Match Point

Chapter 524: speed up fast forward

"...As for what has changed, I can't tell now. Maybe, we can only know the answer when we see me on the field again after this storm is over."

Wisdom, calm, mature, profound.

With a simple question, Keli can deeply feel the wisdom of life hidden in Gao Wen's words. This kind of open-mindedness and calmness is obviously not what an eighteen-year-old boy should possess, but before Keli and Raul ask , Gao Wen changed the topic, and added another sentence.

"However, the storm is still exciting now, let the storm fly for a while."

Light, playful, ridiculed, humorous.

With a small turning point, Gao Wen showed the vigor and vitality that just made history and won the championship. The self-confidence exuded from the inside out made people smile, and then the smile lightly rose from the corner of his mouth. Keri and Raul exchanged words. With a line of sight, both parties can see the appreciation in each other's eyes.

"Today's Show" has been on the air for so many years. The hosts have interviewed thousands of people from all walks of life, including many superstars and legends in competitive sports, but this young man born out of nowhere Players can still make people shine and leave a deep impression, which is really rare.

Before the interview ended, Raul said with a smile, "I must admit that I haven't watched your game for a while, but I'm interested now. I'm very much looking forward to your return to the game."

Gawain silently raised his right hand, overlapping his index and middle fingers, and made a gesture of prayer, "Let's hope it's a victory."

In an instant, laughter broke out again in the fish tank live broadcast room.

From the inside of the fish tank to the outside of the fish tank, there were huge crowds of people, laughing constantly, and layers upon layers of turbulent crowds drove continuously in Rockefeller Plaza.

From inside the live broadcast to outside the live broadcast, there are endless heated discussions, overwhelming, and the mighty discussion frenzy covers all corners of the social network with an unstoppable momentum.

When the "Today Show" live interview ended, the average viewership was fixed at 5.2 million, and the highest instant viewership reached 6 million. Such a viewership figure created a new high for the show itself in three years, and it was the first time since 2008. The highest ratings instantly exceeded 6 million for the first time.

The program team was full of joy, no one expected that this live broadcast would be so successful.

More importantly, when they were interviewed later, both Raul and Keri said that there was actually an interview outline at the beginning. They both thought that this young player should be very nervous to appear on a live broadcast for the first time. May be rigid and lack energy.

However, in the end, the content of the interview was completely deviated from the outline, and neither Raul nor Keli wanted to end the ten-minute interview session so quickly.

"I like the tone and expression of his conversation, which makes people smile. Honestly, I am very much looking forward to having more conversations with him."

Raul said so.

The success of "Today Show" is only a part of it. The social network sensation is the main body of the hot wave, and everyone is witnessing it.

After the live broadcast, Nike's official account and Gao Wen's official social network account announced the press release one after the other:

Gao Wen officially signed with Nike!

Although all the netizens have already guessed it, but with the official affirmation, another turbulent wave was set off again, and the entire publicity effect exploded with amazing energy——

Nike, as expected of Nike, moved quickly and decisively. It was only 16 hours after Gao Wen won the championship, and the signing was completed, so that some people speculated that Nike had actually signed with Gao Wen after the semi-finals. But the announcement was tactically postponed until after the finals.

If this is the case, then Nike's courage is even more admirable.

At the same time, Nike's official press release also announced that they will officially hold a press conference at 2:00 p.m. New York time to announce Gao Wen's joining; and will announce a series of important events at the press conference.

"Stay tuned."

In just one sentence, you can deeply feel Nike's confidence.

Afterwards, all the major news media were boiling, because Nike and IMG brokerage company jointly issued an invitation letter, inviting more than 600 media from all over the world to the famous Lincoln Center, where they will hold a grand press conference.

Such treatment is unique, and even the signing of the Big Four may not be so solemn, so that the news media are all inquiring about the inside story, trying to break the news exclusively in advance.

In just a few hours, the situation was surging.

However, Nike was tight-lipped internally, and all kinds of speculations emerged in an endless stream. It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon, when the press conference was officially held, that the mystery was revealed.

As for Nike, they completed the signing ceremony with Gao Wen under the baptism of the media flashlights, and showed Gao Wen’s US Open championship commemorative jersey to the media; then, Nike announced the decision to officially develop Gao Wen’s product line, including jerseys and shorts and a full line of sneakers.

Heavy again and again!

Although Nike did not inform the media of the 1.5% dividend, the existence of the product line has already demonstrated the unique status of Gao Wen, and it has really skyrocketed.

Later, rumors were released within Nike that Gao Wen's exclusive contract is not the top value of two million US dollars per year, but there is also a focus that is more worthy of attention. The media speculated that the rumors in the industry were hustle and bustle.

However, this is still not the end.

At 5:00 p.m., Wilson, the century-old racquet brand with the highest market share in the world and the number one sales in the world for many years, held a surprise press conference and invited 300 journalists to the scene to officially announce the strategic cooperation with Gao Wen. A special racket will be tailored for Gao Wen, and accompanied by Gao Wen on the field—

After Sampras, Graf, the Williams sisters, Federer and other legendary Gao Wen also became a member of Wilson Tennis Racquet.

Fore and aft, Gao Wen's tennis equipment sponsorship has been fully announced. Even as a new Grand Slam champion, the speed of brand sponsors is still amazing. From the side, you can deeply feel Gao Wen's popularity. The bigger the brand The more the sponsors understand the importance of seizing the market.

Gulu Gulu, as Gao Wen himself said, everything happened too fast. Since reaching the top and winning the championship, time seemed to press the fast-forward button. Big news one after another, breathless.

Of course, this is definitely not all. There is still a long list of brands queuing up to sign Gao Wen’s endorsement, but Tobias slowed down very smartly, and did not rush to finalize all the endorsements overnight. In the next step, he still focused on Gao Wen's status as a tennis player and established Gao Wen's professional image.

As for other brand sponsorships, all can wait.

Moreover, sponsorship is not everything. After Gao Wen made history, the radiant surface of the championship halo is beyond imagination, and the crazy rotation of the world is still accelerating and accelerating.

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