Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 2065 Two or Three Things About Raising a Baby [End of Text]


Ruan Qi gave birth to a girl.

When the nurse took the baby out, the little girl was lying in the swaddling clothes blowing bubbles. Grandma Ruan said that she looked a lot like Ruan Qi, especially her eyes, which were bright and round, and the corners of her eyes were a little upturned when she smiled, just like Ruan Qi when she was a child.

Xi Jiu had already named the baby. If it was a boy, he would be called Ruan Sui; if it was a girl, she would be called Ruan Nian. So, the new little princess of the Xi and Ruan families had her own name - Ruan Nian.

It represented her father's lifelong remembrance of her mother.


The new generation of heirs of the Xi and Ruan families was born.

There was a sensation in the wealthy circle and on the Internet.

When everyone learned that this baby born with a silver spoon in his mouth took his mother's surname, everyone in the wealthy circle dropped his jaw.

Some people were gossiping behind the Xi family's back, using all kinds of bad ideas to guess why Xi Jiu's child would take Ruan Qi's surname. There were even conspiracy theories, saying that Xi Jiu didn't like the child born by Ruan Qi, and the reason why she took the surname Ruan was because Xi Jiu didn't want to give the inheritance of the Xi family to this daughter.

These rumors were soon blown to the ears of Xi Jiu and the Xi family.

Old Master Xi, who was playing with his great-granddaughter, was furious, and Duan Wei, who had a bad temper, also turned cold on the spot.

But Xi Jiu didn't say anything after hearing these rumors.

Until a few days later, someone saw Xi Jiu appear alone in the hospital, and it was the men's department.

Suddenly, the gossip about Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu spread more, and there were even people with ulterior motives saying that Ruan Qi's child was not Xi Jiu's.

Faced with these rumors, Xi Jiu, who had just walked out of the hospital, directly posted a photo on WeChat Moments.

The photo showed an operation record form, and the first line on it was-

[Vasa ligation surgery]

Xi Jiu actually went to the hospital for ligation!

This news was like a nuclear bomb, which blew up the circle of wealthy families.

As the person involved, Xi Jiu was still affectionate in the circle of friends. He not only released the operation record, but also attached text.

[My big baby gave birth to a little baby, and the family of three is enough for the rest of our lives. ]

Everyone: ...

This time, all the gossips and rumors were shattered.

Xi Jiu used shocking practical actions to prove how much he loved Ruan Qi and their baby.

The first love brain of the rich family is indeed well-deserved.


After the child was born, Ruan Qi began to sit in confinement.

Unlike most pregnant women who cannot see the wind or touch the water during the confinement period, Ruan Qi, who is as strong as an ox, is very comfortable in the confinement period under the careful care of Nie Beilou.

In less than a week, the weight she lost during pregnancy rose back like a rocket.

In contrast to her, Xi Jiu's weight dropped drastically.

Since Ruan Qi gave birth, Xi Jiu has taken care of everything that Xiao Ruan thought about. Changing diapers, bathing, coaxing to sleep...Except for feeding, Xi Jiu took care of everything else, and didn't let Ruan Qi work hard at all.

And the newly born little Ruan Nian also felt sorry for her mother.

When Ruan Qi was by her side, she smiled like a little angel. Her big eyes looked at her mother without blinking, and her mouth was spitting cute milk bubbles.

She never cried in front of Ruan Qi. But when Xi Jiu was around, she couldn't do it.

She cried when she was hungry, cried when she pooped, and cried when she just woke up. Little Ruan Nian implemented Xi Jiu's promise to her very deeply-don't torment your mother. If you have to torment, come to torment me after you are born.

So, little Ruan Nian put all her efforts to torment Xi Jiu.

And this torment didn't end until she was one year old.

Looking at the little devil who finally stopped making trouble, Xi Jiu was glad for the first time-he had been sterilized and paired.

If there were two more little devils like this, he would probably die young.


Everyone thinks that as the only new generation heir of the Xi and Ruan families, little Ruan Nian is loved by everyone and should be a delicate and soft little princess.

However, reality gave everyone a blow.

