Match Point

Chapter 1513: no silver here

The latest website: Appearance is justice?

What kind of ridiculous answer is this?

Gao Wen looked at Beckham carefully, "I think you are fooling me, but there is no evidence."

"Ha!" Beckham immediately burst into laughter, "Hahaha. Fool? How is it possible? Please, Gao Wen, I am so kind, how could I possibly fool you? I'm serious, you can go to Hollywood to develop, I think the prospects should be very bright."

"Brightness? Is it the kind of light that changes jobs today and loses jobs today?"

"Hahaha, Gao Wen, you should have some confidence in yourself."

"David, when it comes to the entertainment industry, you should be more familiar than me. Victoria is a singer. If you go to Hollywood, you will definitely be in demand."

"Ouch, Gao Wen, you hit my knee right, buddy, you don't hit people in the face."

"So, is it pricked, my friend?"

Beckham looked at Gawain with a sad face, and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, he laughed loudly, and patted Gawain on the shoulder, "You are more suitable for Hollywood than me, to be honest. I was there, the joke they told , I often don’t understand and always feel like an outsider.”

"I'll tell you a secret. In fact, they don't understand it either. One or two just look at other people's eyes and laugh." Gao Wen burst the bubble of Hollywood Vanity Fair with an inscrutable expression.

Beckham caught the narrow teasing light in Gao Wen's eyes, and a smile overflowed from his eyes, but instead of bursting into laughter, he made a "shh" gesture, a look of "you know me, I know you, I know you, I know you, I know you". , a simple action can tell that the "thriller" is also a smart person.



Behind, the hustle and bustle—

In fact, Beckham is right. Maybe the fans at the scene don’t know Gao Wen at all, and they are not interested in Beckham’s football achievements, and they don’t even know anything about the supporting actors in "Mission: Impossible 5". As far as we know, apart from Tom Cruise and Simon Pegg, it is estimated that movie fans can't name a few leading casts.

But does it matter?


This does not affect them at all to enjoy the party, after all, this is the premiere of the movie, and if you see handsome men and beautiful women, you can't go wrong if you shout to your heart's content.

As for the identity of that handsome and beautiful woman, whether it is a supporting role or a tennis player, it really doesn't matter at all.


Amid the cheers, Gao Wen and Beckham had already stepped onto the red carpet and walked forward.

"So, how long are you going to stay in London this time? After Wimbledon is over, do you want to stay for a while for vacation? I can introduce the children to you. To be honest, Romeo has always wanted to know you. If you want, you You can learn from him."

"David, this is my honor! As far as I know, Roger is Romeo's first teacher, so, am I next? Does this mean that I am already tied with Roger?"

"Haha, you guys, you just like to play tricks. Romeo just got interested in tennis on a whim. Who knows how long he can last? Brooklyn is the same. He said he likes photography, but he put it down after a lot of tossing. I don’t even know what I want.”

Rambling on, Beckham himself didn't realize why he was talking about a lot of homework. After noticing Gao Wen's weird expression, he came back to his senses and remembered again that his agent and publicist had repeatedly told him to minimize With the suggestion of speaking, the expression became a little cramped.

"Sorry, I can't stop the car when talking about children."

Although he wanted to continue to explain, Beckham felt that he needed to stop the loss in time.

Beckham has four children, three boys and one girl, Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. The oldest Brooklyn was born in 1999; the youngest Harper Po was born in 2011.

The Romeo they just discussed is thirteen years old, and his body is very weak. When he was still in the womb, he was even considered to be stillborn. He has been facing health problems since he was born, so the Beckhams are very concerned and always pay attention to Romeo. Get some physical activity.

After learning that Romeo was interested in tennis, Beckham used his contacts. He not only hired a professional coach for Romeo, but also successfully found Federer. When Federer was on vacation, he took Romeo there. Had a training session with Federer, so that the British tabloids were excited, one or two discussing the possibility of Romeo becoming a professional player.

Now, Gao Wen was found again?

On that side, Beckham slammed the brakes and did not continue to unfold.

In this room, Gao Wen didn't care at all, his focus was slightly different, his expression was a little weird, his brows were slightly frowned, and he watched Beckham carefully:

"Wait, David, how old do you think I am?"

Beckham was slightly stunned, his thoughts turned around in his mind, and then he realized that Gao Wen was complaining about how he discussed parenting with him, and complaining about his age again, but the strange thing is, Beckham didn't mind, Gao Wen's tone was always slightly joking.

He couldn't help laughing, "Boy, at least I know that you and I are not from the same generation, okay?"

Seeing Gao Wen's satisfied smile, Beckham's deep laughter surged again.

Then, Beckham noticed a slight pause in Gao Wen's footsteps, "Are you finally ready to stop for an interview? This is a good thing. Although we are guests, we should also talk to the media."

Gao Wen's footsteps went straight to the screening hall, and he didn't seem to intend to stop on the red carpet. Now he stopped. It's very normal for Beckham to have such thoughts.

Sure enough, seeing Gao Wen and Beckham's footsteps stop for a while, inquiries from the surrounding reporters swarmed in. One or two called the names of Gao Wen or Beckham, and stretched out the recording pen in their hands. Hope to get closer and attract these two sports superstars.

But Beckham noticed that Gao Wen's gaze was not looking at the reporter, but—

"How did meet a friend?"

Following Gao Wen's line of sight, you can see that Jennifer Lawrence, who is currently the number one actress in the new generation of Hollywood, is being interviewed.

The smile on the corner of Gao Wen's mouth paused slightly, and then rose, as if recalling the meeting at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art's charity ball last year, and of course, the meeting at the film premiere afterwards. Obviously, for Lawrence, the two meetings are, It shouldn't be a good memory.

"It's just a chance encounter." Gao Wen replied, "She is being interviewed, just say hello inside later, there is no need for us to bother."

Gawain didn't think Lawrence should welcome him.

Beckham's understanding was slightly off, "I understand that in such an occasion, it is necessary to keep a little distance."

Gao Wen frowned slightly. Why did Beckham's words sound weird, as if he had met his ex-girlfriend? He was about to clarify, but found that Beckham had moved on, so he chased after him to explain. , does it count as three hundred taels of silver here?

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