Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 438 Do you dare to call me a man?

Fen Ye nodded and explained:

"Yes, if he didn't have this ability, Monk Jiechen would not have fought against the immortal. After Monk Jiechen's defeat, the clone he reserved gradually revived, collected the blood relics left before his death, and nourished it with flesh and blood again. In order to try to resurrect again."

Ah Qing was noncommittal about what Fen Ye said and asked:

"You're telling me this not just to satisfy my curiosity, right?"

"This is natural. I tell Mr. Ah Qing this because I am asking for your help."

"What do you want from me?"

"Help resurrect Monk Jiechen."

Ah Qing frowned and said:

"Resurrecting such a monster that even the immortals couldn't really kill? I don't know why I would do such a crazy thing."

Fen Ye reached out and grasped the blood pit, and a relic from the stone platform flew up. At the same time, some blood from below flew up and floated in Fen Ye's hand.

"Mr. Ah Qing, I expressed it incorrectly. What I said was not resurrection in the complete sense.

Monk Jiechen was killed by an immortal, and his soul consciousness had disappeared without a trace, but his body was not completely destroyed because of the relics.

Over the years, under the watering of flesh and blood, Jiechen's physical body began to slowly recover. However, because he had no soul consciousness, no matter how he recovered, it was just flesh and blood without form.

And Mr. Ah Qing has mastered the technology of copying and injecting souls, and he can completely create a physical body that he needs, which is far beyond this mechanical body. "

Ah Qing looked at the relic in Fen Ye's hand and raised his eyes and said:

"Compared to such a huge bargain, I would rather know why you insist on resurrecting this monk Jiechen. What good will this do to you?"

Fenye spread his arms and said:

"My body was destroyed by that old immortal, and part of my soul was refined. I also need the relics and flesh and blood of Monk Jiechen to create a body for myself.

Because the flesh and blood restored by Monk Jiechen is disordered, creating two bodies is not a problem.

I think it’s not too much to give Mr. Ah Qing such a huge bargain, so that I can get a body from it, right? "

Possessing a body that even immortals cannot completely destroy because of the relics, this is really attractive to Ah Qing.

One of the important reasons why he was defeated by Ji Qinglin was that the physical strength of his omnic was really weak. Even with the addition of new mechanical materials, he still couldn't withstand it.

Moreover, although the machine can store a copy of its own soul consciousness, it is not the original soul consciousness in the dark web after all.

If you can get a body at the level of an immortal, this may be more helpful than the remains of an immortal.

But based on my understanding of Fen Ye, I vaguely feel that there is something hidden in it.

"You just said that this is the place created by Monk Jiechen's clone to resurrect him, so where is his clone?"

Fenye poured the relics and blood back into the pit and said:

"His avatar has neither an immortal body nor an immortal soul. In his limited life, he placed the relics of the monk Jiechen and designed to nourish them with flesh and blood.

And he built the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple here to hide his eyes from others and recruit believers. After his death, he handed over his last wishes and this place to his disciples who were absolutely fanatical about resurrection and liberation. "

"How did you find this place?"

"I have been controlled by the demonic nature of the blood relic, so I can naturally feel its location, and the previous abbot of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is named Jie Chen, so I know I have come to the right place.

I told the old host about Shi Chen's old past, and he finally believed that I was Jie Chen's old friend and was willing to let me help. After all, they couldn't resurrect Jie Chen. "

In this regard, Ah Qing can go out and prove it, because it is difficult to falsify the history of Buddhist temples.

"His clones have not succeeded in resurrecting the dust, so how can I help?"

"Mr. Ah Qing, you are welcome. The soul is released by you. Your omnic army has complete soul consciousness creation and training capabilities. It can slowly restore the flesh and blood of the disordered monk Jiechen below to possess the functions of the human body."

Listening to Fen Ye's fluent replies, Ah Qing couldn't tell whether this guy was replying sincerely or if he was prepared for it, but it was indeed rare to find a body like this.

Now that he knows it, it doesn't matter whether he helps Fen Ye or not. Although he doesn't know if he is taking advantage of him, the key is that he has to take the initiative in this matter.

Even if I'm really interested, I can't agree now.

"I need to think about it."

"Of course. If Mr. Ah Qing wants to know anything, you can come to me. If you need support from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, you can also tell me. We are all members of the He Temple."

This not only tells Ah Qing that cooperation is welcome to show sincerity, but also tells him that Wanfo Temple and this place are his own territory, and he should not think of using any violent means to obtain the relics and flesh and blood here.

"So who are you? Without considerable strength, it is absolutely impossible to leave Kyushu with the immortal."

"Ha, here we go again, everyone has privacy, I'm just an unlucky guy who happens to know that the Well of Gods and Demons can help immortals come out of Kyushu.

The old bastard Immortal was also grateful for my help, so he didn't kill me and directly sealed me in his body. The rest has nothing to do with Mr. Ah Qing. "

Ah Qingxin said that this was really burning newspapers on the grave - a fool.

Ah Qing and Fen Ye walked out of the cold Pagoda Temple.

The three envoys of the sun, moon and stars came forward to meet him, and then slowly retreated after confirming that the immortal was in no harm's way.

