Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1018: Three thousand spectators shouted: Teacher Shenxian, pierce me!

Based on the words of Teacher Shenxian, the hearts of the four Xueba completely let go.

They feel relieved to see a doctor, all the consequences will be borne by the fairy teacher, and the fairy teacher is their backing!

This is a leukemia patient in front of him. He is cured, which is equivalent to taking the head of twenty cold patients! !

Liu Qi stared at Zhang Jun, who was about to fail, and his eyes flashed with excitement: "Leukemia is a blood disease. Teacher Shenxian taught me how to administer injections, and I will get better after taking medicine for more than a month."

As he said, Liu Qi eagerly grabbed a packet of acupuncture and moxibustion bag. The cloth bag rolled away to reveal thirteen silver needles of different lengths and thicknesses inside, beating with cold light under the light.

Lingdao 13 needles use a total of 13 silver needles. A total of forty-nine needles are included. There are many needle methods for different diseases and different body parts.

As for medicine, especially children in the ordinary world, Bai Chuwei doesn't like to hide privately, so she teaches them all.

This is what they learned.

If she had come to administer the injection in person, how long would it take more than a month?


Zhang Jun is about to collapse!

He spent eight thousand and eight to come to see the idol of Teacher God, not here to suffer.

"I...I..." Zhang Jun suddenly stood up and cried, "I'll go to Haicheng Hospital for a medical examination first, you, you wait for me."

The recording and broadcasting hall was right next to Haicheng Hospital, and there was a special passage of several hundred meters in the middle. Zhang Jun got up and ran towards the passage.

He doesn't believe it, he will know if he goes to check it out, it must be because of the effect of the show, it must be...

Zhang Junxin walked fast and ran into a man full of arms with an oncoming man, and both fell to the ground.

The other party seemed to be in a good mood. He was not angry when he was knocked to the ground. He also pulled Zhang Jun up with a smile, and enthusiastically helped him take the dust off his body: "Brother, I am sorry, I am in a great mood. Did you fall?"

Without waiting for an answer, the young man in the famous brand rushed into the recording room through the passage, and all the security guards present became nervous again.

Damn, this man is here again.

No one else, it was Mr. Li's grandson. Just now he made a noise in the recording and broadcasting room, and he yelled at Bai Chuwei and the program team. He opened his mouth to let his lawyer team sue Bai Chuwei and them all!

This Young Master, why is it here again?

All the security guards are on the verge of an enemy and want to surround him.

Shao Li was in a good mood, just glared at them, and yelled excitedly in Bai Chuwei's direction: "Teacher Shenxian, I just cursed people, it was my lard that was blinded! It was my fault! I am here to apologize to you now. !"

Audience:? ? ?

Are you changing your face?

They were furious just now. If they didn't know that Li Dashao was the top richest son, they really thought this was a nursery from the show crew and Bai Chuwei!

Bai Chuwei sat on the mentor's seat with her hands on the armrests, and looked at him with interest, "Oh? Really?"

Li Shao gave a deep bow to Bai Chuwei, and the man's rough voice almost cried out with a hint of crying: "Teacher Shenxian, my grandpa is undergoing a physical examination. The doctor said that cancer cells...the number of cancer cells has decreased!"

"Thank you, thank you Shenxian teacher! Oh, and thank you fellow students." Li Shao choked up and turned his eyes to several contestants.

The audience was in an uproar and was shocked.

Cancer cells that should have spread throughout the body have decreased?

In other words... just now, the four school tyrants screamed and screamed Mr. Li again and again. The sterile room was like the scene of a criminal case, but the number of cancer cells really decreased?

Just now? The physical examination next door came out! It's not fabricating, let alone spreading rumors.

what does this mean……? it goes without saying.

Some audience members were holding their faces flushed with excitement, and couldn't help but shout: "Teacher Shenxian, **** me, **** me!!!"

This audience shouted so, and the audience with good deeds also joined in the excitement and shouted:

"Teacher Shenxian, pierce me!"

Bai Chuwei: "..."

You guys are worse than Hanhan.

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