Master Tongtian

Chapter 393 Evil emerges in troubled times (2/5)

Chapter 393: Evil emerges in troubled times (25)

Nutao City, the wharves on both sides of the Bilang River outlet.

Legions gathered like mountains, and various ships floated on the river like schools of fish.

The four major cities and eight major families sent out all their elites, and urgently recruited a large number of peasant soldiers. The total number of soldiers exceeded one million, blocking both sides of the Bilang River.

There is only one goal.

Go out to sea, land on Beluga Island using the human wave tactic, capture Beluga City, and kill the Earl of the Islands who humiliated the Eastern Territory!

Of course, there are not enough ships now, far from it.

All merchant ships in Nutau City have been requisitioned, and all shipyards are working overtime to build ships.

On the south bank of Nutao City is the military garrison of Baisha City.

The command camp is located in a large house that was urgently requisitioned.

This time it was a life-and-death battle with no room for retreat, so all the great mages from the five major families came.

Of course, most masters have no real battlefield command capabilities. When people come, they are only used as top-level combat forces.

The nominal marshal of the legion was naturally Amidra Langley, but the actual commander was his son Yoragon Langley.

Millions of legions went out to sea like wolves and flooded Beluga Island with ship and sea tactics. This was the tactic he came up with.

But if there are only frontal wolves and no side detours to contain them, even if they can win, it will definitely be a tragic victory.

Therefore, Uragon also deployed an elite raiding team composed of great warriors and great mages.

There are only more than 50 great mages in Baisha City, but there are more than 100 great warriors, totaling more than 160.

At this moment, this group of people gathered in a hall and listened to Yulagang's detailed introduction of specific tactics.

"Everyone, I have investigated carefully and found that there are a large number of very sensitive mana wave detection instruments deployed on Beluga Island."

"As long as someone uses flying or other magic to approach Beluga Island, they will be discovered immediately, and then planes will be dispatched to intercept them."

"So, it's definitely not possible for us to go alone."

Having said this, Yuragon turned around and drew several arrows on the tactical map.

"My idea is to use a lot of regular fighters as cover, etc."

Before he finished speaking, a faint sound of thunder suddenly came from the sky outside the window.

Not long after, I saw a large number of pieces of paper falling from the sky like snowflakes. Most of them landed in the military camp of Baisha City, and many of them landed in the urban area of ​​Nutao City.

Some of the pieces of paper even floated into the window of the command room, and Yuragon grabbed it in his hand. After looking at it carefully, he couldn't help but snorted.

"Such a shameless trick again!"

I saw five ugly and terrifying vampires drawn on the piece of paper, lying on a skinny man sucking blood.

The names of the five vampires were written on the five major families, and the man was a civilian in Baisha City.

Write a sentence next to it: "There are 11 million people, 90% of the wealth is in the five major families, and 10% of the wealth is shared among others!"

The meaning is self-evident.

Pieces of paper like this will spread out every once in a while, making it difficult to guard against, and the content on each piece of paper is trying to sow discord between the civilians of Baisha City and the five major families.

After being separated for several days, a wave of counter-reflection has been stirred up in the military camp.

They must speed up, otherwise the morale of the army may be dispersed before they can build enough ships.

With a shake of his finger, the paper turned into powder, and Yuragon continued to explain the tactics.

"But the distance of this kind of detector is about 30 meters out to sea. It is very strong, but it can be cracked."

Having said this, Yuragon paused and looked around the crowd, his eyes shining with great confidence.

He said in a firm tone: "As long as countless people use power within its detection range, they can be blinded."

"And we will take advantage of this period, with a great mage leading two or three great warriors, flying all the way close to the sea, landing on the island as quickly as possible, and rushing into White Whale City."

"As long as we successfully enter Beluga City, we can use the lives and houses of Beluga City residents as cover to attack the Lord's Mansion and kill the Earl of the Islands!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at everyone again: "Do you have any questions?"

A master asked: "Is it just us?"

"No, the masters and great warriors of the four cities will make the same raid. If everything goes well, at least 100 great mages and 400 great warriors will rush into White Whale City."

"Among them are 9 peak mages."

Such power can already threaten God.

This is not nonsense, but refers to the secret history of the Golden Trial thousands of years ago recorded by the family.

It is recorded in the history books that at least five extraordinary people have died due to the siege of the master's power.

Under normal circumstances, if there are 10 peak masters who organize an organized siege, it is very likely to kill the extraordinary person. And if more than 500 masters do it at all costs, it is even possible to kill the extraordinary person without any damage.

Of course, it is only possible. In reality, it is extremely difficult to kill a transcendent and the risk is also very high.

Because tacit cooperation is a difficult thing. Once the cooperation fails, the master will be killed.

At this moment, the sound of wind and thunder sounded again in the sky.

After a while, the promotional paper came again.

