Match Point

Chapter 849: away effect

Within fifteen minutes, first Murray beat Sosa to advance to the third round, then Seppi upset Federer, and then Gawain and Tomic appeared.

In a short period of time, the discussion topics on the social network were intertwined with each other, collided unexpectedly, and then exploded with unparalleled energy.

The Australian fans are eager for a victory, a victory that sweeps away the gloom, a victory that turns into rain after a long drought, and a victory that makes them proud.

"Bernard, come on!"

"Anti-Chinese hero Tomic."

"The burden of Australia rests entirely on your shoulders, Bernard."

"Tomic, please prove yourself a champion!"

"Bernard, it's time to realize your tennis talent, now! Now!"


Corner and corner.

The already high-profile game has now reached a new peak, and the Melbourne Park scene has become a sea of ​​blue against red.

However, after the game started, it was disappointing. To be precise, how much I was looking forward to before the game, but now I am so disappointed.

In front of Gao Wen, Tomic seemed a little careless, the shortcomings of lack of scoring methods were greatly magnified, and the advantages of rhythm change and tactical layout were completely unable to be brought out——

Because Gawain was always one step ahead of him, Tomic had to deal with it in a panic.

In the first set, the exchange between the two sides was quite exciting. Amidst the roar of cheers and cheers at the Hisense Stadium, Tomic did hit some good shots.

The two sides were deadlocked all the way to "4:4". Both players had the performance of saving break points.

At the critical moment, Gao Wen's ability to read the game and seize opportunities was fully demonstrated. He was obviously three years younger than Tomic, and his game experience was far inferior to his opponent, but he was more seasoned, calm and smart.

At the end of the set, they won eight points in a row, sent two "love-games" in a row, and won the first set with a wave of sweeps.

Before Tomic had time to react, he had already lost the first set in a daze, and he didn't know how he lost the last two games.

Then, the game slowly spiraled out of control.

One ebbs and another.

It can be clearly felt in the second and third sets. On the one hand, Tomic’s concentration began to drop. The slide continued, and the entire game seemed fragmented.

On the other hand, Gao Wen played better and better, and gradually revealed the temperament of a strong player ranked eighth in the world. His dominance began to show, and the gap in the entire game gradually widened.

As Zhang Sheng said in his explanation,

"Gao Wen's state, as the competition progresses round after round, is being played out bit by bit. Using the game as a substitute for training, we can indeed see obvious improvement."

"The most intuitive point is that his serving state is getting better and better. Now the double faults have been effectively controlled. There was only one double fault in the first set today, which is a completely normal figure; his serving action has also stabilized. , Serve success rate and first serve scoring rate have improved significantly.”

From Doha to Melbourne, through enough game observations, Zhang Sheng can also see Gao Wen's real intention to modify his technical moves during the offseason.

"Now, Gao Wen's serving movements are more concise and coherent, and at the same time, he uses his power more fully and fuller."

"Firstly, the power of the serve is improved; secondly, the return of the action after the serve and the subsequent offensive connection are faster and smoother."

"This time in Melbourne, Gao Wen's average serving speed has reached 193 kilometers per hour, which is about five kilometers higher than that at the US Open. It should be noted that Melbourne Park is a slow hard court, and the overall average speed of the ball is compared to Flushing. It's slower."

"From the current point of view, Gao Wen's control over his serve is better, and the overall offense is more attractive and stronger."

"Tomic is really a bit out of control now."

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

Zhang Sheng analyzed Gao Wen's growth and transformation during this offseason through professional eyes; the audience at Hisense Stadium couldn't see such a professional thing, but they could deeply feel Tomic's setbacks and depression, so they all "" stand up”—

Every time Tomic scored, whether it was wonderful or not, there was applause and cheers from the audience; but every time Gao Wen scored, no matter how wonderful it was, there was no response. Only relying on the voices of Huaxia fans could not fill the entire spacious room. stadium.

That feeling is like a stage performance. After giving a wonderful performance, it is lifeless. There is only an empty darkness in front of you. There is no response. The invisible loneliness gnaws away the courage and fighting spirit bit by bit. .

At the same time, between Gao Wen's first serve and the second serve, there was frequent noise interference, not all of them, but only one or two whistled, and the entire serving rhythm was disrupted.

To make matters worse, fans even played the role of referees and interfered with the progress of the game.

When Tomic's return ball was suspected to be out of bounds, even though the line referee made it within bounds, Gao Wen still appealed to the referee and asked Hawkeye to challenge.

Originally, this was Gao Wen's legal right, but the home fans booed everywhere, bursting out with unbelievable energy, as if Gao Wen was breaking the rules, looked down on Gao Wen's action of challenging the referee's penalty, and tried their best to ridicule, ridicule, and despise , the audience booed like a downpour.

However, the facts proved that Gao Wen's judgment was correct: out of bounds.

Tomic's return ball was indeed out of bounds.

The audience was still relentless, booing one after another, trying their best to put pressure on Gao Wen.

Back and forth.

The away effect slowly accumulates in this way, even if the heart is like a rock, facing the boos of nearly 10,000 spectators in the audience, it is as if you are standing on the opposite side of the world, that loneliness, that fear, that fragility, Enough to make any player question himself.


Gawain persisted.

He knows exactly what it's like to play away games, and he also knows that once he entangles with the audience, it means that he is involved in it.

The most important thing is that if you keep entangled with the audience's affairs, it means distraction, your attention will be easily lost, and the game will soon be out of your control. At that time, the scheme of the home audience will succeed.

Therefore, he never made any Not only did he not "attack" the audience, even the roar after the wonderful score disappeared.

Compared to booing, the effect on concentration of these distractions is really lethal.

Every time Gao Wen scored, he silently remembered it in his heart, and turned it into the strength for him to continue to struggle and struggle—

It is precisely because the whole world is standing against him that he deserves to win this game all the more. He will not admit defeat, he will not surrender, and he will not let those opponents get what they want.

The more so, the more determined he is.

It wasn't until the moment of winning the match point that the suppressed and suppressed emotions finally became uncontrollable, and turned into a high-spirited fighting spirit, blowing out in an all-round way.


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