Match Point

Chapter 835: Subject and object reversed

Once again, Gao Wen really experienced the "away treatment".

To put it another way, being able to be hated by local fans means that Gao Wen played well in the first game?

Obviously, the local fans didn't like the direction of the first game. The howls and exclamations easily drowned out the cheers of the Huaxia fans.

But if it was just that, it wouldn't cause the fans to "dislike". What really made the fans "angry" was Gao Wen's follow-up actions:


How could he!

Wait, what did Gawain do?

The problem is not that Gao Wen did anything, but that Gao Wen didn't do anything.

Gao Wen, after hitting the ball through the net, he was not too excited or too difficult. He watched the trajectory of the tennis ball, confirmed the landing point, then stood up, took his towel, and walked towards the players' rest area. Go, get ready to swap venues.

Just... that's it?

Yes, that's it!

No clenched fists, no loud cheers, no impassioned looks, no looking to the players' boxes for confirmation, not even a sweat on the brow, it's all so understatement, it's all so taken for granted.

Without unnecessary movements and expressions, his calm performance slammed a heavy hammer on the fans' chests.

And Kogginakis.

Koginakis was still a little dazed:

My serve has reached the extreme, and the result was easily caught back, and there was no problem with my offensive connection, but in the end he was easily scored by the opponent. One round and one round only took four shots, and the entire serve game was less than It's over in three minutes, what else should I do?

This... Are you sure this is the guy I played against six months ago? Are you sure it's not an alien?

Looking at Gawain's figure, Koginakis was depressed and angry, always feeling his blood was surging, but he was forced to press down:


The wife is really aggrieved.

So, what else to do?

Koginakis let out a long breath from where he stood, and then walked towards his players' rest area, cursing and talking to himself to cheer himself up, but, aggrieved Feeling tight in the chest all the time, almost out of breath.


Koginakis endured more and more, but in the end he couldn't hold back, and roared without warning, and finally regained some calmness.

The spectators in the stands were startled by Koginakis' inexplicable actions, and their hearts were jumping. One or two exchanged glances, depressed and speechless.

The foul words surged in his chest, but he couldn't swear—

Because Gao Wen didn't do anything.

But it was precisely because Gao Wen didn't do anything that made it even more frustrating.

The fans were immediately depressed.

Once the fans are depressed, the away players will suffer. Although the booing skill of Melbourne Park is not as good as that of Roland Garros at the French Open, the noise index of Melbourne Park is second to none, and it has even become one of the four major open competitions. A logo exclusive to the Australian Open:

The "noisy" of the US Open and the "noisy" of the Australian Open are two different things.

At the US Open, it was a noise, like an hyperactive child who can't be quiet.

The Australian Open, it was noisy, like a flock of crows gathering to have a party.

"come on! Come on!"

The fans are also cheering each other on. This is the first round of the game. It doesn't matter if they are broken, the momentum cannot be lost.

More importantly, looking at Koginakis, it was precisely because he was full of desire for victory that he was so depressed and angry after being broken in the first game. He even couldn't control it and screamed out.

This is a good thing.

Since the players are full of fighting spirit, the fans naturally need to give them full support. At this moment, it is their turn to show off.

The fans at Hisense Stadium just finished warming up for Tomic's game, and now they can directly burst out of energy without a transition—

In stark contrast, the Huaxia fans had just entered the arena, feeling dizzy, and before they had time to adapt to the arena, the "war" had already begun.

Amidst the sound of cheering, the local fans finally regained their attention, and the cheers erupted, even without brewing, the overwhelming cheers resounded through the sky.

It belongs to the most iconic landscape of the Australian Open, fluttering in the wind at the Hisense Stadium.

"Let's-go! Tennessee, let's-go! Crack."

"Come on! Tennessee, come on! Clap!"

Help, high five.

Another cheer, another high-five.

In the beginning, it was just a small group of fans, but the hoarse support soon spread, and more and more local fans joined, releasing amazing energy.

Fans in bright yellow jerseys waved the blue Australian flag vigorously, looking out like a surging ocean.

They are cheering for Koginakis.

However, this situation was kind to Gao Wen:

Blue, the color of the Bruins jerseys.

It is also the color of Gao Wen's jersey for the Australian Open this year.

This year at the Australian Open, Nike designed a new set of jersey and boots for Gao Wen. The smog blue jersey with sapphire blue trim is full of youthful wantonness and publicity. The iconic wolf head is still embroidered on the cuff of the right arm. .

It looks like an ordinary plain-colored jersey, but you can see the light-colored ripples of mint blue on the left hem, like the traces of waves blown by a breeze, fluttering its wings and flying high.

The jersey has just been made public, and it has sparked heated discussions on social networks, and has been unanimously praised by fashion trendsetters and young fans.

Not only the color matching, but also the design, the addition of embroidery is a stroke of genius!

After Federer, Nike once again found a perfect fit between fashion and sports. Different from the elegance of the Swiss king, Gao Wen's jersey is more youthful, more publicized and more energetic. You can feel the uniqueness of this young player every bit. temperament.

After the jersey was made public, it not only became a weapon for taking photos in the circle of friends on the photo wall, but also became a fashion item with the unveiling of the Australian Open.

In just two weeks, the sales of jerseys have easily exceeded 10 million US dollars, reaching the sales volume that could only be touched in one month in the fourth quarter of last year. There are more and more sights, which once again proves the wisdom of Nike.

At this time, although blue and blue have different hues, they are in harmony with each other, and there is a kind of natural harmony, as if the lake water merges into the vast ocean.

Here, it is a bit like Gao Wen's home field.

Instead, Koginakis looked out of place in his dark purple jersey.

If the people who don't know why they linger unintentionally during the channel transfer process, they think this is Gao Wen's home stadium. Are you sure it's not a reversal of subject and guest?

Apparently, homegrown fans haven't had time to realize this—

The cheering and cheering did not last long. After the exchange of venues, the game continued, and the fans had to quiet down and continue watching the game.

However, Koginakis' game still hasn't improved.


With Kojinakis receiving a serve and going out of bounds, and giving Gao Wen three consecutive game points in a blink of an eye, Koginakis was very disappointed with! "


Koginakis kept yelling at himself: What's going on? What's the matter? Since the opening game, except for an ace, they have not scored a single point?

How can it be?

How can this be!


Koginakis felt his head was about to explode.


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