Match Point

Chapter 255: young and energetic

Latest website: "40:15", Stakhovski's serve.

Logically speaking, this round was in Stakhovsky's pocket, and Gawain's effort obviously still failed to hit Stakhovsky.

But Gao Wen didn't see it that way. He exerted his strength not only to break serve, but also to find a way to break the game. He needed to unswervingly continue to experiment and lay the foundation for the follow-up game; moreover, facing Stakhovski Gao Wen had to go all out for such a level of master.

One shot, inside corner.

Gao Wen carefully observed Stakhovski's serve movements. Each player has his own special movement habits, and these habits can often become the benchmark for prediction, such as throwing the ball, slightly higher and slightly lower. The front of the body is a bit behind, and the hitting point is earlier and later, which can distinguish the difference between first and second shots, inside corners and outside corners.

Only a very small number of players are able to hide their serve action, so that the opponent has no way of judging.

However, even if you understand these, you can’t judge accurately every time, mainly because the tennis court is relatively large, the distance is far enough, and there is sunlight interference, plus the tennis **** are so small, so it is difficult to judge accurately with the naked eye.

It is precisely because of this that Gao Wen needs to continue to observe and continue to observe.

The brain had just judged the "inner angle", and the body's conditioned reflex had already reacted. The whole person rushed out, but the ball came at a faster speed than expected, and there was not enough room for swinging the racket, so Gao Wen used both hands to backhand the top. After a while, there was no movement to lead the racket, but to hit it back with the movement of the wrist.


Leverage strength.

Because Gao Wen gave up the racket movement and just pushed it up, the rhythm of returning the ball was very fast, which shortened the flight time of the tennis ball.



The tennis ball bounced back quickly, and despite not pulling the angle of the line, it slammed back towards Stahovski in the way of hitting the wall.

Although the landing point is not deep, the bounce is also very low. After jumping up, it flies directly towards Stakhovsky at low altitude, with almost no rebound arc.

Stakhovski's footsteps were forced to take a step back, staggered and took a shot below the knee with his forehand, and barely completed the return with a bounce; and in order to avoid returning the ball to the net, Stakhovs Ji had to flick his wrist a little to pull up the arc of the ball.


The tennis ball draws a parabola.

Tread Tread.

Immediately, you can see that Gao Wen's footsteps have entered the bottom line, and he is charging forward with all his strength - the return shot has an unexpected effect, but he is highly focused, and immediately realizes that his connection needs to be followed up to complete the next attack , Follow your heart, and the pace has already followed quickly.

Land, bounce.

Gao Wen's attention was completely fixed on the tennis ball. Seeing the tennis ball falling near the serving line, he adjusted in small steps and waited for the tennis ball to bounce off the ground. He raised his right hand high and was ready to hit the ball.


Gao Wen didn't make a move right away, but deliberately paused, watching Stakhovsky subconsciously run back towards his backhand to cover the defense, and then Gao Wen made two small steps to adjust again, making a second forehand To lead the racket, rely on the wrist to make a skateboarding action at the moment of release, without exerting all your strength, just flicking and skimming lightly.


The tennis ball flew towards Stakhovski's wide open forehand.

It was too late for Stakhovski, who ran in the wrong direction, to change his body inertia, so he could only stop regretfully, watching the tennis ball hit the ground and form the winning point.

Gawain stopped in front of the net, clenched his fists heavily and let out a roar—

He did it on purpose, showing the vigor and vitality of young people in this way.

In this shot, due to an accident, Stakhovsky's return ball gave Gao Wen enough time, so Gawain tricked Stakhovsky with a fake move, and asked Stakhovsky to pre-empt the shot. After the judgment was over, he habitually moved ahead, and then Gao Wen could calmly choose another route.

Anticipation means moving in advance. In the very fast back and forth hitting the ball, this little advance can gain some initiative; however, once the speed of the hitting round slows down, moving in advance means If you lose your center of gravity, you will lose all your advantages.

At this moment, Stakhovski is like that; but Gawain's shot is not so simple.

Delayed shots are often easy to miss the hitting point, especially after seeing the super large gap, it is easy to be anxious, and there may be very outrageous mistakes in the shot, so Gao Wen has been adjusting the position with small steps, and he is more careful and focused when shooting. And reduce the force to ensure the success rate.

Sure enough, score.


The situation in this game has changed subtly. Although Stakhovsky still has one game point, there is only one.

One shot, outside corner.

Stakhovski obviously started to fight for the serve, trying to suppress Gao Wen's return with the first serve, but the pursuit angle was too large and went out of bounds.

Stakhovsky didn't have time to be upset, adjusted a little, took a deep breath and started the second shot.

Inner corner? Outer corner? close?

Gao Wen's mind turned quickly.

Second serve, outside corner.

Stakhovsky still suppressed Gawain's backhand, and used a large outside angle to limit Gawain's swing options—

Under such circumstances, the rotation and angle limit the space for hitting the ball. It is often difficult for Gawain to hit a straight line. The oblique line is a high probability event, which means that even if Gawain returns the ball, Stakhovsky will not Be able to prepare ahead of time.



Gao Wen was trying to chase the ball, but the backhand still didn't have enough time to stretch out. With his feet not in place, his upper body stretched to the extreme, barely reaching the tennis ball; however, Gao Wen's brain remained calm, because Stahoe Fowski's second serve pursues the extreme angle, so the speed and power are very ordinary, which means that Gao Wen still has room to return the ball.


Gawain held the racket with both hands, and slashed down fiercely, increasing the friction as much as possible within the limited time, followed by a light and soft hook with his wrist.

You can see the tennis ball pull out a thin and shallow arc and fly over.


Yes, as Stakhovsky expected, Gawain had no choice but returned a slash, but there are many kinds of slashes:

The oblique line falling on the small triangle on the bottom line, the large diagonal oblique line falling on the sideline, and so on.

And Gao Wen's slash is a shallow slant that lands in the teeing area. It is different from the high bounce of the serve after it hits the ground. Instead, it has the effect of a small ball after the power is removed. There is no power after landing. Bounce height and spin are very mediocre.

ah! Ahhh!

This time it was Stakhovsky's turn to be in a hurry. He did not expect that Gawain actually returned a small-ball return serve.

If the previous serve return was an accident, then this return serve was a well-designed effect. It took only one shot to reverse the disadvantage and push Stakhovski into the abyss.


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