Master Zhan, Calm Down!
Chapter 1663: Found her mind! (2)
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He saw the blood stains at the door of his house, dripping all over the floor. The moment he saw it, he was shocked and almost fainted before his eyes. +++Mobile reading visit
What happened here? What happened? Whose blood is it? Is there anything wrong with his sister! ?
Leng Yunchen ignored the blood stains and quickly opened the door, his hands trembling uncontrollably when he opened the door.
"Xiao Mo...! Xiao Mo...! Please, don't have an accident!" A huge fear arose in Leng Yunchen's heart. When he saw the eye-catching bloodstain at the door of his house, his emotions almost collapsed.
He tried his best to maintain his composure.
But when the door was tense and finally opened, Leng Yunchen pushed open the door fiercely. As a result, he saw a small figure kneeling in the hallway. She was facing him with her back, and she didn’t know what she was doing. what.
Leng Yunchen's body was startled, watching her behavior, then looking at her again, muttering in a low voice, "Xiao Mo..."
He walked to her in two quick steps and squatted down, checking her for injuries.
And Leng Xiaomo was wiping the floor with a linen cloth, wiping it over and over again, wiping (dry gan) the blood that had been splashed on the ground, and there was a black (color) bag next to it, which contained a what.
Leng Yunchen had already smelled the **** smell in the air at home, and he had also faintly guessed what might have happened before.
"Brother...I'm okay, I'm just sorry, your house is stained with blood, and I'm working hard to restore the previous--"
"Mo, stop talking!"
Leng Yunchen interrupted her suddenly, rolling her throat slightly.
At a certain moment.
Leng Yunchen could no longer describe how he felt when he saw her safe and sound. This is his sister, his relatives, and in his eyes, there is no difference between blood relatives.
He couldn't imagine what he would do if she had anything to do, and how he would explain to his parents.
He couldn't even think of that kind of thing.
Leng Yunchen looked at her delicate and peaceful eyebrows, then raised his hand and helped her to wipe away some blood stains splashing on her white face little by little with her fingers.
Leng Xiaomo seemed to be a different person at this moment, like a harmless and innocent little girl, quietly letting him do it.
Leng Yunchen's heart was tugging fiercely, and the solemn eyes were filled with black haze.
No elder brother really likes his sister's hands stained with blood, and will do his best to protect her and resist the wind and rain for her.
But in fact, he protected so many people, but he did not protect her.
The quieter she looks, the more painful and guilty his heart is.
Until the blood on her face was wiped (gan), Leng Yunchen held her face lightly in one hand and asked, "Xiao Mo, what happened to (fafa)? There are other places on your body. Are you injured, is the blood all the other side’s?"
When Leng Yunchen said this, his eyes fell sharply on the black bag on the other side, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to take it, "What else is here?"
Leng Xiaomo watched him go to get the bag and then quickly snatched it, threw it aside, his eyes slightly dodged, and whispered, "I am not injured, the blood belongs to the other party, and the things inside are also from that person..."
Speaking of this, Leng Xiaomo paused, then raised his head to look at him, and said slowly, "...this is his hand."
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