Match Point

Chapter 889: 39 shots


ah... ah... ah...


Rod Laver Stadium can clearly feel the rising sound waves, exclamations, cheers, screams, all mixed together, fully released.


Gao Wen defended Nadal's high-pressure ball, picked up a high ball with a light and soft forehand, and successfully sent the tennis ball back.

Nadal adjusted a little bit, looked at the height of the parabola, and then looked at his own position, and immediately realized:

Over the top!

Gao Wen also showed a very delicate touch at the critical moment, easily over the top, which also forced Nadal to return to the bottom line.

Previously, Gao Wen went online and was forced back to the bottom line; later, Nadal was also forced to go back to the bottom line.

The efficiency of the transition between offense and defense was so amazing that it was truly changing so quickly that all the spectators in the entire Melbourne Park fell into a frenzy.


When Gao Wen's high ball hit the baseline firmly and firmly, the audience couldn't believe their eyes and their hearts burst.

Nadal was not affected at all, and still kept his absolute concentration. He came to the bottom line, swept the ball with his hands backhand, and hit the tennis back again.

This time, Nadal tried to suppress Gawain's backhand.


Gao Wen's movement was very timely, his backhand was already waiting in place, he grabbed a rising point, and the backhand with both hands directly hit the tennis ball diagonally.

So what about Nadal?

Nadal also accurately predicted Gao Wen's hitting line. Before the center of gravity was fully adjusted, his footsteps had already moved to his forehand position.

Stalemate, forming again.

One shot, another shot, another shot.

From forehand to backhand and back to forehand.

From offense to defense and back to offense.


Absolutely stuck!

The entire Rod Laver Stadium is already on fire, and all the audience and commentators hold their breath and stare at the stadium intently.

Gawain and Nadal showed their baseline hitting ability to the fullest.

In fact, both players had opportunities, but the opponent's accurate prediction and excellent defense resolved the crisis, and relying on their strong offensive and defensive conversion ability, they reversed the situation in the blink of an eye, so the advantage lies between the two players Come and go, no one has been able to establish an advantage.


Unlike Djokovic and Murray's bottom-line tug-of-war, Gawain and Nadal's returns are not conservative. Both players are trying to launch an offense, which also makes the offensive and defensive transitions of rounds full of swords and swords. The return shot was so wonderful that everyone forgot to breathe.

Fifteen beats.

Twenty beats.

Thirty beats.

However, they still failed to break the balance, and no one was able to find a better opportunity. Both players have entered the state of anaerobic exercise.

Thirty-seventh shot.

Gao Wen, attack again.

Facing Nadal's diagonal forehand attack, the landing point was very deep, basically within the position of a ball within the baseline, but the angle could not be completely torn apart, trying to further suppress Gao Wen's backhand, using super The spin continues to create impact.

This time, Gao Wen continued to move in small steps very abnormally, from his backhand to the left, and switched to a forehand—

Sideways forehand.

In fact, Gao Wen rarely used a sideways forehand, because he had enough confidence in his backhand, but the forehand's power attack effect was mediocre, and there was no need to sacrifice his foot position for the sideways forehand.

What's more, how could Gawain make such a choice under the circumstances that he had already seen so many shots that made people faint, and it was even more difficult to move his feet?

It is precisely because of this that it can become sudden!

Without warning!

However, for Gao Wen, it was premeditated for a long time. It can be seen from the movement of his feet that the young and vigorous Gao Wen, in the fierce competition, recovered his physical strength and energy, and completed the adjustment with a series of small steps. , and then the forehand is like whipping a whip, whipping quickly!

The center of gravity and inertia force brought by the sideways steps are also superimposed, and the force is exerted instantly.


straight line!

Gao Wen tore out a straight line with a quick shot, and the heavy and heavy tennis ball rushed towards the big triangle at the bottom line.

Precisely press the dead corner!


The Huaxia fans and neutral fans instantly burst into blood donations, and screams and exclamations were already surging in their chests.

The home fans and the Spanish fans couldn't believe their eyes, they were uncontrollably agitated in astonishment and panic.


Rod Laver Stadium is boiling like a volcano.

If there were other players standing on the opposite side of the court, even if it was Djokovic, I am afraid that Gao Wen would have taken the absolute initiative, but at this moment, Nadal was on the opposite side of the court.

Nadal, who will never give up until the last moment, and Nadal whose defensive ability is at the top of the pyramid.

Nadal, there it is.

Like a tornado.

The dazzling footsteps were almost invisible, but Nadal not only caught up, but also completed a full swing with both hands backhanded in desperation.

kick! emergency brake!

One! Full force!

Under the extremely passive situation, Nadal used the strength of the sprint run-up to pull his backhand attack, and used his strength to push and block a slash.

The entire stadium has been fully used to the extreme.

Tennis, just sprang out like this!

"Ah." Surprised.

"Ah!" Frightened.

"Heh." Exclaimed.

All kinds of reactions are stirring in the sky above the court. Whether it is a Gawain supporter or a Nadal supporter, their brains have stopped spinning at this moment. Whenever they think that the ball is about to be settled, the players But continued the game with even more unbelievable performance.

Turn defense into offense!

Nadal found a chance in a desperate situation.

Thus, Gao Wen was pushed to the cliff again.

The use of the sideways forehand caused his right court to be completely emptied. Nadal used his strength to hit the ball. He only needed to enter the court, which meant that Gao Wen had already left one hand in the air.

Tread Tread.

Tread Tread!

Running, running with all his strength, Gawain's speed has also been raised to the extreme, but, just a little bit, just a little bit.

The footsteps were a little messy, but Gao Wen still did not give up, and the voices of the whole world had completely disappeared.

One kick, one rush.

Gao Wen once again pushed his body out in a hard sliding posture, almost in a split-horse posture, and hit the ball with a forehand with a cut.

With the racket head, hook and push very, very reluctantly.

Light and gentle, like picking cotton, carefully caressing the tennis ball, and finally pushing it out.


The sound at the scene was cut off before they could exclaim in alarm, and all eyes were fixed on the flying tennis ball.

Like an elf.

small ball.

At the last moment, with the baseline stretched to the extreme, Gao Wen cut a small ball in front of the net.

The line is a little bit long.

The power is still a bit big.

The tennis ball landed near the service line and bounced high after landing, with mediocre quality.

Nadal still has a chance.

Sure enough, Nadal appeared, and the scud crossed the court again, almost catching up, but at this moment, the tennis ball spun out.


As a result, the distance was opened again, and it was just this little distance, less than half an arm's distance, Nadal could no longer catch up.

Tennis ball, landing, forms two jumps.

The round of thirty-nine beats finally came to an end.

Gao Wen, win!


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