Match Point

Chapter 869: Great shame

Hit the ball and it flew.

The tiebreaker followed suit.

The tie-break in the second set came to an abrupt end in an unexpected way, and the winner had already been determined in the first set.


Short, angry, flamboyant, sharp, hiding incredible surprise and annoyance, as well as shame and shame, burst out.

Kyrgios can't believe this is actually happening—

His backhand was suppressed by Gao Wen's strength, so that his swing could not form an effective hit, causing the racket to fall off, and the tennis ball flew directly.

How can it be?

How can it be!

This is simply a great shame!


Difficult to accept.

No, unacceptable! refuse to accept!

It's even more unpalatable than losing.

Then, Kyrgios could see Gawain on the opposite side of the court, and patted the non-existent dust on the hem of his clothes for the third time, seemingly effortlessly.

The words that Gao Wen said in the player tunnel before the game sounded again in his mind,

"Be careful, I may aim at your backhand and continue hammering today."


Damn **** **** hell!

Kyrgios covered his ears with his hands, but still couldn't stop the magic sound from pouring into his brain, and then he exploded directly.

state! state! Bang bang bang bang!

One, two, three, four, five...

In fact, the racket was already smashed, and it was already broken by the second stroke, but Kyrgios couldn't stop, waving a twisted wreck, and smashing continuously.

How can it be?

How could this be!

Kyrgios kind of broke down—

He couldn't understand, how could he not beat Gao Wen? Not only was he unable to beat, but he was crushed by a backhand just now?


Kyrgios couldn't swallow that breath, and his whole body was almost about to explode.

Until the racket is smashed, there is nothing to smash, and it seems that the ground of the court is pitted - not sure if it is a visual effect, or it is really smashed.

It looked like Kyrgios had finally calmed down a bit.

But just when everyone thought it was over, Kyrgios slammed his racket into the dugout without warning.


Like a grenade, the racket hit various items in the player's rest area, and then the broken racket exploded like a goddess scattering flowers.


Nearby, there was an exclamation and chaos.

There is no way, the Margaret Court Stadium is too small and too intimate, and the distance between the audience seats and the players' rest area is only about three meters.

In this area, there are reporters, photographers, caddies, etc., and of course, there are spectators not far behind.

At this time, everyone was taken aback. They were obviously watching a tennis match, but no one expected to encounter an "attack" suddenly.

buzz buzz.

There was a commotion.

Even the referee was taken aback.

Kyrgios is totally unaware of the riot he's creating—or, rather, doesn't care at all, cussing and immersing himself in his own world.

"He is pure luck! Luck!"

"Damn it!"

Crackling, followed by a series of swearing, it seemed that the anger surging in his chest still hadn't been able to vent completely, and his face was full of stubbornness.

In this room, just as Gao Wen was seated, he noticed a burst of confusion coming from the left, and raised his head reflexively, and then saw the astonishing scene of the celestial maiden scattering flowers in front of him.

The only good news is that the quality of the tennis racket is hard, and there are not many small fragments. The large fragments are visible to the naked eye, and everyone dodges one after another.

Gao Wen immediately noticed the caddy.

The caddy standing next to the referee's seat was basically on the track where Kyrgios threw the racket. It was not a fragment, but the handle of the racket that hit him directly. He rushed towards his face like a ninja boomerang. He dodged sideways reflexively. Dodged, and then the handle hit the referee's seat, and finally landed in the open space next to it.


There was exclamation all around, and it was obvious that the reporters and the caddies who were resting and waiting for the changing of the guard were exclaiming.

Gao Wen put down the racket and towel, stood up immediately, walked around the referee's seat between himself and Kyrgios, and came to the caddy.

"How are you?"

The caddy seemed to be stupefied by fright, and was a little dazed. He didn't react for a while, but nodded subconsciously, but didn't say a word.

Gao Wen came to the caddy, bent his knees, kept his eyes parallel, and asked again gently.

"Are you all right? No injuries?"

The caddy in front of him looked about ten years old, and he could even see his childish features. His pupils were clearly dilated, and he nodded again in a daze, trying to say something, but he didn't Unexpectedly, in the next second, tears were already pouring out of my eyes.

"I'm fine." The caddy said, but after the words came out, he realized that his voice was trembling slightly.

poor child.

Gawain took the caddy into his arms, patted his shoulder lightly, and comforted him in a low voice.

"You did a good job, really, you did a good job."

woo woo woo woo.

The sobbing sound of the caddy could be heard in his arms. He was trying his best to control himself, shut his mouth tightly, trying to stop himself, but the voice still spilled out uncontrollably, like a wounded puppy, full of The grievance and fear seemed to have torn a hole.

Gao Wen could feel the caddy's shoulders trembling uncontrollably, the harder he tried to control himself, the more he lost control—

After all, he was just a child, passing by an unforeseen disaster, and the joy of escaping from death caused his emotions to burst.

"Take a deep breath, boy, take a deep breath."

"You are doing well, you are so brave and so strong, let it out, don't hold it in, rest assured, this is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it just proves that you are strong, you dare to face the difficulties you encounter , and dare to make your own voice.”

"Then, be strong and face it calmly."

"Really, you're doing really well right now."

Gao Wen was not in a hurry, and patted the caddy's shoulder lightly. After realizing that the trembling of the caddy's shoulder had been slightly controlled, he raised his head and looked at the referee.

"Excuse me, can we exchange positions in advance? Let him have a rest."

In tennis matches, tennis **** need to be replaced regularly, and caddies and line referees are no exception. Generally speaking, four groups of caddies and line referees are prepared for Grand Slam events. Then, according to the specific conditions of the game, the working hours of each group of caddies and referees It is between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. The referee will give a signal according to the situation on the spot, and the caddy and the linesman will adjust the rest.

It is precisely because of this that the next group of linesmen and caddies waiting for rotation will always be resting and waiting by the court.

Now should not be the time for caddy rotation, but Gao Wen believes that this is a special situation and should be treated specially.

The referee nodded as a matter of course, turned to the rest area behind, and said loudly, "Please let this caddy take a break."

The caddy in Gao Wen's arms was still trying to control himself, he raised his head, "I'm fine, really."

Gawain lowered his head and showed a smile to the caddy, "Taking a break does not mean surrendering, we are all continuing to fight in our own way."

Gao Wen patted the caddy on the shoulder, "Come on!"


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