Master Tongtian

Chapter 376 Three major difficulties in the floating city (2/3)

Chapter 376 Three major difficulties in the floating city (23)

When Daxian came to vote, Rosen naturally put aside his work and went to greet him.

There were still thin wisps of rain falling in the sky, but the shadow of the sun could be faintly seen behind the clouds.

Rosen rushed from the weapon refining workshop to the square in front of the Lord's Mansion, and saw that the door was crowded with mages who were leading their families.

Except for Hamilton, who is in his forties, the others are all between 20 and 30 years old, and all of them are young and strong.

Rosen took a quick glance and found that the magic achievements of these young mages had basically reached the intermediate level, and at least one tenth had reached the high level.

It can also be vaguely felt that the temperament of these mages is similar to Hamilton, and they all have the kind of stubbornness to fight to the end when they catch a difficult problem.

This kind of person is a good candidate for scientific research.

Rosen was happy in his heart: "Not bad~ Really good~ These talents must be put to good use."

Of course, before hiring someone, you have to help them get their home settled.

There are more than 900 people and nearly 300 households. Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to relocate them, but after he liquidated the city, there were so many empty houses, and they were all good ones.

After thinking for a moment, Rosen had a plan in mind and shouted with the voice of the collective soul.

"Everyone, come with me~"

Then, he called Harik and brought a large number of attendants to lead the way, leading everyone all the way to the door of the mansion in the northeast corner of Beluga City.

This mansion originally belonged to the Reinent family and covered an area of ​​60 acres, which is equivalent to 1,800 acres of the earth.

Once the empty rooms in the mansion are cleared out, there will be no problem for 500 households to live in them.

Therefore, these 300 households live in this area, which is quite spacious.

Rosen's arrangement was not random. He had already investigated the housing conditions in Raging Wave City.

It is true that Nutao City has prosperous magic and prosperous commerce, but the population is also extremely dense and the competition is very fierce. Every inch of land in the main city is precious.

There are no high-rise buildings in this world to alleviate space, and there are only five floors to the sky, so the competition for housing space is much more intense than in the big cities on Earth in previous lives.

The average price per square meter is 200 kronor.

For ordinary mages living in Nutao City, if a family can buy a 50-square-meter room with a separate bathroom, it is considered a successful life.

As a top magic master, Hamilton's house is only 4 Rams, and it was a reward from the Duke. It is about the same size as Rosen's sunny house in the north.

The average house in the Reinent family's mansion is three stories high, with a total of 500 independent rooms. Each room is over 100 square meters and has complete living facilities. It is definitely much better than the previous accommodation conditions of these mages.

Once here, Rosen instructed his attendants to change the door number of the mansion to "Family Compound of the Research Bureau of the Grand Floating City", and then took Sir Hamilton into it.

"Master, this house is very big. The main courtyard covers an area of ​​20 rams. It has beautiful scenery, luxurious facilities, and more than 40 luxurious guest rooms. If you don't mind it, will you and your family live in the main courtyard?"

Hamilton fell in love with this mansion as soon as he entered it, because this place was much better than his previous house in Raging Waves City.

His personal requirements for material conditions are not high, but who doesn’t want his family to have a better life?

He couldn't help but feel joy on his face as he watched his wife and children put aside their previous apprehensions and excitedly discuss which room to live in.

"Earl, I like it very much. Thank you very much."

He handed another piece of information to Rosen: "This is the list and information of this group of mages. Please arrange accommodation for them according to the order on the list to avoid disputes."

This thing is good, it will save Rosen a lot of trouble.

So he handed the list to Harik who was following him, and Harik immediately turned around to make arrangements.

Rosen led the Hamilton family into the main courtyard of the mansion.

The main courtyard is semi-independent, somewhat similar to a large courtyard, surrounded by three-story white stone houses, with a carefully maintained garden in the middle, and its own attendants to help settle Sir Hamilton's family.

By this time, the rain had completely stopped, the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and the sun showed its smiling face.

Rosen and Hamilton walked along the garden path, chatting as they walked.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Hamilton sighed: "Hey~~ Raging Wave City is completely in chaos."

Rosen naturally knew the current situation in Raging Wave City, so he pretended not to know and asked, "What happened?"

