Match Point

Chapter 988: unknown so

grunt. grunt.

The inertia of the forward rush drove the body to roll. In order to avoid injury, Dimitrov also took advantage of the momentum to roll forward and rolled one more time to buffer the impact.

Embarrassment is embarrassment, but this is the best way to protect yourself.


In the end, the whole person collapsed directly on the ground in a large font, panting heavily, and his lungs were like a bellows, beating violently.

The whole world hums along.

Gao Wen immediately chased after him, his head appeared directly above him, his face was full of worry, and he looked up and down.

"Are you okay?"

"No injuries?"

Dimitrov didn't speak, but couldn't help laughing, "Haha", when the first laugh broke through his throat, he couldn't stop anymore.

"Haha, hahaha..."

Laughter is contagious, and even Gao Wen laughed too, looking at Dimitrov who was laughing loudly, he shook his head helplessly.

After training, it can be further seen that Dimitrov is not in the best condition—

Tennis is the same as a marathon. When you are in good condition, you run more vigorously;

Although physical fitness is indeed not Dimitrov's strong point, it is not likely that he will be caught by Gawain for three laps in the back-and-forth running training. The gap is too big.

Perhaps, Dimitrov was already in poor condition, and the impact of long-distance flight and jet lag was further amplified, which led to the "tragedy in training".

Gao Wen left again.

Dimitrov didn't ask any questions, just lying on the field, quietly watching the burning clouds in the sky.

The flaming orange color is gradually evolving into a richer and deeper color, and large areas of red are blooming like waves.

However, the light-colored parts of the corners collide with the blue sky, rendering a layer of light pink, extending along the tail of the waves.

Little by little, like fish scales, it reveals a minty freshness and coolness, as if Sprite and ice cream are mixed together.

Obviously, the scenery in front of me is so magnificent and gorgeous, it seems to be burning, the whole sky is about to collapse, but I don't feel any pressure, I just want to lie here quietly, watching the uncanny workmanship of nature, within a short time Evolves colorful colors and makes language pale.

The chest seemed to be opened just like that, and all the accumulated gloom and frustration were released.


Dimitrov yelled up to the sky, smiled slightly, and then yelled again.


Although it was too naive, it was really effective, and I couldn't help shouting a few more words.


The echo collided with the barbed wire and bushes around the training ground, echoing faintly.

Obviously nothing special, but the mood brightened up.

Above the head, a bottle of mineral water appeared.

Dimitrov sat down immediately, took it, opened the bottle cap, and poured it down his throat in large gulps. At this time, he didn't care about the rule of replenishing water with small sips. He just wanted to vent, and finally he simply The mineral water bottle is placed on top of the head, and one flips and pours down.


Just as Gao Wen sat down next to him, he was splashed all over—

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

One second, two seconds.

"Grigor! This is the desert! The desert, don't you understand? We need to save water, okay? That's not the proper way to use mineral water."


Dimitrov, who was still looking at Gawain with eyes full of guilt, was amused by these words, and burst into laughter, and the joyful laughter was stirred up again.

After all, Gawain still didn't stand up, but slowly added water, letting Dimitrov's laughter echo for a long time.

Until it quiets down.

It seems that the sound of the wind can be heard, gently blowing the treetops and grass, and the clouds at the end of the sky also surge up and change into different shapes.

In the silence, thoughts were surging.

Gao Wen was thinking about whether he should speak.

He could sense that something was not right. Dimitrov was very unusual today. During the training just now, he vented his emotions desperately, gritted his teeth and burst out with a bit of ruthlessness. It didn't look like training at all, but like It's like torturing oneself to release energy, breaking out regardless.

It's not sensible or professional at all.

But the point is precisely here—

Before being a professional player, they are first of all an ordinary person. Sometimes there are some things, even if the rationality clearly understands what to do is the right way, they still can't control themselves, they will lose control, they need to vent, they will be sad, painful, crying, laughing, and hurt, just like ordinary people.

So, after all, Gawain didn't say anything, just went crazy with Dimitrov.

But what happened to Dimitrov? Any surprises in Rotterdam? Or is what happened in Melbourne still haunting?

Or is the reporter provoking and attacking again, Dimitrov, a handsome and good boy, is always helpless in front of reporters?

Think about it.

Gawain felt that it was better for him to keep silent. There was no need to ask about those personal matters. If Dimitrov was willing to speak, he would naturally speak; but if he didn’t say anything, it meant that Dimitrov had not done a good job Prepare.

Keeping a distance is also a kind of respect.


Gao Wen began to conceive, what should we have for dinner?

Thinking about it, I couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. What happened to this sudden craving for hot pot?

pity! Hot pot is one of the diets that professional players must not eat. Even if there is a Sichuan hot pot restaurant in Los Angeles, he can only rely on his brain to imagine.

"I told her."

Suddenly, Dimitrov spoke, because he didn't know how to cut in, so he seemed jerky and abrupt, and said it out of nowhere.

The image of the boiling hot pot in Gao Wen's mind temporarily disappeared. He blinked, turned to look at his friend, and did not hide his confusion:


which her?

What did you say?

Is this some guessing game? If so, at least some more clues should be given.

"I told her, 'I love you'..."

…I see!

Gao Wen suddenly realized, but the question mark appeared again immediately, "But, I thought you said it every day, once in the morning, once in goodbye, once in dinner, and once before going to bed."

Dimitrov was amused by Gawain's teasing tone, but this time, the corners of his mouth just raised, and then drooped immediately, "It's serious."

"I really love her, I love her very much, I want to enter the marriage hall with her, and then spend the rest of my life together."

Gao Wen was a little surprised:

So Is this a confession similar to a marriage proposal?

Dimitrov noticed Gawain's eyes, showed a wry smile, and nodded slightly in agreement.

When he spoke again, even Dimitrov himself didn't realize it, and his voice involuntarily softened.

"But, she said, she felt that I loved her so much that I seemed to have transcended tennis that neither of us could focus on the game."

"She thinks we are still young and should focus more on our careers."

Gao Wen: ...

This is, was it rejected?


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