Match Point

Chapter 621: waiting hard

"Match Point(

Hidden attributes: 77 (2/5)

Growth Potential: 17.88%


As long as you go all out, as long as you don't hold back, your sweat will not let you down. After a fierce battle, the gains are obvious.

Arriving in the magic capital, this is the second time in just a week that the growth potential value is full. Gao Wen chose the hidden attribute again without hesitation:

Now that it has started, it needs to see a result. At least the hidden attribute needs to be improved a little. It is not Gao Wen's character to give up halfway.

Moreover, after the superposition is completed, the growth potential is still nearly 20%. It can be seen that the game against Simon is very impressive.

Even, in addition to the growth potential, the spiritual attribute has also naturally increased a little, and the value has reached 91 now.

Since the mental attribute broke through the threshold of 90, there has been no movement for a long time, and there was no breakthrough in the game against Nadal; but I did not expect that when encountering the "King of the Mill King", the body and mind have withstood the dual-level Another small step forward!

After experiencing the U.S. Open, Gao Wen could clearly perceive the slowdown in the accumulation of growth potential. There should be many reasons for this. The most important thing is that his own strength has reached a high level, and he is slowly entering the second bottleneck. Like the national championship game, I was stuck, waiting for the next breakthrough.

This also means that training and competitions for the next period of time need to be more focused and devoted, just like the darkness before dawn is the most intense, and the accumulation before breaking through the limit of one's own strength is the most boring and boring. It's like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Gao Wen was looking forward to it, because this was another new challenge.

The most beautiful thing about competitive sports is that it always has a challenge goal, maybe it is a world record, maybe it is an opponent in the field, maybe it is a breakthrough, but no matter what, the limit of the challenge is always there, and then they are again and again. Initiate shocks and challenges.

Behind "higher, faster and stronger" is a kind of exploration of human beings to their own limits.

Gao Wen is still a long way from the true peak of professional tennis. Although he cannot determine the length of the journey, he knows where he is headed, so life will never be boring. A US Open championship trophy is just a part of the long journey Just a milestone—

No more and no less.

However, the training can be put on hold for a while, and the challenge can wait until tomorrow. At least tonight, there is no need to worry. After exhaustion, the whole soul seems to be hollowed out, and there is a kind of emptiness. He needs to take a good rest.

For the time being, empty your mind and think about nothing.


He let out a long breath, closed his eyes and rested for a while, and then, a trivial sound came from his ears indistinctly.

"...Are you sure it's okay?"

"But there is nothing we can do. Gao Wen is indeed exhausted. During this time..."

"How long did you say you waited?"

"Six hours."

"God, did they eat? Really... Otherwise, I'll go down?"

"...They didn't come here for you, they just came here to wait for Gao Wen..."

"If it's normal, sure..."

"I was thinking, I'll go down and express my thanks and apologies to them..."

"You might as well go with me..."

Rustle, intermittent, and trivial sounds surged in Gao Wen's ears, capturing some fragmented information, but unable to connect them together.


Gao Wen opened his eyes, stretched his waist, opened his eyes in a daze, turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, and asked vaguely.

"what happened?"

"what time is it?"

The whole world continued to rotate like smoke, and the tiredness that came from the depths of the soul pressed heavily on the eyelids, and it was almost impossible to open them, so that the concepts of time and space were completely blurred.

"Eleven o'clock."

"Gao Wen, are you okay? Why did you lie on the sofa and fell asleep? If you want to rest, you should use it as a bed, so as to ensure the quality of sleep."

In a daze, he couldn't tell whether it was Tobias or Sampras' voice, but Gawain was startled. He tried his best to open his eyes wide to express his surprise, but it was only a blur, and his eyes could hardly be opened. Open, just see a light and shadow.

"It's eleven o'clock?"

"I just want to sit on the sofa and rest for a while, close my eyes for five minutes, will it be three hours in a blink of an eye..."

As he talked, Gao Wen himself found it ridiculous, so he laughed involuntarily.

Wei Wei froze for a moment before his brain began to spin.

"What were you talking about?"

"What happened?"

My head was a mess, I just vaguely felt that there was something wrong, but I couldn't remember the details of those fragments of words just now.

Tobias and Sampras exchanged a line of sight. In this matter, the two reached a consensus that they could not hide from Gao Wen, and Gao Wen had to make the decision.

"A group of fans gathered in the hotel lobby."

"They were waiting for you outside the center court. They didn't expect that you spent nearly an hour on physical therapy and relaxation training. After all the treatments, you went directly back to the hotel through the VIP channel. They missed you and didn't wait. "

"They, uh, they have been waiting outside the stadium since the afternoon, because they didn't buy tickets, so they waited at the gate hoping to see you, but they have been waiting until now."

It was Tobias who spoke, he knew the ins and outs clearly, and summed up the whole thing simply.

Sampras is a player himself. He knows that the relationship between players and fans is very special. The support of fans will always be an important motivation for players to fight on the court; but at the same time the relationship between players and fans You also need to keep a certain distance between them, otherwise things can easily become ugly—

In a situation like today, Gawain is exhausted in terms of both physical strength and energy, and he needs to rest. Therefore, Sampras is not sure whether Gawain still has the energy to face the fans.

But unexpectedly, Gao Wen immediately sat up straight, and opened his eyes that had been glued together.

"Have they eaten?"

The first question stunned Tobias and Sampras. Tobias thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be."

"So you're saying that they waited outside all afternoon, but didn't eat, and haven't come home yet?"

While talking, Gao Wen had already stood up, quickly rubbed his eyes, and patted his cheek heavily to wake himself up.

"Where are they?"

Tobias looked at Gawain's vigorous and resolute appearance, but was a little worried, "Gao Wen, are you sure you're okay? Actually, it's okay for me and Pete to take care of them."

Gawain shook his head, "John, the only thing that can repay your sincerity is sincerity." Then, the smile on the corner of Gawain's mouth lightly lifted, and he patted Tobias on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know you all think I'm made of paper, but I'm actually made of aluminum."

After speaking, Gao Wen walked straight towards the door of the room.

Tobias takes a look at Sampras—

Are aluminum products much better than paper products?

Since Gao Wen has the energy to joke now, it means that he should have recovered a little bit. Both of them showed a smile, but they didn't say much, but turned around one after the other, followed Gao Wen, and walked out.

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