Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 428 Accident! The man who killed the Nine Heroes!

At this distance, Zuo Zhen's straight thrust with the sword and Ji Qinglin's Thunder Sword Angry Wentian were almost equal to the same move of death.

Zuo Zhen, as a weapons master, is very clear in this situation:

If both parties do not move and dodge, then without the protection of a shield, they will definitely be beheaded by Ji Qinglin's sword.

However, he also had the confidence to eject the sword in his hand and penetrate it through Ji Qinglin.

But doing this is really a loss. I am just seeking wealth and expanding my sect.

If he and Ji Qinglin died here together, then Sanada's grandson would probably be able to wake up laughing from his sleep.

After changing the move, he still has the possibility to dodge and may be injured, but as long as he looks at his hand shape, it is not difficult to avoid the killing move.

Therefore, the rational decision should be to exchange life for life instead of injury for injury.

Of course, Zuo Zhen didn't think so much in just a short moment.

There was only one thought driving his actions: he couldn't die here.

So watching Ji Qinglin's palm fall, Zuo Zhen quickly sheathed his sword and leaned sideways with the tip of the sword.

At the same time, the fatal blue light in Ji Qinglin's hand also shot over.


Ji Qinglin relied on the fact that he would not die as long as his head was not pierced or cut off due to the calamity fire, so he confronted Zuo Zhen head-on.

And I also knew very well in my heart that this guy was definitely asking for money when he helped Sanada, and he would not risk his life, so he was also prepared in his heart that this guy would dodge.

The blue light slashed through Zuo Zhen's left shoulder. Without any suspense, the metal on the shoulder was cut off along with the flesh. Zuo Zhen felt the pain but did not retreat. He swung his sword and stabbed quickly, hoping to replace the injury with injury.

But even though he was Jiuxiong, he changed his moves on the spot, unlike Ji Qinglin who was already prepared to take the second move.

Zuo Zhen turned sideways and was slashed on the left shoulder, then stabbed Ji Qinglin's chest with his teeth.

After using his ultimate move, Ji Qinglin struck with the same silky Lei Jinbeng punch on the sword blade, causing Zuo Zhen's body to lose balance. At the same time, he turned around and kicked Zuo Zhen in the face with a thunder foot, severely beating him. He kicked it out and fell to the ground, creating a ravine.

After taking a breath, Ji Qinglin cut off the whip wrapped around his waist and jumped away to Lei Qiong's side.

"Are you okay, President?"

"Ahem, I can't die yet."

Seeing Zuo Zhen standing up again with blood on his face and mouth, Ji Qinglin mocked:

"What? There's no weapon on your face?"

As one of the Nine Heroes, this was the first time Zuo Zhen was insulted like this. He gritted his teeth and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then walked forward with his left shoulder covered.

The left shoulder was chopped off, and it was already very inconvenient to attack with the left arm, so I jumped out of the shield in advance and held it in front of me with my left hand, while provoking:

"Come on, try that weird blue light again."

Ji Qinglin adjusted the angle of holding Lu Bing, made sure that Lu Bing in his arms had not turned into ice cola, then raised his head and replied:

"You don't deserve to be killed by me at all. In fact, any one of the three just now would be enough to kill you."

Zuo Zhen thought Ji Qinglin was bluffing to regain his strength. After all, the three of them had no ability to resist.

Thinking of raising his finger to hook the weapon on the ground, the monster dragon flew up and jumped up. One dragon and one person attacked twice with murderous intent.

"Shameless talk!"

Ji Qinglin jumped back again, but this time he did not use the Thunder Drawing Technique, but let the Consciousness Wei Sword Intent return to the state of the black sword, and then made the first move of the flying sword.

The sword is flowing in the clouds!

When Zuo Zhen saw this, he thought it was because Ji Qinglin's use of blue light exceeded the limit, and immediately controlled the strange dragon to attack.

Seeing the living black cloud, Zuo Zhen's energy exploded, making it difficult to get close.

But the strange dragon made up of weapons in front of him was unable to withstand this attack that was almost nibbling away. A large number of weapons scattered directly from the strange dragon's body.

After seeing Ji Qinglin's intention, Zuo Zhen only thought it was funny. This kind of attack was just a waste of energy.

He immediately used the remaining limbs of the strange dragon to attack Ji Qinglin again.

What the strange dragon's body collided with was the sword net left behind by the second sword move. The dragon's body, whose original connection was destroyed, shattered immediately when it hit the sharp sword energy threads.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhen just snorted, wondering if this guy was engaging in delaying tactics. What's the use of just attacking his own dragon?

He raised his hand and started assembling the weapon again.

But Ji Qinglin didn't give him a chance. Taking advantage of the fact that the beast hadn't been assembled yet, he retracted his sword and charged up his strength to throw out the third move.

Sword Intent Meteor!

The blood-red sword blade pierced through the air. Zuo Zhen immediately did not dare to be careless and immediately jumped behind the ferocious beast Wulong to avoid the sharp edge.


The sword-intended meteor instantly shattered the unassembled beast with an Arrancar.

At the same time, Ji Qinglin followed the shooting star and rushed to Zuo Zhen on his feet.


The second muffled sound was from Zuo Zhen's shield as the sword-intending meteor that continued to advance was blocked. The red sword instantly shattered and turned into sparks all over the sky.

Zuo Zhen seemed confident in his shield.

Ji Qinglin, who came in front of him, was not surprised. He picked up the sword technique with his right hand again and stabbed out with the third thunder guide sword.

Zuo Zhen sneered: "I knew that's what you came here to do."

While Ji Qinglin was using his thunder sword, Zuo Zhen pressed the shield directly against his fingertips.