"Just the day before yesterday, the Duke declared Master Raven to be a traitor to Raging Waves City. He even personally led the team and ransacked Master Raven's home without any explanation."

"Fortunately, Master Raven was more vigilant and escaped from Raging Waves City with his family early, thus avoiding the suffering of prison."

"This move also completely intensified the storm. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in the rain and surrounded Thunder Castle, demanding an explanation from the Duke. Naturally, the Duke couldn't give one, so he hunkered down in Thunder Castle and refused to come out."

Rosen sighed after hearing this: "The Duke is really too reckless in what he does."

This wasn't the first time he heard this. Yesterday, he heard Patsy describe it once. Now that he heard it again, he still felt that his father-in-law's style of doing things was a real tiger.

Probably because there is no restraint from his wife, the tiger is out of the cage.

It was exactly as he expected.

It’s no wonder that Hamilton wanted to flee Raging Waves City early. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that something was going to happen in Raging Waves City.

As long as he has some ability and doesn't want to get involved in the storm, he will naturally run away.

Hamilton waved his hands with regret: "Let's not talk about the Duke anymore. Let's talk about business."

His topic immediately turned to the Great Floating City.

"Earl, in your opinion, what are the key difficulties in building a large floating city?"

Rosen has already analyzed it carefully, so he will explain it in detail now.

“There are three main difficulties, all caused by ‘bigness’.”

There is one fact in this world that is often overlooked, and that is size.

Many people subconsciously believe that the performance of a thing can be scaled proportionally with its size.

For example, ants can lift objects hundreds of times their own weight, so I subconsciously think that as long as an ant reaches human size, it will be an invincible strongman.

This ignores the increasing boundary effects caused by size changes.

In fact, if ants are as big as humans, then due to the huge size change, there will be problems with the oxygen and energy supply of the cells, and the bearing of the body's own weight. It will be a problem whether they can survive, let alone lift things.

The same goes for the Great Floating City.

Many problems that are not a problem on a small aircraft become difficult to ignore after being infinitely magnified and must be solved.

“First, it’s structural strength.”

"Although it is a gravitational levitation, the structural strength requirements will be much lower. But if the size reaches 1 meter, it will be impossible to achieve a uniform gravitational field passing through the floating city. Therefore, the strength of the floating city itself must be used to offset most of the uneven strength."

"According to my calculations, the main frame of the floating city must be reinforced with a steel structure using the master's level 5 petrification technique, and its total weight may exceed one million divin." (Note: One divin can be regarded as one ton.)

"Also, just gathering so much steel is a big problem."

Hamilton looked a little shocked: "This is almost the total steel output of the entire Eastern Territory in five years. If only Raging Wave City alone, twenty years would not be enough."

Rosen made the second point.

"The second is that the sunlight that the power source is currently using the celestial channel spell is far from enough to lift the large floating city. The difference is several orders of magnitude."

Hamilton had not done much research on the celestial channel spell, so he said at this time: "Introduce this spell in detail."

Rosen nodded: "The heavenly channel can lead to sunlight through a principle I don't know. It works no matter night or day, or even deep underground."

"But there is a flaw, that is, in a certain volume of space, there is an upper limit to the amount of sunlight that can be absorbed."

"This upper limit is that in a space with a length, width and height of 10 meters, you can only receive the power equivalent to a master's level 8 spell. After deducting the conversion consumption of the divine iron core, you will only have a level 5 master. After another wave of spells, The only consumption left is Master Level 4."

Hamilton was startled and didn't understand.

"You mean, no matter how many heavenly channel spells exist in this space, they can't break through this upper limit?"

Rosen nodded: "If 100 are released, the sunlight received by each spell will be equally shared."

Because of this, it is possible to push an airplane, but the force density is too low to push a large floating city.

After all, there are a large number of functional structures in the floating city, and it is impossible to use all the space to set up heaven passage spells.

Even if this is done, a large number of heavenly channel spells must be installed, and the failure rate must be astonishingly high, and subsequent maintenance will be a disaster.

Of course, this difficulty may be solved with extraordinary holy gold, but this thing is absolutely confidential and its performance is not perfect.

At present, everyone has just arrived, and their character and background are not clear, so Rosen will not talk about it for the time being.

