Match Point

Chapter 1313: single seedling hope

Perhaps, some people may be curious, some people may question—

But it was just a lottery ceremony, how could it gather the attention of so many fans? Moreover, the sense of immersion and immersion is so strong?


Since when did tennis become so popular in China?

The answer, since Gao Wen ranked second in the world, tennis once again opened up a new world on this magical continent, and ushered in an excellent opportunity:

Roland Garros.

Just as all the news media in the world are paying close attention to the ownership of the French Open champion, Nadal's status and Gao Wen's performance, Huaxia is no exception.

To be precise, Huaxia is the most concerned area in the world.

Although everyone knows that Gao Wen needs more time to adapt to the clay court. It is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve outstanding results in his first Roland-Garros match, but it still cannot stop the rising expectations, and he will pay close attention to the world ranking competition The sight is warming up all over, and everything is about to move.

Moreover, this is not all, unexpected factors outside the field are playing an important role that cannot be ignored.

This year, the Huaxia Legion, which went to Paris to participate in the competition, suffered a heavy blow and fell into a trough—

First of all, the six women's singles players who played in the qualifiers were all wiped out, including the two seeded players who were both eliminated in the first round. No one was able to break through.

Men's singles is even more difficult, and there are not even players shortlisted for the qualifying round.

Secondly, the players in the main match are also facing a severe test. There are only four players in the women's singles, and Gao Wen is still the only one in the men's singles.

To make matters worse, the bad news is not over yet. Peng Shuai, who entered the main match by virtue of the world ranking, has announced his withdrawal from this year's French Open.

Due to the impact of back injuries, Peng Shuai concentrated on recuperating after this year's Australian Open. He withdrew from eight tournaments all the way, and his world ranking continued to decline. Later, he came back in Madrid, but was out in the first match. In an interview after the match, he also said that the injury remained the same. He did not recover and needed to go to Germany for treatment.

Later, she withdrew from Rome and Strasbourg for two consecutive races, waiting to see if she could recover from her injury and catch up with this year's French Open.

Unfortunately, in the end, I still couldn't catch up.

This also means that only three women's singles will appear in the main match this year, creating the lowest value in three years.

That's not all.

To make matters worse, with Peng Shuai's retirement, this also means that for the first time since 2008, no top 50 Chinese women's singles player in the world has appeared on the Grand Slam stage. The overall decline of singles and the bleakness of no successor.

In the past two years, Zhang Shuai, who has achieved good results, has encountered a bottleneck this year. When he registered for the French Open, he only ranked 81st. She is the highest-ranked women's singles player in the world among the three players participating this year.

Last year at the US Open, Zheng Saisai and Wang Qiang both broke through the first round of the Grand Slam and set new highs, but this year's ranking has dropped significantly, and the luck of the draw is not so good.

Similarly, the men's singles also suffered a heavy blow. Zhang Ze's world ranking has slipped to 184th, and Wu Di has dropped out of the 300th place. The two players even failed to win the qualification for the qualifying round. , So, they simply did not come to Paris.

Judging from all signs, the prospect of the Huaxia Army at Roland Garros this year may be very, very difficult.

If you study it carefully, you can find that it is not surprising.

For one thing, Huaxia's training system is mainly based on hard courts. Clay courts are inherently weak, and they can't even find too many clay court training grounds, so they need to go to Europe every time they prepare for a game.

When Li Na reached the top of the French Open, even she herself exclaimed in surprise.

In fact, Huaxia players, regardless of gender, have the worst results in the French Open.

Secondly, the impact of injuries, from women's singles to men's singles, players are generally suffering from injuries.

Not much to say about Peng Shuai's back injury that has plagued him since the beginning of the year, as did Zhang Ze and Wu Di.

In fact, from the encouragement of a close meeting at the Australian Open at the beginning of the year to the Davis Cup in March, players including Zhang Shuai, Zhang Ze, Wu Di, etc., they all deeply felt the positive influence of Gao Wen, deeply The ambition buried in the bottom of my heart was full of pride again.

They are looking forward to following Gao Wen's footsteps, and also looking forward to chasing Gao Wen's footsteps, and finally realize their dreams——

But the reality is often like this. If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, it's too late.

The harder you work, the more you devote yourself, the more you feel the pressure, and then, haste makes waste.

As a result, not only failed to usher in a comprehensive breakthrough, but encountered their own shackles, Zhang Shuai fell into the vortex of demons, Zhang Ze and Wu Di suffered unnecessary injuries in training, although not serious enough to miss the game, but it also affected the quality of training and game state.

Then, the clay court season came.

The passage of time was faster than expected, and before I had time to "study hard and make progress every day", I encountered all-round dissatisfaction with the red soil.

As a result, the world ranking fell further. When it came to the French Open, not only did it fail to get the encouragement of the Australian Open to usher in a breakthrough, but fell further into a trough.

Thirdly, and most intuitively, Li Na retired.

The existence of a leading figure only has an impact on young players and the entire sport; at the same time, it also has the effect of raising public expectations.

In other words, when Li Na was still fighting on the field, all eyes were on her. As long as she can perform well, people will think that the Huaxia Army is successful.

At that time, people didn't pay attention to the other players of the Huaxia Legion. Even though they were also ranked in the top 50 in the world, and they also entered the fourth round of the Grand Slam, the light still shines on the leaders.

Once Li Na retired, the stark gap became apparent, and it was difficult for people to get used to the scene in front of them, which was obviously not the familiar scene they had seen.

At this time, the answer has come out -

Gao Wen was born, filling the and becoming the new leader.

However, Gao Wen had a fatal shortcoming. His emergence was too fast and too sudden. Not to mention the general public, even the professionals were not mentally prepared to witness Gao Wen's climb to the top of the Forbidden City together. He stared intently at the same time, jaw-droppingly amazed.

From the U.S. Open to the Australian Open, the overall momentum has accumulated step by step, and then under the entire background of the French Open, various topics are intertwined and intertwined, shining brilliantly, attracting thousands of attention.


Just like that, the grand scene of the bar appeared, even if it was just a lottery ceremony, the fresh fans who had just started were excited, and the veteran fans who had been silent for a long time were elated. They gathered together to share each other's joy and happiness—

This year, Gao Wen is likely to be the only hope of the Huaxia Army. Everyone is expecting him to draw a good lottery and achieve another success.


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