There was a muffled sound, and Zuo Zhen's shield barely blocked the thunder sword. A small hole was blown out on the back of the shield, but Zuo Zhen was not injured.

The thunder sword failed again, but Zuo Zhen would not miss again.

He grabbed Ji Qinglin's ultimate move and swung it back, then slashed straight at Ji Qinglin's neck with the sword in his right hand.

I thought to myself: You are young, although you have ace skills, but you still lack fighting experience, the victory will be yours after all!

But before Zuo Zhen's sword blade could reach Ji Qinglin, he suddenly felt a surge of thunder reaching the back of his head.


impossible! So close! when.


Lei Qiong gathered his strength and punched with great force, hitting the left side of the head squarely.

No matter who you are, Jiuxiong will not be able to withstand the thunderous and powerful moves from this position.

There was a hearty explosion, and Zuo Zhen's head exploded instantly like a watermelon falling from high altitude.

From Ji Qinglin's front view, it was as if the dyeing room had been overturned, with red, black and white all covered in blood, all splattered on his face.

The headless Zuo Zhen corpse immediately fell to the ground.

Only President Lei Qiong was left standing behind Zuo Zhen, breathing heavily.

Ji Qinglin wiped the blood on his face and said with a sigh:

"The tacit understanding with the president is still there."

The power of the Tianlei Guide Wo Sword is indeed amazing, but its shortcomings are also obvious. Once discovered by the opponent, the effect of the surprise attack will be greatly reduced.

Zuo Zhen was not killed with this move in the previous two times, so how could Ji Qinglin be so stupid as to use this move a third time.

So when I saw President Lei Qiong lying on the ground, I had an idea in my mind:

Although the previous use of the thunder sword was unsuccessful, it also made Zuo Zhen quite afraid, so this move of his will definitely attract 100% of Zuo Zhen's attention.

At this time, if someone makes a killing move from behind, the battle will be over.

But you definitely can't sit down and discuss this kind of thing, otherwise Zuo Zhen will definitely find out and be wary of Lei Qiong.

Ji Qinglin changed his approach, and after confirming that there was no problem with the president's body, he lightly kicked President Lei Qiong underneath him.

He said the words that Zuo Zhen felt was incomprehensible: "You are not worthy of being killed by me. In fact, any one of the three just now is enough to kill you."

Kick yourself and say this, veteran Lei Qiong can naturally understand, and gently moves his legs and taps Ji Qinglin's feet in response.

With this level of "communication", Ji Qinglin tried his best to attract Zuo Zhen's attention.

The purpose of specifically attacking the strange dragon was not only to remove the obstruction, but also to cover up the fact that Lei Qiong was approaching with his voice.

Only in this way can Zuo Zhen be tricked into exposing an empty goal and be shot in the head with one blow.

President Lei Qiong was hit hard, and the injuries were not minor. The injuries on his body were even more serious when he used the ultimate move. He slumped on the ground, covered his chest, vomited blood again, and said with a smile:

"It's so enjoyable! I didn't expect it to be so enjoyable at this age."

Ji Qinglin confirmed that President Lei Qiong was fine before smiling and saying:

"You personally defeated Takeo, one of the Nine Heroes. It's enough to boast about when you go back."

"Hahahaha cough cough cough."

The head is broken, so there is no need for follow-up.

Ji Qinglin looked at Lu Bing in his arms. The good news was that the little guy had woken up, but his eyes were full of weakness and exhaustion.

Keeping the fire of calamity burning in his arms was also the main reason that distracted Ji Qinglin from the battle just now.

At this time, Zuo Zhen was killed, and Ji Qinglin also enhanced the red flames on his body to make Lu Bing feel better.

Perhaps seeing the blood on his face, Lu Bing opened his mouth and tried to think of something to say:

"You are naked. They"

He probably knew that the little guy might have seen himself in such a mess and was worried that everyone could not deal with the two heroes, so he reached out and patted his back to comfort him:

"Good boy, don't worry. Wu Xiong Zuozhen has been killed. Now I will help them deal with Fu Xiong. It will be fine."

Lu Bing seemed to be relieved when he heard that one of them had been killed, but then he looked at Ji Qinglin with a strange look.

I don't know if I am curious about how he killed him, or I am worried about what sacrifices Ji Qinglin made to get rid of these two guys.

After finishing Zuo Zhen, Ji Qinglin didn't dare to delay. He hugged Lu Bing tightly and rushed towards Yu Ye and the others. After all, the three of them were still blocking Fu Xiong.

When I was fighting Zuo Zhen just now, I didn't pay attention to the distance. I ran too far and I didn't know what the situation was like on their side.

With their level of agility, they should be able to run away if they can't be beaten.

Bang bang bang!

As he ran closer and closer, Ji Qinglin could hear loud noises coming from the seaside.

Whose technique is this?

Yu Ye, Chi Ye and Jiang Chen, no one should make such a sound, right?

What Fu Xiong Zhu Ming threw was a talisman, not a giant cannon, and it shouldn't have been so loud.

Walking through the woods and coming closer, they saw Chi Ye and Jiang Chen sitting slumped aside, seemingly injured.

Yu Ye, on the other hand, was hit by Fu Xiong and Zhu Ming like a volleyball, unable to hit the ground at all. Zhu Ming was extremely fast, hitting and connecting, and every time he hit Yu Ye, there seemed to be a flash of light.

Seeing this scene, Ji Qinglin secretly screamed that something was wrong, and was so frightened that he rushed towards the beach, but only halfway through he realized that he had seen it wrong.

Fu Xiong and Zhu Ming were not beating Yu Ye, but Yu Ye was beating Fu Xiong and Zhu Ming unilaterally.

Thank you for your reading and support! (Lei Qiong: Oh, I killed Jiuxiong!)

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