This time the piece of paper was different. On it was a city suspended in the sky, but below it was a mortal city. The city was high above, looking down on all living beings.

Seeing such a scene, Yuragang's eyes darkened: "Is it the Great Floating City?"

He admitted that Rosen was a very imaginative and intelligent mage. If he had no ambition, they would probably become good friends.

It's a pity that he has embarked on a dead end and becomes an enemy of the entire Eastern Territory!

The other master also saw the contents of the paper and his eyes narrowed.

"What does this mean? Does it mean that he already has a large floating city?"

Uragon sneered: "The Great Floating City is not a power that a mortal can control at all. He is a mortal, how can he build a Great Floating City?"

"This is just intimidation, intimidating our troops with something that doesn't exist to lower the courage of our soldiers."

They are not ordinary people, they are all great mages.

He has an extremely deep understanding of magic. After a little careful study, he knows that it is absolutely impossible to create a real large floating city with the current magic.

A floating ship measuring forty or fifty centimeters and hundreds of dewen may be possible, but no one can lift thousands or even tens of thousands of dewen into the sky, not even with a divine iron core.

A master said again: "He is the Golden Baron. If we kill him, will God punish us?"

Yuragon smiled lightly: "Who said you want to kill him?"

"We just captured him, disabled his power, and let him go back to the north to be his Golden Baron. As for him being killed by some madman on the way back, that's normal."

That's true, so all the masters put away their last worries and began to meditate with their eyes closed, accumulating as much strength as possible for the upcoming battle.

At the same time, the regiment on the north shore was making the same preparations.

But no one knows that on the remote Fenseril Island, in the white stone tower next to White Eagle City in the south of the island, this creepy thing is happening secretly.

In the human body laboratory in the basement, Master Turan was sitting at one end of a long wooden board.

There is a high platform on the left side of the board with a microscope on it, and a high-dexterity mana wave detector on the right side.

But on the wooden board, there was a naked human body lying.

Note, it’s a human body, not a murloc, an ice dwarf, or even an orc, but a human being!

This is a man, with a tall and strong body, his hands and feet are trapped on the board by circles of cowhide bands, and all the hair on his head has been shaved off.

The man was very young, about twenty-seven or eighty years old, and had a rather handsome face.

If Dora saw it, she would immediately recognize that this was her husband, Reg Samit.

At this moment, the lower part of Samit's head was complete, but the upper part of the skull was missing, and the brain covered with a large number of blood vessels was exposed to the air.

Archmage Turan controlled the mana fluctuation detector with his mage's hand while emitting various strange tones.


As the tones erupted one after another, Samit was like a puppet, constantly running his mana, so a faint glimmer appeared in his brain, and various strange mana fluctuations appeared.

After studying for more than half an hour, Archmage Turan took a deep breath, took out a sharp silver knife, and prepared to start cutting Samit's brain tissue.

Before cutting, he looked at the chief apprentice on the wooden bed and sighed softly.

"Rege ~ my beloved disciple ~ I have spent a lot of effort training you to make you a powerful high-level mage, and also let your people live an unimaginably good life."

"Now, it's time for you to repay my kindness."

After that, he made his final decision.


A knife cut into Reg's brain, and Reg's body trembled violently, and a 'click' rolled in his throat! Click! ’ The strange sound seemed like a cry of pain, but also seemed to be just a simple conditioned reflex.

Master Turan turned a blind eye. After cutting open his head, he placed the living brain tissue on a microscope for study.

Looking at it, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"So that's it~~Haha~That's it~I finally know what to do!"

He fell into an almost crazy joy, completely ignoring the still-dead apprentice beside him, and excitedly walked around the laboratory.

"The knowledge given by Van Delon is indeed correct, but this promotion method greatly violates the teachings of the Golden God. If I do this, even if I am promoted to extraordinary, I will be hunted down by the Golden Holy Spirit."

"How to do it?"

He was thinking hard, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"The Glory Alliance is planning to attack Beluga Island. There will definitely be massive casualties. I can hide under the sea and quietly implement the plan."

After thinking about it, Turan no longer had any doubts in his mind.

Turning his head to look at the apprentice, he found that he was not dead, but his body was shaking uncontrollably, as if he was having an epileptic fit.

"Hey~ This kid is really lucky, but it's meaningless."

He picked up the silver knife, stabbed it deep into the brain, stirred it a few times, and completely ended the life of his chief apprentice.

Then, he used a disintegration technique and a soul cage on him.

The former turned his body into pieces, while the latter imprisoned his soul, preventing him from entering the Kingdom of God to report.

After a while, the soul that loses the support of the physical body will disintegrate, and all the evidence of Reg's existence in the world will be erased by him.

At that time, report missing to the temple, and this is an island. It is common for people to be lost in the sea and their souls to dissipate.

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