Match Point

Chapter 681: street fans

"Match Point(

Pu Lan looked at Gao Wen quietly, the Milky Way flickering could be seen deep in his clear eyes, and his frank and straightforward eyes seemed to be able to see the truth.

"Honestly, how much time have you spent on these excuses? In other words, this is not the first time you have used a routine? Are you familiar with it?"

"Ah, bad, the mask has been seen through." Gao Wen didn't panic, and said with a smile, "So, do you regret it now? Forget it the third time?"

Pu Lan turned his head slightly, paused for a moment, seemed to be thinking, and seemed to find the answer quickly this time, "Let's just wait and see."

Then, Pu Lan moved back in small steps, gradually opening up the distance, "Whether there will be a third time, we wait for time and fate to give the answer. Since the movie has already started, we must follow the story."

"By the way, please don't try to contact me, or I'll report a stalker to the police."

After finishing speaking, Pu Lan blinked at Gao Wen, stepped forward from the passageway on the other side of the tavern, and walked straight forward. His light and cheerful steps were like a little fox dancing on the snow-capped ice field, with flowing hair. You can feel the dancing of the breeze, as if you can capture the rhythm in your body.

When passing by Dimitrov, Puran was not shy either, and gestured gracefully with his head, but he did not stop and continued to move forward.

Gawain watched Pulan enter the tavern from the back, opened his mouth slightly, paused for a moment, and then smiled uncontrollably.

Turning around, Gawain also returned to his seat and sat down opposite Dimitrov.

The people who eat melons seem to have fully recovered. They no longer see the sadness and loss of losing the game and being trapped by love. Completely forgot about ice cream.

Then, the melon eater made a movement of zipping his mouth up at Gao Wen, and lowered his voice, "I won't let any news out."

Gawain couldn't hold back the mysterious expression, and laughed lightly, "Grigor, it doesn't matter if you leak the news, because there is nothing wrong."

Dimitrov didn't deny it either, with an expression of "what you say is what you say", he just raised his red wine glass and made a gesture of salute to Gawain.

it is more than words.

Gawain looked at Dimitrov who was in a happy mood, and didn't say anything more after all:

Some things are getting darker and darker.

What's more, what he said is the truth, and it is not known whether they will be able to meet for the third time.

Thinking of this, Gao Wen turned his head and looked back.

Pu Lan has already sat down, and is reading a tome out of his backpack, as if he has regained his calm.

Therefore, Gawain also looked away, looked at Dimitrov who was drinking happily, and asked with a very serious expression, "Grigor, how did you and Maria meet?"


Dimitrov almost choked on the red wine, quickly put down the red wine glass, begging for mercy, how could he forget that the guy in front of him is a devil?

Considering that Gao Wenming had a match tomorrow, they didn't stay in the tavern for too long. They waited for Dimitrov to finish a glass of red wine, chatted for a while, and then got up and left.

Dimitrov left the tavern first and waited at the door, while Gawain chatted with the bartender and waiters, thanked them again for their hospitality, and then went out.

Standing at the door, grabbing the handle, Gao Wen looked back:

Pulan was still alone. There were dinner plates and wine glasses on the table. The dinner was almost done. At this time, she was reading with a thick tome, engrossed in it, and could not feel the outside world at all. Interference, of course, did not telepathically catch Gao Wen's sight.

Gao Wen's footsteps only paused for a while, and then he opened the door and left.


"I love you…"

"…Don't worry."

"have a good rest…"

"Great game..."

The rustling sound intertwined and collided together, mixed with the cold and desolate autumn wind, it was not abrupt, and it played one after another with the sound of talking at the door of the tavern, but one could feel a little bit of warmth under the night. The dim yellow lights scattered in the distance also followed.

At this time, Gao Wen noticed that about four or five people surrounded Dimitrov, and the surrounding crowd also cast their gazes one after another, so that they could only distinguish the boundaries between the crowd and the crowd, but it felt like a turbulent crowd surrounded Dimitrov. Love scattered—

The scene is somewhat spectacular.

Wait, is this meeting fans?

This was the first time Gao Wen saw tennis fans outside the training ground.

On the whole, compared with football, basketball and other sports that are popular all over the world, the overall popularity and promotion of tennis is still slightly behind. Even if you really like tennis, the Big Four for men, Serena Williams and Sharapova for women , There is a gap between their popularity and other players.

It is precisely because of this that Gao Wen and Dimitrov are always able to walk outside freely, without the superstar effect of being surrounded by each other.

But it wouldn't be a surprise if it was Dimitrov.

It has been two years since Dimitrov became famous, and the news on and off the field continues, and the worldwide recognition is indeed to other top ten players in the world There are advantages; what's more, this is Paris, a city where Dimitrov has lived for many years.

half home.

It seems that he should have been recognized at the entrance of the tavern.

So, should I stand by and wait for a while, and give the spotlight to Dimitrov?

Just then—

"God! Gawain? You are Gawain!"

A fan standing at the entrance of the tavern sensed the wind behind him, realized that someone should be coming out, and was about to give way. When he turned his head and looked back, he saw a tall tower.

While saying sorry, he looked up and saw a strange yet familiar face—

Speaking of strangeness, that’s because Asian faces are indeed not that common in Paris, and the same is true in tennis courts.

I say familiar, that's because...he knows him.

The brain is spinning, searching its own memory, trying to match the face and name, but the subconscious reaction has already blurted out.

Gao Wen.

When the name was said, all the memories surged up, surprised and happy, and the expression completely bloomed.

Then, there is a series of French.

Gao Wen admitted that he couldn't understand at all, and a lot of crackling words were all syllables and syllables, but it was like an alien language.

So, what should he do?

Showing an awkward yet polite smile to express his friendliness, one question mark after another popped up in his mind:

Did he just hear his name? The fan recognized himself, right? Or, did the fans recognize the wrong person? Then he heard it wrong himself?

One hundred thousand why is spinning, can he open the translation app on the spot to help?

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