Little Ruan Nian is neither delicate nor soft. She seems to have inherited the cold and cool personality of her grandmother Duan Wei. She doesn't like to laugh at a young age. When her chubby little body leans against the bed, she is serious and looks like a replica of Xi Jiu.

As she grows up, the cold and cool characteristics of little Ruan Nian become more and more obvious.

Except when she faces Ruan Qi, she will become a soft little angel. Even in front of her father Xi Jiu, Ruan Nian is mature and steady.

For example, now, three-year-old Ruan Nian is sitting in front of Xi Jiu's desk, listening to the video conference with a serious face.

The Xi executives in the video conference looked at the chubby little face on the screen and were sweating.

What's wrong with the little princess of the BOSS family?

Why do they see the shadow of the BOSS's iceberg face in her at such a young age?

Is Xi's company about to give birth to a second iceberg?

In the same death stare between Xi Jiu and Ruan Nian, the executives of Xi's company completed a work report with difficulty.

After the video was hung up, Xi Jiu looked down at his daughter sitting in his arms.

The little girl was chubby and had short legs, but she looked powerful and serious when she sat in his arms, just like the emperor sitting on the dragon throne.

Xi Jiu couldn't help but suppress the corners of his lips that were about to rise, and asked Ruan Nian in a calm manner: "How much did you understand about the meeting just now?"

Ruan Nian's cold expression broke for a moment.

But she quickly calmed down and said calmly: "This month's net profit increased by 8%, and our family made money again."

Xi Jiu: "What else? Did you understand?"

Ruan Nian paused and shook his head coldly.

Xi Jiu's indifferent face showed a bit of satisfaction.

"At your age, it's amazing to understand net profit. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me. As long as you are interested, Dad will teach you."

Ruan Nian's peach blossom eyes, which are exactly the same as Ruan Qi's, lit up slightly.

She turned her head and looked at her tall and omnipotent father, and asked in a childish voice: "Can I manage the company in the future?"

Xi Jiu nodded: "Yes. As long as you are good enough, you can take over my company."

Ruan Nian: "Then can I treat people like my mother?"

"Of course." Xi Jiu rubbed her little head, "But learning medicine is not something that can be achieved overnight. When your mother was your age, she had been practicing and reciting books from early morning to late night. If you want to be as good as your mother, you have to work as hard as she does."

Ruan Nian thought for a moment and nodded solemnly.

"I am not afraid of hard work. I want to be as good as my parents. Many uncles and aunts said that I am a girl and I can rely on my family for food and clothing in the future. But I don't want to be like this. I want to be like my mother."

The idea of ​​favoring boys over girls still exists from ancient times to the present. Especially in the circle of wealthy families, it seems to be an unwritten rule that boys inherit the family business.

Many people took advantage of Ruan Nian's young age and didn't understand, and they kept nagging in front of her, saying that the Xi family only had one daughter and there was no one to succeed.

Little did she know that although Ruan Nian was only three years old, she was more mature than most of her peers.

She knew what those uncles and aunts meant.

But she didn't think so.

Why can't a girl inherit the family business?

Her mother Ruan Qi is also a girl, but she is more powerful than most people.

And as Ruan Qi's daughter, she must be as strong as her mother.

Not only must she inherit the family business, but she must also start her own business. As the daughter of her parents, she, Ruan Xiaonian, must be the best!

Little Ruan Nian's chubby face swelled up, and her eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Xi Jiu felt that Ruan Nian was a bit like a kitten with its hair standing on end.

He hooked his lips and was about to speak when the door of the study was suddenly pushed open.

Ruan Qi walked in with a fruit plate.

"Is the meeting over?"

"It's over."

Xi Jiu immediately put Ruan Nian down and got up to greet Ruan Qi.

He took the fruit plate from Ruan Qi and put his other hand around her shoulders: "Didn't you say you were going to take an afternoon nap? Why are you awake?"

"I didn't fall asleep, I'm not going to sleep anymore."

Ruan Qi smiled at Xi Jiu, then turned to look at her little daughter curled up in the big chair, and asked with a smile: "What are you talking about? Why don't you take me with you?"

Xi Jiu laughed.

