bubble in the target's body. No, no, no, this method may be too slow!"

"It should be that a substance containing a large amount of life mana bubbles is directly injected into the target's body."

Rosen was confused: "Can the life mana bubbles of different life entities be shared?"

Vivian nodded: "To be precise, life and mana bubbles of the same race can basically be shared, and there is almost no repulsion."

This is not difficult to understand, after all, the blood of people on earth has certain universality.

Rosenli immediately recalled the scene when Oreykoa injected vitality into himself.

The memory I recall directly is a bit blurry, so I simply sink into the adventure journal and re-experience the process of being infused with life vitality.

When being indoctrinated, my body felt numb, like a slight electric shock, and I felt something flowing into my body, which lasted for about two or three minutes.

I felt my energy explode on the spot.

Experience Afu again.

Afu didn't specifically infuse him with vitality, but a large amount of substances still entered his body. He didn't feel much at the time. It took more than an hour before he felt full of energy.

Rosen said: "According to my experience, the perfusion process only lasts three minutes, and the effect is immediately apparent, and extraordinary people do not understand the existence of cells."

Vivian's eyes lit up: "So, she most likely used some kind of natural magic to inject a large amount of life mana bubbles into your body."

Rosen immediately added: "It should be ancient witchcraft."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"But the infusion only occurs in one place. If it is an ordinary substance that is infused, then this substance should accumulate in the place where it is injected for a long time. It should only act on one part of the body, not the whole body in an instant!"

Vivian was startled: "What you said makes sense."

The discussion of the problem reached the deep water area and encountered real difficulties.

At this time, if there is no assistance from more knowledge, it will basically be completely stuck, and it may take a long, long time to find a breakthrough point.

But Rosen happened to have this knowledge.

And he immediately thought of the three extraordinary characteristics of Master Turan.

Perfect mana transmission, light-like but not light, fusion of life.

Seeing that Rosen was silent for a long time, Vivian asked, "Dear, have you thought of anything?"

Rosen said: "I'm wondering if I can extract a large amount of the life mana bubble and study it carefully."

"I tried to do it, but it was very difficult and there have been very few results so far."

"But the direction is definitely right."

After careful consideration, Rosen handed Master Turan's research results to Vivian.

"I got another research record that might be useful to you."

This research record contains a lot of taboo life knowledge, but it has to be said that this knowledge is very, very precious.

Rosen has been very busy recently and has no time to study it carefully, so he can only entrust it to Vivian, a life expert.

I also believe that she will give herself a satisfactory answer.

Vivian quickly looked through the records, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"My dear, although this thing is extremely valuable, the way to obtain it seems not to be very kind."

Where it is unkind, it is simply cruel and ruthless.

Rosen spread his hands: "I know, and the mage who did this has gone astray. What we have to do is to get a reference from this knowledge, rather than repeat his old path."

"I understand, this knowledge is very important. With its help, my research on the nature of the life mana bubble will definitely be accelerated several times!"

She turned around to go back to the laboratory for research, but was stopped by Rosen.

"Vivian, don't be so anxious. We still have a lot of time. Let's give birth to the baby first."

While talking, Vivian took Master Turan's research notes back while she wasn't paying attention.

"When the child is born and you have taken care of yourself, I will give it to you."

Vivian suddenly looked pleading: "My dear, you are simply torturing me by doing this."

"I know, but I still hope you can bear with it."

"Hey~~Okay, okay, for the sake of the child, I will bear it for a while."

After saying that, he sat back in the chair and gently stroked his swollen belly, with a hint of maternal light on his face.

"My little darlings, mother has sacrificed a lot for you."

Rosen also walked over and squatted next to Vivian, putting his ear against his belly and listening carefully. After listening for a while, his cheek was lightly kicked and he couldn't help but laugh.

"The one who kicked me must have been a boy."

Vivian felt it carefully and nodded to confirm: "Yes, this is a troublemaker."

Rosen thought for a moment and discussed, "How about the child's last name is mine?"

Vivian was a little surprised: "You are now a Golden Baron, and you are also a god-given earl in the East. Are you willing to give your surname to an illegitimate child?"

Giving a surname means recognizing the child's identity and having the right to inherit the title when he grows up.

Rosen had already thought about it: "I have more women, and I will have more children in the future. So let's make an agreement first, whoever is the mother of the child will inherit the mother's property."

"Of course, I will also put enough property under your name. An income of 100,000 kroner a year will definitely be no problem."

"As for my title... Actually, I think with the rapid development of the times, the gold content of the title will decline rapidly, while the gold content of the talent will rise rapidly."

"So, we hope to carefully cultivate children from an early age and develop their natural abilities."

"When you grow up, you will become a person with outstanding talents, who will be respected by others and capable enough to hold on to your family's property."

Seeing that Vivian was a little confused, Rosen explained: "Our titles in the north are still more valuable, that's because we are relatively poor in the north."

"But the title of nobility in the East is almost gone. There are a lot of down-and-out nobles on the road, and the life of a person with enough talent is far less good."

"So I think that with the development of the times, titles will always become obsolete, but talents will not and will become more and more precious."

Extraordinary chaos is really coming, and the first thing the guardian saints will protect must be talents, not some incompetent lord.

Vivian understood: "It's a good arrangement for you."

Rosen stayed with Vivian for a while longer and then returned to the castle.

After that, just focus entirely on work.

During the day, he built and improved airplanes, and at night, he studied the master's logic skills. He was so busy that he almost completely forgot about the affairs of the Eastern Territory.

The reason why I use almost is because Heya Jiali will write him a large letter the next day, telling him how she misses him, and also reporting to him the latest situation in the East.

In the blink of an eye, a month and a half passed.

Three new aircraft were built one by one, but the master's research on logic and magic was always a little bit behind, unable to break through.

It was clear that he was just short of the last point, but he was stuck. Rosen was a little unwilling and thought about finishing it before going to the East.

So it was delayed for another two days.

On this day, while he and Master Sophia were discussing the final difficulties in the study, a messenger came to report the military situation.

"Lord, there is an emergency report from Crescent Fortress. It is discovered that ice dwarves are trying to dig a tunnel to break through the city wall. They have been successfully intercepted and are currently in confrontation."

How to find out? Of course, use a highly sensitive mana fluctuation detector.

Because the ice dwarves can only use magic to dig. As long as they dig, the detector will react.

Rosen looked at Master Sophia apologetically: "Master, I'll take care of it."

Why use the word process?

Because the current ice dwarves are no longer worthy of being called a threat.

Just like a group of modern warriors on earth armed with live ammunition, facing a group of ancient armies with swords, it is not a battle from the same era at all.

Sophia wasn't the least bit worried.

"Go ahead and let me discuss it with Thrandis."

After saying that, she continued to stare at the spell book carefully with her eyebrows raised, thinking carefully about the secret to the breakthrough.

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