Master Tongtian

Chapter 381 This Earl deserves to die! (1/3)

Chapter 381 This Earl deserves to die! (13)

Early next morning.

When the sun rose, the 14 Archmages did not return in triumph, but disappeared.

In the deep blue hall, the archmages gathered together again, the same group of people from last night.

After losing 14 archmages from humble backgrounds, there are more than 50 people left, who are either directly from the five major families, or are the sons-in-law or daughters-in-law of the families.

In the center of the main seat, Amidela Langley had not slept well all night, and her spirit was a little depressed.

He sighed softly: "It seems that the Master Raid Team failed."

He felt very heartbroken after losing 14 Archmages, including 1 Peak Archmage, and a precious Divine Iron Core.

Of course Uragon is also there.

He also had two dark circles under his eyes and his face was a little blue, because he had not slept all night and was trying his best to collect information all the time.

But when he collected intelligence, the carrier of information was letters, and the people responsible for transporting the information were manpower.

This has a lag that cannot be ignored, and inevitable inaccuracies will occur during information transmission.

The strong capabilities of intelligence analysts can make up for some of the shortcomings.

But if the analysis target exhibits unprecedented characteristics and is beyond the analyst's experience range, then no matter how powerful the analysis ability is, it will be useless.

Therefore, Yuragon was also very confused. He felt like he was in a vast fog. He could only hear one or two sounds occasionally, but he didn't know the truth.

At this time, he made his own judgment based on limited information.

"Father, rushing all night to Beluga Island, which is more than 600 meters away, is a very tiring task."

"Perhaps the masters have already arrived on the island, but they are tired and the news is not smooth, so they find a place to hide temporarily."

"That's possible."

After thinking for a moment, Amidela said: "Then we'll wait for the rest of the way."

"The Storm Alliance has been temporarily pacified. The most important thing now is to build our own gun workshop."

"Yuragon, tell me about your investigation results about the rune gun."

Uragon nodded, took out a long wooden box from behind the chair, walked to the center of the hall, opened it, and took out a strange magic weapon made of metal and wood.

He stole this from the Storm Alliance army camp at a great cost.

He studied it for most of the night and already had a good understanding of it.

At this time, I introduced it to everyone in detail.

"This is the new magic weapon produced on Beluga Island. They call it a rapid-fire rifle, which means a gun used by infantry that can fire quickly."

"I have tested it. As long as the action is fast enough, this weapon can be thrown 40 times a minute."

"And these are the rune stones used for launching, or to be more precise, rune iron."

"It is very hard and quite stable. It will not be accidentally triggered by ordinary beating or stepping on it, but after being fired from the gun, it has incredible flying speed."

"The terrifying high speed, hard shell, and inherent low-level missile skills give Rune Iron the ability to break through mid-level and medium-level shields."

While speaking, Yuragang sent the hundreds of stolen bullets to each master for everyone to observe carefully.

Each master looked at it carefully and soon began to express his own opinions.

"A very delicate combination of rune stones, but the principle is not difficult. The gravity spell is responsible for propulsion, and the front warhead is responsible for damage."

"The principle is indeed not difficult, and it is not difficult to make one, but it is very difficult to make so many identical ones."

"Yes, the most terrifying thing about this weapon is that it fires quickly."

If it wasn't launched quickly, it would be just a medium-level attack that could be easily blocked.

"Not only is it extremely difficult to keep the rune bullets consistent, but it is also extremely difficult to keep the size of the gun consistent. If there is a slight error, it may get stuck and become difficult to fire."

"It's okay if it's difficult to launch. If the rune iron accidentally explodes in this iron pipe, it won't hurt others, but yourself."

"The biggest scary thing is that it's easy to operate."

"Anyone who picks up this thing can fight against a mid-level mage. If a few people get it, they can kill a high-level mage with luck."

"It would be terrifying if there were 10,000 people!"

"No wonder our marine army can't stop it, this thing is really powerful!"

All of them are masters of magic, with great knowledge and extraordinary wisdom. After some discussion, they discovered the terrifying aspects of this new weapon.

Seeing that everyone had a good understanding of the new weapons, Amidra Langley tapped the table lightly.

After the hall became quiet, he asked loudly.

"Obviously, we must build a gunsmith's workshop of our own as soon as possible to arm our legions with this new weapon."

"This needs a responsible person, who will do it?"

When asked this question, all the great mages remained silent.

