Match Point

Chapter 567: sympathy



The sharp sound of footsteps rubbing against the ground staggered and stirred in the sky above the diamond court. It was the sound of Nadal running wildly with all his strength, and it was also the footsteps of Gawain moving quickly laterally.

After hitting the high-pressure ball, Gao Wen immediately noticed Nadal's fast-moving figure, his tense mind was still on high alert, and he didn't relax at all. Then, he immediately started to move.

Nadal did not give up chasing the ball, and Gawain also crossed the court step by step, covering the front of the net with a tall figure, compressing Nadal's return line, and staring at Nadal intently.


Gao Wen saw that Nadal, in the extreme situation of losing his center of gravity and position, unbelievably used his strength to hit an unimaginable straight line.


At a certain moment, the tennis ball seemed to disappear from the field of vision like this, and when it was waiting to reappear, it was already in a blind spot behind him.

Turn decay into magic.

Gao Wen finally witnessed Nadal's miraculous hitting ability on the court, and finally understood the intricacies of opposing Nadal across the net—

The game is over, but I still have to admit that Nadal hits the ball wonderfully.

"7:6(5, "7:5".

For a full 105 minutes of fierce fighting, although Gao Wen saved three match points and both sets were inextricably tied, at the last moment, Nadal, who was tougher, more determined, more mature and more seasoned, finally won. Off the game.

Victory and failure are intertwined like this.

The whole game, draw a full stop.

Gao Wen stood where he was, looking at Nadal who was almost dehydrated but burst out with incredible passion and fighting spirit. An indescribable loss and bitterness dragged his heart down slowly, and his brain went blank for a while.

Then, I felt a deep sense of fatigue, so that my body began to sink, weighing as much as a thousand catties, as if my knees could no longer support the weight of this body.


Since regaining a second chance, in an official game, his first loss, although belatedly, has finally arrived, through the gradual growth of the NCAA, the test and baptism of the Challenger League, and the Grand Slam The full-scale explosion, the winning streak finally stopped.

In fact, Gao Wen always knew that this moment would come sooner or later.

Just like what he said to the reporter, no one is invincible. Victory and defeat are part of professional tennis, but when it really happened, emotions exploded in an instant.

He had almost forgotten how magnificent and bitter the defeat was, full of disappointment and regret surged in his chest, as if he was pressing on a stone, and he couldn't breathe.


At the end of such a arduous game, the person who performed better won the victory, especially in key points, Nadal was still better.

He fought to the last moment, he fought to the last point, he fully mobilized all his state, unyieldingly burned all the energy, so he has no regrets, he can turn around and leave with his head held high.

"Come on, Gao Wen!"

"Gao Wen, great job!"

"We'll support you forever!"

He raised his head, looked at the audience who were standing and applauding, let out a long breath, and the smile returned to the corner of his mouth, but unfortunately, today he can no longer celebrate the victory with the audience.

Straightening his waist again, Gao Wen walked towards the referee's seat, waiting for Nadal.

Nadal's celebration only lasted for a moment. He stood up quickly, took off his hair tie, and trotted towards Gao Wen. With a humble and sincere expression on his face, he gave Gao Wen a hug.

"Very good game."

"The guy who played better won the game, the last ball, how the **** did you do that? Honestly, I looked a little weak in the knees."

Gao Wen, you are serious.

Nadal was a little uncomfortable. When he raised his head, he saw Gao Wen's eyes shining with sincerity, his expression showing a little uncomfortable shyness, and he said awkwardly in English with a strong Spanish accent.

"You can do it too. It's just that today, I'm doing a little bit better."

Hearing this, Gao Wen raised his right hand, marked the knuckles of his index finger with his thumb, and said with a very serious expression.

"A little bit like this?"

Nadal was amused by Gao Wen's tone, and laughed innocently.

Nadal has always been not good at words, and his English ability has also limited his ability to express. Among the "Big Four", he is the most dull and simple one. Compared with words, he always prefers to put them into action.

So, Nadal hugged Gao Wen's shoulders, without saying a word, just patted his shoulder gently to express friendship, which was a kind of comfort, encouragement and even a connection.

The two didn't say anything more. After shaking hands with the referee, they went to the rest area.

Gao Wen quickly packed his luggage, waved to the audience, and strode away from the stadium. The audience sent Gao Wen off with the warmest and grandest applause.

Nadal also stopped changing his jersey, raised his hands high, applauded Gao Wen, and paid tribute to the young opponent for the first time with practical actions—

Gao Wen won this respect with his fighting spirit, performance and strength.

after the game.

Undoubtedly, Gao Wen once again became the focus of the siege, because this was Gao Wen's first tournament at home, and also his first tournament after winning the US Open. It is undoubtedly a pity that he did not make further progress.

It was also because this was Gao Wen's first loss since he entered the professional tennis world. From the beginning of the Challenger League to the present, he has won a total of 24 games in a row; if the NCAA record is added, then it is the end of the 59-game winning streak—

In any competitive sports, this is a very rare and terrifying winning streak, and it finally came to the end. How could the reporters let it go so easily?

At the press conference, Gao Wen still showed his calmness and wisdom, and started a dialogue with the reporter in a humorous Facing the loss calmly, he said that the end of the winning streak is, in a sense, It's also a stress release, and—

"I never knew that you also cared about the winning streak in the NCAA and the Challenger League."

Objectively speaking, the so-called winning streak should be counted from the US Open, so it is a nine-game winning streak at the ATP level, which is far from that unusual; Gao Wen's subtext is that reporters want to create gimmicks and hype the news, so they will The NCAA and Challenger victories that have never been taken seriously are also added.

in one sentence.

Gao Wen saw it too thoroughly and was too clear-headed, puncturing the media reporter's cunning, inadvertently, the pressure to stop the winning streak was lifted heavily and lightly let go.

Sure enough, in the confrontation between the reporters and Gao Wen, they lost again.

On the contrary, Nadal did not hide his admiration for Gao Wen in the post-match press conference, especially in the Spanish interview, Nadal expressed richer and more sincere thoughts proficiently in his mother tongue.

"I like him!"

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