Match Point

Chapter 1014: back shot

Two shots in a row, two shots in a row, Federer completed a shocking shot when the backhand was suppressed, seemingly passive, but in fact took the initiative.

This is Federer's ability.

Gao Wen was also a little helpless. There were no problems with his shots and tactics. The key was that Federer's inspired shots turned the situation around.


It can be seen from Federer's return serve that he deliberately moved Gao Wen to the front of the net to seek a breakthrough—

Although Gao Wen's net ability has improved significantly since the new season, compared to the bottom line, it is still a shortcoming and needs more time to polish.

So, what should Gao Wen do?

Beat inspiration with inspiration?


Gao Wen cannot get involved in Federer's game rhythm. He has his own way and style. He needs to insist on himself and find opportunities to break the balance of the confrontation.

On tiptoe!

Body light!

Concentrate on it!

Accurate prediction!

The moment he hit the ball in front of the net, his right leg had already exploded with strength, pushing his body and moving laterally with continuous small steps, but he was not too anxious.

On one side, guard against your own forehand.

On one side, pay attention to your backhand.

Then, here comes the ball!



After all, Federer still chose the backhand, because it was too difficult to hit the ball from the side of his feet, and the straight line could not control the parabola, which might instead create a chance of high pressure in front of the net. breakthrough.

The judgment is accurate!

Gao Wen was as light as a swallow, his calf muscles exploded in an instant, and he took continuous horizontal cross steps. With a leap of his body, his whole body was already fully charged.

Not because the footsteps are not in place, but to grab the ball point.



smash? No, with a light flick of the wrist, all the strength was removed—

Play back the ball.

Light, agile, and dancing.


The audience gasped, and the bursts of exclamation continued to surge.

Federer panicked.

For one thing, he didn't expect Gao Wen to choose to play back the ball.

Secondly, he did not expect the quality of the ball to be so high.

But Federer didn't give up.

Great stride! Great stride! Continuous strides!

Federer has reached near the bottom line of the service area in just three long strides, but the position is still a bit lacking, because Gawain's small ball control is very good.

The line is short, the landing point is tricky, the force is fully unloaded, and the rebound height after landing is well controlled.

So that Federer's footsteps were a little staggering.

The forehand was stretched to the extreme, stretched forward very, very reluctantly, the upper body was completely stretched out, the center of gravity was swaying—

Got it!

Just before the tennis ball was about to fall back to the ground, Federer finally caught the ball and flicked it lightly with his right hand.

It's not even clear how Federer hits the ball, a very delicate and simple glance of his wrist.

Tennis is already flying.

left? Right? Middle?

Gao Wen, there is no way to judge, because everything happened too fast, and because Federer's hitting technique is too stealthy, so that the footsteps start a little slower.

When Gao Wen noticed that the tennis ball was pulling a parabola towards his backhand position, the tennis ball rose to the left and right sides of his chest at an alarming speed.

At this point, it can be seen that Gao Wen's predictions, reactions, coverage, etc. in front of the net still have a lot of room for improvement.


As soon as he kicked his left leg, his body flew out, and he backhanded the tennis ball with both hands, completing the interception—

This time, instead of cutting the ball, it was a volley.

With the posture of blocking and smashing, he smashed the tennis ball back hard.

Because Federer was right in front of the net, Gao Wen consciously increased his speed to break the balance.

Obviously, Federer also expected this. The entire parabola was picked very skillfully. When Gao Wen touched the ball, the tennis ball was already in the position obliquely above the head. It's very shameless to restrict Gao Wen in this way.

boom! This is the sound of Gao Wen blocking the ball.

ah! This is the exclamation of the audience.

Did it score?

Gawain's interception in front of the net was excellent and timely, however, Federer still did not give up.



Federer completely lost his balance in the bumps, and he looked like a drunk, but he was still sprinting.

A big step! Two strides!

With only two strides, Federer could no longer take care of them. Although the footsteps are still not in place, if the delay continues, the tennis ball will be beyond Federer's hitting range—

Gao Wen's block hit the tennis ball half a step behind the bottom line of the service area, while Federer's footsteps stood a little in front of the bottom line of the service area.

This also means that Gao Wen's hitting point is controlled behind Federer, forming an awkward dislocation.

Federer, very embarrassed.

With his back to the court, holding the card in one hand, like a fishing net, he stopped in front of the tennis ball and hit the ball with a bounce on the ground, making a light hook.

Whoosh. This is the sound of Federer hitting the ball.

The tennis ball unbelievably pulled out a parabola, high above Gao Wen's head, and flew towards the bottom line.

ah. This is the exclamation of the audience.

heh. This is the stunned sound of the audience.


pressure line.

Federer's return ball was miraculously pressed to the bottom line, and continued to charge forward, with a strong spin hitting the billboard on the bottom line.



Every time they hit the ball, every time they touched the ball, the two players, Federer and Gawain, were calculating and playing with each other, overflowing with inspiration, and then cut off the breath of the audience, and their brains completely crashed.

So, what about Gao Wen?


Gao Wen was sprinting at full speed, with his feet on the Hot Wheels, like a bolt of lightning, he had already reached the bottom line from the front of the net in the blink of an eye.


run wild!

Gao Wen's whole body has been merged with the wind, his brain is blank, and his concentration has reached the extreme. Because his back is facing the court, he has no time or space to observe Federer's position. The only thing he can rely on is the space in his mind for the entire court 3D stereoscopic images.

Tennis, after landing and rebounding, leaps high with a strong topspin.

Gao Wen couldn't hit the ball regularly.

Think about it.

Gao Wen gave up the idea of ​​hitting the ball high, because it is very likely to hit it directly out of bounds, he gave himself more room to move his feet, and waited for the tennis ball to fall.

Tread Tread!

Tread Tread!

The footsteps surpassed the position of the tennis ball, staring closely at the falling line of the tennis ball, and then, holding the racket in front of the hand, with the back facing the court, just before the tennis ball was about to hit the ground, slapped it lightly.

It's like fishing for the moon in the sea.

It's all about feel.


The sound of hitting the ball was not crisp, but the tennis ball flew out quickly like a whip, drawing the attention of the audience and outlined a thrilling arc.

Across the audience.

Even Federer couldn't react, because it was too late to change the center of gravity of his footsteps, and because Gao Wen had no way to judge the intention of hitting the ball with his back to the court.

In the end, Federer, together with the audience, watched the tennis ball tear a hole along the straight line and fell into the bottom line, amazed the audience.

So light, yet so sharp.

Winning points!

Being extremely passive and extremely difficult, Gao Wen hit a winning score with a "blind hit"—

next second.

The audience roared! The heart is almost about to burst.

ah! ah…


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