The principle of this new gadget is not difficult, but it is very difficult to actually implement it. It requires breaking through a lot of technical details of the weapon refining.

Even if there are samples available for imitation, starting from scratch would probably take more than half a year to achieve results.

The most important thing is that if you do it well, it will be a miracle.

But if you don't do it well, the responsibility will be huge. Although you won't be severely punished, your life will definitely be far less comfortable than it is now.

They are all members of the five major families. They live a good life, have a prosperous life, and have a high status. There is no need to take on such risky drudgery.

After all, if that doesn't work, you can still buy it from Beluga Island.

As for the night attack by 14 archmages, the worst case scenario is an apology.

We are all decent people, but it is just a small friction caused by the subordinates' arbitrary opinions, and it will be over with a smile.

Amidela was a little annoyed and patted the table: "No one dares to stand up?!"

But these words are a deterrent to civilians, but they are not easy to use against members of the five major families.

Everyone is a great mage, and there is not much difference in status. No one is afraid of anyone.

Members of the Langley family respect Amidela as the patriarch and will express support.

However, the other four major families didn't even express their opinions. They all lowered their heads slightly, looked at their noses and hearts, pretending to be wooden figures.

In the end, it was Yuragon who stood up.

"Fellow clan leaders and masters, if you think my abilities are good enough, why don't you let me try?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Duma Green, the patriarch of the Green family, spoke.

"I don't think it's necessary to go to such trouble. Why not go directly to Beluga Island to buy it."

"In terms of financial resources, we are not inferior to Nutau City."

"As long as all the production capacity of Beluga Island is bought out, the so-called Storm Guards will have no weapons supplies. By then we will have our legions well-armed and can fight back in one wave."

As soon as he finished speaking, the third family patriarch, Kano Howard, spoke.

"Master Duma, your idea is too naive. What if Beluga Island uses what happened last night to blackmail you?"

"So, we still have to build it. No matter whether we can build it well or not, at least we can ensure that our lifeline is not captured by others."

"It's rare that Yu Li Gang has this kind of motivation. I think it's better to let this young man have a try."

When he said this, the remaining two clan leaders nodded in agreement, and the other masters also agreed.

After all, Yurigang's ability is obvious to all and he is young. There is no more suitable candidate than him.

As the rotating speaker of this term, Amidra Langley discussed the details with several surrounding clan leaders, then gently made a decision and announced the final conclusion.

"Then, let's select 100 outstanding weapon refining mages from various current weapon refining workshops and inject 500,000 crowns of capital to establish a brand new gun workshop."

Five hundred thousand kronor is not much, but it is not too little. After all, the Shentie Bureau was just established some time ago and spent a lot of money. The Marine Corps was defeated, and a large amount of compensation was required.

In addition, each major family also needs to live a good life, which is also a huge expense.

Yurigang really wanted to do this well, and secretly decided to draw funds from his private property to subsidize it.

It may seem like a loss in the short term, but when the gun workshop gets back on track, the Langley family will have far more control over the workshop than other families.

The position of the head of the five major families will be more secure, and he may even become the supreme family.

So Yurigan made a promise.

"Dear clan leaders and masters, I will be able to produce a batch of usable rune guns in three months at most, and in five months I will have enough production capacity to re-arm the Marine Corps."

After saying that, he turned around and gave a deep salute to the clan leaders, then strode away and started to work without any delay.

Kano Howard praised: "What a motivated young man."

Sighing, he looked at Amidela again.

"We probably lost fourteen great mages this time. We must give an explanation to their families. How much do you think is good?"

It’s not certain yet, but if there’s still no news after five or six days, that person is basically gone.

Amidela felt a little headache because there were so many places to spend money recently.

After thinking for a moment, he said softly: "The old rules are, 5,000 for a level 2 archmage, and 1,000 more for each level. For a peak archmage, let's mention 30,000."

Howard disagreed.

"At this time, we are in urgent need of more talents. Although funds are tight, we cannot save it and must be generous."

Amidela nodded in approval: "What's your suggestion?"

"How about giving his family a house in the city worth more than 1 dira?"

The situation in Baisha City is similar to that in Nutau City. They are also densely populated and land is very expensive. The market price of a house with a price of more than 1 dira in the city is more than 150,000 kronor.

Ordinary people who have worked hard for three generations may not be able to afford it, but for the five major families who control more than 60% of the city's real estate, this amount of money is just drizzle.

