Match Point

Chapter 815: face the pressure

"Don't be so scared."

"I swear, I'm really a pig, not a tiger. The most I usually do is stick green onions in my nose and pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger. Don't be scared by me."

As he said that, Gao Wen gestured with his fingers, pretending to be an "ivory" green onion, and made a big grimace towards Zhang Shuai with his teeth and claws.


Zhang Shuai didn't hold back, and laughed out loud—the same bad joke, but there was a follow-up, and the second time it was obviously funnier than the first time.

But isn't the joke somewhat logical?

"Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, doesn't it seem to be used like this? With a green onion stuck in its nose, isn't that an elephant?"

Zhang Shuai looked at Gao Wen and reminded him cautiously.

Gao Wen thought about it seriously, and then said with a very serious and sincere expression.

"Oops, it's a mess."

"The Chinese is really extensive and profound. I haven't used it for a long time, and it turned out to be a joke. It's okay, just take it as a joke."

Poof... poof.

"Look at the joke", it seems that it shouldn't be used like this, but it doesn't matter, Zhang Shuai laughed happily again, and the whole atmosphere relaxed.

Gao Wen didn't look too embarrassed, his hearty and clean smile slightly rose from the corner of his mouth, and he returned to the track of the topic.

"Yes, I believe."

Zhang Shuai was stunned for a while, but he didn't react for a while.

"When I walk out on Arthur Ashe Stadium, I believe I can win. More importantly, I know I'm here to fight to the end."

Judging from the results of the previous life, Zhang Shuai does have the strength to break through the first round of the Grand Slam and even break into the second week, but it is also a fact that he has lost 14 straight in the first round of the Grand Slam.

Among them, what went wrong?

A little luck, more psychological reasons.

If possible, Gao Wen also hopes to give Zhang Shuai a little help to help her end the curse of the vicious circle in the first round of the Grand Slam ahead of schedule.

More importantly, Gao Wen hopes to see the new generation of players such as Zhang Shuai and Wang Qiang can carry the banner of China Women's Tennis, because only in this way can the influence of tennis in China mainland continue to expand, allowing more and more young players to play tennis. People join the sport and create a future.

More or less, Gao Wen also hesitated:

He is not familiar with Zhang Shuai, and all he knows about Zhang Shuai is from the media, so he is not sure what Zhang Shuai's mentality is.

Someone with too much self-esteem refuses to ask for another's opinion, and any suggestion may be considered "pity/compassion".

Some people are introverted and give opinions rashly, but they may appear too aggressive and aggressive, with a kind of condescending guidance.

For various reasons, Gao Wen didn't speak directly. If Zhang Shuai hadn't asked, he wouldn't have "sold melons", but ended the training in a friendly manner.

But since Zhang Shuai asked, Gao Wen didn't mind sharing some of his experience, hoping to bring a little help.

Standing under the sun, Gawain showed a big smile.

"You know, a lot of people always say, don't think it's a grand slam game, just treat it as an ordinary game."

"But how is it possible?"

"That's a Grand Slam game, that's a Grand Slam semi-final, a final, that's a top game on Arthur Ashe Stadium."

"How can it be regarded as an ordinary game?"

Gao Wen's words immediately brightened Zhang Shuai's eyes, and his whole expression became vivid. Obviously Gao Wen was talking about his own affairs, but Zhang Shuai could deeply empathize with him—

The same is true for the first round of a Grand Slam.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Zhang Shuai also nodded repeatedly, "That's totally different, how can it be regarded as a simple ordinary game?"

"Everyone treats it like an ordinary game, but the problem is, it's not at all!"

Just like before, when Sampras and Gao Wen talked about the Grand Slam championship, Gao Wen's response was the same:

Perhaps, for Sampras or earlier eras, the meaning and status of the Grand Slam is not so important, and they can settle their minds.

But for the generation of young people born after the 1980s, watching Sampras and Agassi dedicate one after another to the top of the grand slam stage, for them, the significance of the four grand slams is self-evident , that is a dream stage, but also a radiant stage.

It's a very different feeling when the grand slam starts, when you walk into center court.

One thing, Sampras is right, they should not "myth" the Grand Slam, a normal heart is an important factor to exert their full strength; but other than that, the special status of the Grand Slam is indeed irreplaceable Yes, just like the Olympics and the World Cup are to professional players.

In this regard, every professional tennis player should feel the same, Zhang Shuai and Gao Wen are no exception.

Gao Wen also nodded in affirmation, "The more we want to ignore it, the more objective that pressure will be. They have never really experienced a Grand Slam match, so they think that the Grand Slam It's a way to play the game as a normal game."

"Yes, it's not feasible at all. The more you think about it, the more awkward and heavy you become, and the more you care about this game." Unknowingly, Zhang Shuai blurted out the words.

Gao Wen continued, "So, the correct way is to face up to these pressures and burdens. This is indeed an extraordinary game, a crucial game, a Grand Slam game, and then , turning stress into motivation."

Zhang Shuai: ...

The words are simple.

In fact, everyone understands the truth. We should turn pressure into motivation, and the right pressure can stimulate our performance; but the question is, how should we do it? How can pressure be transformed into motivation? Just right and how should we handle it?

Gao Wen noticed the look in Zhang Shuai's eyes... Is that contempt?

This didn't make Gao Wen angry, but it made Gao Wen laugh happily, "Did you despise me just now?"

Zhang Shuai's wheat-colored cheeks were slightly flushed, and he became stiff, but he didn't know how to explain himself. The second meeting was still unfamiliar.

Gao Wen didn't mind, he waved his hand, "My answer is, believe in yourself."

These words brought Zhang Shuai's attention back.

"When I go on the court, I believe in myself, I believe that I can win, I believe that I will fight until the end without reservation, and I believe that when I leave the court, I will not regret it."

"This belief does not allow us to really win, because the game still needs to see the opponent's performance, but it allows us to focus on the The pressure is because of desire, and the pressure exists because The desire to win is also because we care about it, what we should do is to keep in mind the source and form of this pressure."

"So, you just asked me if I believed I could win."

"My answer is yes."

"If there is only one person in the world who believes that I can win, it should be myself. I believe in myself 100% unwaveringly. When I walk on the court, I am here to give it my best. I am The last person in the audience who still believes in himself."

"Strictly speaking, even my parents are not so sure sometimes."


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