Match Point

Chapter 1673: Oh it's you

"Oh! Gawain."

"Congratulations to the semifinals."

"exciting competition."

Swish, swish, the low voice surged gently, and the pull of reason and emotion made the audience fall into a tormenting predicament one by one.

One, two, three, four, more and more people looked at Gao Wen.

As the commentator said, who wants to miss Gao Wen, the hottest player in professional tennis today? Even if you don't care about tennis at all, but because the headlines and hot searches on the Internet have appeared too many times, you have seen and heard the name more or less, so it's hard to pretend you don't know it.

Gao Wen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, or nodded or waved or made eye contact, expressing his gratitude politely, but avoiding making more noise.

Gradually, the audience at the All England Club was able to understand Gao Wen, and gave up shouting one after another, but expressed welcome with eyes and gestures.

Then, Gao Wen noticed a figure, and his footsteps paused slightly. The first reaction in his mind was that he had identified the wrong person——

Pulan was looking down at his phone.

It's not that the match between Federer and Simon is not good, nor is it that she doesn't care about the surging noise of the arena, but that there are more interesting news in front of her, and she just took advantage of the break between rounds to have a quick look. After just 90 seconds, , the game will continue.

On the social network, Gao Wen's news is overwhelming, and the frenzy after the game is brewing bit by bit, climbing to a new peak.

Not only the Chinese media, but also media from all over the world paid immediate attention to it.

Because Gao Wen fought hard to beat Murray in five sets, because Gao Wen once again showed his big heart in the big scene, because Wimbledon's performance in the semi-finals once again wrote history, and also because of Gao Wen's competitive spirit after the game, and because Gao Wen Wen officially has the ticket to challenge the ultimate limit of ATP...

Everything is moving towards the peak step by step.

There were so many doubts and pressures before the start of Wimbledon, and now the energy has exploded ten times and a hundred times. The dazzling news is showing a blowout trend. It seems that the eyes of the world are all focused on Gao Wen, and the social network is almost paralyzed. The mighty momentum is truly frightening.

Even though he witnessed it with his own eyes, even though he experienced it himself, Pu Lan couldn't help but get excited when he saw the brilliance and popularity reported in the news. His bright mood was like a sprite opened on a midsummer afternoon, bubbling and rolling, and the corners of his mouth curved a little. A little bit up.

Pu Lan secretly reminded himself.

Before the game, those who questioned, attacked, slandered, and despised those provocations actually came from these media and netizens, and they were nothing but nonsense.

If Gawain wins, they will spare no effort to pursue him, as if Gawain is the king; but as long as Gawain loses, the same group of people will be the first to besiege, and the whole world will stand on Gawain's side in a trance. On the contrary, their praise and pursuit are just bubbles.

Be sensible, stay sensible, she needs to slowly learn to stay away from social networks and the media, otherwise, there will only be misfortune.

However, reasoning is one thing and actual action is another.

Looking at these "bubbles" that disappear after being pulled down to refresh, watching these voices who categorically assert that Gao Wen can't create a good result, and changing his position, watching the overwhelming amazement and praise, watching the video and animation of the exciting moments of the game Continuing to reappear on the timeline...

The mood still flew up uncontrollably.

So, is this a "guilty pleasure"?

"Break, just watch one break."

"Yes, that's it."

Poulein gave herself a deadline and told herself she would put down her phone when Federer and Simon returned to the court to resume the match.

Then, um—

The phone vibrated, and the message came.

Gao Wen, "Look up at the big screen."

Pulan:? ? ?

There are question marks all over the head, what do you mean?

But subconsciously, before the brain reacted, the conditioned reflex raised his head and looked at the big screen in the No. 1 stadium.


In the next second, Pu Lan almost choked on his own saliva.

At this time, on the big screen, the camera of the on-site director happened to be aimed at Gao Wen. He stood in the aisle, stopped, smiled and waved at the camera.

Seeing this scene, the audience thought that Gao Wen greeted Stadium No. 1 in such a way, and the cheers and applause burst into a hustle and bustle. Welcomed by the home fans to Gawain.

Such treatment is comparable to the Big Four, and even surpasses Djokovic to some extent—

The main reason was that the match between Gao Wen and Murray had just ended, and the scene after the match was in a state of enthusiasm, and the audience's emotions were particularly high.

Even Federer and Simon, who were about to appear on the stage, noticed the commotion. They could not help but smile when they raised their eyes and saw the figure on the big screen.

At the scene, it is estimated that Pu Lan was the only exception.

The first reaction in my mind was to hide my figure, slide forward silently along the chair, and then curl up into a ball and hide in front, silently burying my head between my knees, just like Pikachu, trying my best to Hiding his figure, he kept meditating in his heart.

"Can't see can't see can't see".

Close your eyes tightly and mutter aloud.

At the same time, holding the mobile phone together with both hands, sticking it to the forehead, UU Reading seems to be imitating the civet cat sticking the leaves on the forehead.

Then, um—

The phone vibrated again, and then again.

After hesitating for a moment, Pulan withdrew his hands, put the phone on the ground, propped his chin on his knees, and muttered as before.

The message still came from Gao Wen, but this time there was no message preview on the phone screen, it seemed to be a picture.

Open, a picture.

A child reaches for the bell while covering his ears with his hands,


Pulan glanced at the second picture hastily, before he could see it clearly, he switched the phone software and searched:

"Hold your ears and steal your bell", what does this mean?


"Chinese idioms, from "Lushi Chunqiu-Zhizhi".

The original meaning is to cover one's ears to steal other people's bells; later it is a metaphor for deceiving oneself, trying to cover up things that cannot be covered up.

Its structure is linked, and it is usually used as a predicate, attributive, or adverbial in a sentence. "

Pulan: …

Gritting his teeth, he was furious.

Quickly switched back, and was about to slam Gao Wen to express his protest, when he saw the second picture. To be precise, he should see it clearly.

This is a photo, and it can be seen at a glance that it is the iconic dark green seat of Wimbledon.

She curled up like a hedgehog, pitifully hiding in the aisle in front of the seat; at the same time, the closed hands in front of her forehead were exactly the same as the movement of covering her ears in the first picture.

Pull back the dialog box again, look up and down, what's the matter with the instant visual effect of copying and pasting?

Originally, he should feel ashamed, but Pulan couldn't help laughing. In the end, he buried his head and covered his cheeks, and laughed sullenly.

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