Master Tongtian

Chapter 641 Blissful Dream Tree (22)

Eight hours after the fall of the Storm God.

The fist-sized sun in the sky fell to the horizon, and the sky of Savo Fortress quickly dimmed.

But darkness did not fall completely, because the magma pouring out of a huge crack in the distance turned the sky red.

This is the red light that symbolizes doom and destruction.

At this moment, at the edge of the fortress, an inconspicuous glimmer of light flashed in the gap where the fortress' divine power barrier and the hot lava intersected.

It was like an open flame created by something combustible accidentally falling into the lava.

No one paid attention to this little movement because it was so ordinary.

But Rosen has successfully broken through the barrier of the Great Demon God Sarver.

After all, he is a level 7.7 demon, and his methods are still very strong.

Not only has it mastered the destructive secondary law power of ‘Hellfire’, but it has also obviously undergone a very high level of logic optimization, which not only saves energy, but also has very few loopholes.

This made Rosen more cautious, after all, he was only one person.

The intelligence told him that there were at least three Guangda Demon Gods in this Demon God Fortress.

It's at least three.

Not to mention the double-digit mid-level and weak gods.

He is not afraid of single combat, but the Legion does not care about single combat.

After entering the fortress, Rosen did not hide in the closed loop of time and space.

This magical technique is indeed a perfect invisibility technique, but it is not suitable for flexible maneuvers, and because the invisibility level is too strong, the efficiency of collecting information is also greatly affected.

Because of the help of mana turbulence, Rosen only used a perfect invisibility technique from the Arcane Gnome.

As long as he doesn't get close to the big devil, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered.

Using the satellite view, Rosen kept walking deeper into the fortress.

The battle had just ended, but the soldiers in the fortress were still tense and vigilant.

There was also some confusion caused by blocked communications.

All this was expected by Rosen.

This fortress is really big, and there are a lot of divine barriers set up inside to isolate it from detection.

If you just look for it on your own, you won’t know when you will find it.

So you have to ask someone, preferably the true God.

But this is quite difficult, because the big shots seem to be hiding underground, and the people who show up in the above-ground fortresses are all mortals.

After walking for half an hour, I didn't see a single true god.

"These demons hide themselves really well."

At this time, Rosen discovered a huge hole in the ground.

Inside the cave lay a giant dragon with dark red dragon scales, its strength reaching immortality level 18.

The dragon at the peak of immortality is considered a good power even in the battle between gods.

After all, divine power is limited, and most conflicts occur between mortals.

And the dragon demigod is simply a chariot of destruction on the mortal battlefield, the kind that can fly.

Looking at this dragon, there is also a special underground dragon nest, which is probably of high status.

"I just wanted to ask you for directions."

Rosen entered the dragon cave, walked to the huge head of the dark red dragon, raised his hand to press its forehead, and a trace of divine power poured into it.

As soon as the thought was concentrated, the powerful divine power was like an iron rod piercing tofu, smashing the dragon soul into pieces.

The dragon's body trembled slightly, as if it had a nightmare and shuddered, and then its body collapsed to the ground.

The body is not dead yet and still has various physical characteristics, but the soul has been broken, so it becomes a plant dragon.

Rosen carefully read the memory information in the dragon soul.

After looking at it for a while, he sighed softly: "It turns out to be a heroic general of the God of Storms. What a pity."

This is a newly contaminated dragon soul, so I don't know much information. I only know that there is an entrance to an underground fortress about five miles to the north.

And what kind of secrets are hidden in the underground fortress?

This dragon knows nothing.

The mortals in the above-ground fortress had nothing to worry about. Rosen quickly went north for five miles, and then he saw a huge castle made of black boulders.

The gate of the giant castle is a hundred meters high and a hundred meters wide. There is an open space around the giant castle, and there are more than a dozen immortal dragons with black scales and red eyes patrolling back and forth.

From the satellite view, there are more than a dozen heavily defended places like this in the fortress, and their specific functions are completely unknown.

Naturally, the Immortal Demonic Dragon could not find any trace of Rosen.

After taking a closer look, I found that there was also an independent divine power barrier surrounding the giant castle.

And both in strength and tightness, it is at least ten times stronger than the barrier covering the entire fortress.

It is almost impossible to crack this barrier silently.

Since it cannot be cracked quietly, then signal transmission is delayed and a breakthrough is forced.

Rosen waited patiently for a while, waiting for the moment when he was in the blind spot of the dragons' sight. He saw the opportunity and came up with an idea.

The time lag field is activated first.

I saw a light ball with a diameter of two meters hitting the barrier and wrapping one of the barriers.

Immediately afterwards, Rosen released the Time and Space Shattering Technique.


With a strange sound, a hole was broken in the barrier wrapped in the time stasis field, and the ripples caused by the hole were spreading to the surroundings at an extremely slow speed.

It is expected that it will spread out of the time-stop field after half an hour.

Rosen immediately got in through the breach.

