Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1014: It’s time to perform real technology

Cancer is a terminal illness. If it is resolved, it will be enough to be recorded in history! When the time comes to win the Nobel Prize, it is not necessarily true.

Especially when Mr. Li declined the support of the staff and walked a few times in the sterile room by himself, although his steps were slightly staggered.

The audience was shocked, and the discussion kept coming and going, becoming more and more intense:

"Is this true? My grandfather has cancer. I don't want him to get better, he can prolong his life. If there is a way, I am willing to sell iron!"

"My dad passed away with cancer six months ago. Is this true?"

"Teacher immortal and master of traditional Chinese medicine Liu Lao, can you explain the principle?" A medical student had an enthusiastic look, and he wished to shout with a loudspeaker.

Everyone has many close relatives who have suffered from cancer, it is as if they suddenly saw a bright light in a desperate situation, lighting up hope.

Li Yuer was a little panicked, why he was supporting Bai Chuwei and the others.

The host breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of his anxiety, holding the microphone and smiling at Bai Wuyou and asked: "Teacher Wuyou, what do you think about this?"

She can have a fart opinion, she can't understand what's going on.

Bai Wuyou has a guilty conscience. It is estimated that she knows nothing about medicine in this tutor's seat.

But the momentum has to be taken out, and if you don't understand, you have to pretend to understand. Bai Wuyou made up something in his heart, and said indifferently: "Human body functions are degraded due to illness, and it is not good for a needle."

Everyone was puzzled, and Li Yuer chuckled: "My teacher's remarks mean to return to the light."

Before a person is dying, all the organs of the body have to work for the last time, as if they have completely recovered from the illness, but in reality... they are dying and are about to die.

The audience was in an uproar.

All the anticipation just now seemed to be abruptly poured with cold water, and they knew where it was so easy.

"In other words, it turns out that this old man may have three or four months to live, but now he looks good but he can only live for one or two days.

"Listening to the swearing tone of the young man from the Li family just now, then Bai Chuwei and the show crew are dead, won't you go to jail?"

Someone next to him shook his head: "I won't go to jail. The one who signed the consent form by Elder Li himself is that Teacher Shenxian's reputation is discredited and cannot be picked up."

There are a lot of Bai Chuwei fans. Hearing the analysis of the audience on the left and right, they were a little panicked. At the beginning, the fairy teacher shouldn't agree to the resurrection match. What should I do if I got in?

The host felt his scalp numb, holding the microphone and wanted to ask Bai Chuwei what he thinks.

At this moment, the blue team burst into cheers, "It's worth it!"

Several pills of various colors with no visible ingredients were formulated. The old dean picked up the pills and looked at them and smelled them, but couldn't guess what medicinal materials were added.

The dean smiled calmly and swallowed the pills with his head up.

Under everyone’s gaze, it was clear that the old dean’s ashen face was getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming more and more rosy...

Bai Chuwei was quite satisfied, and the effect of the medicine she made at Shengyimen was good.

These terminal illnesses in the ordinary world are really not serious illnesses in the spiritual world.

Bai Chuwei glanced at Bai Wuyou obliquely, wishing to step forward and knock her head off.

This medicine is really overkill for treating cancer!

The old dean touched his body up and down in disbelief, and said eagerly, "I...I...I, I want to go back to Haicheng Hospital immediately for a physical examination!"

Regardless of the people around him, the old dean pulled up to Mr. Li who was slightly staggered, and strode decisively towards the special passage leading to Haicheng Hospital.

Only after a physical examination can we know if this has any effect!

All the audience whispered, it seems that the old dean is better than Mr. Li...

Whether Bai Chuwei can win or not is really hard to say.

The host swallowed fiercely, took the microphone and looked at Bai Chuwei with difficulty, "Teacher Bai, what do you think of this?"

Bai Chuwei drank the last bite of yogurt leisurely with a straw.

Raise the eyes that are not smiling but not smiling--

Enough of our ancestors’ excitement,

It's time to perform real technology.

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