Match Point

Chapter 1619: offensive and defensive transition

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Undoubtedly, in this inventory, Dimitrov's performance can be called perfect, in one go, without leaking water, step by step in full accordance with the plan, and the execution effect is excellent, establishing a huge advantage.

Small steps, continuous small steps.

Dimitrov was very focused and cautious, adjusting his steps continuously to find the best hitting position, waiting for the winning moment of high pressure in front of the net.

However, should he choose landing high pressure or volley high pressure?

It is safer to land with high pressure, because the height of the tennis ball after landing and rebounding is easy to predict and control; but it also leaves more time for the opponent to adjust.

Volley high pressure, rush to attack at the first time, refuse to give the opponent a chance to breathe, especially grass competitions appear frequently; but the uncertainty brought about by the acceleration of gravity increases the difficulty and risk of high pressure.

There are advantages and disadvantages, there is no complete choice, only the choice that suits the moment.

In fact, Gao Wen's lobbing the ball this time is not too bad. Although he sees the height but does not see the distance, his tactical intention is very clear. It is to gain breathing space for himself through such an offensive defense and slow down Dimitrov's aggressive attack. Playing the game in a limited time—

Once Dimitrov hesitated or hesitated for a moment, Gawain would be able to gain space to counterattack.

Dimitrov knew this clearly, so he didn't relax at all. He glanced at the opposite side out of the corner of his eye, and then saw that Gawain had returned to the center of the field, adjusted in small steps continuously, and entered a defensive stance.

Obviously, Gawain had already caught his breath.


Dimitrov immediately realized that he had to seize the opportunity firmly and not hesitate any longer, even if it required taking some risks.

Kick off, tiptoe, stretch.

Dimitrov seemed to be serving a ball. His fully stretched body was like a full bow and arrow. He looked up, looking for the mustard yellow light and shadow in the golden mass.

Then, I found—

Before the tennis ball hits the ground, Dimitrov has already started and swung the racket towards the tennis ball.

Volley high pressure!

The most difficult and critical part of this shot is timing.

Because of the acceleration of gravity, the speed of the tennis ball will become faster and faster after it enters the hitting range, and the difficulty of finding the hitting point will increase linearly.

If it is too early, it will fly directly, and if it is too late, it will go off the net.

At the same time, footstep adjustment should not be lazy. Finding the accurate hitting position is one aspect, and finding the hitting rhythm through footstep adjustment is another aspect.

In Djokovic's comprehensive technique, this should be the only loophole.

Dimitrov also knows the difficulty of hitting the ball, and his footsteps are constantly adjusting.


Take a shot, hit the ball.


Dimitrov snorted, and hesitated a little at the moment of taking the shot, worried that he would take the shot too late and hit the ball hard and hit the net directly.

Therefore, Dimitrov slightly reduced his strength and used a half-smash and half-side-cut method to press high. This is a volley high-pressure method that leaves room for leeway. It can reduce the risk while still compressing the rhythm of offensive connection.

Of course, it also leaves a certain buffer space for the opponent.

But Dimitrov was not worried. After the volley high pressure ended, he stepped forward directly, lowered the center of gravity, remained flexible, and fully covered the front of the net.

In this way, even if the high pressure fails to score directly, his next block will complete the volley in front of the net.

Of course, the best situation is to score with high pressure, and there is no need for another shot.


Dimitrov was walking up, staring at Gawain intently.

Launch, traverse, sprint.

Gawain's overall reaction speed was very alert. He immediately rushed to the left backhand position, accurately judging the high pressure of Dimitrov's attack towards this side.

The high pressure fell close to the sideline. Although there was no pressure on the line, it was not far away. This also forced Gao Wen to rush all the way to the doubles area.

Dimitrov closed his pupils, seeing that Gawain was able to touch the ball, so, a straight line? Or a slash?

Pulan has entered a state of ecstasy, staring intently at the tennis ball.

Then, Gao Wen made a split, and his body, which was stretched to the limit, threw himself out completely. With his center of gravity lost, there was no room for him to swing his racket.

Therefore, Gao Wen simply gave up swinging the racket, pinned his hands backhand to the side of his body, relied on the swing of his arms, and made a short push within a narrow range.

A push, a flick, all rely on the pushing force of the forearm straight.

Again, this is advanced technology.

In the next second, you can see the tennis ball flying through the air in a straight line.

With a jump, Dimitrov threw his body towards the straight forehand position, jumped into the fish, and his whole body flew up free from the shackles of gravity, stretching his body to the extreme, trying to complete the volley.



The tennis ball, breaking through the blockade of Dimitrov's racket, sprang out.

Then, it fell and fell into the bounds.




Unable to control himself anymore, Pu Lan clenched his fists and jumped up high, roaring fanatically and selflessly, his heart bursting completely.


On the No. 1 court, one can see the faces of shocked and stunned people who couldn't believe it. Many people either hugged their heads in wonder or covered their faces and wailed, and the audience was heated.


"Incredible, unbelievable, what an amazing and shocking way to salvage the inventory."

"Dimitrov performed perfectly. Although the final volley was a bit soft, he hardly left Gawain with too many opportunities to counterattack."

"A ray of life is just a gleam."

"However, Gawain caught it."

"Unbelievable! In the end, it was Gao Wen who won this point with his unparalleled He wrote a miracle again under extremely passive and extremely difficult circumstances."

"Equal split!"

"The stalemate of the second set tie-break is still going on."

The stadium has completely lost its mind.

It took Pulan a beat to realize that tears welled up in his eyes uncontrollably, and his beating heart made his chest ache.

But, she likes it, she thought she wouldn't, but she is enjoying this moment, feeling the energy of life like never before.

On the court, Gawain has fallen to the ground, and Dimitrov has also fallen to the ground. Both players have pushed to the extreme. There is no room for breathing in the collision between you and me. It is indeed the pinnacle of the youth storm duel——

Before that, no player born in the 90s could force Gao Wen to such a situation, and truly see the ultimate form that can only appear when facing the Big Four.


Really wonderful!

No wonder Court One has gone crazy.

The two players stood up one after the other, and then saw each other's distress, the white jersey rubbed a touch of green, and grass clippings could be seen.

The two exchanged glances across the distance, smiled, and then made a salute to each other before turning around and walking towards the bottom line.

The game is still going on.

After Gao Wen saved the count, the next point was still Dimitrov's serve, so the initiative still rests with Dimitrov.


Dimitrov let out a long breath, he needed to calm down a bit, both breathing and mood—

He had a chance to finish the second set, but it didn't work out, and now it's time to move on because the chance is still with him.

He doesn't want to lose the initiative because he can't forget the point just now.

"Grigor, focus. Focus!"

(end of this chapter)

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