Match Point

Chapter 946: Strike hard

Air, slightly condensed.

There was a slight ripple in the situation of the game, and Djokovic's state seemed to fluctuate slightly

Even Djokovic, he is mortal, he will get angry, he will hesitate and make mistakes. Like Murray, he always needs to vent.

Does the "seven-point chaos" really have no effect on Djokovic?

What's more, in today's final, Djokovic's own state also fluctuated a lot in the first two sets. In addition to the unsteady serve and forehand, accidental injuries to fingers and ankles, and physical fitness caused by high temperature and sweltering heat Consumption all invisibly affects the progress of the game.

The real situation should only be known to Djokovic himself, but he still relied on his rich experience and strong aura to gain a firm foothold at critical moments and control himself. In the end, he performed better in key points in both sets. This brought out the huge advantage of the "2:0" lead.

Now, the fluctuations appear again, and it is the critical point again.

A new round of the game of "Djokovic vs. Gawain" is here again.


Second District.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Djokovic is hitting the ball.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Djokovic is still shooting the ball, very focused and devoted, as if this is the only important thing in the world, and all his energy is concentrated on his own shooting action.

twelve times, thirteen times, fourteen times


Before the audience is almost choked, Djokovic throws the ball, the whole movement is very stretched and very coherent.

One shot.


The world's No. 1 once again showed a big heart in the key points of the key rounds. When he urgently needed a serve, he came with the first serve.

This is ability.

The speed is 192 kilometers per hour.

The speed and strength have not reached the extreme, but Djokovic's landing point is very tricky


The center line referee who hit the teeing area accurately and firmly made an in-bounds gesture, confirming that Djokovic's serve was impeccable.

Gao Wen also fell into a passive state.

Although Gao Wen had predicted that Djokovic was going to attack the inner corner, and his footsteps were timely enough, Djokovic's serve was really good, which cleverly resolved Gao Wen's accurate prediction and early movement, and then further pushed Gao Wen Wen pushed into trouble.

a stretch.

a little.

Gao Wen's body has been stretched to the extreme, very, very reluctantly, he can even feel the stretch of the forearm muscles, but he can barely use the head of the racket to lightly touch it, relying entirely on the strength of his wrist to quickly pull it up and down the top of his head. Add as much spin as possible to your swing.

However, the time is still too short, and the touch time is only a short moment. How can it be possible to achieve the desired hitting effect?


The tennis ball bounced back in a blink of an eye, drawing a full parabola, like a rainbow across the sky.

Djokovic goes online

Serve to the net!

It wasn't because Gao Wen's return was of insufficient quality, but because Djokovic had planned to serve and hit the net from the very beginning, so he chose such a point on purpose.


Djokovic's net speed is very fast, a series of small steps, and he has come to the teeing area in a blink of an eye. He is highly focused and observes the rotation of the incoming ball.

So, another high-pressure ball?


This time Gao Wen's touch time was too short, the topspin was not fully pulled up, and the entire parabola was not high, but a bit awkward, neither high nor low.

For high pressure, the hitting point is too low. For volleys, the hitting point is too high.

A small accident, Djokovic has some troubles to deal with.

However, for Djokovic, this is not a problem. Although he only made a high-pressure error just now, Djokovic will never be soft.

The pace of surfing the Internet is very firm, without any hesitation, the pace has been posted to the front of the net

I hit the ball at the wrong point, what should I do?

Rely on your feet to buy time, and then you can get the right hitting point.

When Djokovic's feet are close enough to the net, he can block the volley before the ball continues to rise.

It's that simple.

However, it can be seen from Djokovic's volleying method that he is still more careful and careful, adding insurance and cutting forehand sideways.

An unloaded sweeping block.


It is not a "boom" to hit the ball with force, but to rely on the strength of the wrist to complete the control, compress the hitting time as much as possible, and improve the rhythm of returning the ball.


blind spot.


Wait, why did Gao Wen appear on the tennis flight line?

Djokovic's heart contracted suddenly, and he adjusted in small steps continuously, preparing for the second volley in front of the net, but it seemed that his footsteps were too close to the net, and it was too late

At this time, Gao Wen was already in place.


high speed! Lightness! Smart!

Gao Wen's footsteps were very steady and calm, without any panic at all.

Before Djokovic served the serve, Gao Wen was guessing whether the opponent might choose to serve and hit the net.

Even tonight, in the first set, Djokovic's first serve game, Gao Wen also held three consecutive break points, but was reversed by Djokovic.

At that time, Djokovic frequently used the tactics of pressing online, caught Gao Wen by surprise, and reversed the situation in a choppy manner.

Gao Wen is a smart person, how could he forget the game he just experienced tonight?

So he knew that under Becker's training, Djokovic consciously adopted serve-and-go tactics, changed his rhythm of sticking to the bottom line, and then disrupted the opponent's rhythm, thus achieving unexpected impact effects.

So, is it possible that this is the point?


Djokovic is So, how will Djokovic choose his volley line?

Considering factors such as the placement of the serve, Gao Wen's return route, Djokovic's position after hitting the net, and other factors, the oblique forehand volley is a high probability event.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Wen had already completed his judgment, and his steps had moved ahead of time, and then

In place!


One kicked the ground, braked suddenly, controlled the body, glanced at Djokovic's position from the corner of his eyes, and hit him with a forehand slam.

Run-up inertia, gravity, body weight, all energy is superimposed, with a flick of the wrist, the speed of the racket head is instantly increased to the extreme state.


Strike hard!


The accumulated power and speed are completely released at this moment, without reservation, the whole state and energy have been raised to a whole level, and one can even feel the turbulence and heat that the soul is burning.



Bump and punch.

Tennis, gone.

Djokovic, diving towards his backhand position, the whole person jumped high, and he could feel the power roaring deep in his dantian.

Too slow, however, is still too slow after all.

Djokovic just watched the high-speed spinning tennis ball, crossed the net, broke through the air, and easily broke through his own volley.

straight line!

Gao Wen chose to break through from Djokovic's backhand and completed the crossing with a forehand in a straight line.


Under the eyes of all eyes, the tennis ball, falling, landed accurately in bounds, with a large distance from the sideline and the bottom line, without any problems.


Seal, lift.

Break, success!

In an instant, the volcano erupted!

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