Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1011: Everyone must honestly call the ancestor

There was a pirated product from the island owner, and the same person they cosplayed hadn’t got the authorization of the original owner.

This is very silly.

Bai Wuyou glanced at the super large recording room, the skylight tens of meters away from her, through the window to look at the gray cloudy sky outside.

The more calm you are on the face, the more you will turn your mind.

Looking out of the window from here, looking at the past from this perspective...just like Nima tears behind bars.

Doesn't it mean that she is disobedient and wants to make trouble, so she has to find another pirated product to take over her current position, right?

This is no good. Once discovered, hundreds of monks from all sects can gather and attack on the entire Shenxian Island.

Bai Wuyou glanced at Bai Chuwei, and sighed.

Now the employment pressure is really great, and a position of pirated goods has such a great degree of competitiveness.

Dare to love that she is about to lose her job and become a laid-off worker.

Hold steady and hit the workers.

As long as you firmly believe that you are not a pirate, you will win!

Bai Wuyou's mind was still imaginative, and suddenly her elbow was gently pushed by the two sisters before she came back to her senses.

The host asked them to introduce themselves.

Bai Chuwei said it quite simply. It is estimated that no one in the country would not know her, and it would be boring to say more.

Bai Wuyou introduced himself indifferently: "Bai Wuyou, he founded the Sacred Medical School in his early years to save the dead and heal the wounded. There are thousands of disciples under him..."

When she went to Shenxian Island, she had carefully watched the Island Master’s Records on the island, which fully and vividly recorded the actions of the island owners over the years. Regardless of Xiuxian, there are just as many outstanding medical skills as a feather. She brought it out to give an introduction.

The more Bai Wuyou spoke, the faster she spoke, and a gleam of light gradually appeared on her face like Leng Yue, every word was extremely sincere, so she herself was about to believe that she was the island owner!

This self-introduction gave the scene a more direct understanding, and my heart became more and more disturbed.

This is a real medical expert. It's really hard to say whether Teacher Shenxian can stand it.

Liu Zhen curled his lips, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

Very awesome?

It sounds pretty awesome.

But Miss Bai is the ancestor, what good is it for you?

The most powerful doctors in the world, when they come to Miss Bai, they must honestly call the Patriarch!

Bai Chuwei nodded in satisfaction as she listened, her ancestors are getting older, and she has forgotten that she has done so many things over the years.

Liu Zhen is the closest to Bai Chuwei. Seeing the smile on the lips of the ancestor, Liu Zhen admired him.

Sure enough, it was Patriarch, and the opponents had all "speaking harshly" at the door. Patriarch was still so indifferent, with a detached look that did not put Bai Wushou in his eyes.

Bai Chuwei and the others were considered mentors, so they went to their respective seats to sit down.

The Spring Festival special pk resurrection match officially kicked off!

The host quickly talked about the competition system, and saw the staff pushing two patients in Haicheng Hospital's medical gowns one after the other.

The two scrawny elderly people were wearing the smallest hospital gowns, but the gowns still looked empty. The cheeks are gray and gray, the lips are chapped and skinless, the cheeks are deeply sunken, but the eye beads are protruding outwards, which looks terrifying.

All the audience exclaimed, especially when the host introduced that one of them was the former Dean of Haicheng, everyone was in an uproar.

What kind of serious illness is this? That's how a good person is?

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