The interior of the giant castle was very dark without any lighting, just like a thick mass of ink that could not be dissolved.

Rosen immediately felt that this was not just a lack of light, but also a realm of dark laws shrouded in it.

In a place like this, even if you use ordinary radiance magic, let alone holding a torch high, the light may not reach two meters.

Obviously, only the Great Demon God can release the realm of law.

Rosen quickly sensed it and determined that the only function of the dark field was to block light. If an intruder was trapped in it, he would immediately become a blind man at the mercy of others.

The other party must only know that he is coming.

But as long as he is fast enough, he can use his speed to forcefully escape the pursuit of his opponents.

Thinking like this, Rosen had an idea and used a simple detection spell called 'echolocation'.

This is a spell that can be perfectly cast with desktop computing power. It consumes almost zero mana and is most suitable for use in such dark areas where even light cannot penetrate.


The sound waves with ridiculously high frequency spread in all directions centered on Rosen's body, then quickly reflected back and were received by the spell structure.

The recycled information is passed to the desktop program, and after processing, a virtual black and white visual signal is generated.

As a result, the surroundings were no longer dark, but turned into black and white old movie scenes.

Rosen saw a road ahead, extending diagonally downward toward the depths of the ground. About 200 meters away, a fork in the road began to appear.

Without thinking, he activated the space folding and took one step to reach the fork.

On the left is a stone staircase that spirals downwards, on the right is a passage leading to the unknown, and in front is a slope that is still going down.

In the dark realm, no one can be seen.

In a flash of lightning, Rosen chose to move on.

The space continues to fold, taking one step after another, seemingly leisurely, but as fast as light and lightning.

The slope extends for a full kilometer, reaches a depth of 300 meters, and then begins to turn to the right.

When Rosen turned right, walked another kilometer and sank 300 meters, there was another turning point.

After three turns like this, a giant zigzag spiral staircase was formed, and Rosen had reached an extremely deep depth of 900 meters underground.

The darkness in front of him was still too thick to dissolve, but in the ultrasonic field of vision, there was an extremely huge space in front of him.

How huge?

The ultrasound expanded forward, but no echo was received!

"What the hell is this place?"

Just when Rosen felt guilty, he found that his eyes lit up and he actually left the dark realm.

As expected, a huge underground space appeared directly ahead.

It can be described as endless, and there is no lighting in this underground space. All the light comes from the ubiquitous and endless tree roots that exude a faint blue light.

There are countless tree roots everywhere, and every two meters, there must be a head.

Yes, there are heads growing on tree roots!

There are heads from all races, humans, goblins, dragons, dwarves, etc.

The common feature is that the head is still alive, and the soul in the head is intact, but with eyes closed and a smile on the face, it seems like they are having a sweet dream.

And among the tree roots, there are countless dark angels flying around.

These angels also have a common feature, which is holding a head in their hands.

The head was still alive, and the expression on his face was ferocious, full of pain.

The angels held the head to the blue-emitting tree root, and then pressed the neck of the head against the bark.

The bark of the tree will 'come alive', actively splitting a hole and connecting it to the broken hole on the neck.

Soon after being connected, the pain in your head will disappear and turn into a smile of joy and contentment.

Rosen understood: "It's the Dark God's Blissful Dream Tree!"

Simply put, this is the source of power for the Dark Demon to extract the divine power of faith.

Although I can see clearly, the tree roots covered with heads still look extremely weird.

Rosen was shocked and continued to move forward.

I kept using the Time and Space Folding Technique to walk for half a minute, but still couldn't reach the end, but I could already roughly estimate the scale.

"The heads of at least 10 million mortals have been bound in this lair, and at least 10 million more mortals are being beheaded."

"The heads of living mortals were cut off and they were grown on tree roots to have sweet dreams, while their bodies were mashed into flesh for the strange tree roots to absorb and use to provide the living heads with the minimum survival consumption."

"It's really a good use of everything."

Obviously, only the most efficient and ruthless Tiamat could do such a thing.

At this time, a large open space appeared between the entangled tree roots. There were many strange alchemical tools in the open space.

And among a bunch of magic weapons, a very strange-looking monster was directing the Dark Angel to work.

This man is like a giant centipede, but the difference is that the centipede has thousands legs, while he has thousands hands.

He shouted while quickly operating each of the strange black gold magic weapons.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"There are still 20 million people alive, and within two days at most, their heads must be hung on trees!"

"Guards, step up patrols, someone broke in!"

"Remember, I don't want anyone to interrupt my work, otherwise I will put you all on the nightmare tree and be tortured!"

Rosen compared the information and immediately knew the identity of this god.

"The Thousand-Armed Demon God Huolun, with level 7.2 divine power, is proficient in the alchemy of life, and is one of the chief designers of the Paradise Dream Tree."

This guy is one of the Twelve Heavenly Saints and Tiamat's right-hand man.

Rosen observed carefully and determined that the great demon in front of him was his true form.

"Then, let's start with you!"

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