Before leaving, Fen Ye reminded again:

"Mr. Ah Qing, Ji Qinglin's luck has been very good during this period. Don't go to him to cause trouble. Also, be careful of Huangshen Technology revealing your information."

"I don't need you to remind me."


Sihai Trading Young Executive Lounge.

Ji Qinglin stretched out his hand and gently stroked Nangong Qianfeng's smooth back and said:

"Did you miss me after I left?"

This time Nangong Qianfeng did not lie again and said leisurely:

"I really want to say I don't think about it at all, but actually I think about it even during meetings, even when I'm eating, and even when I come back to sleep at night I can't help but think about it. It's all your fault, you bastard!"

As he spoke, Chaoji Qinglin felt a puff of anger in his chest.

It seems to be complaining: Why did you come back so late!

Ji Qinglin reached out and pulled Nangong Qianfeng into his arms, caressing her gently and said with a smile:

"I miss you as well."

Nangong Qianfeng's pretty face turned red again, and she stretched out her pink fist and hit Ji Qinglin's chest again.

Thumb thump thump——

Following a knock on the door, Uncle Mo's voice sounded outside the door.

"Miss, there is still an hour left for the evening meeting, and the guests have already arrived one after another."

Ji Qinglin led the secret police to take down Huangshen Technology. After hearing the news, many related companies immediately began to inquire about the inside story.

Soon I learned that this matter was behind the operation of a new company called Tiandao Consulting, but because Chiye asked the company to block the news, the companies could not be contacted.

It was discovered that Sihai Trading was one of the major shareholders of Tiandao Consulting, so they all contacted him.

Chiye told Nangong Qianfeng that she could organize an information exchange meeting to show off.

Because Tiandao Consulting is the biggest beneficiary of this matter, if you say too much, you will be caught. Sihai Trading is only one of the shareholders. If you casually disclose information to companies in the circle, it can be regarded as advertising for Tiandao Consulting.

At the same time, Sihai Trading wants to transform, so it can share its information in the cultivation circle, build good relationships with various companies, and flex its muscles at the same time.

Hearing Uncle Mo say that the meeting was about to begin, Nangong Qianfeng reluctantly leaned into Ji Qinglin's arms.

Ji Qinglin narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly:

"Don't you want to leave me? How about I hold you to the meeting like we did in front of the mirror just now?"


Cursing softly, Nangong Qianfeng stood up and took out another maple leaf dress from the closet, while picking up the clothes that had just been thrown everywhere.

Finally, he came to Ji Qinglin and kissed him deeply, then hurried out the door.

Ji Qinglin also twisted his overloaded waist, put on his clothes and picked up from the table the investigation data on the purchase of materials from the Buddhist country in East India that he asked Nangong Qianfeng to investigate.

It is really not easy to confirm the foothold of Ah Qing. After all, his body is in the dark web. If he does not find a stronghold related to the dark web, he may not be able to kill him.

Thinking of Ji Qinglin quietly going downstairs and riding the Night Owl to go to Tiandao for consultation.

In the reception room of Sihai Trading, Nangong Qianfeng, who was wearing a slim dress, was sharing with visitors the inside story of the overthrow of Huangshen Technology.

After the explanation at the banquet, Nangong Qianfeng was thinking of going upstairs to see if Ji Qinglin had left, but was told by Uncle Mo that Ji Qinglin had left.

Disappointed, several young young directors from other technology cultivation companies came over and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Hello, Miss Qianfeng, I'm Li Dao Technology Matsuyama Masaru. I didn't expect that Miss Qianfeng is not only stunning in appearance at such a young age, but also has such a ruthless vision. I found this legacy of Tiandao Consulting. She is really an investment expert in the cultivation circle. people."

"Not only is he an expert, but even Senior Shang Nangongwang can't achieve such a huge enterprise transformation. I'm Liu Delong from the Skin Refining Institute. I wonder if Ms. Qianfeng is interested in coming to our company to visit and communicate?"

"I have a good skeleton. I heard that the general manager of Tiandao Consulting is also young. Could it be that he is just a vase, and Miss Qian Feng is actually giving guidance behind it? And Ji Qinglin, the deputy commander-in-chief of the secret police, although he is really powerful , surpassing the two heroes, but in the final analysis, he is just a warrior performing a mission. To say that the real strategist is Miss Qianfeng."

"It makes sense!"

Several people gathered around Nangong Qianfeng and talked more and more enthusiastically. They seemed not to notice that the flattery had been slapped on the horse's hooves.

His ability to flatter me is really mediocre.

Guide Chiye by yourself? I think so!

If Chiye heard someone talking about her vase, that guy would probably lose his front teeth.

Ji Qinglin.

Nangong Qianfeng was no longer silent, turned around and said in a deep voice:

"What do you mean by just being a martial artist? If you have the ability, go and overthrow the Aragami Technology and show me!"

"Ah? No, no, Miss Qian Feng, I didn't mean that. I meant that no matter how powerful this person is, he is just your pawn."

"Uncle Mo, write down this person's name so you don't have to invite him to the next banquet."

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