He took Ruan Qi and walked to Ruan Nian, put down the fruit plate and replied: "Nian Nian said she wanted to inherit the family business and your medical skills in the future. The uncles and aunts outside said that she was a girl and had no worries about food and drink at home, but Nian Nian didn't want that. She wanted to become a strong woman like you."

Ruan Qi occasionally heard the gossip outside.

Her eyes dimmed, and when she looked at Ruan Nian again, her eyes were filled with smiles again.

"Nian Nian," she squatted down, looked up at the little girl curled up in the big chair, and said gently, "Nian Nian has such a strong ideal, mom is very happy and proud of you. But you have to know that external strength is false, only inner strength is real strength."

Ruan Nian tilted her head, looking puzzled: "What is inner strength?"

Ruan Qi: "Not being disturbed by the outside world, not being happy or sad by external things. Being able to see yourself and others clearly. Knowing what you want, but not being controlled by desire. Being independent and self-loving, even if you walk alone, you can live freely and wantonly. Only in this way can you be truly strong."

These words are a bit profound for Ruan Nian, who is only three years old.

She thought about it and shook her head very honestly: "Mom, I don't quite understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand." Ruan Qi raised her hand and gently rubbed her little head, "You are only three years old, you don't need to understand so early. Nian Nian just needs to know that you have your parents, grandparents, and grandparents behind you, that's enough. We all love you and will always support you. Nian Nian just needs to move forward bravely, even if you fail, it doesn't matter."

Little Ruan Nian didn't understand these.

But she understood one sentence, that is, mom and dad love her.

Children who grow up in love are always easy to feel happy.

Little Ruan Nian showed a smile on her cold little face, and her chubby baby fat trembled, and she stretched out her chubby hands to Ruan Qi.

"Mom, hold me."

Ruan Qi chuckled, stood up and picked up her daughter.

Xi Jiu stood beside Ruan Qi, holding her with one hand and the other hand on her daughter's butt to reduce the gravity that Ruan Nian brought to Ruan Qi.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Hmm... braised spareribs. What about Nian Nian? Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Yes. I want to eat the bunny pudding made by dad."

"Okay, dad will make it for you. Tomorrow is the weekend, and it's time to take Nian Nian to the old house. Grandpa built a small amusement park for Nian Nian, and it was just completed today."

"Grandpa is too expensive. Nian Nian, you have to say thank you to great grandfather when you go to the old house tomorrow."

"Okay~ I'll go and thank great grandfather in a while."

"Nian Nian is awesome. Jiu Jiu, let's go cook. I'm a little hungry."

"Okay. Baby, help me pick the vegetables, and Nian Nian wash her own bowl. We'll have braised pork ribs, bunny pudding, and..."

The family's voices gradually blended into the sounds of pots and pans filled with fireworks.

The sunset outside the window was warm, and the rich green and fragrance of flowers spread.

Everything was perfect.

When I typed the last period, this book that had been serialized for four years was finally finished. At this moment, I sat in front of the computer, feeling relieved and lost.

"Xi Ye" is the book I have serialized for the longest time. During the writing of this book, I experienced illness and surgery, and broke out anxiety and depression. Because of the surgery and illness, I stopped updating for two whole years. Later, I resumed updating, but I also stopped updating from time to time because of my unstable emotions. During this period, many readers chose to leave because they were disappointed with me. I felt guilty, but I was powerless because of my poor mental state. Here, I solemnly and sincerely say sorry to those readers who have left.

I am a derelict author. The pain and mental blow prevented me from writing and updating normally. I feel ashamed for you who have been following me. I wanted to check the comments and the readers' group countless times, but I didn't dare. I was afraid of seeing everyone's accusations of disappointment, and I didn't dare to reply to you because of guilt.

Because I haven't updated for too long, this book has not been read by many people and it is not profitable. The editor advised me to finish it several times, but I refused. If there is no money to be made, there is no money to be made, but this is my child, although I can't take care of it for the time being due to physical and mental reasons. But as long as I still have a passion for writing, I will definitely work hard to finish it. This is an explanation I give to everyone, Softbao Xiye and myself. And now, I present this belated explanation with both hands, and I hope everyone will be satisfied.

Next, I will start saving the manuscript of the new book. I will start the pit when I have enough manuscripts saved. This time, I hope everyone can continue to accompany me

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