Master Zhan, Calm Down!
Chapter 2163: Weird express, Lord Zhan saves people (5)
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, The offer is truly over. Hello, ruffian husband! The whole book is free to read and download!
A team went to investigate things thoroughly and protect the people outside, and everyone else at the wedding also appeared. +++Mobile reading visit
Leng Yunchen had just finished his marriage, so he was dispatched to deal with the matter.
Rong Zhan and Leng Yunchen made a gesture, and Leng Yunchen rushed over quickly. He looked cold and serious, "What's the situation? Sang Nuo just said something went wrong outside. What happened to the explosion!?"
Rong Zhan glanced at Sang Xia, and then slowly said, "It is the Governor’s person, and sent a courier with a bomb in it, which was later thrown into the river by me and I. In addition, the Governor’s location was also found. In Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina."
When he said this, he watched Sang Xia explain, "I heard the sound of the waves when I called. I confirmed that he should be in the waters near Buenos Aires, and the last three you selected In terms of positioning, the weather in St. Petersburg is very cold at this time, the temperature is freezing on the sea surface, and it is even more unlikely that he will be in the port city now. This is all our territory. His wings cannot escape, and his Arctic seabed base is affected He will definitely be looking for a new location to rebuild his base. This is very important to him, so he will definitely not be in Hong Kong City."
Staying in Hong Kong City will find a little bit of movement, and he will send someone here to be the eyeliner.
Sang Xia didn't expect Rong Zhan to think about it this way. In this way, he really wants to take someone to Argentina?
Leng Yunchen's heart was already tense after hearing Rong Zhan's brief explanation before.
Bombs, explosions, they were so bold that they got the bombs here.
Still in this case, even though Rong Zhan said it was simple, he held a bomb that could explode at any time and threw it into the river. This just (fuck cao) made people feel cold and sweaty.
"Go to Argentina? I'll go too." Leng Yunchen said with an eyebrow.
Rong Zhan patted him on the shoulder and smiled a bit playfully, "If it doesn't work, I can't sacrifice your honeymoon time. There is only one honeymoon in your life. Don't let Xiao Mo disappointed. Hong Kong City still needs you. It’s not easy to catch his minions."
Although the governor is mysterious, they are not weak, and there are many capable people, and whoever comes out can be alone.
"Let's go, let's go in first, and keep the specific matters of going to Argentina confidential. Don't tell others first, I will take people away privately, and besides—"
Rong Zhan stood still, rubbed his slender fingers against Sangxia's cheeks, and said meaningfully, "Daughter-in-law, help me find a substitute."
Sang Xia breathed tightly.
It seems that the Governor cannot let them discover Rong Zhan's departure.
Rong Zhan is going to Argentina this time. If he finds that the Governor is there, find out what they are going to do next, set a trap and fight back. It is best to kill him.
The governor is fascinated, but their favorite territory will never move.
The explosion was not hidden from any of them, because they had to have this kind of alertness to live in comfort before they were swallowed.
It's just that Leng Xiaomo learned that the governor had sent a bomb, and her inner emotions were extremely heavy and complicated.
Why does the Governor always appear when he has something to do...?
Could it be that he still aimed at himself...?
Even if his biological sister is dead.
Leng Xiaomo's impression of the governor would not become superficial with the passage of time, but rather deepened.
〔Nine brothers: there is still at night, roll around and ask for votes.〕
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