Amidra thought for a moment: "One dira is too spacious. Half a dira is enough. And there is no need to give it. Just give it a 50-year right to use it."

Howard nodded: "Okay."

Things are tentatively agreed upon, and then things run according to the established plan.

Time passed day by day, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

There was still no news from the 14 Archmage, so Baisha City concluded that the Archmage was finished.

After all, it was the Archmage, and 14 of them disappeared at once. This was a big deal, so we naturally had to take measures to deal with the aftermath.

Otherwise, there will be no talent to work for their five major families in the future.

Under the instruction of Speaker Amidela, the Lord of Baisha City announced in a high-profile manner the pensions for the civilian masters, and with great fanfare, sent people to deliver high pensions to the masters' families.

As a result, this delivery was a strange one.

The master's family could not be found.

It’s okay if one family is not found, but none of them are found.

None of the 14 great mages, including their immediate family members and direct disciples, could be found. Everyone was missing.

All the furnishings in the house are there. Except for cash, magic weapons and precious spell books, there are also many other daily necessities.

Judging from the traces at the scene, it seems that he left in a hurry.

This is strange.

This strange thing was quickly reported by the city lord to the five major families, and naturally also to Yuragang.

Although Uragon was busy with the gun workshop, he did not relax his intelligence work.

As soon as I got this news, my heart skipped a beat.

"No, the masters may not be dead, but have been recruited by Moby Dick Island!"

As for the masters’ families, they must have been quietly picked up by Beluga Island.

But this is just speculation.

Yurigang immediately launched his own intelligence network to verify.

About five days later, after defeating many elite spies, an intelligence agent successfully landed on Beluga Island and obtained definite evidence from the local residents of Beluga Island.

Earl Rosen of Beluga Island did not hide anything at all.

He also specially held a grand welcome party for the masters who had recently defected to Beluga Island.

Everyone on the island knew that there were 15 more Archmages on the island, and two of them were the pinnacle Archmages who were famous in the Eastern Territory.

Every one of the Beluga Islanders felt that they had gained more face.

It is said that the count was extremely courteous to the archmages. Each archmage was given a mansion worth at least 5 rams as a gift, and all were assigned important and practical positions, with an annual salary starting from 5,000 crowns.

Not only that, the masters were also knighted and given shares in the Bank of the Islands. I can receive a large amount of extra money from the bank every year until I return to the Kingdom of God.

All in all, the treatment is astonishingly good and makes people yearn for it.

The moment the news arrived, even though Yuragang had been mentally prepared, he felt his eyes darken.

"What a great Earl of Beluga Island~ What a big ambition!"

At the same time, there was another news.

The information said that the Mage Alliance in Raging Waves City urgently purchased at least 5,000 guns and countless rune bullets from White Whale Island.

Upon hearing the news, Yulagang could not sit still and immediately went to his father Amidela to discuss the matter.

When Amidela heard the news, she became furious and raised her hand to slam the table hard, making a loud 'bang' sound.

"The Earl of Beluga Island, despicable!"

They poached the walls of Baisha City, and even poached 14 great mages at once. It was simply shameless!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he roared angrily: "Hateful! Bastard! Damn it!"

With such a high price to poach someone, if this news reaches Baisha City, won't those civilian mages jump up?

How will they force these civilian mages to serve the family in the future?

The rage lasted for a full five or six minutes before he was finally restrained by reason.

"Keep making guns, but you must also buy guns, at least 10,000!"

Where to buy?

Of course, go to Beluga Island to buy it.

It’s impossible not to buy it, because you can’t stop the Storm Alliance without guns!

It feels really uncomfortable to still send money to the other person even though I hate him so much.

Amidela felt like her heart was on edge and couldn't help but raise her head and sigh.

"Ah~ This Earl of Beluga Island deserves to die!"

Yurigan was a pragmatic man and immediately came up with ideas.

"Father, this is definitely not possible. Whether it is the Storm Alliance or White Whale Island, they are completely different from the traditions of the Eastern Territory.

"If they are doing well, we are definitely not doing well. So they must not continue to exist."

Amidela nodded: "You are right!"

Yurigang continued: "But we in Baisha City alone are unable to defeat the two. We must unite all the great lords in the East and use all our strength to completely suppress these two families!"

Amidela nodded vigorously again.

"You are right, you must do this, otherwise the world will change!"

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