Material Empire

Chapter 395 Encounter in a Foreign Land

The three of them walked into the restaurant and sat down at a table by the window. Yu Haitao raised his hand and shook it in the direction of the bar, signaling the waiter to come and order. Soon, a waitress in a restaurant uniform appeared at their table.

"Here is the menu. May I ask what you want to order." The waitress asked in English and handed a menu to several people at the same time.

"I want this, this, and this..." Ning Mo explained to the waiter while flipping through the menu, pointing to the pictures on it. His English level is limited to some simple daily conversations. Ordering food is undoubtedly a job that tests vocabulary, so he can only talk by looking at pictures. After ordering a few, he accidentally looked up, only to find that the waiter had an oriental face.

"Hey, are you Chinese?" Ning Mo blurted out, but he spoke Chinese.

"Are you Chinese?" The waiter's eyes lit up, and he immediately switched to Chinese, greeting several people happily. This is a young Chinese girl in her twenties, with a slender figure, a pretty face, and a very pleasant voice.

"Haha, what a coincidence." Ning Mo laughed, "If I had known you were Chinese, I wouldn't have bothered to read this bird recipe..."

"Fatty, speak politely." Qin Hai had no choice but to remind Ning Mo, the other party is a girl after all, okay, can't you speak more gracefully?

"Oh, Sao Rui, Sao Rui." Ning Mo apologized in his half-baked English, and then said: "Please remember for me, we want raw fried steak, grilled bamboo chicken, buttered clams... what else is there? Come on, Haitao?"

"Basically, you just order everything." Yu Haitao said.

The girl looked at a few people, and then said softly: "You can have another foie gras as an appetizer, a fruit salad, and a vegetable soup. It should be almost the same."

"Well, let's do it like this." Ning Mo has always seemed easy to talk to girls, and when the girl helped them choose dishes, he nodded and agreed.

"The total is 39 dollars." The girl calculated the total price and said.

All their pocket money was kept with Yu Haitao. Hearing the price quoted by the girl, Yu Haitao quickly took out his bag and started counting the money. Ning Mo looked at the girl and asked with a smile, "You are Chinese, why are you working as a waiter here?"

"I'm an international student, working part-time in a restaurant to earn tuition." The girl also replied with a smile. There were not many Chinese who went to the United States back then, and the girl was very happy to meet a few Chinese in the restaurant where she worked. It is not a shame for foreign students to work in restaurants. Of course, this is limited to working in restaurants in the United States. If they return to China to work as restaurant waiters, their parents should feel ashamed.

"Which school did you study in and what major did you study?" Qin Hai also interjected and asked. The girl doesn't look like a second-generation official. She should have gotten a scholarship to study abroad. She was a top-level student back then.

"I'm from the University of Virginia, majoring in chemical engineering." The girl replied, "There are no classes these two days, so I'm going to work here in Washington, and I can't find any job opportunities around Virginia."

"Is it hard to work part-time?" Qin Hai asked again.

The girl said: "It's okay, Chinese students come here like this."

Yu Haitao found the money, counted out 40 U.S. dollars and handed it to the girl, and said, "You don't need to look for the extra." The girl smiled shyly, thanked her, and then left in a hurry to place an order for them went.

"Haitao, you are too stingy. Anyway, she is also an overseas student from China, so you should give more tips, right?" Ning Mo looked at the girl's back and muttered to Yu Haitao.

Yu Haitao said: "Aren't I afraid that if I give too much, she will feel embarrassed? Or, let's give some more after dinner?"

"It's not easy for these children who come out to study." Qin Hai commented with emotion, "This girl is a little more beautiful, and she can come out to serve the dishes. If she looks average, she can only wash the dishes in the back. In our country, it’s something that a logistics aunt would do, right?”

"If Xiaojing goes to study abroad, I will definitely not let her serve the dishes." Ning Mo thought of his sister from the girl, "No matter how much she spends on studying, I will give it to her."

Qin Hai smiled and said: "Don't say such things, you are a millionaire now, okay, how many people in China are richer than you? I think the girl just now must be from an ordinary working-class family Yes, it is not easy for the family to support her to go to college, and the expenses abroad are certainly not affordable by her family, what can she do if she does not work?"

"That's right." Yu Haitao echoed, "Not to mention a small town like Pingyuan, an ordinary family in Pujiang City can't afford to support a child studying abroad."

