Match Point

Chapter 867: Violence against violence

In the first set, Gawain's serve won the game, and Kyrgios hit a return ace, detonating the Margaret Court Stadium.

In the second set, in the tiebreaker, Gao Wen also hit a return ace, but the Margaret Court Stadium was only cheered and shouted by the Huaxia fans, which was a bit cold, and even the home fans could clearly hear the cheers and cheers of the home fans. The sound of howling heads.

However, Gao Wen didn't mind.

Standing up straight, Gawain gently patted the non-existing dust on the hem of his clothes, and walked towards the first area casually, without looking at Kyrgios at all.

Easy and freehand.

The clouds are calm and the wind is light.

This is the style of a master.

Across the field.

Kyrgios: ...grass!

No one could have imagined that the stalemate of the tiebreaker would be broken in such a way, and Zhang Sheng, who has always been calm and objective, was also amazed at the rare sight.

"This ball is really difficult."

"Kyrgios' serve was impeccable, but Gao Wen's accurate prediction and decisive shot created a chance for him, not a chance."

"He caught it."

"It is worth noting that although everyone says that Djokovic and Murray are top serve return masters, Andre Agassi is still recognized as the number one serve return master in the history of men's tennis."

"All along, Gao Wen's serve receiving skills have been very good. After being polished by Agassi during this offseason, he finally shined in today's game."

"This receiving ace is really, really not easy."

Head and tail.

Zhang Sheng used the most plain and simple words to emphasize the difficulty of Gao Wen's serve return ace, and broke the balance in the tie-break of the second set.

A crucial point.

The air is becoming more and more tense—

Because in the tie-break, everything is possible, and every change may trigger a chain reaction. A break temporarily opened up the score advantage, but the uncertainty became more and more intense. The beating of the heart climbed steadily, as if it was about to break free and rush out of the chest in the next second.

The balance, being broken, is true for Kyrgios, and it is no exception for Gao Wen.

next point.

really! Kyrgios stepped up.

First shot quality, still excellent.

The beautiful close-up serve made Gao Wen unable to make any attack and barely blocked the tennis ball.

Immediately afterwards, Kyrgios hit a slash forehand, which was powerful, heavy and deep. He didn't worry about exposing his hitting line and landing point at all, and formed oppression purely with the quality of the ball.

Slash, forehand.

Gao Wen's position refused to retreat, and was obviously squeezed by Kyrgios' deep landing. He didn't have time to complete his forehand swing, and he blocked it again purely by relying on his body strength.


Even without Gao Wen actively exerting force, the reaction force of the tennis ball hitting the racket string erupted with a crisp sound, so that Gao Wen had to use the power of squatting to buffer the impact of Kyrgios' forehand critical strike.



Fortunately, Gao Wen's lower body is very solid, he firmly maintains the center of gravity, and his excellent body flexibility immediately catches the impact and rebounds to stand up.

Without hesitation, as soon as the right leg kicked, the body moved quickly and laterally to the left—

At this time, the entire left court is completely open, and everything is empty.

Kyrgios waited for a while, because Gawain's return arc was uncontrollable, the parabola pulled up, and the time spent in the air was slightly longer.

Details: Kyrgios's footstep adjustment is still rough, just two big steps, and then he starts the shot forcefully, and hits a straight line with another critical strike with the forehand.


Because Gao Wen's return ball has no spin or power, it goes straight up and down, and finally Kyrgios hits the ball at the shoulder position, and the power is not enough.

Tennis balls, travel in a straight line.

It's a pity that Kyrgios was a little anxious, the straight line was not completely straightened, and there was still a big step from the sideline and the baseline, flying across the field like a rocket.


The audience gasped in amazement—even though Kyrgios didn't exert enough force, two consecutive violent forehand attacks were enough to make people jaw-dropping.

The mustard-yellow bullet dragged a series of afterimages mightily, running through the audience, clearly aiming for the winning point.

However, Gao Wen appeared.

The blue figure rushed to the horse at a fast pace, his footsteps were still a little space away from the dead corner of the bottom line on the left, and there was still a little space to start the backhand with both hands.


Since there is still room for a two-handed backhand to swing the racket calmly, this also means an opportunity, because Gao Wen knew that Kyrgios had already used his prehistoric power in this point, and the continuous forehand attack showed his talent to the fullest. , so he cannot retreat.

The more so, the more irreversible it is.

This point is not just a point, but also a battle of momentum, even if this point may not be so critical to the tiebreaker—

After all, Gao Wen had already broken one of Kyrgios' serve points first, and then, as long as he kept his two serve points steadily, he would be able to win.

However, Gao Wen's attention remained 100% concentrated, he deeply grasped this fleeting opportunity, and immediately made a decision.

The left leg slammed on the brakes to control the body, kicked the ground and turned, and the backhand with both hands had already completed the swing, and hit it directly without hesitation.


Solid and tough.

Light and neat.

It's not a light hit, but a force; it's not a trick to win, but a frontal confrontation.

Use violence to control violence.

The biceps brachii tensed completely, stretched along the tight forearm muscle line, and released completely, and a roar came out from the depths of the dantian.



Full force!

In the air, floating sparks from the tennis ball rubbing against the racket strings, spinning along the tennis ball at high speed and spraying everywhere, just like this detonated—

From the left end on one side of the court to the left end on the other side of the court.

Forty-five degree slash.

As if measured with a set square, and with a faster and more violent posture, it landed on the bottom line triangle of Kyrgios' backhand position.

dead end!

In the head-on collision of "strength vs. strength", Gao Wen showed his unyielding toughness at the critical moment, and then reversed the situation.

Kyrgios is running wild, but it doesn't help.

Land, bounce.


The tennis ball hit the advertising baffle on the bottom line, making a muffled sound, but one could feel the entire wall trembling slightly, leaving behind the aftertaste of peeing.


Zhang Sheng couldn't control his emotions, and the words just blurted out.


Amazement surged in his chest, and his brain went blank for a short while, but a smile bloomed involuntarily, like fireworks in full bloom.


"Kyrgios' offense is like quicksilver pouring down the ground, it's brilliant, but Gao Wen's ability to turn defense into offense is too good, grasping the little gap where Kyrgios's straight line is not too precise to control, and turning the situation around in an instant .”



Unbelievable sounds of annoyance and sighs came from the entire Margaret Court You could clearly see figures holding their heads or looking up at the sky or burying their heads in exclamation.

Gawain's gaze was fixed on Kyrgios' figure, but instead of celebrating, he stood up straight again, lightly shook the dust that didn't exist at the hem of his clothes, and then smiled:

Calm and comfortable.

Wave your sleeves, don't take away a cloud.

-----Off Topic-----

The tenth update! Congratulations again to Nadal for winning the French Open, Sahua! celebrate! carnival!


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