He went on to point three.

"The last one is the problem of cooperation between mages."

"For such a large floating city, one gravity spell cannot reach the sky. It must be coordinated by many spells, and this requires the guidance of hundreds, even tens of thousands of mages."

"It's okay if it's just floating. You can use the constancy technique to maintain buoyancy. But since it's floating, the biggest advantage is that it can move.

"When moving, how should everyone cooperate and work together, or how should a mage suddenly feel unwell and have diarrhea, how to fill the gap in time? In short, just thinking about it makes people feel headaches."

Rosen's feeling was that even if the floating city could float to the sky with manpower alone, it would not be able to float for long and it could fall from the sky at any time.

At that time, it will not be a large floating city, but a large man-made meteorite.

Hamilton also heard the blood vessels in his forehead pulsing.

"This is much more difficult than my steam magic weapon. Has the count thought of a solution?"

Rosen spread his hands: "My idea is to develop a magic weapon that can automatically cast spells."


Hamilton also spread his hands.

"Why do I think this is harder than getting mages to cooperate with each other?"

Rosen smiled, raised a finger, and a little mana appeared on the fingertip.

After the mana leaves the finger, it automatically condenses into a ball, and then begins to glow for 3 seconds before disappearing into the air.

"Master, since mana can be automatically converted into lighting spells, why can't it be automatically converted into traction?"

"If the principles behind this can be thoroughly studied, automatic spell casting should be solved."

"At that time, a large number of star secret gems will be used to store mana. You only need to press a switch to allow the mana to flow into the gravitational circle automatically and convert it into gravity. This will completely free the mage from repetitive and tedious spell-casting activities. "

Hamilton nodded slowly after hearing this, but couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that you young people are still quick-thinking. I am really old~~"

Rosen's face was expressionless and he sighed softly.

"Master, I'm just trying to talk the talk. There's still a hundred thousand rumi to go before it can actually be realized."

There was a trace of confusion in Hamilton's eyes: "You are right, I don't know if I will be able to see the big floating city rising from Beluga Island in my lifetime."

There was a slight hesitation, but he was quickly dispelled and he started asking practical questions.

"Earl, how much money do you plan to invest in the research bureau in advance?"

"I just made some money recently. So in this first round, I will invest 3 million kronor."

Hamilton laughed: "Because of your generosity, I must use these three million crowns to make a journey of ten thousand ramies."

Rosen also laughed: "Master, you still have to pay attention to your health. You can make money again if you run out of money. But if your body is damaged, it will be difficult to recover."

Hamilton didn't care.

"A mortal's life spans only a few decades. If you don't take advantage of this time to do something big, it will be like living in vain."

He looked gearing up: "After settling in today, I'll start tomorrow!"

"As you wish, Master."

By the afternoon, Hamilton's group of mages were all settled, and the next day, three million crowns of research funds were allocated as scheduled.

Hamilton is indeed a great talent. Under his arrangement, the Floating City Research Bureau quickly got on the right track with the wild speed of a warrior charging.

Rosen often goes around to check the progress, share his ideas, or help solve some problems.

At the same time, it also provides more outstanding talents for the Research Bureau.

Most of the other time, he was building airplanes for the prince.

One after another, it becomes more and more smooth.

Not only did he have good skills, but so did the more than 100 weapon-making apprentices who assisted him in building the aircraft.

Chief apprentice Lotana is already qualified to replace 60% of Rosen's work.

In addition to the sacred iron core with complex and precise curved surfaces, the shape of the aircraft, and the high-quality star secret gems, the weapon refiner apprentices can handle all other parts.

Therefore, Rosen easily established another "Aircraft Manufacturing Bureau". The first acting director was himself, and the deputy director was the chief apprentice Lotana.

Why is he the acting director?

Because the director will be handed over to Gendeloni in the future.

After one and a half months of construction, the manufacturing bureau was able to produce an airplane in one day, and there was still a lot of free time every day, so there was no time to waste telling stories to Fischer.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly received a message from Afu.

"Come to the Snow-covered Mountains, my sister wants to see you."

Afu's sister was naturally Fertana. Rosen didn't dare to neglect and immediately rushed to the Snow-covered Mountain.

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