The food they ordered was delivered in a short while, and they were chatting while eating, but two of the three sentences were talking about the female student studying abroad just now. Both Ning Mo and Yu Haitao showed that they wanted to use some money to support this beautiful girl, while Qin Hai thought about it more, wondering if it is possible to set up a special scholarship in the United States to help similar Chinese students studying abroad. Of course, The price is that they can do something for the Daqin Group in the future.

While everyone was chatting, there was a muffled scream from the dining room, followed by the slam of a piece of cutlery, followed by a rude growl. Even with Qin Hai's English level, he couldn't understand the dirty American slang, he could only hear a lot of curse words such as "Shit" and "Fuck".

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a girl running towards them quickly, two steps behind her, followed by two strong white men, who seemed to want to catch her. Before Qin Hai could react, Ning Mo had already stood up and went forward, protecting the girl behind him.

Both Qin Hai and Yu Haitao recognized that the running girl was the Chinese student who ordered food for them just now.

"What's going on?" Qin Hai stood up and asked.

"They...they harass me." The girl said to Qin Hai and the others in a soft voice, her face no longer had the flowery smile just now, replaced by panic and tears.

"Stinky bitch! Pay me back my clothes!" One of the two white men who caught up pointed at the little soup stain on his chest and shouted at the girl. He wanted to rush forward and grab the girl, but he was separated by a Ning Mo, Qin Hai and Yu Haitao are protecting the girl.

"They pulled me first, with dirty hands..." The girl explained to Qin Hai and the others in a low voice. At this time, only the people from her hometown can give her a sense of security.

It turned out that as early as when the girl was ordering food for the two white men, they were flirting with the girl. Girls work in restaurants, this kind of thing is not surprising, so I can only pretend not to hear. As a result, seeing the girl was weak, the two men intensified their efforts. When the girl delivered the food just now, one of the white men stretched out his hand to the girl's chest. In a panic, the girl overturned the dinner plate and soiled the white man's clothes.

In this way, the two white men found even more excuses and insisted on grabbing the girl to compensate. Seeing their hands and feet, the girl knew something was wrong, so she ran away quickly, planning to run to the back to find the hotel management staff to protect herself. When passing by Qin Hai's table, Ning Mo stepped forward and protected her.

"Sir, we can compensate you for your clothes. Please don't embarrass this girl." Qin Hai stepped forward and said to the white man who yelled the most.

"Go away, Huang Pi!" the white man replied viciously.

"What did you say?" Qin Hai was angry. He originally had the idea of ​​calming down the matter. After all, the matter of harassing a female student abroad can't be a big deal. If the other party is willing to charge some money and leave, then it's all over. Who would have thought that the other party would directly hurt his own nation by opening his mouth, so Qin Hai could no longer bow his head.

"I said Huangpi get off!" The white man stretched out his hand and pushed towards Qin Hai. He felt that he was taller than Qin Hai and others, and the Chinese were always known for being gentle and virtuous. I will definitely give in.

Qin Hai was originally angry, and it was inconvenient for him to take the initiative if the other party didn't make a move. Now seeing the other party reach out to push her, it hit his chest. He took a half step away, stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's wrist, and pulled it forward. The tall white man couldn't stop under his feet, so he fell headlong and landed on a dining table in front of him. All kinds of tableware rolled all over the floor.

Seeing this situation, another white man rushed towards Qin Hai. Ning Mo had been waiting by the side, and when he saw the white man rushing over, he turned his head, blocked the white man with his back, then hugged the man's neck with his back, bent down, and turned the man over his head, firmly fell to the ground.

Both Qin Hai and Ning Mo were workers, and Ning Mo worked as a blacksmith, and his food was strength. Although they were shorter than the two white men, they excelled in their dexterity. When they had nothing to do, the few of them also practiced a little bit of wild way, fighting with others one-on-one, basically they couldn't suffer.

"It's Chinese Kungfu!" The people who were eating next to them all exclaimed, and some who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement simply clapped their hands. Everyone was quite disdainful of the behavior of those two white waitresses, so seeing them being brought down by Qin Hai and Ning Mo with ease, everyone didn't have any sympathy. Very nice.

"What's going on here?" Quan Wu Xing was practiced in the restaurant, how could the restaurant manager sit by and watch. As soon as Qin Hai and the others knocked down the two white men, the manager appeared in time, staring at them and shouting questions.

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